The billboard (Nov 1911)

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Xt\e Billboard NOVeMBER 2S, mt STATES RIGHTS/''^5ALE^^.::c'^^ Lobby Display, Posters, Banners, Tack Cards, Photographs, Framss, Display Boards, etc The most novel street drive ever used and advance advertising, without an equal; in ^ct. EVERY THING i When we telJ you that this prodaction is one of the best attractions ever 0~offere(l. and if we are ready to prove it, why not drop us a line and let us explain it, or better still, come to Oiicago and convlnce^youraelL HOW MES THIS JVKU. as features in the pictare: THE SAW MILL IN OFERA' nON. TBE COUNTY FAIR. THE EXCXTING HOKSE RACES.' THE ARREST. REAL LIFE IN THE FAMOUS PENI- TENTIARY. THE SENSATIONAL ESCAPE THROUGH THE SEWER. TBS. MAN HUNT. TRAILED BY BLOODHOUNDS. THE LEAP FOR LIFE. A GREAT WRONG RIGHTED. Then when you consider the fine I line of adveittstoi which is anre to draw business, is not the proposition well woitb carefnl tboasht? Therefore we est end anInvUaUoo TO YOU. MR. STATE RIGHT MAIM,' to come to our office and talk the matter over. We aie sure you will not re||ret U. If yon pncbase a state ri^ we will refund yonr fare to and from Chicago. M AMERIC/CS FEATURE FILM CO. 4<XB SCM/LLER BLDG. CHICAGO. iLL. AMKSOSHX ^ xMidtAitaKt- JLittn Skates tomiaiCf') Csottc Eaet> . «Wtt_5-- ... •i^> «Hinc sMiit .f.i'w......... Feet Mt—3t»ea«HlF'<Mii» and On» at BIS "Eebte W-Xte l^ni^atfinn «C Sb. .AstbHir Vt—S»tii«al>» itseamjr ^^■^•.■.•.-.^^^•.•.-.-.•^^^-.•.^ StnatemlMic— Xeafc. ft—3ti»ii«iilln<annf» aBcmr Cur temsi^lk . SnOfc cTCini—— ... U—oni» GbRttetfs Swig fctntmaJt 2a-3na> CMttm '■^fians c^amaK mm 10—anift Stons«c^ 3(lstak» ('a»ui>a> . SS—SBft ladlaa Bawltes C^aunajt 2*—^ SUMlK ddzsfluOi . 2fr~>dUb tadbnii ISetot 6b»jaa)> — sat—nns c&ttnMnmf^ new ^fSaina) — Xmns: Squoiiit^ Bcagmcr (amnat ■ Tc —A BS3C<a° & ScfiSife ^lEaauM ■.*.—.>.>^-. Ml—V^nma^ Bsiteni ?«iBtiB» (AamatX — SWEfiff TinnnJa» oC «i>nag& fiJMmaOh . Vlr^Watm- Saaiiik Stiaift, C'deeaa)* 9~iBmtn». Mem SB«9m «ma>aA ....... ' ftte«ma)) , ~ ^JZ- t£—^^t^ tt nm«Tt S&<9:ij£c» ff?V^m« y £t—^ Xasrav Sscape (itmaa) ..... ts—Tile Ir;ipB«a:'» Sassixter ltiSxxaa.}t 21—Dt*arc*? ttl3nMaa>- 23—Tlta Entstsr Cct& liisamit). ■t-^anie SpMtef £a<i« (!£aatai .......... ^ Tfi mtmt 4<teft ni&^ .........iL......... I£—Xlta Had: Talker iiaanaH .:. .. TlS—^SSat WmnS^Ese (itcsiBaJi ..w;:......'...' 19—Xik» latustaw «e^ba <<teiiM«J(......... 2a—EEelfftes* SJaa «e9oie««-d!tMia» . 2S—JL Baat^itex^ <^ Italp li£r9m&> ClllH»))el^— T»et. ts^xtuKa- Ban$IM«s of Via W«se t;itcs!BaJ) (^ttt rwet). SW t6>—Tile' GaTws IL& JoXCs C3CW>Jte> (s^Bt «et)i .......... .. tsa W—sue Esnriy Sanse &emta£li WW a»—lag TlaflL ot thg ttii M J te t w ng t<t»inari>..BI88i 3Qr-33ia) Stomcae Sbit @tanak Jffim Sr/»eoil»5— ■ a—3a» 'Watec titsjr tawna* ........... JSSft ''9—She lllura^ StielS CSame ^te rynm ).