The billboard (Dec 1911)

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32 The Billboard DECEMBER 36, 191-1. ALABAMA. ANDALUSIA ANDALUSIA OPERA HOUSE Hi M. Steerijrted. mgr.) N. of A. Glee ClDb In. 1; Daniel Boone 10: Beverly 30. ARKANSAS. LITTLE ROCK.—MAJESTIC (L. B. Quill, srjtr.) Toot Powell and Ssn Minstrels, Whirling Brforas. Lskej Sinters, Mott WltfB Klllarney (Slrls, Howard Bros. KBMPNER (S. H. May- er, mgr.) garage's Girl of the Gulden West Bee 91; Comman Law 23; Coburn Minstrels 23; (Stores Lady 25. COLORADO. BOULDER,—CBB.RAN OPERA HOUSE (W. A. Caiman, mcr.i What Happened to Jones Dec. M: Newlywed. 2»: Chocolate Soldier 27. TRTHTDAD.—WEST THEATRE (W. B. Mad- den, mgr..) Bright Eyes Dec. 21; Paid In Full 37: Man, Place and Girl Jan. 11: Lion and the Uooae 1*; W»™ Knighthood Was In Flower ft: Red. 11111 24: Fortune Hunter Feb. 7. CONNECTICUT. BRIDGEPORT.—PARK (J. T. Bnrke. mgr.) Al Reeves* Burlesque. Tbe Kntles. 29: The Cat and tie Fiddle 30. POU'8 (Tho* Klrby, mgr.) Conray and La Diva, Krempka Bros., Moaareh Comedy Foot. Nantelle." Arthur Pick- ens and Co. Akaras, The Mayor and the Manl- enre week 1*. HARTFORD.—PARSONS' (H. C. Parsons, mgr.) Dark during week Dee. 18: Thais 25- XI. POM'S (S. Z. PoH, mgr.) Billy Reeves and Cam pa ay, Mr. and Mrs. Connolly. Meredith Hake's Oeeaedy Male. Art Foner. Days -and Baku. Maaa ana Fry. The Browns week 18. I.— POU'8 IS. Z. P»u. mgr.) May Irwla Dec 7. JsaTersoa De Angelis In The Pearl Malaea Jan. a: Tilly Marshall In The Talker 2; earter DeHaaea la The Girl In the Taxi M; Spring HaM 11; The Pkelan Musical Co. week Jam IS: The Concert 18; Mme. Sherry 91; The Gamblers a*. DELAWARE. TOJDH6TOS.-GAREICK. Claude Austin. Barnes- W h ere and Ulna Shirley In BoUUos at Hasae; Beretay Kenton. Amaros Sisters. Miss ■ay TuUey ia The Battle Cry of Freedom, ■Upper Kennedy and Beeves. Gordon Bras, week Dec. 18. Harlan Knight, LIlHan Tolk- »«. Clartoa Smith and Sadie JanseU, Tbe Three Uarcaataaas. Three American Trumpet- ers, Hilda Hawthorne. Duffy and Lorenx week •St^^TBjrFB^ Waaaimgton Stock Co. In DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA. WA8HTN6T0N—NATIONAL (W. H. Rap- ier. n>ir.) Imkm Brew la A Single Man week See. -28. BJKiASOO (L. Stoddard Taylor, mgr.) Jacinta week Dec 28: Excuse Me week Jan. 1. fallowed ay Pomander Walk. Tbe. Gam- tiers. The Baas, and He Came from Milwaukee. COLUMBIA (Fred G. Berger. mgr.) Mutt and Je* 25 an d weak ; Julian Klrtnce Jan. 1 and weak. GAYETY (Oeonre Peek, mgr.) The Hoaeymoee fifa-ls week el 25. LYCHUM (A. C. Mayer, mar.) Miner's Bohemians week 25. a, CABIN* (J. M. Karby. mar.) Mrs. Gen. Tom BTaaarb and Oaatpany week 25. IMPERIAL <w. ■B. MeKeaa. mar.) Love and War. Toots Ola r and aer Hawaiian Trooba flora. Bobby Ferns and Mildred Xamm week 18. ACADEMY OF areata (J. w. Lyons, mgr.) The Rosary week at 95. CBAW5-8 fH. Winifred DeWItt. mgr.) Btaehra Arbackl* In The Reform Candidate week af 26. HOWARD (A. J. Thomas, mar.) Gale aad JohnawTa Samba Girls week of 25. COSMOS (J. Brylawaky, mar ) Cbas Terris and Co. In The Presrtier aad the Man week 18. GEORGIA. COLVaTBVS.