Billboard advertising (July 1911)

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2 Xtie Billboard JULY 1, 1911. OPERA CHAIRS Hade with Steel Standards Never break Easy to set ap We makei for quick diipment. 100 ■o. to Aok for Catalog 303. Jp. CTAFnWP MFC. CO, CHICA60. THE WORUPS GREATEST THEATRE CHAIR flasitUT, 8pM*-WTiiw, Ilfa- Xa ' Jtim TUi Ohair Ii To Ibka -Ton BoiBMa enw. Writa Todjix for Ctrcnl«r C. HABSZSXT XrS, OOi, Oual Oanr, OUOp' OPERi=L CHAIRS /J LUONDS ?/ SEATIN G Royal METAiMrcG. CHAIRS . ALU METAL CHAIRS We on make tnunedlate shipment of All MeUI Otakiis, at tl.0O, 7. O. B. Factory. Tbla cliatr will no doubt meet wltii approval and' require' nkenta of Fire Underwrlten. For Sale^-Secosd- unid. One Fin Edlaoa UsdUae, ^10e;0O; Fower, witb flie tbmmt, gl5.00; good ai neir. MB- BBTT FILM BUmNG €0., IDS nnntb Am, PtttsbntK. Fa. CIRCUS CARNIVAL FAIRS K. Y. KIRA Managar and impcrtar of ROYAL SINHALESE TROUPES Par. Add.. 81 3rd Are., New York. M. t. CHEWING GUM nipesES HELMET GUM SHOP, - GINCiNNATL Dog River Valley Fair THIRTY-NINTH EXHIBITION September 5.6 and 7,1911, at Northf ield. Vt. F. A. J083CLN, General Saperlntendeht. NorthfieId,Tt. FOR SALE COMPLETE CANVAS OUTFIT Xent StalOO; 12-Iengtlt blues, 21 eunas bencliea, aOO tnrUe back xeserres, Btag^ oil. scenery, BOlte A 'Weyer li^ts, poles, atake poller, stakes, Marquee, property boxes, ete. $300.00 takes it. mZWORXK A SATEHFORI, Green City, Vo. FOS SA£E—Ozo Carbide Ontat, fOO.OO. One 40x50 Black Top and poles, without side walls, and bloe seats to seat about'400J ^Price. .$150.00 all.- One set. Scenery, 10x18, price, $30.00; one Xobin-Es. Mod.; complete, $65.00: Optlgraph Nos. Sfand'"■»; PaUie: Passion Play. H. 3.114 ft., rents $30.0O per week; sale, $150.00;,one 18x30, 7 ft walls, Ckincessioa leat, .i$50.00;.'be8t Film Service, 0 reelii. $8:0t> iier'wed;; 12. reels. $12:00: ; one-Power No. 5 nnderwrlters.' complete, used -. -I:;month, price $100.00; New Peerless Macliine; ■ #125.00. I want ail kinds of show and amnse- : - ment soodE. DIXIB FIUI EXCHAXGE. 812 .-Loenst Stre<.t. Owenslioro, Ky. CONTENTS Page EXPOSITIONS IN THE AMUSEMENT ASPECT... ; ...>.... 3 XnE SEASON'S STATK FAIICS 4-5 AMUSEMENT EVENTS OFTHEWEEK ".. 8 VACDBVItLB EVENTS OF THE WEEK ..i 1 THE AJIUSBMENT WEEK IN NEW YOEK... -..B THE VAUDBVIIXE WEEK IN NSW XOBK... i... .... ..'.v... 9 MOTION PICTUBB NEWS'.-. 1.iii.10 MOTION PICrnRE HBYIEWS 11 THE AMUSEMENT WEEk'"IN CHICAGO , .. .U... ^i. Vi THE • WEEK-IN CHICAGO !....-.-. 13 ilCSIC AND VATJDEVm,B :NEWS 14 THEMATICS' . • 16. EOITOBIAIi' .;;'ii;;;t;...,,.;.ViSi>^..,. 1« AVIATION .NEWS ; i...". 17 BIG CITTT NEWS ." .' ,. • 18 p.\RK NEWS V.'.....,.. ......... i...; i.. i ;fe.";v;; 20 FAIR NEWS .: ._ ". : 22 CIBCUS NEWS '..;.... 24 « IRCUS GOSSIP ........ .• 20 CAKNIVAI. NEWS 2S ROIXBB SKATING NEWS .-.f 29 FILM STNOPSES .'. : 30 ROUTES— ■ I , Performers .•^••..;;.«,.'';.;... . 84 Burlesque ;v......^^..... 40 Minstrel 40 Band.and Orchestra 1..... 40 Stock and Repertoire ...^....:.i..........'. 40 Dramatic and Mnslcal ^....'