The billboard (Oct 1911)

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38 Ttie O ill board OCTOBER 7, 1911. DRAK&TIO & MVSICAL AngHn . Haxsaiet, Is Green Stockings, Uebler . ^- C., Oct. 2, iadef. Arab, The, Henry B. Harris, mgr.: N. Y. C. Si*-pt. £», indef. ^'J?*v/''2W^ ^ DIsraeU. Uebler & Ob., mgrs.: N. X. a.. Bept, 18. Indef. ■ ^vmstzoDS: lumlcal Comedr Co.. Edward Ann- Strang.msr.: Los Ang e l m , OsL, Jnljr 8, In- dec. Alma. Wbeie Do Xoo Ure, with Tndy Sbat- tuck. Henrr Toimg, mgr.: WaaUostoa, D. C. 2-7; Baltimore, Md., 8-14. At Sunrise. Darrell H. Ii;all, mgr.: Appletnn, . MUm.. 4; Clinton S; Browns Valley, S. D., 6: Wlieaton, Minn., 7; Campbell 9; Elbow Idike 10; OsakU 11; Long Prairie 12: Wadena 13; Boraltnn 14. Aroond tbe Clock. Gns HIU, mgr.: Baltimore, Md.. 2-7; .Norfolk. Va., 9-14. A Million. HencT W. Savage, mgr.: Syracase, W. Y.. 2-4; AlbanT 6-7: N. I. C, ». Indef. At tbe Old Cross Boads, Artfaor C. Alston, mgr.: . iUon.. K, X., 4; Dtica S.6: Watertown 7; VtKbm 8; Oimilen 10; Oswego 11; Syra- .•;vf cine:'vl2-I4.. ■ . ■ Abora EngUab Qrand Opera Go., Milton & Sar r: gent Abom. mgra.: Tmmto. Can., 2-7; Buf- falo. N. Z.. 9-14. AcroSK the Padflc. State & Havlln, mgrs.: Col- ^^^^ : O., 2-7: Ololedo 8-14. At the Merer of TIberlns. Glaser & Stabr, mgrs-: Buffalo. N. Y.. 2-7; !Earanto, Can., 9- 14. _ Aviator, Tbe. W. VT. Troosdale, mgr.: Horton, i Kan., 4; Holtcm 5: Leavenworth 6; HaryrUIe, Mo.. 7; Atchlson,/Kan., 8: MarysvlUe, Kan., 9: Beatrice, Neb.f 10; Fairbnty 11; Concordia, ! Kan... 12;: .caay Center 13; Manhattan 14. Admiv Man^; in Oiaatacler. Ctaaa. Xkoh- i maa^: mgr.: cteT^land. O., 2.7; Detroit. Mich., 9-14. - 'Andecsoa Sisters* Mnslcal Comedy Co., Jack ; ' IieBogr. mgr.: Jackson, Tain., 25-Oct. 7. Allmi; BlUy. Musical Comedy Co.. W. H. Har- der... mgr.; Waynesboro, Pa., 2-7. Affair in the Barracks. The, Uebler & Co., mgrs.: CUcago, lU., 0<^ 2, Indet. Angel and the Ox:- Boston. Mass., 2-7. Alma.: Where Do Yoa live, Jos. M. Weber, mee.: Selma. Ala.. 4; Mtntgomety 5; Mobile .«-7. Baby Mine. Wm. A. Brady, mgr.: Brooklyn, Baby Mine, Wm. A. Brady, mgr.: Bverett, Wash.. 4; Tanconver, Can.. S; Victoria 6; Se- attle Wash.. 8-14. Baby Mine. Wm. A. Bndy, mgr.: Kingston. N. Y.. 4; Walden 6; MIddletown 6; Mewbmrg 7: BriOgaport. Gonn.. 9; Waterinuy 10; Wln- sted U; Great Bairington. Mass., 12; Fltta- lield 13: Northampton 14. Banymore. J<dm, and Tliea. A. Wise, la Uhcle Sam. Cliaa. Dllltngbam. agr.: CbteagOb UL, Sept. 3-Oct T, Bought and Pala For, Wm. A. Brady, mgr.: N. T. a.. Sept. 26. Indef. Bceese. Edmond. in A Man of Honor. Jos. M. Weber, mgr.»K. Y. O.. Aug. 21, indef. Brian. Donald, In The Siren. Outs. VroUnan. aggr.: X. <X. Ang. 28, Iadef. Buster Brami. Boater Brown Am. Co., props.: St. Uarys^ Pa.. 4; Bldgwar S: Ponxsntanney , 6;. DuBols 7; CSearil^ 9: Huntingdon 10: ^ Altoona II; Johnstown 12; ateeosborg 13; , >. tJnlontown 14. Bates, Blanche, in Nobody's Widow, David Bel- asco. n»r.: N. Y. G., 2-7; Brooklyn B-14. Beverly rBastem), A. O. Delamater. mgr.: Chattanooga. Tenn.. 2-7: Knozvllle 9-14. Beverly (Soatiiein), A. G. Delamater, mgr.: Wvthevllle, Va.. 4; PnlaakI City 6; Chrls- tUolnrK 8: Boanoke 7; Lexington 0: Farm- .