The billboard (July 1911)

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TMi^ <e B111 b oar a fl Sliiiin ■ OHM. „ ' Bert B. pr. 0. F. ii, Fwnk S. D. .•;i:b. re. B. I-. ^ _ Itjont, J«i-k B. Her, Earl (M. P. J. ter, Wm. ;ter, Hirrj B. u), Etrl er, W. W. tell ft Bmrar mttt. Oltadi* tt, Jo». W. lor. B. H. vett. Htraball ictot, Geo. B. 'Chiw, a*o. ic, ato. w. !, Frei ■Mowtkej, AatOB rertjs, Tb» t Bujolpli, James Wis- •too . ikls, Tom .port..N. r.. Jer, J«hn Idto. John D. Rathbnrn, Lon ' tllff. A. O; ■ lr«, Everett tond. Mavrlc*' 9, A. -H. B«rt .ttUt, Pels tenbere. Curlej Mj, Johnnie Will WlUle lee,.Jaltan B.. Ira. Joe e, J Boms e. 0. B. aww bman. A. B. :S8. Wm. ip*!, cauB. Jr. cUe, AL iblni, Thames Its, VnO. Tti. Otaarile Ttson. Joa. I,. Inaon, James II. I Wgert, Jim ■r«, T. O. re. F. J. ilni, asaaoss 9. «t. W. M. Wonaer Beiis- Mtke Peter IS, Martin lOin ft VdgsM . ■mtrce. BUythe nueja, Tbe Great keU, a. A. we. Buddie iral AnAiee. Oo. loiter. W. If. iipbtdd, J. A. J. W. aael. F. W. Lpmerford, DiiA ith. Mr. o. •an. Mike l|ddle. W. If. Clatr, Biiner em, BUI aioa, Mr. it. ibora. J. A. dow ft Fans't see. Ranr inera, Fred Hinders, Cnrley iwyer, 0. O. »wyet A rvLIna mardlne Bro«. »l«f. Harry ■Mller, Carl Jan. B. W. ''roya, TUe ^nyIer. Carl 'tty * Salu '7, F B ijBwiik Famny Ifprt. John 'Selhy, Art L. i«fiT. .\rr. Ftcd larlta. Dan U artel. Ben law. Dare P. »ak. W. H. ^sley. J. U, i^lby, J. T. Wiley, Roy B leltoD, Charles »1b.f. Jaa. wnkel. R. 0 lerwooa. Poniia li-lils. John H. Ml. J. F. iwt. W. L rtlng. Mr. B. Ivprstetn, Sam J'er. Jamea »|'r». Ed. F. It. B. mpKon. Bob lOEli'lon. Joaeph ■ »mor«, A. U F"ier. .Tohn F. ™rt Set Show «• Leans Ith. w. W, IJIi. Cornoy B. Ith. (J. w Ith. R. W. ; Kainii a. il'liSMn, Jenap p ("""'"'•iTB. Carl Joilln. Marlon Z. ' "iliTilpr, , ~inii>rvHe. ij V. "lern. FlPABk "^••rn, A. Sonthwlreh,' B. iL' Spenee. Oliver UpessardT, Psol Steoley, Walter tStanwell, BlUy lUevena, WUl B. Btspbene, h, J. dtewart, Cliaa. ifteele. Oeo. Stephen, Francis merlins, Bd. Stewart, W. H, Stewart, Frank Stiff, B. O. •••Stlrea. Fred stone, I» B, Stune, Cliarles :,. litopeek, Bmoj . Eitorey. Jerry Stout, H. V. storey.- B^b. ••Strodd, W. Strode, W. A. Stuart,' G. B. Stncker, Peail Stnmpt, Oeo, Snmers, IaoIs Summer, ttvmf Batter, J. H. Swala. W. I. Swarts, Prof. Gbas, Swift, B07 Swiabera * _.. Tkit. Wbltney Tarr, Walter B. Tart, ..Corbett Tate, Betb Taylor. Walter Taasne, Bmoiy ••leaner, W. T. Teller, iTar, DabI Tendehoa, Mr. ••Tea BIyek. .WaMar , nioaias, W. A. Tbomas, Jds H. . Tbomaa. J. J. TbompsoDt-JfelTlii. , TbTwlman, «seak ••Tlntoo. B. W. TltUwortb, Jobn Todd Bron, Hmw Tbkeyo, T. O. IVippIni;. J. P, ••Toasell, Dick ••ToTey. Jamea J. ToasI, Joba Tracey, J. C Train, Nell B. Traak. Clarenea U'sTolr. Ofa TtSTls. BlIlT V. Traylor, O. B. Tteater, Barry Trover, S. E. iXiBlB, Fay Turner, Jack Turner, Oleason Tyree, Arcb 3*pton. Dr, Wb. underwood, Barl Vadea, The Valeno ft His Baad ••Valentino. Hobt. Van Buren, Leir Vaody, W. T, Vms, Tbe Two ••Varten Walter Varley. Ctaas. Vanitbn. W. J. Vangbna, C. a. Vernon, BulTalo ••Vetter. J. K. Vie!, Victor A, Wadden, Doe Wagner, Jos. ». Wagner, Frank" Wales, O. D. , Walsbr Olareae* >. Ward. Cbas. .Ward, Joe Warren. Happy Hal Warrleka. tS,' Waahbum, O. A. Ward, H. B. Warren; Bros. Show Wataon. Oca. P. Webb, Tboa, a Weber, Howard Weber. Mr. B. Webater. Howard Wenand. H. Welch, William Weltch, Bsale ••Welah. -Lkw ••Weacott. M. B. Wealey, z^fnn Weatlake. W. West ft Wlllta West, T. What, H. O. Wbetton ft OaaasB Stock 00. Wblte, Edward White, Will W. •••Whitewell.- Cbas B. Wblttaker. Sam Wlebe, Cart Wiley. Jack Wiley, Walter Wllkea. Mont* William, Paul Wllllaros, Harold Williams. Ban Williams, Prof. Bob. Williams. t«a Vas Williams. Matt Willis. J. R. • WlTann, Ira Wllaon, Ali I,. Wllaon, B, WIndes. A. X,. windacb, a; T. Wlnton, Bernard Wneckner, Bd. Woemian. Joa. Wooflyard, T. J. •••Wood, Will Woolaey, F. 8. Woiinily, Jobn B, Wrisht. Oeo. W. ••Wrigbt. H. P. Writht A Btanlsr Wyamt. B. A. ••Tamamnto Bros. ••Yaw. Bdgar Don Tin Vn«hlda, K, ■ Voiing irr. W. Vsong. liaslla 5?areMo, Onnut Kednavs, Tbs . Zlwke, Boot. .WANTED—A Bl««k T*m> VMl^^^i^^J^ Jar good:-eondlMon fuOLPH 'ikVXai. ll^tti^^ -IN THIS^ LETTER LIST Alwayt give forwarding addreu far enough in advance to reach you. Advertised lettert are held for 30 days, and H unclaimed ar« forwarded to the dead letter office. Tlie Tallapoosa C^ufity^^^ft^ at Alexander pity, Ala.,^; • ^OCTOBER :3,.:4; j5, !..:v' ;' V- Are opea to contract, wltb' aeTrral Free Attrsctlons, and ei^t or tek at liga n toTttaiwa f» Midway. Uaoy thousands expected In attraidanee. Address A. ». rBOtTA*, •■~~*~" WAH TED-WA IITED Good tlilooffler for Saake Show. Will Adams and Wm Johnson, wire your address at once. Also want boss butcher, two cushion meD,-geed4-{ toy balloon peddler. Address Jaesl RidPiii,SaaEcr's Caibned Sbows, Belding, Mich., Jtily 25; Banyton, 26; Newygo, 27; Freemont, 28; Whitehall, 29. Lady Slide Tronifeone Player At Liberty B. and O. Sight Beader, experienced. Also Piano, orchea tra only. Address LINNIB O. SANFORD, 43S M. Market St., WlcUta, Kan. MAN AND WIFE Who can andiences, -wanted