Billboard advertising (Dec 1911)

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DECEMBER 39, 1911. 29 L.rconlnns, The (erpbeum) JackBonTHle. Bla. rioniinl. Edd e (Keith's) Killa. „ , a tJyS™ General Ed. .(Majestic) Cedar Baplda, L«?itcomb (Orpbenm); Lincoln, Neb. Gilbert (Shube'rt) Dtlca. N. Y. McKinley, Nell: 288 Bank St.. Newark. N. J. SeXamee: 41 Smith st.. Poogbiepale, N. Y. Maeaonald Sisters: 12 Bache st.. San Francta- McOonneU Sisters. VIAT. W. Madison at., Chl- McuKmIo. O. I.: 818 Superior St., Toledo. McDonald & Genareanx: 409 H. 1st St., Bslntb, Jlclntyre * Groves: 403 E. 15th St., Davenport, wcNutts, Nutty: 270 ». S9th at.. N. Y. C. McPhee & Hill: 311 fc ave., N. Y. O. MacEroy & Powers: 173 W. 45th St.. N. Y. C. Mack Floyd: B934 Ohio St.. Austin, Chicago. Mack 4f Orth: 908 Walnut st, Pblla. Macks. Two: 245 N. 5»th at.. PhlU. Malta & Malta: 173 North are.. Plalnfleld. N. Man*ela. Jno. W.: 503 N. Clark St. Chicago. Manning Trio: 70 Claneey St., Grand Baplda Mich. Marathon Comedy Quartette: 307 W. 30th St., N. y. C Mnrcous: 819 LaUn it.. Cblcan. Mardo & Hunter: 2122 Bugenla st. St. Louis. Mardo Trio: 851 Carroll St.. Akron, O. Jlareenas. Three: 548 So. Pierce St., Milwaukee. Marius Bohemian Quintette: 164 U. 88th at.. N. y. c. MarSee Bros.: 508 B. Oak St., Portland, Ore. Marlo-Aldo Trio: 204 W. 42d St.. N. Y. C. Marriott Twins: Goelph. Oat., Can. Marten Family: 276 Hudson Boulevard, Union MarthV I Mlie'.: 210 W. 84th at.. N. Y. <J. Martin. Dave & Miss Perele: 4801 Calumet ave., Chicago. Martlne. Carl A Budolph: 457 W. 07th St.. N, X. O. Martin & Polk: 907 S. 12th st., Sprtogneld, 21L Martlnettle & Sylvester: 8728 Leeaa at,. Phils. Masons. Four: Fair Haven. N. J. Vaaqneria Sisters, Three: 5485 Kills ave., Ohl cago. Maxwell & Dudley: 105 W. 08th at., N. Y. O. Melnotte-lanole Trio: 48 Maryland ave., Cum- berland, Md. Melrose & Lewis: 8343 Peoria St., Chicago. Melville. Marvelous: Interlaken, N. Y. Merrlam. Billy & Eva: 1329 Second ave.. Bast, Cedar Baplda, la. Merritt * love: Fair Haven, N. J. Mighty Oaks: Osnkosb. Wis. Mll.fc, The Misses: IB W. 10th St.. St. Paul. Military Four: 679 B. 34th at.. Pa tenon, N. 3. Miller & Tempest: 135 Booraem ave., Jersey City, N. J. Millers. Three Juggling: 927 Bldge ave.. Scran, ten. Pa. Mlllette Family: 1101 Chestnnt at., St. loots. Mills & Monlton: 58 Bose at.. Buffalo. Mllmars. Tke: 214 South Washington st,, Koko- mo. Ind. Mimic Four: 368 W. 48th st,, N. Y. O. Mints & Palmer: 1305 N. 7th at,, Phlla. Moffett 4 Clare: 111 B. 125th st-, N. Y. O. Montgomery. Marshal: 50 Turner Place. Brook lyn. Montrell. Chas.: 104 B. 14th st.. N. Y. C. Moody * Goodwin: 309 B. 2d St.. Kewanee, IB, Moores. Five Flying: 800 F st-, Monde, Ind. Moore. Tom & Stasia: 3725 Irving Park Blvd., Culcago. Morse * Clark: 217-5th St.. Baraboo, Wis. Mortons. Four: 288 5th St., Detroit. Morton-Jewell Troupe: 1865 Pollan are., Cln dnnatt. Most Twins: 335 Fayette at.. Bridge ton. N. X Mullen! Trio: care P. Tauslg. lot E. 14th st., N. Y. O. Mylte & Orth: Mnscoda, Wis. Marlowe tc Plnnkett (Academy) Scranton, Pa.; (Family) Shams-kin. Jan. 1-8. Merry Mary Co.: Kalamazoo, Mien., 28-30; Danville. Ill Jan. 1-6. Mooree. Mite (Oasto) Ashtabula, O.; (Crystal) Braddoek. Pa., Jan. 1-8. Morton-Jewell Troupe (Majestic) Houston, Ter.: (Plaza) San Antonio, Jan. 1-8. McGreevy & Bailey (Crystal) Galveston, Tex. Moore. Geo. Austin 4 Cordelia Haager (Temple) Rochester. N. Y. Marke, Dorothy (West End) Unlontown. Pa. Mathlens. Juggling (5th Ave.) N. Y. a Mtlton 4 DeLong Sisters (Shnbert) TJttce. N. Y.: (Umpire 1 PlttsOeld, Mass., Jan. 1-8. Madden 4 FitaPatrick (Orpbenm) Madison. Wis. Matllde 4 Elvira (Ashland) Chicago. Moore 4 St. Olalr (Orpbenm) Montreal. Marlo-Aldo Trio (Orpheum) gt. Pari. MacDonongh. Ethel (Orphenm) Portland. Ore. Mnller 4 Stanley (Alrdome) Chattanooga, Tenn. Melvta Bros.. Three (Polly) .Oklahoma City, wm k 1 » :<»* rln «") Wichita, Kan., Jan. 1-6. Miller. Eagle 4 Miller (Empress) Kansas City. MO. M £l"* r ^ n i (Empress) Seattle; (Orphenm) Vanooover, Can., Jan. 1-fl. Millard Bros (Bill 4 Bob), (BIJen) Kenosha, Wl«. ; (Appleton, Jan. 14). M ««t?es (Majestic* Birmingham, Ala.; (Ma- jestic) Macon. Oa.. Jan. 1-8. lo" ,r ^». ro "C 'Majestic) Bloomingtoo. Til., 28- .r^J.^E?" 0"»nd) Evansvllle. Ind., Jan. 1-6. Metaem Tronpe (Majestic) Bntte. Mont,, Jan. Merlin (Empress* Spokane; (Empress) Seattle, Jan. im.■ Murphy. Mr. 4 Mrs. Mask (Empress) Vsn- conver. Can.; (Empress) Victoria. Jan. 1-8. Mutter 4 Betts: 1827 Nelson St.. Chicago. -SS n *: - Tianelng Girls fr«Iqne) Mlnne- m^.V" : '""Press) St. Paul. Jan. 1-8. Moaetto ft Co. (Empress) Milwaukee; (Unique) Minneapolis. Jan. i^t ;; n ? 1 , * , ' 0 '-_The: Frankfort. Indiana. Mella & Ttnrya (Empress) nnlnth. Minn.; (Em- w P "r*] 'Winnipeg, ran., Jan. 1-6. nl,*- on J 'Grand) 8acramento, Oal.; (Ben) Oakland. Jan. 1-8 MrKf-nxie ft Shannon (Empress) Chicago; (Bm- Press)i Mllwankee. Jan. 1-8. Mel_nnchlln 4 Rtnart (New Norman) tonlsrllle; (Sum Portsmouth. O.. Jan. 1(1. Mnssev 4 Bolton (O. H.) Danville. Ky.; (Prln- ee«.) St. T-onls. Mo.. Jan. 18. Mnrrla 4 Kramer. (Poll's) Wllkes-Barre. Pa. p, 0 ™"'* * Inrln « Toll's) Wllkes-Barre, "oiFr*Mo Ke,,e:r * LnCT < 0rn heum) Kansas MMler'4 Maek (Majestic) Oedsr Baplda, la. M "™". I^slle, 4 Co. (Majestic) Cedar Rap- Ids, la. Inch Dan ' * °°' ^l 00 ) Bata " c* 8 **' Marcontonls, Three (Garrlck) Wilmington, Dei MIdgley, Sager, & Co. (Orphenm) Denver. Mann, Sam, 4 Co. (Orpheum) Minneapolis. Kantba Trimpe: ItSf E. 71st st.. Chicago. Nanary, May: 14 Parkslde ave., San Frandaco. Nash 4 Blnehart Bocky Creat, Walnut Beach, Mllford, Cann. National Combines, Three: 1530 Putnam ave. Brooklyn. Navas, Lea: care P. Tauslg, 104 B. 14th st. N. Y. C. Nelson. Oswald 4 Borger: 150 B. 128th st., N. I. O. Nelson Comhjaes, Four: 982 West Side Ave. Jersey City. N. J. Nemo. Carl: 721 N. 2d st.. Qulncy, 111. Newhoff 4 PhelpB.- 82 W. 118th St.. N. Y. 0 Nlbbe 4 Bordeaux: 9003 Normal ave., Cbieago. Nichols 4 Smith: 912 Addison ave., Chicago Nlckslson 4 Kush Trio: 16S6 W. Chicago ave. Chicago. Noel Family, Five: 229 Netherwood ave.. Plain field, N; J. Nolan. Shean 4 Nolan: Bos 137, HarrisvBle, N. Y. Norton, C. Porter: 6342 Ktmbark ave., Chi- cago. Nicuuls-Nelson Troupe (Plaza) San Antonio, Tei.; (Majestic) Little Rock, Ark., Jan. 1-6, Newton, Gladya (Lafayette) New Orleans. Newbold 4 Gribbln (Keith's) Toledo. O. Nichols Sisters (Orpheum) Duluth, Minn.; (Or pheum) Lincoln. Neb., Jan. 1-8. Norton & Nicholson (Orpheum) Winnipeg, Can. Jan. 1-6. Noble, Billy. 4 Jean Brooks (Pantages*) Van. couver. Can.; (Pantages') Tacoma, Wash. Jan. 1-6. Nawn, Tom, & Co. (Orpheum) Salt Lake, »>, 25-Jan. 6. Nevlns 4 Erwood (Lyric) Dayton, O. Night In a Pollcb Station (Empress) Victoria, Can.; (Empress) Tacoma. Wash., Jan. 1-6. Norton. Ned (Empress). Victoria. Can.; (Em- press) Tacoma, Wash., Jan. 1-6. Newell 4 Nlblo (Empress) San Francisco. Jan. 1-8. Nixon, Great, Co.: Box 880. Bellefontalne, O. Nebraska Bill 4 Co. (Colonial) Haverhill Mass. Norrins, Four Diving (Keith's) Phlla. Olympic Trio (Orpheum) Minneapolis. O'Doles. Two: Havana, HI. Olivers, Four Sensational: 3243 Grensnaw st. Chicago. Olympic Trio: 4017 OgOen ave., Chicago. Omega: 814 W. 48d St.. N. Y. 0. Orletta 4 Taylor: Hldgefleld Park. N. J. Otto Bros.: 224 W. 48th St., N. Y. C. Oiavs, The: 48 Klnsey ave., Kenmore. N. Y. OrteBo. Major D.: 822 Clay St., MaasUlon, O. Otto 4 Cortel (Orphenm) Toledo. O. O'Neill Trio (Penn) Phlla.; (Orpheum) Yonkers, N. Y., Jan, 1-8. Odlva (Orphenm) Kansas City, Mo. O'Connor Suiters, Six (Hammersteln's) N. Y. O. Oakland. Will (Empress) Kansas City, Mo. Parker 4 Kramo: 801 EL. Washington St., Spring field. 