-vIBe 10; Peteisbnrg 11; Danville 12; Mar-j . tlnsvUle 13; Wlnston-Salem. N. C. 14. Bohemian Gid (A). MUtoa & Sargent Abom, mgrs.: BIngliamton. N. Y., 4; Scranton, Pa.. B; WUkes-Barre 6; Beading 7; Easton 9; Al- lentown 10; Pottsville 11: Lancaster 12; York 13; Harrlsboii; 14. Bohemian Girl (B), Miltm & Sargent Abom, mgrs.: Providence, B. L, 2-7. Baby Mine (Eastern), Wm. A. Brady, Ltd., mgrs.: St. Catherines, Out., Can., 4; Brant- ford 5; Stratford 6; London 7: Lorain, O., 9; Blyrla 10: Sandusky 11; Toledo 12-14. Bailey & Austin, in the lop O* The World. Bailey & Fitzgerald, mgrs.: London, Ont., Can., 4; Toronto B-7; Cleveland, O., 8-14. Blight Eyes, Jos. M. Galtea. mgr.: Ellensbiug, Wash., 4: Alierdeen S; Tacoma 0-7; Seattle . . Bachelor's Honeymoon, GUson ts Braddeid, mgrs.: Decatur, ni.. 6; Avon 12; GalaabMcg 15. ■ Billv the Kid, Herbert Farrar. mgr.: Eochester, N. Y.. 2-4; Syracuse 5-7; Utlca 9; Herkimer 10; Schenectady 11; Honesdale, Pa., 12; Stroudsbar^ 13; Easton 14. Black PatU Musical Comedy Co., B. Voelckd, mgr.: Chicago, m., 24-Oct. 7; St. Louis, Mc, 8-14. Brewster's JMUUons (Al. Rich Production Go.'s). L. A. Kelms, aur.; Toronto, Can., 2-7; Port Huron, Mlch-i 8: Saginaw 9; Bay City 10; Flint 11; Kalamazoo 12-14. Blhm. Holbrook, in The Boss, Wm. A. Brady, mgr.: Pittsburgh. Pa., 2-7. _ Baby Mine. Wm. A. Brady. Ltd.. mgrs-t Buf- falo, S. y., 2-7. Blue Bird, Llebler & Co., mgts.: Washington, . D. C, 2-7. „ Barrymote, Ethd, In The Witness for the De- fense, Chtt-s. Frohman, mgr.: South Bend, Ind., 4: Milwaukee, Wis.. S-T; Minneapolis, Minn.. 9-U; St.-Panl 12-14. _ . Bnrke. BlUIe. In Ibe Bonaway. CIms. Frohman. mgr.: Rochester, N. Y., 4-5; Syracuse 6-7; K. T. C. 9-14. Bellew, Kyrle, in The jrollnse, Chas. Frohman, mgr.: Indianapolis, Ind.. 4; Terre Hante 5; Feorli, ni., S; Springfield T; Davenport, la., . 9; Cedar Rapids 10; Des Moines 11; Lincoln, Xeb., 12; Omaha 13-14. BlUy. The" Shnberts, mgrs.: Waterloo, la., 6. Bares & Xorworth in Little JGss Fix-It, Wcrba & Lucseher Co.. mgrs.: Detroit, Mich., 2-7; Toledo, O., 9. _ ^ Concert, The, David Belasco, mgr.; N. Y. C, Sept. UrOct. 14. ^ „ , Congo Eking,, W. A. Thomas, mgr.: Drake»- , vllle, la., 4-5; Seynicior 8; LineviUe 7-S; Al- lertott 9; Cotydon 10. Gonvlct!B Dan^ter. Ed. Aader«-n, mgr.: Lon- - tsvUte. I^., 1-7; IndlanapoUs, ind., 9-U; Colombns, C. 12-14. , , fniocolate Soldier (P. C. Whl^nzy a Co. A.). John H. SSimmerman, mgr.: Y. C, 2-7. Checkers, Moxnn & DeMUt, mgrs.: So. Bend. Ind.. 1-4; Aurora. Hi., 5; DeKalb 8; EccfcforiJ 7; CUcago. 