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28 Ttie eillboard APRIL 29,;19tl. AlBter aod ber family are abOQt to aenarate Cor th* night- LJttle Oorotlir \>eg» for a story, •0 tlie old oorae seats lienelf on s ebslr and MU a Starr ot tbc wlett twenty Twu* WO* •!» talks, tb* va&a of tlie aid Iw ciSiB •kaxe tbxr Uve sMm to fMe befwe Ilttlo Dor- . oHir's sBd she acM tts pxlcst, ha nnele. dace a crnclfiz In tba liands of *n Indian CtaleC Tlw chief, respecUns the gift, sets the crocs op as bis tallwnsn. and made tlie entire tribe re- spect the principles for irblcb It stood. Eren wbtle the nurse talked, however, the old chief «ms dying, and bis tribe tmder a new leader destroys the cross and tabes to the warpath. Soon they attack the priest's Jioose, and when "' m seems golnc asalnst tba palstscas. LDBnr. BEIPUC6 HIM OUT (Cum- s^; ideased AprU SO; leucth Ifin feet).—Albert n»ed to caB ak Pearl abont seven nvDlBCS a week, and al- ways broocht his banjo. Pearrs famtly wonld shut tbe parlor door and stuff cot too In tbelr ears when Albert got baay on the strlDgi^. In time they forbade blm calling on Pesrl, bat picked oot an- echar youc maa as bar tav- Amerlean beantr nacs, wUeli •be cared less for than for Albert^s modest vio- lets. When worry atM>ut her banished sweet* keart began to undermine Pearl's health, her (amlly sought to get Altiert back. Pearl's fa- ther, mother and brother each went to blm secretly and begged blm to elope with Pearl, ■acb gave him a tdU of bills, too. This was •artalnly "easy money," and the swevthearu lost no time In having tlw knot tied. Next moni' OOXOBH (Oanadii ndaaaa^Aadl M; l.flOO feet).—Peter Peman , haT&x lost the fomme of hla ward. Gladys Waaton, In apec- alation, wrote to his nephew, Lleatenant Arthnr Desman, asking that he many the gtrl. The lleatenant answered In person, and foond Gladys a bolsterona Klrl. who playt<9 a aeries of tomboy Olcka on blm. However yielded to his ■Dele's entieatiea aod became enK^j^ to >>t:, Tban ba went away with bis regti»<—.1 to tba fblllpplniia Tbica years l*t^ be retnmcd. beavy-aearted becaose of bis engagement to a girl be did not love. At a ball be met a beantlfal yoong woman, with whom be fell deeply In love at first sight. That night he wrote to Mlas 'ireston, stating tbe fact, and begging to be re- leased from hla engagement. Be received an ssswer. Bsklng him to call. And when be did he foond tlie tomboy igri of tteee jaais ago fortunate to be passing at the time, when they tomed the comer. Had Edgar clashed ap to the front door, Allen would have thought noth- Ins of It: tat as lie came oat on his way to taalneas. lie babeM bis samMiaed friend ineaklng aronnd tba booae. and wbcn tba bnsband rs- tnraed be heard the yoong man In Pbylllsr room. Imploring ber to accrete him In tbe doaet. In- stantly Charles Oldrldce's wsmlng. given at the ball came up before blm He bad no aooner burst In the door, however, than explanations were quickly made, so that when tbe officers ap* pesxed for Edgar, it was Allen wbo protected bis friend nntli he could Maabsae ta Ctarles' office and flod that, after tM, OW tfaaMannaker bad only been stiumed. aiu the young vroman oC Tba motb bad tamed laM ajt a deUghtfal atocy. pceaenM M a way ta dellgtat SOM. UNTO lat A catut is BUKN (Drama; rdaasa AprU 24; length (eet).