Billboard advertising (Mar 1911)

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96 Xtie Billboard MARCH 18. 1911. RELATION OF EXPOSITIONS TO THE AMUSEMENT BUSINESS. (Continaed from page 23). big climb, they did not return freely. So I Bet Sboat to make plans whereby every point of in- terest would be visited freely, with rest places and diverting gnbjects. The permanent exhibi- tion balldings faced'Elm street; the rear faced Flnm street, which was 130 feet wide, through the center of which ran a canal 40 feet wide, ■mown as "The Bhine." I planned to place ex- hibition buildings on each side of the canal in shed form. covered with steel. These were 30 feet wide, 12 feet high at back and 32 feet high mt .canal edge: .the aopportins posts were 3et back two feet wnn the edge of the canal with railing In -hetween, -each forming a ledge on which flowers . and vines in boxes were placed, both sides ef (he canal being covered with lat- tice work extending np to the top of the boxes containing Bowers. Starting at the ISth street bridge a wire net was bnUt to stop all nibblsb and dirt. { Then came the dairy exhibit of the French- Baner Co., . tnlrinir nn 140 feet, on -both side^ then the aatomobile and motor boats, which bronght ns np to the 14tb street bridge, imder which the visitors passed to a laii^ rest place and garden '.filled with beantlfnl dowers iu bloom, with graTel waltES, foontains, etc., wltl bridges provided to cross the canal. This space waa 100 feet alonir the canal opposite tli rear of the permanent machinery hall. Next came the Fire Fighters on Ship and flbore, a new gigantic fire spectacle, the grand-, stand seating 1.80O arranged with a doable ar- cade ohdemeath same for passage way, booths, etc Tbe stand iras Bt tlie iear of Mnslc Hall - and was one of the first things bnUt and Its floors and seats contained boxes in wMch .flow' «rs and Tines were growing, for decoratiom* The grand-stand extended from the rear of Hiulc Hall to the cub stone of the street which was paved. The fire- show bnlldtim were constructed along the edge of the canni nd In the canal. On a canal boat was:bnllt a; Cntt-sUed ocean steamer, 'which, during the action of the show, took fire from an explosion and was then pulled out while the Sre tugs were playing their streams on It. The flames, from the ship started the building on tht. wharf afire, tbis fire being pnt out by regular Bremen after they rescue the Inmates. Next to the Fire Show was a garden. Art the rear of the Fire Show on the opposite side of the canal was - a promenade 450 feet long cov- ered With vines and ailed with seats, chairs, cestanrant. booths, etc. for the family fotk?. This promenade also chred for the circulation of visitors on the west side of the canal. Next came the Hippodrome Bnltdlng, seating ' .1,800; extending over the canal at sufllclent height .to . allow boats to pass underneath.-:. TTn- der the seats on the east side was a large ar- cade arranged so that all the small ponies and carriages used by the liUputlan clrcns .were on exhibition to title pnbllc and also a bally-hoo tor %e show. Runways extended from tlw ar- cade to the west end or stage. The parade was formed in the arcade and driven up the runs to the stage, where the performance start- ed. There was no roof or cover over the grand- stand, only flags and streamers.' The stage was covered with half a tent, the b!gh point toward the audience, supported from poles each side. Under the stage was built a grotto. Next to the Hippodrome came a garden. Then the Swiss Chalet building or restaurant. A cafe was upstairs, seating 2.000; refreshments and small penny concessions downstairs; a con- cert stage In- the cafe was large enough to accommodate a troop .of Busslan dancers and other entertainers The whole place was cov- ered with Bowers, banging baakets, vliies, trees, etc., with large balconies, on the end facin the garden. On the east side of the garden was the aquatic show, known as The Sea Nymphs.: which contained a bevy of beautiful diving girls who appeared and disappeared at will In the depth of waters; ''where do they come from;" "where do they go." was the question. -Leaving the cafe or Swiss Chalet building, the visitors passed underneath the 