Billboard advertising (Dec 1911)

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DECEMBER 3, 1911. The Billboard 7 EEK THROUGHOUT AMERICA NORWQR TH AN D BAYES /ill Return to the Legitimate Stage as Co-Stars in a New Play, the Auto-Cranks, Following the Present Vaudeville Bookings—Werba and Luescher Enjoin Team Kew York. Nov. 27 (Special to The Billboard). —Nora Bayes and Jack Norworth are due for V lotber tour of the legitimate as soon a* their •esent vaudeville contract* are fulfilled. It the intention of the former co-star* of Llt- ril > utra Flxlt to produce The Auto-Cranka In tl e musical comedy Held and manage their own nr. Charles Marka, for a number of years with chard Carle in a managerial capacity, will associated with the team In the venture. Bayes and Norworth are at present playing vaudeville with a company of ten people. » ley have an arrangement with Mr. Percy U. 4 imams, in whose theatres they are at present a ipearlng. for a guarantee and SO per cent of e gross receipts. This arrangement Is the terms under which e team are to make a tour of twelve weiks Is season. Already they have booked Bntfalo, ronto. Chicago and Washington and a number other clttes. After this tour Is concluded trm .ere will come the production of the musical 3 ece or an organisation of a permanent vaude- lle stock company. The latter Idea Is Miss Bayes* own. It Is i oposed that a company of at least ten prln- pals be formed with a small chorus to play er a circuit of twelve weeks three times year* with three different offerings. The pro- jctlons will be In the nature of an afterpiece id will occupy from an hour to an hour and a t FIRE DAMAGES THEATRE. Lawrence, Mass., Nov. 23 (Special to The 3lllboard). —Fire early this morning caused a image of several thousand dollars to the Mar- iise Theatre here. A number of young women members of the nngletown Company playing at the Colonial beatre were asleep In their rooms at the Mer- mac Chambers, adjoining: the Marquise Thea- f!. and when the hotel fllled with smoke they shed to the Ore-escapes, from which they were rrled down to safety. iske Resigns From Mirror N «w Sork, Nor. 25 (Special to The Blll- oard).—Harrison Grey Flske, who has been In large of the Dramatic Mirror since 1880. an- onnced yesterday that he had disposed of the ratrolllng Interest he baa'held in the paper ir many years, resigned his presidency. editor- Up and seat In the Board of Directors in order > devote his time exclusively to his theatrical iterests. No announcement was made as to who was kSJ m .?' l ?"Sf ,° f . ,ne « t0 <* l*nt It Is under- lalrldnals " dlTided «mong several Mr. Flske stated that his reUrement would ot affect the character, scope or personnel of » Mirror In the slightest degree. FAMOUS ACTRE SS DEAD. raJS? *V\ IfoT - 25 (Special toTheBUlboarl). ™' e " d ,T, lce » received by theatrical men here onounoe the death In Germany of ottllle Ge- m. one of Germany's famous actresses. She <*> 77 years old. In 1889 Fran Genee under- wi.J onr . t«">n?ti America, ending at Ban besfi 'a wl,ere * be formfd *»' nrat German nn iifk he """wl '»«» theatre for fifteen a bi i£h R K re> !v Ba ^ e ? 8 nnM1 recalled to Ber- °.y "nihl Wh ° d " lred h » to BUYS SITE FOR EXPOSITION. •o»M? Usk /- • N « T 23 (Special to The B1U- !5 .';7" A 14 -»ere tract of land lying along w ad acent to the northeast shore of Put-lS Ssv ihS, o° ca w e i h * Property of the state ?aiL» S Johannsen. of Put-In Bay. i?X V/t^PSS? ? v 'etory Centennial Coml S^V 1 ""' 1 *"-883 Into the Probate Court of ttawa County at Port Clinton. » *» » «« rtv• .JT"? "Pre'ents the value of the prop- Im iH. "SS* by 2^ Jur y ""ting In condemna- » ilt^ C fS D % Thc «™* wl » be utilised as » h.t?i. for . *be exposition commemorative of "battle of Lake Brie In 1018. The proposed Wry. Memorial will be erected on a flveNam ™re. as yet to be laid out. : SHAKESPEARIAN ACTOR DEAD. ■ofroT 29 (8pecial to The .Bill- '*S, ) „T J< ""» Orlffln. well-known as an actor !