The billboard (Mar 1911)

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94 X tie Billboard MARCH 18. 1911. THE SUMMER AMUSEMENT SEA- SON IN CHICAGO. .(Contbmed from paffe.Sl.) ■Itaatlon tbat there bas been a dearth of gaba attractlaiu. This does sot mean that no eood attracUona have visited Chicago this scasoD, but, on tbe contrary, we bad quite a'few of them, bnt most of theme were not of. the kind that imi tiave "ran 80 and so many days" attached to them. They were good and wholesome for the time belns, bat could not profitably have stayed In OUT midst for any length of time. Then again some departed after a short engagement that eoold well bare played long into the sea- son. Another angle of the game that has entered Chicago with an "I wUl" attltnde, and which wltti a erlm determination wrested wltb the conserratlTe Cblcagoan and won. Is tne grand opera. With each week of its engagement It took a stronger hold of Its patrons, and vlth the winding np oC :its tenth week'it had whole Chi- cago talking abont It. Moch credit must be given to the dally papers of Chicago,. which took np the work with a zest that onst have been pieasingr lndei>d to tbe press agent as well as to the backers of tbls enterprise. On acconnt Of the iplendld snpport ottered this style of en- tertainment, Chicago iias l>een assured, by those who guide this Tentnre. a permanent Grand Opera Company. Chicago, in Its gratitude and pride, will nndonbtedly fondle this Infant and iinxse it to fnllrgrown manhood, and retain It as Its Tsty own, sad then berald the glad tidings to the rest of the world In words of praise and admiration. CUcago, with its aggteaslTeneu: and ambition, mnst be shown; an imitation or a "nearly as good" can not be foisted on It,: it Is discerning and demands that It- receive the ▼aloe of Its money. TUs It lias In the grand opera Tentnre, and It Is giving It Its hearty anp^ port. In an Interrlew with the vaHons managers of the down-town theatre we qnote the, following: .The Olympic, which to niany is known as the home, of saccess. is now hooaing Qet-Bich-Qolck Walllngford. ifr. Sam Ledeier, who manages this showhoose. speaks as follows of the Im- pcDding snnuner season: **Get-Blch-Qaick Wal- Ilngford' will, no donbt, be the snmmer attrac- tion at the Olympic. Theatre tUs season. AI- thoDgh no one In the show bnstness can. con- sistently-take the position of Setting»»1f np as: a prophet, I think It Is only fait to as- sume from present Indications that the play will remain at the Olympic until Christmas of this year. The Fortnne Honter. which broke all Chi- cago records with 332 performances, could have remained at the Olympic three to six months longer, bad it not been for advance bookings outside; and at Its. dose there was Jmt as mneh clamor for -seats as during any part of its .angagement. ; Get-Rlch-Qnlek Walllng&rd, whUe aa entirely different play,, appears to iiave caught on. with the masses, and Is .the topic of eoimr-- aatlon wherever theatre la discussed. lb my certain knowledge, a number of pe<vle who have eome to th^ theatre have'heard the play talked about on trains going to and from Chicago, and It Is my belief tliat the merits of Walilngford are jui,~well known In San Francisco as thCT are ' In Gliicago. ' "Its best advertisers are traveling men. who dlscniis the play -with their customers,^d to that extent are walking eight-sheets. We have bad patrons coming from Denver, Omaha, San Francisco, and'even as far north as Seattle, who have heard of the play In this manner. "So far not a single dollar bas been expended In ont-of-town blllposting, and with the live advertising campaign that Is being done volun- tarily by the thousands of people who have seen the performance since its begumlng in Chicago, December 4, it is not at ail likely that it will be necessary to do any. It Is almost certain that the mnltitnde of visitois who come to Chi- cago, every snmmer will have heard about -Wal- ilngford before they reach Ciilcago. After they reach the city and begin talking attractions. It Is almost sure that they wUl pick Walilngford at the Olympic.V . Harry I. Powers, who guides the theatrical ventnres which come to Powers' Theatre, as well as the Slackstone, haa not decided as yet whether these two show-honaea will offer any at- tractions daring tlie warm months. However, It ll being circulated by Dame Humor that Ethel Barrymore will come to the Powers* Theatre on May 1 to remain there -in repertoire for about eight weeks. This engagament will keep that theatre open until the dog days come on. 