--.. liOOU- ' 9p>.^^3Bllft SiKifiemt iiOKantAh -^^-^—..— .'WOili IS—mi9' BSMSBt CjMitSasr CcmnwISr*. I*—."Ette Wra- 9C Ito Wnst CesmfitCr)! ..JMO* 2rK—3nie- 3Sf«t td>»a»>< ..—.—...—....BHW 23^—Xaatsp tll» ViMnzft (SUsama), SnXti OctnI)»— f»»t. *—A BissB^- KKidsgr fiiainwds)) • siMSE^ s^eeaiBact 6miinA .... JUc—Bi« Was ai SCfflSoniAB* ^isniad^]b> .... I3»—SBto 3t»fcSBl?» asana (Huaali^ —..... US-—A. Omteir b». CtiotbiidBi (tannatCmi (mrlUt IS—A. B»««i?* B3«» tooms^)) (solit cwJJi ■ SIk—EBlBi^.BatbaF Self <i<isiuntt)> . I 2S—TMtat- utA aiBtS^giMF (!n>iBei£rl> . W^wc- Sft StiiUtiifa Sate enannnji ..-i. It—ntOlMi&iC; SMntaftt! Fttftteiwrw (ieomei^ ■ 3i—A EbmbiA oS tjbft HmnUttSaai (itMaiai)) ; W ea 'jB aw peiWBr ^igw ^BmnnTt .......... i £K—933>af;- S^^&inft ^nimeilT^)....... t Mt—eaJs- » SqjaCTP <aBan«a)!......-. i 22—SBngban^ ntutfsA (fewnedstli ...— i fflt-^Itof ymti oe ^tummtm flemnn^ .... |l5B>»»m!— IB«fe. ; 2—Sacftnw s«b><itri>in> (Jteana)) ............ 3nO) i mjtea* ©w* Ute Ste Wtuwrnth—SBffi ; 3!!>a> !S^9l>im]| e»aa& Buoamrnmnit aft ! ffli..KJWf CmntesO) ....... ........ 9B0> : ini-i-Wia*: Tnaaam Bftl (^moia)) WKh Wtt-A «»ifi amll ai S»w 'thaom^ ...... . WW 1^—g« «m i ii ii nJiiM i M » «a Kriibmn* teimnuM .... aooi S>-an»» CatQitsiillsaA ttBtsna 9B0i afe-Jtasw ftt Sjb. EaAs- WBamaii 900) __^^vte«fttta^ ......—. ........... am t—mO! QnadHtt'lii Bte (pMU^i .......... 8fKr) am 13—Tb» Red««Bptloii ot « Cowmrd (4r«m«) 960 15—Ttw PassiBs at Sal «dnma> SW 30—n» XaUottal GuardNoen and Besnlan at Fort KiteT, Kanaas. (topical) 950 S£—Wh« th» Staexitt Got Bt> JfaB (drama) 950 S7—Itether Goocr 930 2»—Tlw Two Brnirns (drama) 950 U7X. OetsbW^ Tttt. IS—A Ooc l> a fMaa't Dca (drama) (tpUt XMl) S90 IS-I^ Polte* CT<^t (eoBMdr) (spUt ^ SB—BUI E^"aU *D«ir^'YcmedT)"(ipUt rwi) i 443 50— BeoBa*k«d B»rtle Qoc« TUkIn* (go«b> «Jj) (artlt IM>I) BU ST—Sin. Bte wife and tto Water (eon- edj-) (•{OK reel) .................. 490 Sr—B»rtt» aad Hte Blrala (comdr) (aptU 4TS SomatCf— Pe«t. S—BOl aad tk» B»ar (eommlT) (ipllt reel) 5.14 S^Toauar'* C«Bwn (c«n<K);) (•pUt »«)) 303 10—Bta Takaa tor a OlKiat (ccnnijr ) (apUt t9—Tbo ItnTaloaa of a Kuiwnala (rom- «<t;)i tKiWt iwl) 17—Sitas <<ra*4. « vntacv ta ttlf> Atpa (sc<mle'> (»i>Ut TWIt !!M SC—tla Mrs-twr of B^aBtwt Oranse (dFa« naJ (spot twi) ,......>,,..,.,.,...«« S»—BtQ sad Simte G»t JJarrlea (coweajr) tspttl ssa 2t— .Jl iNestue- Cloiad (drama) (apllt mwU ass BCLUBt. a^-tt SMtK-tnltat* RwaiDOd Wl«<l »—3»» Jtoitar (<roe*«d7> (»|ait (vet) SM> M—A. EockrCteac* («<Ma»d;r]i (a(>Ut wetk.lM) HHEafei! Ctate^ Itatr («rMttei (•¥11* <«^> 1^ 3BHS«a«i>:!! _«(w«n «t Snm t««w<edr> 2S—^ra- «M» XtNdt aC .th» T fc a at f (rwm. <—Kl!e» atli th» BtaMsn tlk» Sua (w««tt^> emtat i!