The billboard (Mar 1911)

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MARCH 18, 1911. Xlie Billboard 93 IMPORTANT NOVELTY DEALERS CONCESSIONAIRES Your stock is not complete without PINAFOURS CHILDREN CRY FOR THEM 'GROWN-UPS" Mast Have Them. for decorating automobiles, motor cy- cles, steam launches, cunocs, baby carri- and other vehicles. A8S0KTEO COI.OR8 Twelve small disks, mounted in fours. The three small wheels revolve in one direction while entire toy moves in oppo- site oh handle, creating a surprisingly pretty effect. A display stand free ^with your first ordei of one gross. From your jobber, or write us direct. DO IT NOW The I^tfoar Toy Mamifactaring Co. CAWTOW. OHI.O. BALLOON ASCENSIONS PARK MANAGERS SHOW MANAGERS it you wint to book a good up-to-date tttrtctlon *aa • rvllgble one. book the St. Clair Girls in tbeir double leap. Write or wire THE ST. OLAIR GIRLS, Tlioin|i90nTilIe, MIcS. Bant ref- «resce. NOVELTIES — J EWELR Y SPECIALTIES SiiKir Bib; Niw Bilk if SptdattiBS Tha BmvCataloau* In ttiai Trad* It yon' arc a CAncenlonatrer NoTBlty, Jew- rirr. Notion or Fair Worker,' Canvasser. StreetnUD. Auctioneer. Knifelmard .Man, Hoop-la Game, or General Mercnant, you can. sot. afford to Iw wtUiout It. It conUlna full and'i^nlete lines In new- •at IfoTeltlea, SoareDlra. Watches. Jewelry. Fountain l-ens. Optical Goods, Pocket and Table Cntlery, Yankee Notions, Carnlral Oopds. etc., etc.. at wholesale only. By satlsfylns lis ttiat you are a li-sltiraate dealer (as we want to keep this book oat of the consumers' bands), and sendlnK us jour permanent address, we will be ideascd to send yon this book tree. nnn llOt., n lawny, law York CI y THAT'S WHAT THEY ^ ALLSAY! Ouarantised for 5 years, used yoor flbre bbuitd trunk over twelve ■"paths. ctoBslns the continent twice, in all kinds or weather and tough travel. The trunk ta aa *»od as the day I It la tb« beat 'nealrical and circus trunk made." ^ jr. Warrea Keane. Try one—see how ,vou fiH'l abont It. Send for "JtalOKue. 8. tt. StITT, B1V4 W. 201U Street, waw Jfork City. If yonr^supply of route canis Is cx- tiaOstcd, fMk Iter, moire. colve an admission price at the Kate. This ad misRton price is frequently objected to by the rmbllc. and usnnliy objected to by the company ownlnR the railway line runnlEz to tlie park After carefully loofciof; over the field durini: the past several years, we can not see why the park slionld not receive an admission price at the Kate, when it is donatine to the public an expensive free amusement. Paid attractions In a park, outside of ridine devices, add to the tlieme for the ailvertisins manaRer and thus are of some benefit to the park. As « whole, however, the paid attraction barely anpportg It self. We are, of course, referrlnft to the average park. There are a few parks "wber© paid attractlonfi earn considerable money. In the wooded park, where the patrons ex- pect to enjoy the freBh air and the rest from the rit.v. the average natron does not care to be housed In a hot bnlldlnc twenty to thirty min- utes for the pnri>ose of seeing gomethtnir that certalnl,r is not new. The amusement park has had a run now of about fifteen years and the public has seen nearly everything that has been exhibited or invented dnrioff this period. . Thev never tire of the outdoor recreation as they do of these paid.attmcltons; If they did ther« wnidd be little left that the iMtk man could IioTN> for. and for this reaaon .parka sbonld have ample Bpace and enuipment' set aside for the I idcnlcer and in these places a few small de j vices for the children's amnsenient. a liberal ; free supply of fresh water and taUea I twncfaea upon which the -plcoicer may enjoy ' h'.n home-made spread. I THE COASTER AS AN INVESTMENT. Bv the above Is meant an.T such class of rliles : known n the flxnre eight, forest coaster, Hcenle railway, mountain railway, racer dips, etc. All rides which, are not scenic railways or moantala railways are called tbe coaater or roflRter dip. The Tcoaater din Is nsnally bnllt on much less sromkl area than tbe -scenic railway. For Instance, a icood-slied figure eight can be bnllt on a 100-ft by SOO ft. apace, and a racer dip on a apace of about 125 feet by SOO feet A racer dip is nothing more or less than a double coaster in which two sets of machinery are em- nioyed and two Beta of cars. The coaster car Is osnaUr bnllt to carry four passengers, some are built to carry six passengers; they can also be operated tii tandem, that Is. two cars conpled together. The ordinary coaster or scenic railway, where onn^sltlon la not too marked, on Its first Intro- dnrtlon In - an amnaement nark. wtU usually carry abont fifty per cent, of the total attend ance at the park. This numtjer. as a rule, will decrease from .rear to year ontll those carried amouot to abont twenty-per cent, of the total attendance. ' A good coaster usnallv costs from SIO.OOO nnwarda. and a racer dip or double coaster, costs nearly twice that amount. A single coast-er.. with .tbe tanc*em : can In operation. ba« a canaelty fur handling nnwaiils at: 1.200 people per bonr at Sc per peraon whlcb wonid produce an bonrlr revenne of tflO'OO Ini the ordinary amusement nark the maximum business !