'We quote the following from James J. Brady, manager of .the ColoniaL Tlieatre, known .to ev- ery showman In the country, and a man of vast eiqierience, who has guided many an amusement enterprise . to .success: "The. theatre:'will keep open during the torrid season, as usual, and It Is safe to say that the attraction will be of considerable Importance and success." Althougb- not definitely stated. It Is thought that the sum- mer show will be I<ave and Politics, which Is BOW In rehearsals In Chicago, the music for which has Iieen contributed by Jos. Howard. It is said to be bnUt along the lines of Madame Sherry; that is to say. It wHl l>e a sort of French vaudeville. George C. Warren, manager McVlcker's The- atre: **We -wHl liave Madame X for a spring attraction, and if the dear public wants to cry as maoh as It did when the play was done at the CUcago Opera House,, they win protnbly be bedewing the. seat .backs at: McTIcker'a nntn well along Into hot weather. We hope so, at least." MeTlcker's, termed "The Uodel Play- house of America." Is turned to always by the partlcniar theatregoer, as :1ie knows that SIiow- honse always has an attractlan of merit W. W. Freeman, who but recently made Chi- cago his headquarters as General Western-Bepre- sentatlTe of the Shnberts and manager of the Garrlck 33ieatre thinks It possible, that one of the big Shnbert musical comedies will weath- er through the warm days at the Garrlck; how- ler, ^nothing as yet bas been folly decided. In the near future, however, Sam Bernard's new musical comedy will come to the Garrlck for a stay. In. remarking on the advisability of a theatre'keeping open dorlhg the' snmmer, Mr. Freemen said: "1.think the Chicago public that has grown In theatrical discernment, wilt respond liberally to the lietter things the iwodncera win .send,; here/', .j:L^ :]'. AnhaIt. manager of the Lyric and local press representative of the Shnberts: "I can not irtve yon any : complete Information concern- ing the snmmer . season of the Shnbert Theatres and attractions In Chicago. As a matter of fact.' I do not tiilnk any definite plana have iieea arranged In our New xork ofllce.r' Sotbem and Marlowe are now the attraetlOB at the Lyric and the New Theatre Company is scheduled to arrive there soon. ' Balph T. Kettering, who does the press work for Mort H. Singer, sends us the following: "Mort H. Singer announces that he has not fnuy decided upon summer operations because of the building of his new theatre oh Clark street op- posite the new county building. The gronnd will lie broken May. 1 for this playhouse, and Mr. Singer believes that his time will be so taken up that It will be impossible to give the amount of attention due to the production of a new play. "However, Mr. Singer may find that the new building will not take np too much of his time, and in that case he will ofTer his annual mualcal comedy at the Princess Theatre. "Ur. Singer announces that his operations next season will be extensive, and that be will have at least: twelve companies on the road. The Singer Attractions have been very success- ful and The Flirting Princess snd Miss No- body from Starland will eara near to eighty thousand dollars for the dtmlnntlve producer of the West. Mach of this Is due to the excel- lent booking of Sam Tball, who bas occupied the Singer Booking Office chair, and to Ralph T. Kettering, for bis breexy. printable press matter f<Hr. aU the shows." Uueh credit must be given to Frank 0. Peers, manager of the Whitney Opera House, for his ardent labor. Mr. Peers baa built np more pro- ductions this season than perhaps any other manager, and has pnlled several plays that looked like failure ont of the rut and put them on a paying basis. He well deserves the title given him by our worthy contemporary. Will Beed Donroy. "Doctor of Piays." Bis efforts -were untiring, and his hard work was always crowned with success. n. J. Hermann, manager Of the Cort Theatre: "There will be a snmmer attraction at the Cort Theatre,: bnt what it will be' 1 do not know. If The Great Kame contianes to as goa<l tmslness as: It hai np to the present time, it will be retained. From present Indications it looks aa though it wUl mn .until next Chrlatmaa.