8-14. _ Cowboy Girl (Jadt Hosklna'), O. B. AInsworth, duck: Fintiay, OL. 4; Hattoon S; Paris A; DasvUIe.7; Brazil. Ind.. .9: JasonvUIe 10: VIneesne*. U; Waddnstoa 12; Seymour 13; Bedford It- Cowboy Girl (Northern), H. H. Whittler, mgr.: Flnley. N. D., 4; Sharon 5; Aneta 6; Devil's Lake 7. Commuters, The, Henrjr B. Harris, mgr.: Salt Lake, U., 2-7; San Francisco, Cai;, 9-21. Ckmntry Boy (A). Henry B. Harris, mgr.: Cin- cinnati, O., 2-7; St. Louis. Mo., 9-14. Country Boy (B), Henry B. Harris, mgr.: San Francisco. Cal., 25-Oct. 7; San Jose 9: Fresno 10; Hanford 11; Vlsalla 12; Bakeisfield 13; Ventura 14. Carle, Richard, in Jumping Jupiter, Frazee & Lederer. mgrs.: Seattle, Wash., 2-7: Tacoma S-9; Elleusburg 10; Yakima 11; Walla Walla 12; Spokane 13-15. Cat and the Fiddle (Chas. A. Sellon'S), Edmund Manley. mgr.: Kingston, Out., Can., 4; BrockviUe 5; Ottawa 6-7. Cow and tbe Moon (Chas. A. Sellon'S), E. F. Maxwell, mgr.: Oskaloosa. la., 4; Iowa Falls 5; Eldora 6; Boone 7; Oooucil Bluffs 8; Nor folk. Neb-, 9; Lemars, la., 10; Yankton, S. D., 11; Canton 12; Sioux Falls 13-14. Coontiss, Otherine, In the White Sister, Stair & Havlin. mgrs.: WasllluEton, D. C, 2-7; ProTldonce, K. 1., 9-14. CliCtord, Billy S., Bob LeEoy, mgr.: Prove, C. 4; Salt Lake 6-7; Ogden 8; Pocatello, Ida., 9; Boise City 10-12; Nampa 13; Welser 14. Cowboy and tbe Thief (Rowland & Gaskcll's), Edwin F. Clarke, mgr.: Pldla., Pa., 9-14. Chocolate Soldier, P. C. Whitney, mgr.: Chica- go, lU.. Oct. 2, indef. County Sheriff (O. K. Wee's Eastern), Chas. H. Brooke, mgr.: Honlton, Me.. 4; Dover 5; Bar Earbw 6. County Sheriff (O. !E. Wee's Western), M. C. Jenkins, mgr.: ShuIIsbnrg, Wis,, 4; Gratiot 3; Brodhead 6; Elkhom 7. Choms Lady (Southern), J. E. Early, mgr.: Akron, O.. Z-i. Courtney. Wm., In Don: Colambns,* C. 5-7. C3ierry, Charles, In Seven Sisters. Danid Froh- man, mgr.: St. Louis, Mo., 1-7; Peoria, III., 9; South Bend, Ind., 10; Toledo, Ohio, 11; , Buffalo. N. Y., 12-14. Cahill. iMarle. in Judy Forgot, Daniel V. Ai- thnr, mgr.: Decatur, m.-, 9. Chinese Puzzle, B. M. Jackson, mgr.: Ravenna, Neb.. 7; Dannebrog 9: Boelus 10. Deep Purple, Llebler & Co,, -ngis.: Chicago, Ul., Aug. 26, indef. Drew. John, in A Single Han, Chas. Frohman,' mgr.: H. Y. C, Sept. 4, Indef. Denver Express, C. A. Taff, mgr.: Topeka, Kan., 4; St. Joseph, Mo., 5-7; Trenton 9; Brooltfleld 10; Moberly 11; Columbia 12; Lou- isiana 13; Alton, 111., 14: Springfield 15. Daniel Boone on the Trail (Bobt. H. Harris'), L, L. Harris, mgr.: Kansas City. Mo., 1-7. Daniel Boone on the OVall (Robt. H. Harris'),' Ben Howe, mgr.: Jackson, Tenn., 4; Fans 5; darksvllle 6; Springfield 7. Daniel Boone on the Trail (Robt. H. Harris'), James Porter, mgr.: Frankfort, Ky*, 4; Som- erset 5; I^uville 6; Lebanon 7. Dodge, Sanford, B. A. Johnson, mgr.: Ironwood. Wch., 4; Bhinelander, Wis., 5; Iron Uonn-. tain, Mich.