.... ...W:.. ...:.'...'.. 40 Circus .......V........:.;..i.-.v. S3 Carnivals .............. .-. . .... ;'.^... i i;.... ...... . ..i....; 55 PARK IJST V '....i.......... . 41 usT OF FILMS .:v............v:,.^...i......-...v;;...;.:vi..^....... 43 DIBECTOPY ..................................v................. ■ 4fi NEW FAIRS .............. 48 SHREET FAIRS 62 FOUETH OF JULY CBI<EBRATIONS 52 MriTBB LIST .. . f .,.,.....' ; . .;......-. ■.. 58 NEW COXVBSTIONS . . .i...^.'i . 60 roS BVBiTMiaPOSB 1.000 amss Tlie A. H. Aiilrsffs Go. ESTA&USHBD 1880 WBTB FOB CAT. No. I «T4-1T« W«MMM Avanoa, OHICAOO, IM. Sranohaa In'all laadlng elUaa, W KIT E r- O Ft R 1 C F. L. 1 S T *i CIGARS sio-oo I'KF* i . o o o, B A-is; o f: o L O tJ I S . 0.E;JNI EOEI3VI &l SOISIS iaS4 Oak Sfreei. - KAXSA-S: CITV, -.MO. ONLY $15.00—ONLY $15.00 For our Improved latest ilodel No. 6 Wonderful Ferrotype Machine, wblcli takes five styles of Pbotos;from a button.size op to a 2^-3^ square plate. It is reversible and is Just what yoii need for all-round work. Our Black Diamond Ferrotype plate'manntactared by the Straight Dry Plate Co., the best in 1801 and the leader to-day, 'Will not soften or yd' low and develops in 10 seconds. - OVS SBEBIAL rsaCBa ox SUPPLIES. Black Diamond Ferrotype Plates $.75 per 100 Black and assorted mounts .20 per 100 Button plates foi; all automatic bnt<:on madiines .......... .75 per lOO Developer, best of its kind , .15 per set Orders Sited the day received. %rite for free circulars. MKEBTOWV FEBBOTXPE. CO., K. K. Bmdy, OOMnil Ifanaiiori «5, UlS Bbnti^ Ealsted St., Chieaco, A NEW PISCOVERYI Picture Maelilne Operators The most wonderfol ImproTement In photography In thirty yean with the "Mandel" r n r PosMI've Paper Plates ' Yon make beautiful photos DIRECT ON THE PAPEiB WITHOUT THE USE OF NEGATIVES. The pictures are finished In about one minute with the "WONDBB" single solnUon developer. TIn-Typaa ara deemad. ' E vaty body wania Papar Phetoa. PR10E8. 1-lncb Genuine Paper Photo Bnituus. goaranteed to work in „. , all Button and Sleeve Cameras 60e per tuiw of 100 Guaranteed Oold.platod. 1%^% Genniae Paper Plates $0.65 per 100 SOX BBASB. 2^x3% Genuine Paper Plates i 1.25 per 100 l%x2% Monnts. best quality i .80 per 100 B eantlf nlly gnarmteed GiM Plated Frames, with plna, at 80e, $1.23, $1.79 per gtOM, DisvisUIPBB—"me Wonder Staq^ Solution Developer," the best dereloper In the wodd, 250 per aet. Send a d^oalt with each order; we will ship balance C. O. O, KH I W a fl O ZZSaOZYPB CO., CoDcnsa and Zaffin BtreeU, Dept. ISO. ChicaKo, SI. "D" FRAKE. 80a per groii, with pins. CHEAP SXKJSL rSAHX Theatre Chairs Absolutely Non-Brealtabl*. Soitable for amtll theatre and movina picture shows. \f« carry these chairs iif stock and can ship immediately. Secosd- . lund chairs, also I seating tor oot^ot- ■door use. Add. Dept. Ib. STBKL FUBSI. ITUBB .CO., Gtaal 'Baplds,' Mich. Bos. ton Offlee, - 224 Coo. greas Strset, Boston, New Tork OOee. ISO Fifth Avenge. B.B.