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«s e Billboard NOVEMBER 29^ 1911. :.. AUSTRALIAN LETTER. '."Vi'^^Ofcithined'ftmm pase lT.) ' At ISte Crtterlon Theatre, Miss Ethel Irrlng :„ and *er company are prodaclns I^djr Frederick, •;«iid':«le last fonr .nights of Ber season hav<- CTieeii<? annonnc ed^iaiilha ie will then proceed tu »_ -B^l^g feason. "Clip Day" , „-oatest day in the year In „-ays has the elite of all the present on that day. ,>::theatres were closed for one r — iy of Sir. Blckards, whose ilrath caused sorrow all over the world, wa» S"".?''* 'o^thls city. H« wasJhterred In his tuntljr'! plot of ground In WaSerly Cemetery, wnere nis favorite and only''son rests. Mr Blckards made regular trips When In this cltv ■™ placed flowers on the grave of his son. Mr, BJckards will be much missed by all of hi' nnmerons friends In Australia and in fact all met tne world the name of Harnr Blckards was a. well-kn'iwn ■ one. - Business In 'all amnsement lihes'Is quite php aomeniU and money seems to flow to the coffer- of.'aul the amnsement caterers In Anstrallir at S^..'!Jif*"*1.5? 60. that. I am very fearful £«. there will come a crash thaf wlU make the rmrtter flotation ot any companies on this 5*S~* a. very' difficult'and": impossible -ma ttrr :-C. ,^>encer's sharea are'qnoted at ahooi $1 be'ow ; lpr:Jr»loe,-andrag I :consIder that his venture j'"!^?"™*"™*^-capitalized .-.ana ^that the hns ":5»2;*^nn nerer-bB able to pay any sort of .opuend OB-moh a -heavy capital as $730 "6'Bpaicer made Ills own, valuation of his am .•eft. and got «2ZO.WI0. In baifl cagli and K.OOO • fWy -paM-np shares of «S each, so yon can see • f—FyP^"* g°t on;• In fact'he Is now going Jgf* trip to see what Ideas he can pick ,Jlp'»'J«mg-«na prodnclns movtnK picture l*™*- »- Mpencer Is the one who Is agitating to bo pat on Alms both negatives JS'^'JS^'^ flie former BO cents a foot and J •5™' » «H>t" a foot He Is' about the only V^ff ^"^^^HE* ^oty on them. «it£i£^i5Sf*i'^"' f*"® leading prodncers and iJES^S*^ *" aay'nK that the moviaB Plc- ■.;agmMB^aam am not b». done U these lieavT •15?^ •* wm benifilt no on^ MT-.tnc rcnstoms house. _ We^a JMctees, Umited, Is Sbowlrig one of ;WsIes.. «nd T' &wci!' ftat It wlU go well in th^ 'S2rV.3I^*'s?''"r"™p<"^ t" »ena it-w the '5^ ikr^?,"™*,"" » pirate exhlbr '■ Vm> or. t Pff fll Bi Sbefore- the members of the -r* ** ■•SSt'^i?''*"*'' must say that ,WB« « iWllillllllUBfroct storr. ; ■■ W. H. H . lASE':' (.ONDON LETTER. j^. (ConUBnea.^ttam page 1T.> ISiSUS?*'^t"* the most of her oppdr- 2'?2!JL'^?£.J??*yi.t. *'»''""8 character SSii ^S?ir^l''ir-'?'"^ ™'''« ^"ore- Kate T.vn- '^'5*' araham do their best with other . coioriess p.ins. i5!!;.f ''^^ party, the FollieF, •S^dSS?-*" Pfoenm of Pelhwiefs Pot- a butlemine of Sir Herbert Trees BMOMtUm ..^ Maebefk ~ So. far these "potted" vctalons i»Ts been. lemaAablr rateruinlne. but n«t Spotted Mac&th" I ™S fvSfJ SSSS^SSfJ"-?"? tte idea of tnm- tar the tn^edr Into a Tcind of mnaical play Is 5S* Hw iSoom of Sir Herbert !^'s godaettonrevifn when tamed into "glnmor." as E^SS L"*' *!•. ''^not very satisfying. The fmiest-ftem In^ the skit Is musical lead- 222? ^'■'S.th'B . banquet . speech.. ."Now fwd dlges^ watt _ oh 'appetite. and iSH -,.2' TBe' roHies give it if-ifST^L.*!? *T<*:es sijging "Naw good SKfH"" J*"*"**' and one^ deep voice Mns in with "ana: he41«h oii':both.