12th street bridge Into the mercantile exhibits, GOO feet long on both sides of the canaL . In the center was an island in the canal whicSi'widened out at this point. This bntldlng was shed con- atmcUon as first one described.' The faces of all the sheds were provided with awnings as also was the mat of the Testaurant build- ing. Bridges to cross the canal w«re provided at snttable idaees. all treated wifli flowers,' vines and trees. Aft« the Uercantlle Building came a turn In the canal, leaving 'a block between th bnllding and Elm street, which was treated as a sunken ■ garden, the canal ' floored over for 30O feet, which formed a place* for an air* ship, which ascended daily. This platform or floor was also a landing place for the various motor boats, gondoliers, etc.. which plyed the canal from end to end of buildings, carrylnr passengers, mosiclans, singers, etc., on tbn Island. In the Uercantlle Building were Infant Incubators. So it vriu be noted ttat there wer ■. only fonr, amusement'attractions,' an so sitnated that tbey did not Intof ere irlth eadi other and all did capacity business. 'Wben rlsltors be- cam«» tij^ of 'walking-.there was an Inviting pbce of rest rad iumiBm I 'In Hnsle Hdl was ptodnced at an expense of $70,000. Paoletta. -an opera composed by Paul Jones,, of the Strobrldge I<ithographlng Co. Mtisic by Florldia. Most all the music was song and played by Cincinnati talent. Thin' of tfae pride of these people to do such things and yet. It was not supported and caused the only loss during the exposition. It is partly explained by President Reynolds, who was the prime mover in this, as in everything, that when the music was first sketched it had a Iwantifnl theme in it equal to the Merry Widow Walts or Madame Sherry and that during the development of the music this theme was obliterated. An of which teaches us this lesson, tiiat no matter bow . great: may . be the Interest through: civic ' pride ' the: 'mass -will not support thInEs that do not Interest them. The -writer although 'engaged - as technical director and director of amusements of the O. T. E.. -was entrusted to execute his plans and ideas of the buildings and as superintendent of construction did person Mly direct and execute same, signing all vouchers and auditing pay rolls, ete. For this purpose a separate oflSce. on the grounds was established, called the department of works, with two architects, book- keeper and assistant, stenographer and time keepers- - One man was employed only ' to measure in lumber and material and keep each job supplied. No attempt was made to keep track of material on each Job but labor was. After the building was finished its material was., then checked up, three vouchers were Is- sued for every order of material. One went to the dealer, one to the auditor and one retained Ic the office before the' bills were paid, to which mnst lie attached the Tonclier; It was approved by the material men who received same, the bookkeeper who entered same and by myself. When payrolls were made up separate checks were issued to each name by tbe bank which acted as treasurer. When the men were to be paid two men were sent from the bank, one with the individual checks, the other with money to cash same. The ciiCcks were dlH- tributed to the men on the job by time keepers. As each man came up to the pay window he en- dorsed his check, handed it in and at the next window received his money in cash. Each building was In charge of a superintendent, who In turn employed a foreman, who in turn em- ployed workmen. The greatest trouble I bad was with organised labor and often changed a -whole building plan to avoid trades making trouble. But there were many good, loyal, honest men. Once dnring my absence from tbe worlts a strike was called that caused a loss of $900 in wages to the men in one day. yet this trouble was fixed by the payment of $20 by one of the superintendents. From these em- ployees can be selected good attendants and watchmen during the expoeltlon. best to have men who are familiar with each other and the grounds. We ran a four-inch line of water pipe on each side of the canal, full length of grounds. At the end of each length of pipe we pnt in a tee with which connections could