The billboard (Aug 1911)

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AUGUST 12. 1911. The Bill b o o r d 29 CARNim^EWS Parker Shows Close Temporarily—"Red Onion" Voices a Few Opinions and Tom North Conies to the Front with a Budget of Breezy Items NOTES FROM PARKER'S NO. 3. Leavenworth, Kan.. August 1.—The Parker Sliuw.s No. a liave returned to the Parker bead, quarters alter a month's tour of Kansas. On ai-count of the extremely dry weather and the pimwimut effect on the show business. Con r Kenn.ily. general manager of the Parker SiioBB. decided to close temporarily and reopen August 20 in another stat; where the weather '.millions were more favorable. No. 3 carried IS cars and a splendid line of shows. The op- ting will be in time for the many state fair lates they have secured. George Callahan, who tronned with the Par- , r Shows for eight years, was a visitor at Headquarters. He will leave to take charge of mine amusement devices for C. W. Parker in Colorado. Charles Kidder and Jim McKinney were vis- t«rs at the factor*- They will leave at once o join No. 1 at Begins. Saak., Canada. Conwell and MllllKan. who have been ent _.lth the New Exposition Shows, closed with Jiat company and are now out with the Camn- iell United Shows. B. V. Conwejl was a vis- tor at the barker offices July 3o. 'Owing to -iolendid business be came in -and ■ made the Ids! payment on his 16.100 three-horse carry- is all. Mr. Conwell states that the Campbell Jolted Shows will be at Schuyler. Neb.. this veek at a big celebration being held by Schuy- er and another town on the completion of a iridge connecting them. He- says the receipts or his carry-us-aH will reach 11,200 for the reek. Conwell formerly o Derated a Ferris rheei with the Cosmopolitan Shows No. 2. Fred Herahell will Join the New Exposition Itiows. which are owned and managed b- Chuck leeks, with a new tbxee-abreast carry jus-all. ilr. Hershell has been at the Parker factory or the past week, and in speaking of the Ex- ositlon Shows, says that business Is good, ,-ith splendid prospects for this fall. C. W. Parker commenting on the drought nd general weather conditions In this section f the country, says that reports he receives ulicate good prospects for amusements In ;<vtliern Texas. Central Oklahoma and por- ions of Iowa and Missouri.' Kansas has been it badly, bnt conditions are improving Is the entral part of the state. Last week at Brandon. Man., Can., was a omlerful week for No. 1. According to the 'jwts received from there, the- shows struck very rich territory. The next two weeks will e them at the Dominion Exposition, Begins, jsk. Chuck Meeks, owner and manager of the New ^position Shows, visited the Parker factories st week. Earl Stroud Is managing Pharaoh's Daughter how at the Horse Show at Shelly Park. Kan- is City, this week, while J. George Roy has lie Crar- House Show. Fred Herschell Is also derating his new Parker jumping-horse carrv- s-all at Shelly Park. Kansas City, during he Horse Show. CARNIVAL CONVERSATION. By "BED ONION." They have started South. ♦ The crying need of most managers Is fore- u>ught. How many of them book more than ve weeks ahead? Workers and not posers are wanted In this uslness. Fact not theory. ♦ F. A. Brigham, who was the general agent, st season for the Polhlll Amusement Com- ny, was a visitor to the carnival In Rahway. ■ J- By the way, where Is the Poihlll Com- ^.ny this season? Everyone speaks well of Pol- ' ♦ The Bremen In Plalnfleld, N. J., want a car- Ival. See the chief—not police. Who Is the best queen contest promoter? here Is Plets? Where is Stuart? * T. C. Toungman and 7. A. Campbell, two ever fellows, are operating a new concession, sown as the Miniature Automatic Race-horse ran*. They have been on the road 11 weeks id their attraction has been a winner. ^ + There is an unusual demand for trained wild liraal shows at the fairs. I take pleasure In idorsing the two Ferarl Shows. Backman's, dwards' and Smith's and two others. ♦ Victor D. Levett goes back in the game soon, e won't tell anymore. + Sam Barney Smith, at; the Mohawk Pines. «y, N. Y., recently. He is operating a