** Harry Askla, manager of the Grand Opera House: "Disraeli, in which George Arliss is now appearing at the Grand. wUI undoubtedly be the summer attraction at this theatre. And aa for the liSSaile Opera House, it is my present inten- tion to retain Us present occupant. The Girl I Ijove, at that playhouse during the warm weath- er." George Kingsbury, manager of the Chicago Opera House: "When Sweet Sixteen looks aw- fully good, and in all proiMbUity will be re-, talned-here, and-may possibly run through the warm months. In case It doesn't. It is my In- tention to .install a worthy successor to It." ■: George Ade Davis, who writes all that breexy press matter for the Stndebaker, and who Is the active manager In the absence of Mr. Sullivan, tells ns that an: attraction will keep this Ulcb- igan- -Avenue-: playhouse . open- duriiig the snm- mer. What :it will be Is hot yet known. Be- fore - that. time, however. The . Echo will play a return engagement at .that theatre. , At the Ullnols Theatre, where; Win J. Davis, that sturdy veteran, hcrids the managerial lelna, nothing definite for the slimmer has-been plan- ned, but If anything Is sprung It Is certau to be of a nature that will be worthy of both the playhouse and Its manager. T RE TWKHTIETH OEHIVKT WHEEL OF f OBTmiE, a miniature race track, slie ix4 tt. The greatest money-making device of the sea- son. Pays for Itself In one day. Write for book- let. L- J. KINO. 212 Klgln Avenue, Fbrest Park, nis. FOREST PARK MINNEAPOLIS For rent, sale or lease. Three years of suc- cessful business. A gold mine tor the right manager. Address FOREST PARK AMUSE. ilENT COMPANY, Minneapolis, Uinn. . HARLEM PARK ROCKFORD, ILLINOIS Bockford's Rlvervlew will be bigger and better than ever. Under the new management several new attractions -will be. added. Now booking concessions for season 1911. Address KOCK- FOBD « IMTEBUBBAN BAILWAY CO.. Bock- ford, lUinols. Wanted to Piaci a Por- table Skating Rink In good park for summer. KvetythIng first-clsaa. Must get - the people; dead ones save stamps. A. J. MTILBOU.AND, Kaiamaioo. Mich. — W A M T E n — A propoaition covering the Installation and opera- tion of an up-to-date carousel In the most beau- tiful and highly improved park west of Chicago. Attendance 2i>,<IOO minimimi weekly. No otiwr concessitms in operation or contemplated. Blee- trlc light and power fnmlsbed. 14 -weeks' sea- son, unless ontflt bi first-class, don't respond. Beply in detaO vrith percentage In gross stlpo- lated. B. M. FITZGEKALD. Dobnqne, lowa. Park. Managers, Attantlen I Wanted to place my Penny Arcade in a good T-day park, flat or percentage, management to funush building and current. Will also place shooting gallery and cane or knife rack. Bavs tents for all the above if park has so soItaUe buildings. Address A. W. HATES, Penny A^ csde,'MOnessen,-Fa."''"'':M;'-'.'i'::'-".-". ': Photo Button Men! Attention!! 'pHE CHICAGO FERROTYPE CO. has placed the photo button business on a legitimate basis. Thousands of men have been made independent operating the biggest outdoor money-making device of the age^ the Wonder Csmnon Calnera. "l/kTlj wish to'wam our operators against "getting stung." The market is * being flooded with plates of a poor quality, which are being offered as low as 60c to 75c per hundred. We shouldn't be a bit isurprised if they ca^ down to 40c. As the original photo button concern, we 1^^ can not be sold at these figures if they are any good. Those plates are made to sell, and even if the-first plates you buy are good, you wiU "get stung*'in jii^ Quality County. You Want Quality. ^p|Pq Your Customers A ND that^s.whaf you get from the Chicago J^errotype Co. 0o poor., plates. No dissatisfied customers. If vou 4|k!c wantvbargain sales, geit the (^ap stun.^^If you wanVtne best tihat's made in the photo buttonjine, Jliien ybti^want oiir goods, and-what's'min«, you ¥iUjcome.1^ ^heyalldo.^ We keep bar customers. That^eKthe secret of our wonderful success. . - ~ " Plates for all Photo Button Machines, of best quality .^^1^^^ and fully guaranteed $1.00 per Tube of 100 J^U^^^^^^ Best quality Square Plates for all Sleeve - - ^^^^1^^^^ Afochines $1.00 per 100 A^^^^IH^B Best Quality Mounts 25e an.d 30c per 100 ^^^^^I^I^H WRITE- FOR FREE CATAUtt. ' CfflCAGO FERROTYPE CO. Dept. laO, CHICAGO* lU.^' Sf.TS par Oreas. . sf.ZB par QroM. ' if .10 par Orasa.