> an»^ e Jr lan ">"»<*«». died yesterday at mte P Kastri«S: °° WMt Fort '- secon<1 Street, of SV^S 11 ^"* 14 * company on the road ud£ g ,.i h ?,. Nor,h . WMt - He here to or- tht ^"V"^ ""l"* w "> to have started out the beginning of next year. iwln nSJtv ctor J . «PP»ared as a youth with i?2! h an< " •■Je* waa leading man with "«„ Keene and Richard Mansfield. Although 2L™ *>°wn In nearly aU Darts of the 5r» «""ParattveIy unknown In Mew wfiur lif. w " nenr »W« to secure m r" 1 *- His home was In gprlngfleld, 111. bait of rnnnlng time. With this act there will only remain for the house managers to furnish four or Ave acts at the opening of the show. The matter is nnder advisement by a number of managers at present and if sufficient interest la shown on tbelr part, Bayes and Norworth stand ready to prepare the Initial production. Nora Bayes and Jack Norworth have been In the limelight considerably of late, on ac- count of their recent difficulties with Werba & Luescher. producers of Little Miss Fix-It. The latest move on the part of Werba & Luesch- er la an attempt to enjoin fBayes and Norworth from the alleged use of songs, dances and scenes from Little Miss Fix-It In their vaudeville act THE GA RDEN TO STAND Report is Circulated that Madison Square Garden Is Not t« be Razed—Building Loan for the Property Secure, but Purchasing Loan Can Not Be Had New Xork, Nov. 27 (Special to The Bill- board).—It was reported here today that after all the talk of the demolishing that land-mark, Madison Square Garden, that the building is still to stand. Messrs. Sonthwick and Ball, tbe real estate promoters that had the deal In band, are reported to have been unable to secure a loan that would warrant them pur- chasing the Garden and the alto upon which It Is erected. Several months ago It was stated that the Madison Square Garden, which in years past housed all of the circus and like attractions of so gigantic a nature that there was no other place for their showing except the mammoth arena, would be torn down and a business FRANKLYN UNDERWOOD, Leading man with Mrs. Leslie Carter, in Two Women, nnder the management of John Cort. Cries "Fire"; Panic Ensues Pittsburgh, Pa., Nov. 20 (Special to The Billboard).—Just at the close of the first show of the evening at the Palm Garden Theatre tonight some irresponsible person shouted •'Fire!" Instantly there was a panic among -the 800 persons In the picture house. Men. women and children rushed pellmell tor the exits, and somebody on the outside turned In an alarm which brought the engines. When the firemen arrived they found no fire, and tbelr only "work was to carry out the children, and send them to hospitals. ARMSTRONG SUE8 LIEBLER & CO. New York, Nov. 25 (Special to The Billboard). Paul Armstrong, tbe playwright. In a suit be- Em this week in tbe Supreme Court against lebler & Co., estimates that bla percentage of tbe profits of the laat four weeks of Alias jimmy Valentine la $3,000 a week. Armstrong la suing for the period between October 22 and November 18, and asks $12,000. Be said that under an agreement with the producers, mad* November 24. 1809. he waa to receive a nightly statement of box office receipts, and that these statements ceased on October 22. Alias Jimmy Valentine waa written as a abort story by O. Henry and dramatised by Armstrong. Crane's New Comedy Produced Utica, N. X- Nov. 21 (Special to The Bill- board).—William H. Crane's new comedy. The Senator Keeps House, by Martha Morton, was presented for the first time on any stage at tbe Majestic 'Theatre last night. A large au- dience was present and gave Mr. Crane and bis latest play an enthusiastic welcome, w ■■ Mr. Crane will take bis new offerlBK Into th" Garrlck Theatre. New York City, f/rtalch he leased as an actor-manager In association with Joseph Brooks, next Monday. THE INTERNATIONAL'S ADVANCE Chicago, Not. 25 (Special to The Billboard). —It la the claim of the International Metal and Ferrotype Company that with their newly- patented ferrotype plates the minute photo man has at laat secured tbe kind of plate which he has long needed. With these plates and the newly-patented Dial plate holder It Is possible to Increase a picture from a size of one and three-fourths by two and one-half to two and one-half by three and one-half. This la" an achievement on the part of the International people that Is bound to be greatly appreciated by tbe users of minute cameras. This modern addition In no way Impairs