*^}, ass «r-KltHB' WaOv CAaOuhm* Jttn Ja«k«aa 51— Audits JuamK t>>» Soa. Ik "Vt. (Ikbtt... dnmaT; (xma, E««ia>, . 23)—TDw iTurtniciniao- CmCsincs liaM«ci;lif*tii«> faqistt-amtti! 2%—eUaiilbgEr. 9int^ aas AiiJl»in«61«' Clsa* SAAiKe' (teimedjih (utftijb vtati, ........ 2S>—aBMi yttmipaiaMba- ((nmnidjt)! ............ t^—X)IS! 'W&Ub-1IIiII» ((iBnnads)) togBm mOt If—BacoBlmiffi ttsaiiMi )i(M?Die maOv ........ lt>—3B w»y off tta> mutaapmindi iTMutt* W fcaflm)) ^..........■.*................... SH-^BOi; BliMMar ItonaUtpiteill («i<nn<nl3;)i S^r-'Sttv mitttrindtoi off au»' (fteaiiiBi)! ... . SinmniMo— Viwt.. 4^.3mir/«Mm-aaiRiSMUlin>'(<mm»dsi)i ...... an—A. UtanantlB Wit WuraioO) W^-JL VuKDamm On. BSgdu^ VoEh.- (ajomadgi)! KESTOB. Setober— »«•» 4—Tbo*e Jeraer (Nnrpa ue^ Ma 7—Matt and JcfT Sciad a Onlet Day la tbe ConnttT ( wu w iu ' (ipllt red).... T—Tile Meddiiw Faaea (cemed;) (apUt .t*l> II—let 17s Smeott Way (drama) It—Matt and Jeir aad the Blieli Bud (corned;) (split ted) 14—Soraaoec and ITppeieats (oomedr-dn- ma) taplH nrt) - — 15— The Ton Uarahal (eamedr) 21—Mntt and leS Join the Opera (comedr) (aptit reel) at—Tta«t Blt w J Bab;- (coOKdrl <spU* 95—Lone mU'a'iaat''KidB'(draM) SS~Mntl and )elt Plicom > Woaderfm , RfoiodT (fOffledj-) (apUt re«B SO—DliipT AdTfwIiaea for a Pnp (eomedr) (apllt ml) — v_ NoTemtwr" I** i™ni« Naiaa naim (c«gied7) .... 4—Uiitl and 3elt and the Iiady rapbor (eomedit (apilt reel) ..••■••.i 4-^TIie Rail C^Hae M>*te>T (cemedr) (ipIK reel) It.^ True Woateroer (drama) it—iWaptarate IMuuood Almost Socceedi (euiueibit - •• IB-nThe White Medlrth* Uib (drimi) .... I{b-«Mutt and }eir and the Culnckr Star (eomedr) (natt reen teelk li T«««tt«ii_teo«««r) ....i. i» Q«wkegrr«rt)l«t (drama) WWif tt» WiMrt W». WMd tdrMsa)-.^ ^^Simt h«A Jler» «r»«^ Skfeene that • F«tw<| w«iii«!tsr> 4aam ie«l) = ».>A W«M«<» VW& SSmNtFlk (s|>nt teei> eoanr. »wT»e xnux ChMf. «««t <*ama) .. fvwaWMT »»ar «r «»*»• (drama) St^^ww *t tt<e Xawet (ifcamat — Xh-Tt^ Vaat ()Mm JhSSktihuaa) • }(»t««»h**.«. " *—IViilaj!- T»W(i ('4R«Ma> *-.A Cpvwitd'e. W eg^ aw e a thwr-f«t»m»' HK.^* KMaH Ulw. tt* '»u» ( »■»■<»-• 13h.l»(a th» tMA tdMaak Vt—T4» TaiOi Tktitmm Wl»lJi»> a^3Ri» ome* lk»> Vnwni (ewmedrl 2«—t& INMoaA tw)^ „ ^lfh» »o»» aJMt VocsOT tdtoame) TOMM* Oiriwliei!-.. .v-d^jmimiK. W»!«miis)i .... li>-ft)A*l!Mt « Kntohov (dMina)! ^^-.ISw- SdUse- WjHwwJs ..... W*—A Kmachi ot Ttii)»! (flsmutii 3s-W»<>. ItvM- of » dfiils tdpiowi.)! ... 0—SaM» aadi Slnmea. (^leaaik))...^ 1*—5Bh» BMumi (f)n<wMi>) ' Monratlwe—. %-3!he' QeocChNt 9t Vacv reii