^> tlie ef- tUSiS^- ■Meier to- atop- the John' •M^ena flgbt, are ntUised by the Follies, and JJwte^^Jney, jn dWdcal garbr provokes roars mLSf^T^ tr, hW attempts to "rtop the and* Vacdnff. Api^ TO" aeae two Itetng'.Miicbeait a "potted pla|>'Ir;TmwortIiy of PeKsaler. •^J'™ _'™«-" lOfa^ 'Vvorsaka's new prbdnction at the SSSJ*^ ^^ ^.".flJ^J?^ » three-act ^SS*^^"*'!!'™*""'- ?'''n<*iBarliitinsl:r. Is another- ptar^bat-fbardly cpmeg np to expecta- ams._ It ls.n«t,.a new-pjay, .but is inefelv a jertted venion of The Career- e^ NaHIntsfcr. ^neaTTaa nrocinred by the ■■aine actress at the 5"'^!!Zl1"'''^ months- ago. -,-The -ptesent version ; ■■■ »K^bow»»er. bftter than tb^last. for the an- ■ ;2'*.5!»2^»tpred the-brizInal^BnssIan thesis In : .'eorrnptlbn of a po- : ntlesl;. bnrsa iMTSty. for. vlMt: 'the at. Peters- i ■SFiSrSE '™**'?'^ him- to' substltute a prl-, qwrity.: <mranteatio»i. Ttn^satire gets home y*- hefore Its symbblteal application mm smtalile only for local .eanmehenslon. The 2»m«aT *■ vlExaTmslv writt^^' knd its strength ' •»» hnmmr rather-than Mil'ifcilHicsl I In- a tereat. and tu rancmtratM in Mmci Taversaka's ■•■ SPOW J stnily or the--character of-the "groat joong msn-«" wife. .With a VIlshoneKt 'official £!'■.■ husband and another-for a loven Prince«s gBlenjJaMorsky- Is Mrny >fHvninns in her atfl- 2v *owar>'» both, lint Is nevertheTess too sonnd ; y her generons natnre to. pash> reckless coquetry ■ejonfl. certain.limits of personal Itoinr. The „ anacter remaino elTectlve, enough.- but Mme. Tavursffka nn<«'.ai>(vw« an In(4<QatInn to overdo BIB •■««nMie«*e»* «%* the ambltions'-vtmng dfnlo- ■st"* deitoBt wife. - With her Imnrovemeht in Bar Bnglish there somehow seems to. have, come a -deterto^floo. ii her sivip.' CharTe* Bryant' wko -snccwTd rh<ir1e<a Marine s«, VaUotsky, elves a n^inllneos to the rharactpr that one WonM hardly expect in go worthless a bnnhand. and KInsev pelle air«Iii mlbces neatly throngh' tlie role of the eqnally wortblesf lover. Blch- is bat One BEST—ThoM Made by WELDON, WILLIAMS S UCK ' FORT SMITH. ARKA^ S4S SUM nuwcisco, ML. iiiNHEM>ou.i, Man. ard Neville scurt-s in a qniet way wlthftala lep- rrsentatlon'of th« humble victim of olBcIal.^knav- ery, and 'on the whole the play seems to -inter- est its anliences. Whatever may be said about them ftom the point of view of "art," there can be no. ques- tion that pla.va of the type Walter and Fred- erick Uelvllle have been dumping upon aston- ished bnt appreciative We$t End theatregoers recently, are money-making concerns. The lat- est of these "MelviUeodramos" Ik The Girl Who Knew a Bit,-.which, however, is from the pefi of Charles JJarrell, ,and not by either of_ the versatile brothers whose .name is now used^-to classify such piays. The Girl Who Knew a Bit compares vt-ry favorably—if such a word can be ased in. reference to slieer melodramatic rub- hish—with the Worst Woman in London, The Girl Who .Took the. Wrong Turning, and other kindred prodnctions, and has been doing' tre- mendous.finsInessVaronnd the suburbs. When It gets up north the 'Ybrk^lremen and T-anchf^hiro- men will go crazy over it. While -posisesslng few If any new features, the play abounds with thrills and gor.T incidents. The Girl Who Knevv a Bit is not the sort of person who woiiId .be welcdmed In fashionable drawing rooms, but she has sevcciil. good points, and such characters .depleting "yior . but honest and virtuous" life never. sf»'m to weary KngHsh playgoers. There is a heart-ivTlng'ng scene in the dungeon at Bat- tle Al>bey. where a maniac, egged on by the arjiitocratlc villain, tries to murder the "bew- " lona" hero'jie. a shipwreck with survivors en heading for a cannibal islnnd. the des- te pllsht of the two "poor but honest and 1" gIrLi on a tropical island at the mercy ,-.,iKen sailors,- and Unaliy tlie blowing np of ^a Miner as she enters the Bast India dock. Miss Babe Stnart is tlie star of a very- good com- pany, and she makes the most of her npnortnn- ities BM. "The Rirl WIm Knew a Blt.*^ Charles Dickens <not the novelist), Harold Weston and Mabel Coleman also do. well, and altogether there seems to be a long mn In stwe-for this and slmlla; plajrs. "One of the most interesting pieces of .news this week la that. Joseph Feecham. the "Pill King;," - has bought tile Aldwych Theatre; and inhends leopenlng .It with a|>eratlc shows un- der the. direction ot his son. Thomns Beecbam, the famoas eondnetor, who came Into the lime- light recently as corespondent in" the Foster di- vorce enit^ .- The price paid. S150.000, Is .less than-a thifd of its cost to bnlld. bnt the Xif- wyrh h»i been an nnlncky theatre right through —-Its only .hnrsts of pmsnerlty being during Sev- monr Hicks' production of the Beauty , of Bath, ^rid the tenancy of the inevltsble money-makers the MelvIIlOB. with the Bad Girl of the FaAall.^. BxcepC that Allm-t Archdeacon Is to be the man- ager, very few details about the new regime, aye ivailnble jet. bnt it Is generally' nndeifstood that the theatre Is to he the headquarters of the Beecbam Oliera ComiMny. and thst nn attemnt win be made to cot into Oscar Bammerstein's, anticipated inoHts. As a serious opnosltihn to HammcnteiB. however, the Aldwych has a poor "hance.' In my last letter 1 referred to Miss vio'o- Vanbrugb's vsricty dehnt in The Twelve P<»-nd Cook. T shonld have said Irene Vanbmgli. Vio- let's taVnted sister. J. M. Barrle's Wever •daylet was dnly produced at the npnndrome. and Irene rcored' a hngh sncress. She was cap- aldy assisted by Edmund Gwenn. PARIS LETTER. . (Continued from page 17.) as famon"! »H t1>oee of M. Gemier.' part "if the sliieme being to Introduce lirand-new "Suds"; yoanff men and women wlin l*Rve been given-no iftamer m the more oerions stage, ret W'o an- oear t^> bave eonietbing In them. The..beat a^id highest in the way of pieces will be 'selpoted for the repertoire. STAGE POI.K-tECTtIRE. A scheme which would hardly succeed hi New York and other Imge--American ciHes {for oh- vlong reasone other, than that'tte public wouldn't care for snch a thifag—whirti lt would) Is a se- ries of lectures now being given at the O'vmnn In the Boulevard d«*s C^pnsinei*, by actors and actresses. pla.vwrlghts and so na. M. Brienx, for examole, lectured on Comment on Befalt Fne Piece (How.a Pl-"v Is Keto^rtiedl. And the bl|C andlence.'was'tickled to bits. He used Us own ' play, I«s Blenfaltenrs. to lllni.- tiste Ms talk, and two artists from the Oome- dle-Fmncalse acted the cltosen' bits as further illnstration. FoIiowIni^.M. Brleuz comes'Saeha Oultrv 'nr- tor end dramatiot: M. Noaiere, playmaker-' (as- slsted by Mile, Botibenr and the famons-"eriw versattaiBUst plwnlst." Fiagsoo); Mile -XT/'-t! Plerat, of tte Comedle-Fraooalse; Mme. ■Ri>t"r, of the Comedlc-Prancalse;,.M. Isadore d"' Ear^ (who will aing his own compositions), anid -a -lot more ennally fanwns stage people: ■ Needless to say. these are matinee atTaln, and wonMa are^fl«it^lii,di0vea. 