the sharpness or the picture, but also makes It possible to take group pictures at an angle. structure erected on the site. Tbe new bsdldlas when completed was to be devoted to the silk trade. Plans were drawn and the new atrueture was to have consisted of four towers built abort the fifth story of the building proper. Last week there wss s rumor that while th* real estate promoters who were Interested in the deal were folly able to secure capital ts tbe extent to fully guarantee the cost of bnQaV ing the new structure, they were not able, it is alleged, to secure sufficient funds to permit them purchasing the present property. It was only several weeks ago that one of tbe biggest clrcua managements offered rats holders of the option on tbe property a bonus of $9,000 for a three weeks' lease of tbe property over the regular price that the same firm has) paid in tbe past. PLAN NEW THEATRE. Sioux City, la., Nov. 25 (Special to The BtO- boardj.—George G. Call and others are plan- ning a new theatre in Sioux City, covering; a frontage of 141 feet on Jackson Street, be- tween Fourth and Fifth Streets. Negotiations have been carried on for saaas time with Martin Beck, and Mr. Beck has agreed to take a lone-time lease and make that place sn Orohenm theatre. The building wUi cost $300,000. SCORES IN PREMIERE. Washington. D. C, Nov. 21 (Special to The Billboard).—Madame Nazhnova appeared last night at the National Theatre la a new comedy by Pierre Wolff, entitled The Marionettes. A large audience was present and the new play scored heavily. Included in the cast are: Arthur Lewis. Frank Gil more, Kate Meek, Edward Fielding. Charles Balsar. Grace Carlyle and Helen Freeman. The Marionettes will urebably be prniliisni at the Lyceum Theatre, New Xork. shortly. Development in Chicago Theatricals Chicago, Nov. 25 (Special to Tbe BIBbaaunt). —With the opening on Monday ztlatbt at that Olympic Theatre, formerly the Majestic la Springfield, 111., of the tabloid musical version of The Sunny Side of Broadway, a new and Important phase of the amusement game la In- augurated. Tbe production Is being made by the recently incorporated Liseals Amusement Company. It Is their Intention to secure well- known musical comedies, rip out tbe padding and deadwood. and make an bour-and-a-half entertainment therefrom. TTiey will book these in the family vaudeville bosses throughout the country, playing two showa a night at prices not to exceed ten and twenty cents. This form of amusement Is Immensely popular In Havana and Spanish-American cit- ies, but has not previously been tried here. The) Lincoln Amusement Company bss Merry Mary in preparation for production In December, with other well known musical comedies to follow. MORT SINGER IN BERLIN. Chicago. Nov. 25 (Special to Tbe Billboard). —Tbe Information was given out at the Sugar offices In the Princess Theatre Building today that Messrs. Mort Singer and Herman Fenr, who sailed from New York on the LusllaaasV on November 8. have reached Berlin. They are visiting* the German capital la a search far amusement novelties suitable for production xa their new theatre in Chicago. It Is believed that they may bring with them an entire aba-' ropean production. Mr. Singer will make • new production In the near future at the Prin- cess Theatre. N EW OPERCTTA PLEASES. Toledo. O.. Nov. 24 (Special to The Bill- board).—Modest Suzanne, with Sallle Fisher tat the principal role, was given Its premiere It that Valentine Theatre to-night and waa well .re- ceived by a good-sized audience. A. H. Woods) and H. H. Frsxee are the producers. SECURES RIGHTS TO OPERA. La Grande Bretecbe. a one-act opera i by Dr. Edward Scbaaf of Newark, will to) produced by tbe Chicago Opera Company, Di- rector Dlppel having obtained the rights stav- ember 25. The opera, based on Balzac's trade romanca, calls for six characters. Maurice Freeman baa recently produced Ms new act. The Pawnbroker, by John B. Hjaais. with tremendous success. The Pawnbroker to as story of today, a comedy with strong; drajnatte story running through. Special act is car- ried, and a cast ot five, incladlagt Naaxbe ml— ton. Mildred By-land, Arthaz Tan and lass Hilton. Additional Amussmastt pages 54 and 55.