—Robt. Watson, a yoong married man. whoae greateat faidt la aa Insane Jealonay of Ills beaatl- fnl wife, bids her an affectionate good-bye, aod starts for bis place of Jiuslness. He has hardly , left the boose when a vostman brings the wit* a letter from her brother, Tom, whom she baa aot seen for many years, and whom the bnsband baa never seen, announcing his intention of vlalting her. I<om arrives aocn aftaCL Mary ^ -7 Blaeblet on . draws Bobert, baUevlag be has killed'Tom. dees for the West, ■x months later he is seen, drinking and gsmb- -Ung. mule staggering toward home, be falls ■var a dlS, where he la found by two kind- bialtid miners, who care for blm. One day a Sum aawMs tor Bobtrt. eoBtahJnn only a few Mb» aC awnli One of Bobest^a eaanda. bavinc Mawa tba atraaga mlaalve to aevcral aeqnslatr aaesa withoat icsalt. takes It to the parson, who recogalses It aa a part of tbe hymn. "Unto Oa a CbUd la Bom.** The miner tells Robert, wno instantly nnderstands tbat his wife has totglTen Um. Tom enters, and Bobert's jealoosy la again aronsed. imtll Mary Introduce* Tom as bar bestbar. when Bob offers Tom his hand, and la ■ SALES CO. NBSTOB. HIS WIPB (l>ra ma; laicaaa AkU S6: laagtb. — laat).— Uts. Oraydon telt timrongbly pat oat I with ber daoghter. [Pbyllla, for the ghi I abiolntely refused to I encourage either Ed- * gar Bntley or Allen Stanley. At last. Al- len declared that be. like Edgar. Intended ■oing away to forget Pbyllla, and hie de- termination awakened t jMOg woman to the fact that she loved aim nr too deailr to think of hla leaving her; as wttbin a few weeks they were msrrled. It was serctal oontbs after this tbat Edgar re- timed home, and not having heard of PhrlUs' maniage. again told her of bis love, when be - met ber at Mis. Dean's ball. Charlea Oldrldge, wbo bad been watching tbem, bastened to her . hnsbsnd and told blm of wbat be hsd beard. Bre be flniabed apeaklng, however. Edgar ap- pealed, and bat for Allen's Interference tbere a^Cbt have been a serlons qasrrel. for so little dVtba bnsband mlatxnst his friend thst ss soon as Pbynia entered, be pnt tbe roung man's name down for her next dance. The next day foond Ed^ar at Charles' office to demand an apolofrr. Instead he was thrown oot bv the latter's men. Edesr, however, was not to be so •asily oatdone. Waiting npon tbe comer until Charles csme nut. be again gave him an oppor- ■ ■ " ■ ' In answer Charles raised dnence ao angered Edgar be atroek woald aot have proven . . bu head not stmek a stone. Be- lUvlng that taa bad killed tbe seeing a crowd already collectr to nm: bat tba mob was bad aeaicebttma to dart tnnlty to apologlxe. In Us eaae. This Impartii that tba blow ha afiniefc and Igar atarted m. too, and be to Aiba StaB> THE 8CABLET LET- TBB (Drama: release April ZT: length, 1.000 feet). — Hester Prynne has left Holland In ad- vance of her hnsbsnd, Boger, to Join the Col- onists In Sslem, Mass. Boger follows ber to the new world, but npon landing in New ^gland Is captured by Indians, and Hester waits for blm In vain. There has never been mocb love In their mar- rlsge, Boger being an old man and she a come- ly young woman. Bev. Arthur DImmeadale, the haodaome young minister of the Salem com- monlty, meets Hester clandeBtlnely, and an an- lawfol love Is tbe resolt. Wben Hester Is dis- covered with a baby—a mother, but not a wife— ahe is arrested, tried and condemned to atand npon the public pillory wltb her child, and for tbe remainder of ber life to >vear consplcnonsly upon ber breast tbe letter "A." Aa abe