for old and strictly reliable medfclne sbow under can- vas. Long engagement and good salary. Tbis Is no **8leep on the lot" proposition. Write qnlck and tell It all. SLOAN REMEDY CO., TezarkADa, Ark. WANTED A Slack or Tight Wire Walker. Trick Blcj- cllst or two Comedians for free attractions (or taat days, at not over $75.00^ EAST TENMES- 8BH FAIR ASSOCIATION, Sweetwater, Tenn. WANTED Tnba, Trombone, Baritone. Also performers do- Inc two or more single acts. RIPPEI, BROS.* WAGON SHOW. Strewn. HI.. 28: CWfax, Ang. LeRor, Ang. S; Flsber, Aug. 9. WANTED-4 CORNETS At once for tbe Blondln Show, good strong Cor- net. Band and Orchestra, Comet doable 2nd Violin, Comet double etage. Comet double Trap Drums. Must be sood. sober and reliable, and loin on wire. Otheta write. Address I.EO BIA>NDIN. ]>Igb, Keb., 3nl7 28: Clarkaon. Neb., July 29: Howells, Neb.. Inly SI; Dodge. Nek. Angnst 1. -WANTED— Second-Hand Merry-go-Round In good condition. Either steam or electricity, for nse In jracksonTnie, Florida, by September i. Must be reasonable and deltrery prior, to above date certain. Send' full panicnlars to L» T. TKOiunCOH» Citro XaokaonviUa Bleotrio Co., TacksonTiUe, Fta. WANTED A Singing Sonbrette, for a partner In a Wost- em VanderlUe Sketch, or a L-ady Rifle Shot. Write tASSO SUM. Jonctlon City, Kan.. R. R. No. 2. THE MAN FROM THE WEST COMPANY Wants two good ClarIiK.t Players, another Slide Trombone. and Gentleman to double stago. Man to double bcaRs. Two-car teof show. Carl RohlnsoD write, FR.ANTS WIKRZ, Band Master; C. L.. BRICKSON, .Manager, Conway. Ark,, July 29; BentOD 31. WAHTES—First-class Clarinet Player, for six weeks* enfrasement at Olendale Pnrk. KasbvUle, Tenn. Salary. tlS per week. Write or' wire. O. B. OASTON, TOO Oedar Street, KasbTinc, Tenn. WAirrEI>—First-class man to run a gnesslng scale. Will , receive one-tbim or receipts. Ad- dress C. S. BNDERBS, Coner Island,' Cincin- nati, Ohio. WANTED—Spedaltli's for Free Atttactlona (or tbe week beginning August 28. . ;(o takirs Bee<i write. Notblng bnt bigta-elass work wanted. Addresa KBNNEDX*S FAIB. Strdlnia... Obio. OOOD JOB FOR A>1 .PIANIST Who can Alng, . Qood Job; ateadr emploTmsBt Address DBBAMIAND TBBATBB. Oreenwood MIsa. •. ■ ■ ■ r ▼ATOEVIIXS WAXrtXS—At tlte Sad OoimtJ' ffiiT. ADtnBt s, **: lOiiUiito piar at AnaimciBK OB percentage. r:|IDB, SZttOHMBIKB,.Sserstaqr, Sac XHtr, -Vmi-;,'-- ■ ■.: • • • GR£AT i. MUSKOGEE (OKLA.) October 9 to 14, 1911. Wanted-CARNI V AI^ COMPANlf Very liberal rates to first-class company.' Muskoeee is' a city of 30,00tf. Our Fair follows Springfield, 111^ Sedalia. Mo., OkliBliojiiaLCitj^'aik^HW- cedes Dallas, Tex., Tulsa, Okla., Ft. Smith, Ark. ; WILKES-BARRE FAfR SEPT. 4, 5, 6, 7, 8,1911, DAY AND NIGHT r Address R. IRELAND, Secy. Luzerne County Fair Assodation.