-, a DeAngells, Jefferson, in the Ladles' Lion, Fra- zee & Lederer, mgrs.: St. Louis, Mo., 1-7; Evansvme, Ind., 8; Louisville. Ky.. 9-11; NashvUIe, Tenn., 12; Memphis 13-14. Doctor DeLoxe, with Balph Beiz, Jos. M. Galtes, mgr.: New London, Conn., 4; New- port, B. I., 5; MIddletown, Conn., 6; New Haven 7; Springfield, Mass., 8; Hartford, Conn., 10-11; Medden 12. D'Orsay. Lawrence, in the Earl of Pawtucket, Jofaa Cart, mgr.: Gait, Can., 4; Hamilton 6; Peterlioro 6; Kingston 7; Montreal B-14. Don't tie to Your Wife, with Dave Lewis, How- land & Clifford, Inc., mgrs.: Emporia, Kan., 4; Topeka 6; Wichita 6; BocI;y Ford, Colo., 7; Denver 9-14. _ Deep Pnrptew Idebler & Co., mgrs.: Phlla.. Pa.. 2-14. Dawn of a Tomorrow: Toledo. 0-, 1-4. Elliott Gertrude, in BebelUon. Llebler & Co.. mgrs.: N, Y. C, Oct. 3, Inder. Eltinge, Julian, in The Fascinating Widow, A. H. Woods, mgr.: N. Y. C, Sept. 11, indef. Excuse Me (Eastern) Henry W. Savage, mgr.: Boston. Mass., Aug. 28-Oct. 21. ExcKse Me (Western) Henry W. Savage, mgr.: N. Y- C, Aug. 14-Oct. 7. Everywoman (Eastern), Henry W. Savage, mgr.: Brooklyn, N. Y., 2-14. Everywoman (Western), Henry W. Savage. mgr.: Detroit, Mich., 2-7; Cleveland, O., 9- Edeson, Robert, In the C<ave Man, Henry B. Harris, mgr.: Fhila., Pa.. 2-14. Ell and Jane, Harry Green, mgr.: Winfleld, la., 4; Washington 5; North English 6; Mareno 7; Mechanicsvlllc 9: Montlceilo 10; Hopklnton 11; Strawberry Point 12. Emciy Musical Comedy Co., S. N. Maykovia & Co.. mgrs.: Belleville, III., 8-14. Fortune Hunter (No. 2), Cohan & Harris, mgrs.: Ft. Wayne, Ind., 4; Fern 6; Lafayette 6; Logansport 7. Fairbanks, Douglas, In A Gentleman of Leisure, Wm. A. Brady, mgr.: N. Y. 0., Aug, 24, Indef. Famnm, Dustin. & Wm., In The Littlest Rebel, A. H. Woods, mgr.: CHiicago, lU., Sept. 1, Indef. Follies of 1911, F. Ziegfeld Jr.. mgr.: Chicago, III., Sept. 4. Indet. Foy, Eddie, In Over the River, Dillingham & Ziegfeld. mgrs.: (Silcago. III., Sept. 25. indef. Figbting Parson, H. B. Porter, mgr.: Middle- port, O.. 4; Albany 6; MeArthur 6; Jackson 7: Logan 8-9; Straitsville 10; Murray City 11. Fatty Felix. Henry W. Link, mgr.: Sycamore, IlL. 5; Dixon 6; Sterling 7: Clinton, la., 8; Tama 11; Ames 12; Boone 14. Firing Line, A. G- Delamater, mgr.: Clifton Forge, Va., 4; Covington 8: Hlnton, W. Va., 6; Charleston 7; Huntington 9; BlueSeld 10; Roanoke. Va., 11; Danville 12; Mt, Airy, N. C, 13: Winston-Salem 14. Fantasma. Edwin Warner, mgr.: Kansas City, Mo., 1-7; Birmingham, Ala,, 9-14. Flirting Princess, Hort. H. Singer, mgr.: San Jose, Cal., 4; Fresno S; Stockton 6; Sacra- mento 7-8: HaiysvUIe 9: Cfaico 10: Bed Blnff 11; Medford, Ore,, 12; Bogene Glty 13; Salem 14. Faversham. Wm.; Columbus, O., 4. Family, The: Yonngstown, O., 5-7. Fugitive from Justice. Fred Harvey, mgr.: St. Louis, Mo., 1-7; Kfmsas City 8-14. Fortune Hunter, Cohan & Harris, mgrs.: Min- neapolis, Minn., 1-4: St. PanI S-7. Fatted Calf: St. I<ouiB, Mo., 1-7. Folios Bergere Review, Henry B. Harris, mgr.: Syracuse. N. Y.. 2-5; Rochester 6-7. Get-Rlch-Qnick Walllngford (Eastern), Cohan & Harris, mgra.: Boston. Mass.. Sept. 25. in- def. Great Name, with Henir KoUer, Henr; W. SaT- age, mgr.: K. Z. O., Oct. a, ladst. Girl and the Tramp «3iarles Inskeep's Co. A), Tom Wilson, mgr.: Fremont, N. C.. 4; Wll- kins 