half «en concessions at that resort. He will play ■Mrs this fall. * George L. Mcfarlane, the press agent, raves iisly: "It has remained for Fred Mitchell of illside park, N. J., to make the latest, and ■ooaWy the most Important discovery in the Jmal training line in recent years. By this I ■ er to Captain Peter Taylor, a mere boy, who •;v Is bundling the big Hon feature act with i. trancls Fcrnrl's new show, and who already » demonstrated that the Bonavltas, the Rlcar- * "id Johannlngs must look to their laurels. ". JS 04 authority I am told that Taylor Is » IS years of age, and he looks the part. Yet ' handles his lion group and the other animals the Ferarl Show with the skill, daring and "i judgment of a veteran. At the same time miist be admitted that the young man belongs the veteran class, as he was raised In the miai bnsin'.ss, and played among the lions as f. * ,er0 R o boy plays among bla puppies and ,,'B S - . Hn served his apprenticeship on the I'lnent and in England, and was brought to Is country by Frank C. Bostock. It was Mr. "cliell. however, who gave him hla first good chance at the Bartel animal farm. From there be has passed to Ferarl, and unless my judg. ment is all at sea, the animal men will bear a lot mure about Taylor before many moons have passed." Having sten Taylor work 1 en- dorse Mr. Mcfarlane's opinion of the "kid" ver- batim. So be It, Horatius, turn loose the lions. rf * i - John P. Martin, the well-known, but very silent theatre promoter, paid a visit to the car- nival in Uahway. N. J. Mr. Martin Is asso- ciated with some of the big Interests. He has a habit of promoting picture shows wherever he thinks one Is needed. So much for ability. * Have yon ever heard a so-called talker get np In front of a show and say: "Ladies aud gentleman; .1 am not going to take up your time with a tiresome and lengthy talk regard lng the merits of this attraction," Then do exactly the opposite and when be was through nothing bad been said that convinced the pub- lic that he know what he was talking about. A real talker-uses tact and does not contradict himself. Deny this,, orators. " - + I heard Col. Francis Ferarl make the first opening on his show. In Rahway. He mikm good without an effort. DanBar's Goat and Pony-Circus is framed up and" run lh a real sbowmanlike manner. The ballyhoo baud is the beat I have heard this season. * Mr. and Mrs. A. (Frenchv and Mable) Du- mont made money In Nyack. N. X\, with their concessions. They go to France this winter. Prof. W. Heckler, a great German student of "lingology," , has out two companies putting on his celebrated flea performers. Heckler displays considerable showmanship iu Ms frame ops and ' shows the value of clever talk in connection with the performance. Rudolph, the trained flea, is featured with his Number 1 Company, and believe me "Budie" Is some "bug." ♦ I W. H. <Si) Cleveland is summering and win- tering in Kingston, N. Y. Si is running a mov- ' lng picture show, (Si) hss many friends in the business of conniving. Where Is "Buck" Tur- ner? I * Tompkins' Wild West opens the fair season week Aug. 22 at Bangor, Me., followed by a cir- cuit of fairs in New York state. The feature of the show aside from * H e excellent wort of Mr. Tompkins in rid! and roping are: Miss Mable Hackney and r dancing horse. I Vardins: Chief White Cloud In a bow and arrow Impalement act, using Little Margaret Smil- ing Face as the target. Cricket, the Georgian ' Pickanninnie Clown, and his donkey. Pretzel: Master Robert Dunlap and the beautiful edu- cated bronco Indian Chief aud three of the great- est bucking broncos in the world, Commancbe. Spot and Ponchita. In addition to these features he puts on a regular real Wild West perform- ance by real sons and daughters of the ranch and plains. The roster or the show: Charles H. Tompkins, general manager; Mable Hackney treasurer; M. A. Turner, general agent; H. W. Turner contracting agent: George L. Mcfarlane, press agent: Wm. Anraette. bandmaster: Chief White Cloud, in charge of Indians; Ed. Running Dog. Henry Kokomoka, Joe Wolf. White Cloud, Pete Red Jacket. Lizzie White Cloud and