&B. SPLCIAL THEATRICAL TRUNK MOREL ' 3*YEAS OUAKANTEE 2i.ln. se-in. SS-in. 30-in. a4-ln. $6.1n. SS-in. 40-in. 4S-in. $5.00 L.OOK AT THE PRICKI .. $10.00 . 11.00 .. 1S.00 .. 13.00 .. 14.00 .. 16.00 .. ie.00 .. 17.00 .. 18.00 .. IB.OO deposit raqolrad on a. O. D. Boiiad with oar Naw CoU>KoU«d Steal Bind* Ini. Thiee-idy B. B. A B. trunk wood, hand-riveted tipping tray. SEND FOB FREE OATALOOUE. B. B. & B. TRUNK COMPANY. smitiimM St.. 44T Woa«l St. 1M Padaral mt.. N. Faotery I S>>40 iaaballa St.. M. S. PITTSBURO, PA. When in the foUowing'oitiea save TDIl and EXPRESS 0HABQE8 1^ gettiiw "The Same Tnink," "Sams Ouaeantaa'' from the dealen below: New York, S. Z...........I....tiimbel Brottea Chicago, dl XanhaB FieM A Go. AInon, Ohio J. B. Bpesee Altoona, Fa ..Altoona Leather Goods Co. Anderson, Ind Bodson Bros. Augusta, 6a Angnsta Trunk Go. Baltimne, Md 0. J. Dunn Co.. (2 stores) Boston, Mass W. W. Wlubii Boston, Mass W, H. winaUp Bncyrus, Ohio B. B. BIra Buffalo, N. Y Fkank G. PhUUga Butte, Mont Montana Tmnk Faotmr Cincinnati, Ohio .......O^fl. Ellis A Soa — - - - -- xtnak Oo. Cleveland, O ..Ukly> ' Columbus, Ohio. .Walladi'B Crawfordsvilie, Ind. Cumberland, -Md..... Dayton, Ohio O. LeniB^rd's Denver, Colo Denver Trunk Faetin. Oe. Detroit, Mich Shadboldt * iOhaas Dolnth. Minn Twin ForU Ttafak O* Fort Wayne. Ind Patterson-Fletcnv Co. Foatoria, Ohio The Peter OlotUdi Ool Frankfort, Ind J. W. Ooaiter's«0H Grand Baplds, Midi. Paul Blfen Hamilton, Ont BaaiBton tjeatber Goods Oe. Hantlngton, Ind P. Dlek'a Soa A Oa. Indianapolis. Ind <%8S. <Mayer A Oo^ LaFayette. Ind Loeb A Hene.Os. lAbanon, ind Blbert FaUM Lima, Ohio... The Hoover Bonsh Oa. LOffusnort, Ind Schnwder ItJfi'^.Ot. IxtDlavlUe. r .LoaU-BlKboa ..pZ%.8t««( Leoiitiikrd's Boa- 5y .....Onttarle'a Trunk Stm Mlddletowa, O... .BtttsCa Hanesa * Buggy ot- MobUe. Ala Mobile Timk Ofc Newark. Ohio ...M._Pe» PhUsdelphla. Pa Wm. Oiwi PortrHoioeu HUfe omaabamHtneiaO^ Fortland, Me J. Ij. Braek^ *Oo. PorismoDtb, Ohio Jolm hmi Pravldenee. R. I Berry * us. Blebmond, Ind .....lUUcr Bsneia Oa. Saginaw, Midi ,H » e rmaii Trnnlt OJ. Savannah. Ga . .llMlltiitVgrBak rtetMf - Sprlngfleld, Mto.. i..;. .^,.Jjla. , KeCnUOja Syraense, N. Y......SWWlWeTsS?* ?S' TUBn, Ohlto '....' ^...J U jUS .gW'Mp iL^ ™S5^ Wo".'.'.".'.".'.'.'r^f?^frai^gten & C0. TMBton, N. J V...JSf!? Wsshlngton. D. O.....Becker'a Deatbw Oo^ Oo. Wheeling, W. Va ;i • • • • V-J*"Afl'SS WUkea-Batre, Pa Harvey H. KomnaM Zaneavllle. Ohio The Wsmer Stun . The Theatrioal Prof anion will app»*> ate the •aving of time and eseeiaiTe •*■ presB chargeeby this anangemeBt. Wateh ajg lit growl - FIUI PBI0E8 BMABHED—4 reels Filni. set Song Slides, bottle Film ..Cement, Metal suae Carrier, 12.000 :Admission Tickets, Gas 0"'": all for $42.60; 50 FalesHne fflWes, »;60: Pagton Flay, bargain; Mr P.;3tadyD«e mrU, Ms* WUl exchange Plahoifpr^gii,•■Machines, offers. LOOK BOX 184.->W4aiPiP>blO.I J_^__^ lusnr $176 M. ^msm^'^'^^&^r^^- Edison's, cheap. O"." '""i^'"' t ' Model B, $18-, 78.^1pM«i«'.-$«-, stamp. F. L. SMIT^-Amsterdam, .N. Y. _ IB Aaamriw Adi, JtetiMi.THS BIIXBOABD.