5; Mt. Olive 6; Goldsboro 7; Kinston 9; Smltbfield 10; Baleigh 11; Sanford 12; Cbe- raw, S. C, 13; Rockingham, N, C, 14, Girl and tbe Tramp (Carlos Inskeep's Co. B), Bert Bence, mgr.: Amarillo, Tex.. 4; Mem- phis 5; Qnanah 6; Wicbita Falls 7; Seymolir 9; Haskell 10; Stamford 11; Merkle 12; An- eon 13; Snyder 14. Girl and the Tramp (Carlos Inskeep's Co. C), E. C. Rockwell, mgr.: Readlug, Pa., 4; Wll- liamstown 5; Pottsville 6; Royerstord 7; Get- tysburg 9; Waynesboro 10; Hanover 11; Coates- ville 12; Easton 13; So. Bethlehem 14. Girl and the Tramp (Carlos Inskeep's Co. D), Fred A. Byers, mgr.: Larchwood, la,, 4; Al- vord 5: Bock Rapids 6; Humboldt, S. D., 7; Montrose 8; Salem 9: Mitchell 10; Yankton II; VermUIion 12; Elk Point 13: Akron, la., 14, • Girl and the Tramp (Carlos Inskeep's Co. B), Ralph Gcrrcn, m^r.: Crawfordsvllle, lud., 4; Terre Haute 5; Linton 6; Princeton 7; Evans- vlile 8; Bloomington 9; Bloomfield 10; Frank- lin 11: (Tolumbns 12; Greensbnrg 13; Bed- ford 14, Get-Rich-Quick Walllngford (Western), Cohan & Harris, mgrs.: LooisviUe, Ky.. 2-4; In- dianapolis, Ind.. 5-7: St. Louis, Mo„ 8-14, Get-Blcb-Qulck Walllngford (Central), Cohan & Harris, mgrs.: Piqua, O., 4; Richmond, Ind., 5; New Castle 6; Muncle 7; Anderson 9;' La- fayette 10; Logansport 11; Peru 12; Wabash 13; Huntington 14. Gr.iham, Oscar, Attractions: Lntkin. Tex., 4; Groveton 5; Livingston 6: Humble 7; Sour Lake 0-10. Graustark (Eastern), Baker & Castle, mgrs.: Chicago, III., 1-7; Sprinsfleld 8-9; Joliet 10; Wankegan 11; Racine, Wis., 12; Freeport, lU.. 13; Rockford 14. Graustark (Southern), Baker & Castle, mgrs.: Kingston, N. C, 4; Fayettevllle 5; SmitbSeld 6; Raleigh T; Sanford 8: Lanrinbnig 10; Mc- CoU, S. C, 11; Clio 12; Lnmberton, N. C, 13; Wilmington 14. Goose Girl (Eastern). Baker & Castle, mgrs,: Yonngstown, O., 4; Canton 5; Akron 6- 7; Weston, W. Va., 9; CSiarleston 10; Hln- ton 11; Covington, Va., 12; Clifton Forge 13; Staunton 14. Goose Girl (Central), Baker & Castle, mgrs.: Haverstraw, N, Y,, 12; New London, Conn., 13; New Britain 14. Girl I Love (Hany Askin's), AL Ctoettler, mgr.: Chicago, 111., 24-Oct. 14. Girl and- the Gawk, Carroll B. Johnson, mgr.: Belle Plaine, Kan,, 4; Caldwell 6. Gamblers, The (Original), Anthois' Producing Co., mgis.: Boston, Mass., Oct. 2, indef. Gamblers, The (Western), Authors' Producing Co., mgrs,: Canton, O., 4; Akron 5; Sandusky 6: Lima 7; Ft, Wayne, Ind., 9; Jackson, Mich., 10: Lansing 11; Grand Baplda 12-14. Gamblers. The (Southern), Authors' Fndaclng Co., mgrs.: Winston-Salem, N. C, 4; States- ville 5: AshevlUe 6; Spartanburg, S. 0„ 7; Greenville 9; Charlotte, N. C, 10; Wilming- ton 11; Darlington, S. C, 12; Charleston 13: Savannah, Ga., 14. Gamblers, The (Eastern). Anthers' Prodncing Co., mgrs.: Elmlra, N. Y., 4: (ktrning 6; On- eonta 6; Blngbamton 7: Cortland 9: Geneva 10; Penn Yan 11; Batavla 12; Ferry IS; HotneU 14. Golden Rule Ltd,, Cbas. Dickson, mgr.: Bridge- port, C^onn., 4-5: Hartford 6-7; PlttsBeid, Mass., 