• nsnally conducted in three bonrs at nigbt. Of ronrse tbe coaster la In nneratlon during tbe afternoon at^d miebt be able to count an- e'ber boor for h,i«!iness done during the balance of the dav In a well-patronlxed n-rk. t-*-' would be fonr hours per day at S60.00 per hour or $240 per day. ■ Of course on laree da:(-s this can l>e easily doubled and even trebled. I have known It even to he qnadmnled. but one can not eoant these days as there are enough bad days to offset: S240.00 iier day for the usual park seaaon. abogt.^ 1?0 days. m<*kes « aeason's earninn ahont $38,000 or (29.0110. Tbls wonld probably be for the 0|>enlng seaaon. or a season In which the device was installed, and for a park In a vicinity of a city upwards ("f *2-'»o.fKH> poimlatlnn. It has been known, however. In cities of .W 000 to 100.000 poonlation that .coaster of th's character ban earned more than one half of the above amoimt dnring a season A double coaster, or such as la known as a racer dip. would not earn twice the amount of a single coaster, but probably 30 to SO per cent. In excess of the single coaster, which would lie from $35,000 to $-10,000 per season. Th<« calcnlation. of course, is based on tbe operation dnring ttie seasor^ in which the device Is In- Stalled, and on the estimate of having carried 50 per cent, of the attendance at the park, which Is usually reduced about 10 per cent, from year to year, and abont the third year tbe nuniber- . ts ^ lednced about 20 per cent.: of the total ' attendance at the park, afterward re- maining about statlonar-.*. , Concerning acenic railways, the earning capacity In proportion to the Inreatment ta about equal. The ordinary scenic railway costs about $SS.00O to $30,000, carrying from 24 to 30 pasaenicers to a train and. under tbe maxi- mum: operating conditions, there are fonr trains operated in three minutes, or eighty tralna per hour, which with - 24 passengers to a train would make a carrying capaclt.r of 1.900 or 2,000. pn boor. - The-faittOft'tbtt aeeoIg;imH«ay Is osnally 10e~ per peiaoo, -thiM It would nave a maximum earning catwclty of $1S0 to S200 per hour, four hours per day at $180 per hour would be tT20, and 120 days In a season would make an earning of $SA.40O. Wa are frank to adroit, however, that tbe averaee scenic rail- way does not , take In tn excess of one-third of that amount, unless located In a very good lo- cality, under which circumstances scenic rail- ways have been knowii to take In more than the amount mentioned In one geason. We neglected to atate above that coasters In aome locations are able to charge lOc per ride per person, which would materially Increase the receipts, though such localities where 10c may be charge«1 are quite few. Coasters and scenic railways are usually built entirely of wood. It Is advisable for the owner to build of the best material and where possible foundations should be bnllt of concrete or alone. Tbe wood should be long leaf yellow Sine, surfaced on all aides and painted. The Imenstoii members should all ha bolted together InstiMid-of--being nailed. We might add further that a coaster costing from $8,000 to $10,000 has been found to pay tn a number of Instances where the surrounding fiopulatlon did not exceed 10.000 people. The year'a recelpta, however.; did not. amoant to more than frtmi twenty to forHr per cent, of the maximum receipts nientloned at»ve. thotisb tbe Investment was considered good, aa tbe lease would run for ten years. Of course tt must he remembered that the parka usually demand from IS to forty tter -cent. of tbe gross receipts for their proportion of the earnings as rental, the difference In percentage varying with the local conditions, and a poaalbUity of large or smalt eamlnga.^., .., . . .. ,, PAIN'S Still Continue tlie Main Feature and Crowning Success of Every Great Fair, Exposition and Celebration of the Entire Country NOW CONTRACTiNS FOR THE F0LL0WIN6 BEAUTIFUL NIGHT SPECTACLES PAIN'S PIONEER DAYS (NEW) Will be the most talked-of production of the season. REAL INDIANS, LOG CABINS, PRAI- RIE SCHOONERS, SETTLERS. Set to the Early Historical P^od of any State or Locali^^^^ PAIN'S BATTLE IN THE CLOUDS SUCCESS OF 1909 AND 1910 REAL AEROPLANES AND AIRSHIPS Terrific Aerial Battles. Most Interesting and Popular Subject in the nnlnds of^^^^t^ public at th^ present time. PAIN'S LAST DAYS OF POMPEII That beautiful, awe-inspiring spectacle. Popular with the people for the past 30 years. Greater and more goxgeous than ever. New effects. PAIN'S FIREWORKS Box Office Success—Draw the People and their IMoney— New Features—Big Novelties for 1911 SPECMt'FIREWORKS PROfiRAMS AND PROPOSITIONS FOR COUNTY FAIRS AND CIVIC CELEBRATIONS "No contract too large for us to execute, or too smaU for us to appreciate.'^ We thank our custo- mei^ for ih^ir liberal patronage in the past and so- lidt a continuance of sameAVri te for information ThePMN PYROTECHNIC CO.I 1320 WABASH AVENUE, CHICAGO. ILL: H. B. THEARLE, 8m. Manager. C. H. DUFFIELD, Ass't llamg«r.