111. Parker 4 Sterling 334 N. Sarah St., St- Louis Parks 4 Mayneld: 1288 E. 26th at,, Les Angeles Patrick-Francisco Trio: Box 835. Barron. Wis. Panll 4 Walton: 726 6rh ave, Pittsburgh. Pa. Pearsons. Musical: Ban Claire, Wis. Peers. The: Manhattan Hotel. Xenia O. Poderson Bros.: 389 Madison at. MUwaukee Peiham Comedy Four: 1208 Filbert st, Phlla. Pendletons, The: 135 Pittsburg st. New Castle; Personl 4 Halllday: Van Bttren Hotel, Chi- cago. Petet Family: 631 W. Lawrence ave., Spring- field, in. _ Philion. Achllle: 64 B. Montcalm at., Detroit, Mich. Phillips 4 Newell: 218 So. Howell at, Owosso, Mich. Piccolo Midgets. Four: Box 23, Phoenicia, N. Y. Polriers. The: White Rats. Chicago. Post 4 Gibson: Marphysooro. UL Potter 4 Harris: 1715 Lei and ave., Chicago, Prosit Trio: 103 S. Fountain ave., Springfield, O. Perclval, Walter 0.. 4 Co. (Majestic) Spring. field, Til.; (Orpheum) Champaign. Jan. 1-6. Panll, Leslie W. (Princess) Hot Springs, Ark.. 28-30; (Orphenm) Grand Rapids, Mich., Jan. 1-6. Primrose Four (Orpheum) Minneapolis; (Or- phenm) Duluth, Jan. 1-8. Phillips 4 Merritt (Empress) Ban Francisco. Powder 4 Capman (Empress) Kansas City, Mo. Pinsrd 4 Manny (Haymarket) Chicago; (Ly- ceum) Pittsburg. Pa., Jan. 1-8. Pickens. Arthnr J., 4 Co. (Keith's) Boston; (Colonial) Lawrence. Jan. 1-6. Phillips, Mondane (Bell) Oakland, Cel.; (Em- press) Los Angeles, Jan. 1-6. Powell-Howard Co. (Empress) Milwaukee-: (Unique) Minneapolis. Jan. 1-6. Palmer-PIroscorBs Family (Lyric) Dayton, O. (Temple) Hamilton, Can., Jan. 1-8. PaToffs, The (Orphenm) Dnlnth, Minn. Pope 4 TJno (Orphenm) Jacksonville. Fla. Palmer 4 Lewis (Pantages') St. Joseph. Mo. Parry. Charlotte. 4 Co. (Keith's) Cincinnati. Queen Mab 4 Wets (Forsvth) Atlanta, Ga.; (Colonial) Norfolk. Vs., Jan. 1-6. Qotney. Thee.: 48 W. Dodrloge st. Commons, O. Ramons, Two: 448 laea st. Dearer. _ Bawls 4 Von Kaufman: 2027 Kansas ave., Kan- sas City. Mb. Ray 4 WIirMma: 28 Abbott st, Atlanta. Ga. Reeds. Three: Sen. Del.. St. Pant Regals. roar: ears P. Tauslg, 104 E. 14th st, N. Y. C. " Relds. Cyeliag: Babylon. L. I.. N. Y. Relff. Clayton 4 Relff: 78 Stillson St. Roshas- Remugton. Mayms: Hotel Sarard, W. 44tk st. N. Y. C. . _ Reoao. Bert 4 Helen: 430 Buchanan at.. Ft. Wayne. Ind. _ Rev Comedy Olrana: Brook side Farm, Weston, if. J. RSeno 4 Asora: 1SS2 Wabash ave.. Chicago. Rhoads* Marionettes: 88 W. 8th at. Chester, Pa. Rlsaoa, Four: Freeport, t. I.. N. Y. Rlee 4 Oady: 738 Olenwoed ave.. Buffalo. N. Rice 4 Prevent: 28 Oehnrn ave. Oettmavnie. Mass. Blrksrds Two Aerial: 288 Jeneks st. Fail River, Mass. CRONER'S SPARKLE EMBROIDERY On Curtains. Oostumaa. Draperies, etc gesul far price list No samples. Bead 50r fey T-hvrh ■nttertv. 3 color*. Address ALBEBT B. CRO- HRR, 208 W. 42d St., opposite Hammersteln's Victoria Theatre. New York City. AN INVESTMENT of $2.25 Pays Nearly • 100 per cent. Immediate Profit. Pays Over 200 per cent. Profit in Future. £ N??,n£ y 5i* , %Ji?. t 2■ , our . Pre*?"