Billboard advertising (June 1911)

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76 Ttie Billboard JUNE 24, 1911. FOR FROUFT DELIVEBIES AND PBICES.THYi;S. DO HOT FORGET TO ORDER FROM US Your supplies, as Gas Lighteis, Gyro- scope Tops, Ladies' Pride (the disip edge) V^etable Knives, etc. Sampira Eaeh lOo Thi Fiscber Manofactorias Co. Dapt. EP. NEWARK. N. J. CHEAPER THAN MATCHES "MANAGERS NOTICE." Tbat earning "4tb of Jnir eelebn- tlon." picnic fair, etc, wlU be in- complete withont ODC BAIXOONS^ Break Uie monotony ot the occasion bj faaTing Bnriesqne Balloon and Alnbip ucenilons. Interesting and amuBing to all. PosItlTely free from danger. Patent inBatois fnr- nlslied witb eaeh balloon. Order NOW trom (tbe Old Beiiable Firm). Be prepared and pleased witb roar ptir- ebase. Onr 12 ft. ExblUtlim Airship, fomlabed with a big car' nndemeatn, ^l^toted up as 70a saggest, onl7 fl.OO escb, or flO.OO per dozen. iSES ILLVS- One dozen balloons, 4)i ft. bigli. complete.........................^...........fl.00 One dozen balloons, 6 ft. blgta. complete ^^.................................. 2.00 Om dozen balloons, TH ft. higb, complete....... S.0O One dozen AIHSHIPS, 8 ft. long, complete, irltb ear 4.00 One dozen 6 ft. Balloon., with paradiata and dammy attadwd, wliicb releaae tbemidTes when high In air .... ^ ........... S.M One dosen U ft. billooDs, with paracbate and dnmm^ attached One dacea U ft, balloons, witb double dnmmy leap (See illustration) Orders sblpped same day received, (Terms Cash). We bave baHoons all aiz« and styles. Aerial advertldng oar specialty.' does not bear eooogh Information, send for catalog today. Send (ihort dellTcry or telegram. XHZ SRAZBL SOTELTT XASVEACTUSma COKFANT, 1700 £Ua Btteat, (Hnolimatl, Ohio. If tbla adTertlaement neUca) Mdera by special SNAKE CAMERAS Khe.latest crazes. A great noreity. SeUs to eTerybody. Has ■nake called and painted to represent a real live one. A barrel «f Am. Dozen. |a.TS; gross, {20.00. TEZEE DOGGIES Ibde In all colors. A swell article for all edebiations. Doz $2.00: per gross, « Our cetebntted line Of Whips, Balloons, Sgnawken, Shell Goods, Canes, Pennants,' Hat Bands, and all goods for Streetmen. THE TIPP NOVELTY CO., Tippecanoe City, Ohio, Miami Co. FAIR AND CARNIVAL WORKERS, STREETMEN 1/ Are Headquarters for ' Gaa and Air Balloons, Canas, Cans Raeka and Rings, Whips, Knives, China and Shall Novaltlaa, eto., ato. ALL THE Die SELLERS Novelties, Fireworks, Confetti, Flags SPECIAL PRICES WRITE for CATALOG B 107. TODAY FABBICIUS TOY AND NOTION-CO., ST. LOUIS YOU CAN MAKE SI0.00 to $20.00 Per Day With onr No. 0 Wonderful Ferrotype Machine, which takes tiiree styles of photos, from a bntton np to a 2^x31^ square plate. It Is reversible, and Is Just what yon need for all.roQnd work. Machines from $7.50 and np. Onr Black Diamond Plate, the best in 1891, and is the leader today. Will not soften or yellow, and developea In 10 seconds. Black Diamond Plate, I%z2^, at 7Sc per hundred. Bntton Plates for all Automatic Machines, at 75c per hundred. Black Moonts, at 20c per bondred. De- Teloper, at 15c per set. . The finest supplies on the mark et. Orders filled the day reeelred. Deposit required on all orders. WBITB FOB FREE CIBCITLABS. JAMESTOWN FERROTYPE CO., Ills S, Halited Street, Dept. 4S. K. BHODY, Gen. Mgr. Chicago, STREETMEN t AGENTS I DEMONSTRATORS! Stylographic Wonder Ink Pencil and Queen Stylo are tbe biggest selleni ever produced. It red. black. Imitation