be made any place. These pipes were not under- ground, but lay along the edge of the caiul. At every two lengths a hose connection (or one^ Inch hose, fifty feet long, was made fnr fire protecUon. During the exposition these pipes were In charge of tfae men who InstaUed them. After the expodtion was over everything was •old In lots, ss It lay, by auction, and de- Sosits taken to insure removal in ten: days, cddent insnrance was carried on all employees but no fire insurance. Contractors, as a mle look on exposition work as easy money, even though they are idle. One contractor in Cin- cinnati wanted $30 a stick to put in piling: the same was done by our department of works for less than $5 each. An estimate on work in Music Hall was $1,000; we done It for $148. Another estimate bv a contractor was just half of what another asked. One of Cincinnati's political citizens tried to land a contract on Mr, Reynolds for $3,800 per week; at the same time I had an option on the act for $2,200 per week. - 1 am merely stating facts ■ that Came under my observation: they may be exceptions. I also found that a iso-called raperlntendent froin another depart- ment had arranged to clean the bnUdlng at night time. The exposition closed at 10 p. m. and all lights were left bnmlnE while two men (tired -ones) .started to clean up. Thl^ method was being used in every building. Af- ter an interview nil cleaners were assembled In one squad with an electrician. - each bnliding was relit as they came to It and turned out as soon as they were through. The current used In this manner cost more than . the cleanin- whereas. It this squad had waited ;'.natU day light they could bay* done their :Wrk easilv before the gates opened.-and nsad ho ele<' triclty. An exposition Is like any bnslness. It \~ not what-you make: It's ■ what yon save th«' counts.' Treat your --visitors/-like -you woul.i like to be treated: If'sOmetbtniri annoys you stop it; don't put in an attraetldn that doesn't look clean and good. ' It-yoii'bhve'any'donbte don't book it and-when'you AaVit^'fonnd .a goofi thing' don't' ktil- its''cbance'.tO' ihsk«'''a living b.t giving It , next-doo(f ; competition.',-That's th"- way I bandied my departments>t' tbe'Oldo Val- ley ■ Exposition "and' wind' it • paldi '. >. . . ;j3lpiLjjpte.',E.:::HA0BN. New York* MarcK'l.' MM./ - .- -, TO I-;ET ! —-^For Terrn .of. Y^ar^^^:— First-Glass^ Theatre Seatingover 1,500 in First Ward, CHICAfiO. Apply to Oliver & Co,i 110 Dearborn St. Chicaf!0. Would like to hear from Park Managers Or RollabI* CIRCUS M Elf Who want a Honey Gietter ' I have four perfornuing-^pinmi^ troupe of dogs, bears, catsiand birds. Addrni- JOm* GRAHAM, care BiUboard. N. Y. Wantad—Maii:te Workon • Parkar Careuaal - Must t>e experienced on an .automobile englnr. Win buy Itigb striker and. cat. rack; must be ebeap tor casb. McBMVKE BB08., (care Greai Eas tetn.Showa). Monroe^ 'la.,-March 10--M. FOURTH ANNUAL BEIWION SOLDIERS OF ALL WAR» Coney Wand's Big Pour Days' Outing. Aug. 2S. 24, 25. 26. Write FRANK, it. GRlFPIS, Secy.. I^llerton, Kentucky. ^ PARKS AND CARNIVALS, NOTICE Would like to place swell Jumping horse carousel, well lighted, and hlgh-grade organ, all new. Is a live park or with a reliable carnival company. Address NEW CAR0U8EI<,. care'BIUbosrd, CInr cinnati, Ohio. SINGERS Better try out the Elk song, "ONE OF THI5 HBBP." Just off tbe press snd a dandy nno; ber. Program and stamp to BDRDICK. Lock port. New York. OLYMPIC PARK* NEWARK, NEW .JERSEY. * NOTED FOR THE REFINEMENT OF ITS AMUSEMENTS AND SELECT PATRONAGE. 10,000 Sqnare Feet of Dance Floor Space—Dandnjr eveiy Afternoon and Evemng-^High^CIass Opera—^Restaurant—Free Open-Air Vaodeville—^Bands of Mnsic Didly—Horse Races and Adilefic Games—-h Fact OVERVSSO.OOO PEOPI^ AVrTHIN a EIVE-CENnr C/VF* FARE RADIUS. Tfae patronage has growm to such ati extent, that the Management have decided to devote more space to amusement purposes; wherefore, they are now READY TO NEGOTIATE WITH PARTIES PROMOTING LARGE ATTRACTIONS. Also have MANY PRIVILEGES FOR SALE, such as Candy, Soda Fountain, Sausage, Caner Racks,: and all ainusement business propositions of a clean order. Address Care Oiyaqiic Park. Nmit. H. J. j HERMAN H. A. SCHMID^^ J. M. BELDON, Manager.