9; Fitdibnrg 10; Gardner 11; Worces- ter 12-14. Girl of My Dreams. Jos. M. Galtes, mgr.: Kan- sas City, Mo., 1-7: Atchison, Kan., 8; Topeka 9; Lawrence 10; St, Joseph, Mo., 11-12; Lin- coln, Neb., 13-14. Glaser, Lulu, in Miss Dudelsack. Werba & Lues- cher Co., mgrs,: Boston. Mass., 2-14. Girl of the Mountains (O. E. Wee's), Harry Meyers, mgr.: West Stewartstown, N. H., 4; Colebrook 6: Littleton 6; Lisbon 7. Girl in the Taxi, A. H. Woods, mgr.: Phlla., Pa., 2S-0ct. 7. Gin Who Wasn't, DOherty & McMahon, mgrs.: Bntler, Pa.. 4; Lewistown 7; Bellefonte 0; Lock Haven 10: Towanda 11: Pittston 12; Honesdale 13; Berwick 14. Girl of the Streets. Lee D. Ellsworth, mgr.: Chicago, 111., 1-14. George, Grace, in Much Ado .\bout Nothing. Wm, -A, Brady, mgr,: St.' Louis. Mo., 25- Oct. 7; Cincinnati, O., 9-14. Girl in the Taxi, A. H. Woods, mgr.: Jersey City, N. J.. 2-7. Girl from Rector's, A. H. Woods, mgr,: St. John, N. B., Can., 6-7. Girl in the Taxi, A. H. Woods, mgr.: Norfolk, Va., 6. • Girl I Love, Harry Askln, mgr.: Chicago, lU., K-Oct. 7. Girl from Rector's. Max Plohn, mgr.: Austin, Ttex., 4: San Antonio 5; Tempte 6; Ardmore, Okie., 7: Oklahoma City S. Goodwin, Xat C: Houston. Tex., 3-4; Galvestota 5: Beaiunont C; Lake Charles. La., 7. Girl in the Taxi, A. H. Woods, mgr.: Portland, Ore,, 2-4: Astoria 5; Centralia, Wash., 0; Olympia 7. Hackett. James K.. In The Crrain of Dust, J. K. Hackett, mgr.: Chicago. III., Sept. 18, indef, Harttman. Ferris, Mnslcal Comedy Co.: San Francisco, Cel.. Sept. 3, Indef. Hitchcock. Raymond, In "Tbe Red Widow, Cohan & Harris, mgrs,: Boston. Mass., Sept. 4, in- def. Heart Breakers, with George Damerel (Mort H. Singer's), Otto Klives, mgr.: Blooming- toa. ni.. 4: Springfield 5-6; Peoria 7: Daven- port, la., 8; Rock Island, HI., 9; Muscatine, la., 10: Iowa City II: Waterloo 12; Marshall- town 13; Cedar Rapids 14. Hans Hanson. Louis Rels. mgr.: Lisbon. N. D.. 4-5; Oaks 6; Hecla, S. D.. 7; Ipswich 0; Fanlkton 10; Gettysbnrg 11; Bedfleld 12; Dolaod 13; Clark 14. Human Hearts (C. R. Reno's Southern), Lew Delmore, mgr.: RIcbwood, W. Va., 4- Bnck- hannon 5; Phillippi 6; Parsons 7, Hawtrey, Wm., in Dear Old Billy, A. G, Dela- mater, mgr.: Milwaukee, Wis., 1-4; Mad- ison 5: loomington. III., 6: Champaign 7; Indianapolis, Ind.. 9-11; Louisville. Ry.. 12- 14. Heart of Chicago. W. D. Emerson, mgr.: Day- ton. O., 2-4; Ft. Wayne. Ind., 5-7; So. Chi- cago, 111., 8-11; South Bend, Ind., 12-14. House Next Door, SchUIer Am. Co., mgrs.: Atlanta, Ga.. 2-7; Nashvllle, Tens.. 9-14. House Next Door (Rowland & Gasklll's), A. A. Powers, mgr.: Portland, Ore., 1.7; Astoria 8; Salem 9; Eugene 10; Grants Pass 11: Chlco, Cal.. IB: Maryavllle 14. Hllllard, Robert, in A Fool There Was. Klaw * Erlanger. mgrs,: Phlla,, Pa,, 2-14. Hen Pecks, Lew Fields, mgr.: Brooklyn, N. Y., 2-7. Happleat Night of His Ufe: Bvansville, lad.. Si Owemibino; Sr., 4; IionlaTills 8-7. Irish Players, Llebler & Co., mgrs,: Boston. Mass., Sept. 23, Indef. <oonoa, Indiana Folks (Perry's Eastern), 8. A. Mitch ell, mgr.: Belmont, Wis,. 