rubber or aluminum flnlsta. witb clip and filler. In neat gold-labeled Indlvldna borea. or in bnlk. one rtoiep In a box. Sample 2Sc. write for pricps. COmUiBCIAI. HOTZLTIES CO., (Sole KmnfaetnTara), tat M. Pes Plaines Bt.. C hlea»» SEND TOUR route: to the buxiBOard to-dav. PUT YOUR ''AD'rON A PANAMA HAT A sure "winner"—a novelty as an advertising medlnm. These Juts are made of heavy water-pioof crepe paper, Panama color, witb printed direction* on eacb one. These bats can be osed at the beaches, summer resorts, picnic grounds, ate Tbeil, too, they're Joat tbe tbing for dinner soavenus. Send tu copy ot yonr "ad." bow many yon want, whether printed on one side or both, ud we'll pencil 7onr "ad" <m a' sample, giving yon an Idea aa to how It will look, and quote yon the most reasmiable price for Qoastlty named. Park, Sinnmer Resort, Celebration and Carnival Goods Burnt Wood Souvenirs, Canes, Pennants, Banners^ Balloons, Whips, Serpentines, Ctmfettl, Postal' Cards, Buttons and Badges, Safe and Sane 4th July Baizes, Labor Day, Hsllowe'en and Thanksgiving Day Specialties, Xmas and Holiday Toys, I>oUs and Noratles, Wash- ington's Blrttaday and St. Patrick's Day Souvenirs. SEND FOE FREE CATALOG. W. F. MTT.T.Trg, Kannfacturer and Importer, IS8 Park Bow, Vew Tork. PAPER TWIRLER Northcraft's Shooting Galleries-Bigger and Better tlian Ever I mate 12 styles of galleries to suit any place anad pocketbook. Get descrlptkui of mj new' road gallery, rons any place, any time; no motor, so gasoline engine. A card ge ts m y new catalogue of amosement supplies. Xet o8 get toget&er for boslness. A, 7. VOSXKCBAra, 8033 ClariE Avenue, St. Xtniia, Ko. ' AEROPLANES-N OVELTIES AMUSmEHTS • . We Want the Best and Latest for the BIG FAIR AT COmMBIA . TENNESSEE SEPTEMBER 5-9 Five days arid four nights. Goncessicm and Frivil^e Men, here's your chance! Address W. S. WILLIAMS, Beneral Manager, MAURY COUNH FAIR, Columbia, Tenn. Gariands, Festooning; Art Flowers of all kinds for decorating {mipoaed. Sqpecially suitable for stage use. • CARNIVALS, STATE AND COUNTY FAIRS, Write for my large Catalog B-6, showing complete assortment You will surely find something con- tained therein to satisfy your requirements. 23 So. Wabash Aveaae. Chicago. SNAKE CAMERA OUDEBA.' Slie. Per 100. Per 1000 4x12 Ob Yon Kid $2.80 4X12 Sonvenlr 3.S0 $27.50 5x14 SouTenlr S.50 32.50 7x21 Souvenir 7.S0 60.00 SAMPLE SET of 4, sbowlDs sizce and colors, by mall, 25c. tn t honaa ndB of plecen. Per doi., eoc r. BTEENTHAI,, Mfr. of Novelties, The Hit of tha Saaaen. fZNHASTS. Printed and sewed, with special inscriptions, made to order. Write for prices. oraEXinon} BUXXOKS. All Nsw Hotto'l. Go To It, Kid; Don't Swear, It Sonnda -Ufce * Hell; Gee, I Wish I Bad a Olrl: For Ladlea Only: Cbeer Dp, There Ain't No Hell; It You Want to Fight, Join tbe Army. Per 100. 85c; per 1000, $8. Special InscrlpttODS to order. Write for prices. 81CA8H—CBASH, Xtaa Latest Kovelty. When dropped reproduces a loud, startling sound .„ _ of vlndow glass broken Price per doseu per gr., $7. Sample by Dinll, IDc. Sample, by mall, Z8c. Peimants, Novelty ButtoDS, etc., 868 W, KadUoB St., Ohloaco. Feature Acts tor Fairs, Farki, OamlTali and «U Ontdoor Braota. EASTERN THEATRICAL. EXCMANtOB Is now placing Ground. Aerial, Unslcal, Animal and NoTeltr Acta ot arenr dMKrivUoa. for tar ^mplane FUgbta tarnished tor. all oceastoni. Addma qalek. WALTEB DeOBU, Kanager, Oem Theatre Bnlldtnv, ■t. Xmdi, II*.