-'V^nikefi- Barre, Penna~ Wanted! mm ANY' GOOD CARNiyAL ^ Terms. 40 per cent. I famlsb all after Joining to moneysetting Attractloos.Oood openlss tot PilTileges. Come on, you know my territory. Want to bear from'party'that fet^ Tetft,'-*); wltb 30 middle;, make price right. 'Wanted—Circus Acts for my one-ring dicos. Gbosf'-wo^eTery lyednesda'y. Any act suitable -wire. Salary, yonr lowest: ten all llr*t letter.! k(t»t M vbia to join on wire. Rbnte: Greenville, Pa„..;.nly~!il^^: Newcastle, Pa:, Jnly Sl-Angnft 9:° W*ll«Tlllt ~ 7-13; nhTicbSTlUe. O., Angnst 1^19; WbeeUnc. -W.'Ta.. Ancost a»'28i-^'AddnM'3'. ~ O. KASPXOK, Ksnacer. 6 ANOTHER BIG ONE! ! —DAYS AND NIGHTiS 4-^S AT PENSACQLA, FLORIDA . Nov. 6 to 11, Inclusive. . * C^aiRessIons of all kinds wanted. (No graft.) Ko exclnslTes. Come one, come aO. Barkaal^a_Bt| Amusement Company furnishes all attractions. Five big FMS Acta and blS Band." 8odnttla||-d» Ing. all the time. Write to lEW ROSE. Suite 808-9.'Blonnt Bldg., Pqisacola^ Blorlda.: T"\ " ... WANTED . . .--'.n: FOR THE THIRD ANNttAL POW wow At Noble, III., August S3, 34. S and 39. 1 good VandeTllle Show. 1 good'nicatre aoir t<a gronnds; also I big,' One Attraction. For Partlcnlais see B. 'B. DACKnr,-Sscy., Vobb, -HL T BIG KITTANNING Auguat 16-16-17-18, 1911 FAI R WILL BE THE BEST EVER THIS YEAR.—Wantedi Ferris Wheel, Cood Shows, Concessions of all kinds. Cood -money for eTerybodT at KlttaiinlllC.; Pa., this year. Aildnss OEOHGE K. EUHE, PrivUeea Kanacer. THOnSAMDS DAILY WILL ATTEND THE OBEkT . " ' V ROCKLAND COUNTY FAIR Sept. 4-5-6-T-S, 1911. ORANGEBURG. N. V. . , . .- DAY AND ■SlGJa.t. Yoa'd better be there. Mr. CoaeesaloBalre. . 88. ma of nnequaled successful management and satufactioo to concessionaires and pnblle alike. , CESSION'S NOW OP&N. tfxA shows, freaks, riding devices, snake sbow. box. baU, aooTenlra, games, animal shows, shooting gallery, knife rack, ca ne r ack. African Dip, inoTelttes, BbetM, and dozens of others. Liberal terms. Address O. A. BAUER, Sopt. of Ooncvsaioaa, Sparlrill, -.If. T. WANTED - FQr K. of P. SOCIAL CLUB GARHIVAL AM H0ME4;0MING, fiERMANTOWIj, 0^^^^^^^^^^ August l'i-20^Four or fiyts pay shoots, merry-go-round, Ferris whed, free^tttnetiOD^ aiod good conceaBiong. ■ E. O. BECHTOLT, Secretwry'^Gwaiaat*^ O.. VU MinUA^ SESXm VBRIDH TRK 'w"-^™"*'* WMl T lJili;