4; Blanchardvllie a- I'oynette 9; Westfleld 10; Montello 11; Watei loo 13; Palmyra 14. "mer- Indlana Folks (Perry's Western), Frank J E« tes, mgr.: McGregor. la., 4; Guttenbers B- Oamavllle 6: Elkport 7: Volga 9; Wadei; 10: Elgin, 111., 11; Greefey 12; EarlvUle « In Old Kentucky, A. W. Dingwall, mgr : Ed monton. Can,, 2-4; CJlgary 6-7; Westminster 9; Vancouver 10; Victoria 11; Beillngham Wash,, 12; Everett 13; Tacoma 14. Indian's Secret, Hoy W. Sampson, mgr • (Snnn Kapids. Wis., 4; Maxshfleld 6; wiisau Antlgo 7; Rhlnelaoder 8; Ladysmlth 9; Barron 10; Bloomer 11; Hayward 12; Bayfield 13" Ashland 14. ' Juvenllf: Bostoulans, B. Lang, mgr.: Greenwood B, C Can., 4-5; Nelson 6-7; Hoseland 9* 10; ColvlUe, Wash., 11; Sand Point, Ida 1« 13; Bonners Ferry 14. '' " Janis, Elsie, in The Slim Princess, Chas Dil- lingham, mgr.: Lima, O., 4: Ft. Wayne Ind.. 5; Hockfort. 111., 6; Dubuque. la 7* Jefferson. Thos.: Norfolk, Va., 3-4; Klchmond 0-6; WInston-Salem, N. C. 7. Kiss Waltz. Tbe Shuberts, mgrs.: N. Y C Sept. 18, indef. ' Kolb. O. Wm,, In The Girl in the Train: Dal- las, Tex.. 4-6: Wichita Falls 7, Lewis & Lake Musical Comedy Co. No. 1, Hany C. Lewis, mgr.: Calgary, Alta, Can., Inun. Lewis & Lake Musical Comedy Co.. No. 2, Mar- jorle Lake, mgr.: Vancoaver, B. C, Can., in- def. Lonislana.i;on. Harry Aaktn, mgr.: Chicago. Ill Sept. 4, 'iadef. Little Millionaire,' with George M. Cohan, Co- han & Harris, mgrs.: N. Y. C. Sept. 25. in- def. Let George Do It, Leffler-Brattou Go., props,* Scranton, Pa.. 4; Honesdale 6; Pittston 6; Al- lentown 7; Paterson, N, J., 9-14. Lion and the Mouse (Northern), United Play Co.. Inc., mgrs.: LeSueur, Minn.. 4; Faribanlt 5; Xorthfield 6; Charles City, la.. 7; Alcona 9; Blue Earth. Minn.. 10; Emmctaburg, la. 12; Spencer 13; Cherokee 14. Lion and the Mouse (Southern), United Play Co,. Inc., mgrs.: Parsons, Kan., 4- Scammon 6; Vlnita, Okla.. 6; Nowata 7; Tulsa 8; Hen- rietta 9; Muskogee 10; McAIes'ter 11; Dunnt 12; Tishomingo 13; Ardmore 14. Larklns, Jolly John. Tom Morrow, mgr.: Win- chester. Ky., 4; Paris 5: Lexington 6; George- town 7: Somerset 9; Chattaaoga. Tenn., 10; Huntsvllle, Ala., 11; Florence 12; (Columbia, Tenn., 13; HopkinsvUIe. Ky., 14. Light Eternal. M. B. Bice, Stair * Havlln. mgrs.: St. Panl. Minn.. 1-7; Uinneapolls 8- Little Gin That He Forgot, Thos H. Sewell. mgr.: Toledo, O.. 1-7. Leigh, Bert: Wilmington. N. C. 4; Lnmber- ton 5; Marton 6; Florence, 3. C., 7. Mclutyre, Frank, in Snobs, Henry B. Harris, mgr.: N. Y. C, Sept 4. Indef. Man Between. Tbe. Vanghan Glaser. mgr.: Wor- cester, .uass., 2-4; Sprlaglidd 6-7; Washing- ton, D. C, 9-14. Missouri Girl (Eaatem. Norton * Panell'sl. Frank F. Farrell, mgr.: Boothbay Harbor. Me.. 4; Rockland 5: Damarlseotta 6: (^dea T; Belfast 9; Ellsworth 10; Mactalas 11; Pem- broke 12; Hulton 13; Mars Hill 14. MIssonrt Glxl (Western, Norton 0: Btth's). Jos. Rlth. mgr.: Eugene. Ore.. 