stands on tba raised platform, the governor of tbe —-— 'msads bar to dlvalge the asms of at ttas eUU. aba l a lBi ai, The Bar. laMSdale la asked to pcrsoada ber to leveal ber secret. Be addressta her. and telle ber If abe thlnka It beat for her to do so. She again refnaea. Boger. her bosband, bas been rdeaaed by tbe. red men, and be sppears In Sa- lem on the day of ber public disgrace and recog- nises ber. He signals for her to be sUeot as the recognition Is mutual. Be takes tbe name of Boser Cbllllngworth,, and. being a phy^ ■ flan. Is called to prescribe for tbe anSerlng muaiaUr, irqowlng him to be the father of Heatsr*a dilld. Aa Alld. Fasn, aiswa Into a beantlfal giri. aal tba wtnmmS dMMas tbat Heater -la not the proper persea to rear her. Hes- ter. In ber grief, appeals to the minister, and be In turn prevails npon the governor to allow' her the cnstody of the diUd. A* time passes, tbe minister Is growing weaker and weaker In bodily atrength and the coUty secret elve^ him no iwace of mind. Meeting Beater and the lit. tie Pearl by accident, be tells the womsn of his terrible panlstament. She. In love and pity, tears the letter from ber bresst, snd proposes that they leave tbe eoontnr together to begin , life anew. UtUa Peart, bte tha letter and - .leatorea It to Heater, , aat thrr wSlae they can not eaeape tbe eoaaeqaeaees of tbelr sinning. On a holiday the minister preaches s powerful ser- mon In the chorcb on tbe ains of tbe flesh ,ind the penalty of evil dotug. Ao be appears In tbe market place, be Is cheered by tbe members of his coDgregatloo. Qe Is overcome by emo- tion as the awfnl troth Is brought home to him that be Is a hypocrite. Seeing Hester and little Peart standing near, be pnlla himself to- eetber by a mighty effort and resolves to cop- fesB bis sins pnbllely. Taklag tbem by the hands, be slowly and ddlberat»Iy monnta the pillory; then, to the aatonlahment of hla Sock, proclaims Pearl ss bis child, and afmlgns him- self as a sinful teacber. The mernbm of his church are appalled and dmnb wltb astonlsb. ment. They can not comprebend It. Hester fUDlIes throogh ber leant. She will no longer bear the burden of shame alone. Tbe moment ' bas arrived when she is partially vindicated by the self-sacriflce of tbe sharer of her degrada- tion. The fliul effort, coupled with years uf Intense anffering proves too great a tax on tbe strength of tbe miniater, and he falls dead at the foot of the pllloiy. Hester ftopporta bis be ad, w ith tears eoaraiag down ber cheeks. WBEBB THBBB*S LIFB THBBE'S HOPE I Drama; releaae April M: length. 1,000 feet). —Ethel Sinclair Is seated- la the fardea: ber lover, Alfred King, aateta. She bas tot Ihilabed a letter she hss written wblcb she gives blm. then leaves tbe garden In company with another yonng man. The letter Is a crael one, inform- lag King the engagement tbat has existed be- tween tbem Is terminated on account of King's poverty. The scene shifts tn the office of Sam- nel Morton, an aged broker, wbo Is desperate on accoont of financial reverses. He receives a letter conHnnliig bin worst fear; aod be re- solves to end hla troubles In suicide. He enters a room In a hotel and writes a farewell letter to bis friends. King siso dectdes to take his own life In bla irretcliedneBS. and be engages apartments In the same hostelry and writea a note to Btbel. The scene changes from one room to another In the hotel. Morton produces a revolver