Mar- garet Smiling Face. Chief of cowboys and girls. James Pidcock: Ed. Fog, Will Moore, Clin- ton Sheopard and Dolly Yarden. The general merit of the Tompkins organization is too well- known to need further comment. Henry Meyerhoft says he "is In the carnival business to stay." Will he? I give hlnj credit for his ability to get shows together. No more now. .; George W. Tomasso passed through New York recently. He said he had one or two proposi- tions under way which he would jratllne In The Billboard as soon as his plans are complete. It will be remembered that Tomasso was the first man to book a carnival company Into Cuba. The company made money. ♦ C H. (Doc) Sterns, the well-known talker, has been on the front of the Francis Ferarl Animal Arena for the past eleven seasons, miss- ing only one season. I think that is a record that speaks well for Stearns' ability and at- tention to duty. He holds the record. ♦ Norfolk. Key West. Coldwater, Meridian, Dc- catur. McKeesport. -Knoxville Houston and Flint are all excellent carnival towns. GREATER UNITED SHOW GOSSIP. By TOX NORTH. Over at Oshkosh. Wis., the week of July 24, the Greater United Shows, nnder the auspices of a local organisation In that city played to a tremendous business. Monday night the weather was of such chilliness that led one to believe it was a winter festival he was attending In place of a summer festival, as advertised. At the paid gate the turnstile registered 4.1S6 paid admissions, and this In the-face of ex- treme cold weather. Conditions brightened up a bit the next day and also warmed up a bit. and the turnstile registered over 6 000, and so It continued until the end of the week. Rain Saturday night spoiled what might have been the largest attendance a paid gate carnival has ever experienced. Satisfaction given by the Greater United Shows was of the very best. City officials and everybody was pleased.^even to the Methodist folks who surrounded the lot and who also out no a meeting stand Inside the enclosure. Absolute cleanliness of. the greater United Shows has placed Messrs. J. B. Warren and E. F. Orrnthera In the fore ranks of the carnival business. Starting down the Hat of the attractions with the Greater United Shows, from the circus to the smallest pitch. I will try to tell you the "Who's Who." The big one-ring circus and wild animal show Is under the general management of J. Frank Longbotham: Geo. Hodge. announcer; Fred C. Locke and Mrs. Geo. M. Hodge, ticket sellers; Geo. F. Holland, equestrian director, and the following Hollands as riders, clowns etc.: John F.. Will. Gilford. James. Bert, Mr.?. John and Mrs. Geo. F. Handling the wild ani- mals. Cant. Joseph Murohv and Capt. Curly Stecker; Bob Armor has charge of the canvas: Reggie Mow. assistant boss cuuv-isuinn; Geo. Detterville, boss animal man; ' l-'re.l Wasrner, boss pony man, assisted by Chas. ilriffin; Wbliy Wbite. boss chandelier man. With Maxine, the educated mnle (the male with the human brain): Thos. West, sole «wuer and manager; show Is under the direction of C. L. "Doc" Campbell, who is also the talker; equestrian director. Chas. Bennett, as- sisted bv Laura Bennett. The band is under the direction of M. F. Warren, with the f-l!ow- lne members: John Lawson. Chas. Wilson. Hud- ley B. Warren, Will S. Hunter, Leon Wheatley. Edw. Warren. Nelson Ware and Chas. Fifilar. The ticket sellers are Chris Fahrbach and Chas. West: boss canvasman. Curly White, and Chas. Butler, groom. A large commissary department also accompanies this organization. The Fair Amusement Co. has the noodle dogs. The tremendous business tbey are doing Is the talk of the country—$2,700 at Marinette, Wis., for the week. Getmaa has the cook house, or In parlance of carnival language, the "grease Joint." W. S. Hears' Human Roulette Wheel Is a veritable mint. Lon Williams hss the picture show, little horse and penny arcade. The regular, genuine "Indianapolis" Miller has the Carousel, Lew Finch has the Hoop-la and a pair of baby racks. Lon likes to harmon- ise and also talk of the time when he gets to St. Louis to see Dan Flsbell and play the pi- ano. Mrs—Armstrong has the