* stock Is exhausted, we offer the STAR MATCH 'Sc? MACHINE and 432 Boxes Matches, completefc,r$2.25, f.o. b. Hamilton, umo. ihia amount of matches vended through machine pays you $4.32In addition to which the machine la your property We can fill your additional orders for these matches at 40 cents per gross boxes. A net profit on each future sale of over 200 per cent. THIS OFFER AND STOCK IS LIMITED. ORDER NOW. THE ALEXANDER MANUFACTURING CO. HAMILTON, OHIO CYSTO MYSTIC—FOR MEDICINE MEN *YSTO CYST© 'CYSTO CYSTO CYSTO CYSTO CYSTO CYSTO'! is your MASCOT and has Swastika's charm, is your LUCKY STAR, t'vriU bring you FAME and FARM, drives out HOODOOS, SUPERSTITION and FEAR, brings you HAPPINESS, f6rTUNE and GOOD CHEER, is a WINNER with a REPERTOIRE of WEALTH, is your SUNLIGHT of PLEASURE and GOOD HEALTH, is MAGNETIC, no LOADSTONE can compare, 'S your AFFIDAVIT, we'll give you one to wear. /"*V7'Q r p/"\ is a 14-K., full jeweled, coin separator vlul VJ with automatic repeater attachments. An absolute novelty, decidedly new and original. A regu- lar coin harvester for coin extractors. The greatest proposition on earth, most elaborate frame-up. Sand for a. CYSTO MYSTIC and full particulars to ■ GIBSON and SEYLER, 1613 Central Avenue, ... CINCINNATI, OHIO. WANTED FOR THE Patterson Annex Great Pattern Shows Freaks and Curiosities of all kinds suitable for Big Pit Show. Can use Midgets, Tattooed Man, Living Skeleton, Giants, or anything that is strange and curious. Send photos and lowest terms. Long season and the best of treatment and accommodations. Wanted for Patterson's Jungleland—all kinds of small animals, must be cheap for cash. Ad- dress all communications to JOHNHIE;BEJANS, Manager Patterson's Annex, - 1602 Royal Street DALLAS, TEXAS. Calgary Industrial Exhibition The Herbert A. Kline Shows' Attractions Just mention the above because others claim it. Can place one or two strictly first-class shows that don't conflict. All attractions must hold written contracts for 1912 or they are not booked. Don't want Free Acts or Privileges, so please don't write. Our season nearly booked; why experiment? ::::::::::: Address, P. O. Box 68, - - FLINT, MICHIGAN. GREAT PARKER SHOWS Now Booking Attractions, Season 1912 35 WEEKS ADDRESS ALL COMMUNICATIONS TO CON. T. KENNEDY, General Manager, Lewiston, Idaho. THE BIU>BOABI> IS AMERICA'S LKAD1NG ANI> MOST W1UKL.7 OTKCTJLATKr* WEEKLY AMUSEMENT JOCRNAU SCBSOBUPTION. $4.04 A YEAR: • MONTHS. S2.00: X MONTHS. S1.00. PAYABliB IN ADVANCE.