'A BlINCH.'oF'NOTjiS. ' i . he'Theatre des Varietes 1m«' revived I,a Vie PB^enae «jid„ is getting good .Iwnses. - • "•. . .... >■ V- ♦ lies Freres Khnmaioil Is the Theatre des Arts revival. ♦ The Two Orphans has just lieen put on for the 'steenth time at tlwAmblga: ♦ - Ar.mwi tbe World In Elarhty Bacrs bas been Switched back on the Chatelet etage. Papa is still running at the Gymnase. ♦ The Merrv Widow is the Apollo's ope best bet. I*B Trans-atlatrtlqnes Is dropped «gali>— for the time being. ♦ 5»ie l?dimhourg Rkatintr Kin* hns vt started for the winter, and Is doing fair tmslnese. * The rolI<'r Tin* snd boll room nt Ma"ic CItv Siere—MBC!e Oltv is still oyien st t^" time of writing and irpttlnff the nv-nev In sn'f*. t*.n ohilly air—win keen tMs res-rt ponnlar all t^^o^zh the winter. . There Is always a crowd at elttier place' a. The Cirque departs has a good bill. ♦ . The Pathe Alms ar" •nikin<» • big hit «t Hie Clrqne d'HIver. The Tnr)ci).ltallin' war pictures are e sensation; also « sronp. ^, . nnn<rM.P<iXiii<.>M |r cliwd pending re- hnisals of the new Berne des X. Mme. Otero is now the star attraction at tlie Folies-Bergrre. .She apfiears In ■ a- new mtmo- dmnia, entitli>d Gyaka.. She was added to the bill this week. Dranem the «elebratea French low comedian, Sbans honors with tbe dancer. The Cinerama motion pictnre bill this week Includes the ceremonies in connection with the marriage of the Princess Zita ot Bourlion-Parma. and the Archduke Charles Frnncls Joseph. In the presence of Emperor rViincIs Joseph and the royal family. * The Sarah Bernhardt Themtre is preparing for the return to its atage of its miatresa, n<in will make her reapfiearance in the piximiscd Lticre- cia Borgia. ♦ . ■ ■ ■ . -Mme,' Ite]ane's play, Madame' Sans-Rene. Is to be seen In motion pictures these days, cn the Bonlevarde Montmartre. A revival of the pla.v Is playing simultaneously at the Bejane Tieatre. Mile. Emmy IJestlnn. the singer, has 3«Rt com- pleted a booa for an opera, and a book of vprs.- on the folk-lore of her native land. Bohemia. FIREWORKS High Grade Fireworks for Display and Theatrical uses. Smoke rote. Sparklers. Pigeons. Smokeless Fire Trick Cigarettes, Etc. LLOYD MFG. CO. 22 Park Plae*. ^ Naw York City «aO A SAT with our wonderful Champion Picture Ma- chine. Takes, develops, Snlahee photo. In half minute: 300 an honr. No dark room. Expe- rience unnecessary,- Photo Post Cards and Buttons all tbe ragel Ton coin money anywhere. Small Investments; hlK profits. Be .voor own boss. Write for Free Bonk, Testimonials, etc, Amorican ICaute Photo Oo.^ Dept. 60, Chicago, IL --WANTED— A MONEY MAN For the finest GAME OF SKILL ever produced-'. Perfectly layful . G reatest novelty. Particulars, GEO. WEBNER, Savannah, Ga. !. ' WILL PAY WELL For a live Sea Turtle, the biggest one that I caidTget. Wanted at diice.. Address TURTLE, care The Billboard, Cincinnati, 0.