to shoot himself, and King resolves on the poison ronte. King overturns the bottle of poison, and Morton bears tbe noise anrl seeks another mode of killing himself. In turn, Klac aad :]iortoa repair to a high bridge ami are about to Jnmp over when a little gin ap. pears aad fkaatratca tbelr plana. Slie comes to Morton with a teddy bear and he laadl> ber away, leaving tbe bear on the wall. Kiac ap- pears and la abont to throw blaaelf srer wben the child returns for the doll, and ber mother Joins ber. Klnc loses bis nerve and follows them. Morton retums to his room and takes out his revolver. King enters the adjolninc room, removes his bat and coat and then tom-( on tbe gasv to end bla life by aspbyxlatlon. He falls from his chair, overcome by the fames of the gaa. Jnst as Morton la abaot to Aaet blaawlr. NESTOR "The Worth-while Film" I WCB Ann Lit, 1 THE RIVAL ARTISTS 980 Feet ct AttisUe Hlm. Will soon release NESTOR WESTERNS Hi «MI*IMii Westeros" DAVID HORSLEY. 1«T VlB«i«lsA« Verk SHOW : SOUVENIRS Blato, ^onga aad Peadl SI.3S lCen*8 Unk OoS Battens LW Men's Asst. Color Tie Plaa..;, IM raaey Ladlea' Broochca, aaat...... 1.S0 Bay*s Air Plsnes, novelty 1.2S Snake Among the Pema, lateat 1.G0 Kovalty Mlrtois IJS Gill's SMHltoi ^as SBB iBlhM*«««**««««*«« 1.33 ■aatac Oitoa SBppar * Ohlek.'aa«r. *jso Impatted Chlnaware, aiat. atylea 4.00 Tsrma cash. Personal checka must be certlllcd. NEWMAN -MFG. CO. Ml-ttr WbsitaBd AfSBBSb Ctaadna. 0. 9 Musical Bells J. C DEAGAN HOO-IO K, CUA Stieat, CEXCAGO, Inventor and Mfr. to tbe profeaalon. Write foe onr new Illnatmtad est- slog. New bita. AI- wajs isUaUa. mNiKiiiinns Why doa't yoa write tbsm* We toarii jwn hy mall lo ten easy leaaons aad help sell your plots. No experience necessary. Many operators Buecee^ilnjc. Demand Increasing. Book fr.-^. ASS'D M. r. SCTHOOLS. IIJ Clark Strpot, Cliicago, WAKTKD—Ola rent. M. P. Machine, from 3 to 6 montlis, beginning May 1. Prefer Motlograpb. Oiee dataito to Adl. Mas 11% JEALOUS JtiRt becaiise we had the capital aod were clever eoouRh to secure nt sacrifice pricea, a fine, big lot of Films TbitSt-oallid Brokirt Coild M Bu} the report Is being circulated by tbe dealer tbat we handle stolen gooda, because he thinks onr low pitees iriU ' bis buslnefis. He might to iOMir.' to circulate snch scandal—It's baalness every day. vou HEco ouii sia uar of mra bargaina to new aad asM Stou chines, etc. Write now. Gsnaral Film •rokars M X, Vaakaaa Blvd., Junk lost Inre GmiNSARC Tbst*B tb« device tb«t MVc« ItOVblC Pic- ture men two-thlrilii od tbelr electric light blllR. aDcl yi>t KlTes better light. Did sou seo our atl last weekY W#I1. don't look It u|i—^jiist write for our Boo kl€t 15 018 FORT WAYNE aECTRIC Wins rOBT WAYNE. INDIANA, m "SILVERLI6HT" UONINOH MOTION PICTORE CORTAIN EiinMrtfim Fniww kn: FOR SALE-LUBIN 1907 Movlni; Picture Machine in good condition, read7 to run I'rt,-.. (Vl, .\rMrt-SH CnAS. B U.V.M.\ln.Mi. t\,ioul.il Ib.nirf. C«mbridgf, O. REEL TICKETS TRIMOUNT PRESS 87 ALBANY ST. liOSTO.S. M.ASh, Send for SAmpl»» ^n4 Pr<c»» Swanson-Crawford Film Co. FILM RENTERS 723-734 CENTURY RUILDINC. ST. LOUIS. MO. UNEsr nui ExeiUNeE in the united states. A niu AMD cei mnMTK SUPFI.Y DEPARTMENT OPERA' NCeriON WITH OUR FILM BUSINCSS. This beantlfnl Snnrenlr Spoon Is gunrnn- teed Solid Silver I'lated French Gray Fln- lata aad the latest design. Write today far aaanle aad thne plaaa that will SIl year honsa to eanaetty.