fat. folksy-Mr. ~*"ry has the Candy floss, and cider mill- andVA T. Wright claims that Fry is the only man who has made money with the floss candy. Chas- Tyler, with his Electrical City, Is the hit of the show from the educational standpoint, from the mechanical standpoint and from the stand- point of every one that sees It. Mrs. Tvler is the ticket seller and treasurer, the latter be- ing necessary on account of Mr. Tyler's recent serious escapade. Geo. Kadic is tbe orator and half owner of the Octopus. Mr. Kadic derived his ocfoous education at the Bay of Nanles. Italy. Can Andrews Is the manager of the attraction- Little Lord Roberts, the human doll, 1» the prime attraction, under the management of S. C. Kanter; Tom Hurd is the lecturer, and the two pianists are Miss Krause and Elmer Notts. Little Lord Roberts tells me he Is with the United Fair Booking Association this summer simply for a vacation. As soon as the carnival season ends, Roberts returns to the United Time for the fall and winter. Now comes the incomparable Jake Sternad and his Nap.-nees. Jake has more than made good with his boys and gh-ls under canvas* this season. He is his own manager and lecturer. His company consists of Vera Noble, Martha Cyper, May Whitfield. Ethel Roberta, Hazel May. Alonzo Pettlcord. Bar Knmmery, John Kearney. Lawrence Leland and Chas Rialt. The stage Is nnder the direction of Petticordj r Coultto Allen is the managing director; Edwin "Spike " Long has charge of the tickets; Pink has charge of the mess, assisted by BUI Thomas and Bill Simpson; John Dardin has the canvas, assisted 'by Chas. Evelyn. Jake's "eats" are the same as procured at any first-class cafe, and a great deal better than many so-called first-class cafes. C Kanter hss a new feature In the Umbrella Wheel; be is assisted by Sid Potter and Henry Wolf. Geo. H. Schafer has tbe Vamnire production* Ed- H. Bell, announcer; Jack Douglas, llluslon- (Continued on page 58.) ffi]?|Kp]^^^^^»> "a^iaSptlonT ^^^8S^^^^ WHteJor^pHcea 8tee. Per 100. Ter 1000 SSSrnwI WfS.wMr' 4x12 Ofal Yon Kid S2.60 anvSS? 4x12 Souvenir 3.60 $23.00 «£J5£T gsara :::::::: 1:8 S:8 g^«> ! ?i ^ axTS ny ET m. 0 , f I. 4 i 5 c" TO J^^t -Wish I Had a - - at.' ■_]!■* sa—n mini is» ii SIMM l Girl; For Ladles Only;' Cheer Up, There Ain't No ^/aJ^j^*^SLLi^^mmSi?^rtTiatA-'j- Hell: If Yon Want to Fight. Join the Army TC^iallUll Per 100. 85c; per 1,000, $8. ^aSiMWI" Special Inscriptions to order. Write for prices. . »v SMASH-—CRASH. ■ ' taunt The Latest Horelty Creation. The Greatest Catch Out. f ssi w- — ^i^sbshrsbi: When dropped reproduces a loud, startling sound of mS3^^ •* jSmRHIbWBWBI window glass broken in thousands of pieces. Per doz. ^- *"—**——--- " 60c; per gros s. $7. Ssmpie by mail. 15c F. STERN THAT,, Mfr. of Novelties, Pennants, Novelty Buttons. Etc., S68 W. Madison St., Chicago. CARNIVAL WANTED MEDINA, N. Y. August 24, 25 and 26 Under tbe auspices of the Chamber of Commerce. Attractions of all kinds wanted. Pay Shows, Concessions, an Airship. Would consider an organized Carnival Company that can deliver good clean attractions. This is the first Carnival or Street Fair ever held In this city, and we expect the business. • Address GEO. H. VerBECK, 409 Mutual Life Bldg. - - BUFFALO, N. Y. WANTED—SHOWS AND ATTRACTIONS FOR MIDWAY AUSPICES OF 60th & Market Sts. Business Men's Association With privilege of entire week. 100,000 people in this vicinity. Strictly percentage basis. Address with full particulars, I. D. MILLER, 5909 Market St., Philadelphia, Pa. WANTED AT THE GREAT LAKE COUNTY FAIR HELD AT LIBERTYVILLE, ILL., September 5 to 8, inclusive. Where we have an attendance of 20,000 good spenders on the big day. A Merry-go-ronnd, Honse of-Biases, Moving Picture Show, good, clean Vaadeville Show. Wrestling Match, Lunch Counter, Wild West Show, Knife Back, Cane Backs, African Dips; in fact, anything that la not gambling. For terms, call on or address C. H. SMITH, Snpt. Privileges, Hhertyville, SI. WANTED—ATTRACTIOHS AND CONCESSIONS FOR Street Cariival at Dundee, Mich., Aug. 31-Sept. 1 Tell all in first letter. Address H. M. EGER, Secretary, - - DUNDEE, MICH.