- VOICE TRAINING Perfect tone production~and eniindiation.' R. THOS. STEELE, 1441 Broattway, . - . NEW YORK. MAGIC Tricks&Supplie8 i Bend tan ealU tot Ulostrated eatalegna and ■• latest lUts. BEAB 4k OOTZBT. lit East 4M gtrsst. . OUaMO. OL PATFNTS 8ECUKBD OR nCK BBTURNBD snaajisstf report as tu palentabUlt* ainstrated Uulde Book and Uat of Invention* *ant«d sent FKEE. VIOTOH J. EVAH8 A 00., Washingtea, D. 0 KOTIOE BHOWKEN—1 buy, sell and store all klnda of show staff, tents and museum ^ootlH. Ship your Roods to me. and I will take care of IJiem. G. W. AU-EN. 20 E. -tth St., N. Y. City. Cevars. Stags Cietbs, Felctlng Chairs and Organs, Tsnta. Send for Baigain Booklet. B. H. Amhraster Wfg. Co., Springfield. Ill, JUST OFF THE PRCBSi-THK NEW MADISON'S BUDGET No. 14 By far the l>est Iwok of comedy material I have ever written. Oootenta Inclnde 20 snre-flre parodies, 11 great monotognes. 10 fine acts for two males, 8 acts for male and female, a splendid minstrel first part, an original one-act comedy, also brand new acts for quartettes and alster teams, besides an almost endless assortment of newest gags, jokes, sidewalk patter, etc., etc.. PRICE, ONE COLLAR MADISON'S BDDQET No. 14 is sold with Uie gnaraotee ot belns absMntely latlsfae- fory in every way or money instkntly r»- funded. Send orders to Wrii»forOur Cnrp Batalof&SaBplMrncC unifFrms For Bandp, Shows, Thea- tretind Park Employees. Base Ball, Etc. 1B30 Soitk Fbarib Catalog 8f Band Instnioienfs & Supplies. We » re alsoheadquartera for Bantiprs, Piiintings, Bailjros; Biittons, Cos- tiinips, _ Etc. Get ouf priccM befor; buying. We fumiah the best good* at' lowest prices,, DeMpBliD Bns. & Co. St., eraiiiilltjllliiit. .^ORCHESTRAL HARP|K5^ Tbe Accepted WorM's Staodard Mf Write for beaatifol Catalogue. \W Bajgrpsyments. We supply the U.S. —> Ga<enuii>t«itliIfiisieaIliMtnu»B<a Tim Rudolph WnrUtserCoi. no e«t.aaclsasH M*«.Wataak,CMa«) KstahHshed WANTEO-Hl G60D LIVE PARK NAIUGEI with some money to bny a part Interest anl assist m managing one of the finest parks aal bathing beaches In the coontry. A good oppor- tunity for the right man, but mint have VSjDM or more. Address all commnnleatlOBs to ARK. care of The Billboard, ClnelDnati. O. ALL TBE NEW- ONXS lKlKt*<6mjUSri. 900 FObatt Steal {BsUUshad 100). .. PUladalpUa. ,, farVhm. «sls»g><. tossHiitUd rwsWss Ffow win At 8lat. ltB<4iae% ItUe;'CarH *»«, BssMta, a Wdlw .''galr aamcsi.etc. «f||BSSd. (3at wtsik Big mastrsted etrpolar fnw. aiuc. & 00,. Bos 1007. '-BAinnnn. mi Late'ofthe' WILSON SI$TEIS >7ow playing in^ the'Or^t. Pennaneot iddress, " Savojr HptM, Shanghai, C%iiu. N0THIN6 TO Oa TIU TOMORROW OTIS FRANCES KNIGHTandDEYER ORPHEUM CliRCUIT Lytton Dramatic Company >B a seoettoire of Ugh-eiaas atandard plays- c* ^oiKe. PermaBeot address. SSO W. Ubsrty SU 'iDTlDIUtl. O.' . -8ANDOW" THEATRtCAL TRUNK. Onr".—... .. eal Traak Is amsna or ■tnasaa-soiu A BASV ▼auu. II a [. eomMPwttb ise Inc. e m2> out: haad-rimad. *ai speelaislas madstase der. WSixa "a out boaoB. Wilklns Tnai Xtf. Co., Dallaa T»i» f Menand WomenAgentsWanted Sell New Idea Dreas Goods, Tailored Skirts. Scarfs, th-anmwork. Pine chance to start easy, profiubto bu.iineu. ExcIiuivaterritory.larsesampIesotSiUa. Fopiins, Serges, Mohairs, furnished. Sell something to every woman. Proliubig. Write for catalog. H:w Kea Brew Gorti Co., Dept. S10 St. LonMj*. ^~~*C A V X E D J"""^* Agents,. Legitimate aubstitnte for Slot MachlDMl Satentedr sells on sight for $1. ParticBlsf" IIBHA OO.-, Anderson, Ind. ..' _ HYPNflTKMI I«ani ^ wnderfol «* nirnUliarai ,™ .anflnenee others s^ make fan and money.-xOOjjnay learn It I Jfnw ir Tea BiS It la lis Bfllfeeort XhD »aa »•