4: Grants Pass S; Medford 6; Ashland 7; Sisston. Cal.. S: St. Cloud 9; Yreka 10; Kensett 11; Red Blnff 15. Missouri Girl (Central, Merle H. Norton's), G. E. Jones, mgr.: HarrisonvlUe, Mo., 4; Butler 5; BIch Hill 6; Lamar 7: Webb City 8: Sorlng- dale, -Irk., 9: Tableqnah, Okla., 11; Checotah 12; Nowata 13- Clareraote 14. Millionaire Tramp (No. 1). Billy Baskette, mgr.: Flat River, Mo.. 4; DeSoto 5; •Coming, Ark.. 6; Poplar Bluff. Mo.. 7. Meehgo, John. Monte lliompson. mgr.: Laeonia. N. H.. 4; Rochester 5; Sanford 6; Farts- 'mouth 7. Man on the Box. Monte Thompson, mgr.: Glou- cester, Mass.. 4. Mutt aad Jeff (Eastern), Gns Hill, mgr.: Wilkes- Barre, Pa., 4-5; Scranton 6-7; Sunbury 9; Wllllamsport 10: Shamokln 11; Mahanoy City 12; Pottsville 13: Beading 14. Mutt and Jeff (Souttaem), Gus Hill, mgr.: Dan- ville. Va.. 4: Durham. N. C, 5; Raleigh «: WiimluRton 7; Winston 9; Greensboro 10; Charlotte 11; Spartanburg, S. C. 12; Ash- evlUe. N. C, 13: Greenville. S. C, 14. Mntt and Jeff (Western), Gus Hill, mgr.: Syra- cuse, N. Y., 2-4; Rochester 5-7; Buffalo 9- 14. Mildred and Rondere. Hairy Rouclere, mgr.: Centervllle, Md.. 5: Easton 6: Oxford 7: Mil- ford, Del.. 9: Salisbury. Md.. 10; Princess Anne 11: Crlslield 12; Focomofce 13; Cape Charles. Va„ 14, Manhattan Opera Co., Robt, H. Kane, mgr.: Rowland. S. C. 4: Bishopville 5; Darlington 6-7; Florence 9-10; Sumter 11-12; Camden 13- 14. Madame X, Henry W. Savage, mgr.: Balti- more, Md.. 2-7: Washington, D. C, 9-14. Millionaire Kid, Kllroy & Brltton Co., mgrs.: Knoxvllle. Tenn.. 1-7; Chattanooga 9-14. Mann. Lonis. In Elevating a Husband, Wcrba & Lnescher Co., mgrs,: Boston, Mass,, 27-Oct. 7. Miss Nobody from Starland (Mart H. Singer's). Chas, Donahue, mgr.: Los Angeles, Cal,, 1-7; Phoenix, Ariz., 9; Tucson 10; BI.ebee 11; EI Paso, Tex., 12-13: Snn Antonio. 16-16. Madame Sherry (Special). Woods. Frazee & Led- erer, mgrs,: Brooklyn. N. Y. 1-7; New Haven, Conn., 9-10: Waterhury 11; Hartford 12: Springfield. Mass., 13-14, Madame Sherry (Al. Woods. Frazee & Lederer, mgrs.: Omaha, Neb,, 1-4; Lincoln B: St, Jo- seph, Mo., 6; Atchison, Kan,, 7; Kansas City, Mo.. 8-14. Madame Sherry (B), Woods. Frazee & Lederer. mgrs.: Spartanburg. S. C, 4; Charlotte, N. C., 6; Columbia, S. 0„ 6; Charleston 1: Jacksonville, Fla., S-9; Savannah, Ga.. JO; Athena 11; Augusta 12; Cedartown 13; Annls- ton, Ala,, 14, Madame Sherry (C), Woods, Frazee & Lederer, mgrs,: Salem, o., 4: Elyrfa 5; Adrian. Mich,, «: Ann Arbor 7; Pontlac 8; Port Huron 9; Saginaw 10; Bay City 11; Alpena 12; (Sieboy- gan 13; Sault Ste. Marie 14. Madame Sherry (D), Woods, Frazee & Lederer. mgrs.: Mshoney City. Pa.. 4: Pottsville ."i: Phoenlxvllle 6: Norrlstowa 7: AnoaDoUa. Md.. 9; Frederick 10: Hanover, Pa., 11; Carlisle 12; Chambersburg IS; .Marttasbnrg. W. Va.. 14. Melville. Bnse. In Sis Hopkins, J. B, Stirling, mgr,: Chicago. 111.. 1-7; Mllwankpc. Wis.. 8-14, MacDooald, Christie. In The Spring Maid. Wer- ba & Lnescher, mgn.: Ftalla,. P(„ S-I4.