—SPRINGER OPERA HOUSE (I*. H. Sprinter, mgr.) Granatark Dee. 25. uTAJBSTIC (A. H. Dudley, mar.) Trnehart. La vale Trie. The Girl. The Cowboy and tbe Oaaa: Low's and Bell. Ctreua OM and the down: Lew Wood*, ventriloquist, week 18. MACON.—OBAND (D. G. PhlTIIpa, mgr.) ArewaA the Ceafc Dee. 18: Beverly 25. BOHR. — ROMS OPBRA HOCSB (Joseph nVlrgetberg, mer.) Beyal Stock Company week ILLINOIS. CCQCA60.—ACADEMY—Popular priced vau- d aiB fl e. ALHAMBRA—Bapho. APOLLO—Vaudeville aad moving pictures. adbitorium— Chicage Grand Opera Com- BJJOO—Dark. BIJOU-DREAM—Papular-priced vaudeville and Maying atrtaraa. BBuACKSTOXB—Frances Starr In Tbe Case of Beekv: feartn week. BPgg TEMPLE—Vaudeville and moving pic- turea. CAETNO—Popular-priced vaudeville and mov- ing plerares. ("WNTTTBY — Popular-priced vsudevQIe and saeviac pictures. CaTTC.aen <"*SRA rrnrw, —Marguerite Sylva la Gyaay Lave: seventh week. CLARK—Moriac picturea. CaLT.aOE—srsrhbom Cinderella. COLONIAL—Christie Maedonald in The Spring HaM. COLUMBIA—The Taxi Girts. C*»*T TTT«ATBB—The Maater of the House; eighth week. C BQW X—The Girl in the Tail. T> HUTCHES (formerly Criterion) —German 8t» k. K«PTRB—The Tiger LDlss. avPltaa- V.noVrUle. FOT T.Y— GABRIfTS—Ahorn'a production of The Bohe- Blaa filrl: second week. GLOBE—Dark. OR.avn opf»:a Ttor->»B—PomamJer Walk. HAMT.IX ATB Moving picturea. HAYMARKBT—Billy Van in A Lucky Hoodoo. IMPERIAL—East Lynne. ILLINOIS—Frank Mclntyxe In Snobs; fourth, week. KEDZIE AVE.—Vaudeville and moving pic- tures. LA SALLE—Louisiana Lon; seventeenth week. LEW FIELDS* AMERICAN MUSIC HALL— Hanky Panky. XJ.XDEX—Vaudeville and moving pictures. LYRIC—The Kiss Waltz. MAJESTIC—High-class vaudeville. MARLOWE—Is Marriage a Failure? McVICKER'S—The Rounu-Up; second week. NATIONAL—Tbe Old Homestead. OAK—Moving pictures, OLYMPIC—The Woman. PARKWAY—Vaudeville and moving; pictures. PLAZA—Vaudeville and moving pictures. THE MOLINE (R. Taylor, mgr.) The Chorus Lady 26; Lillian Rhodes In The White Sister Jan. 1. PONTIAC—PHOTOPLAY (C. R. Carry, mgr.) Wiggins H. Day. Ed. Coleman Dec. 1S-20; Belle Barton, John Brangan 21-23. ROCK ISLAND.—ILLINOIS (Wm. Kllnck, mgr.) Lena Rivers Dec. 23; Lillian Rhodes in The White Sister Jan. 2; The Girl in the Train 22. SHE EMPIRE (E. Q. Dolly, mgr.) Dorsey and Wild, Mrs. Mae Richards Casey. Lew Steffens. comedian; Emmett and Enimett in the comedy playlet. On the Banks of the Kil- larney; Florence Craig Trio, Prof Emmett's Dogs first half week Dec. 18. Serte Earle and Jimmy, musical act; Mrs. Mae Richard Casey. Bina Parker, comedienne; Kohl, Cecil and Co., in Busted Aspirations; Fisher and Groen, come- UNIQUE BILLING. This Illustration represents the biggest bUI board showing ever displayed on Michigan Avenue, Chicago, np to tbe present time. POWER'S—Tim Murphy In The New Code. PRESIDENT—Vaudeville and pictures. PRINCESS—Valeaka Suratt In Red Rose; third week. SCHINDLER'S—Moving piotnrea. SITTNER'S—PI" lures. STAR AND GARTER—Star * Garter Show. STUDEBAKER—Excuse Me; ninth week VIRGINIA—Vaudeville and moving pictures. WTLLARD—Popular-priced vaudeville and moving pictures. WILSON AVE.—Popular-priced vaudeville and m oving picturea, WHITNEY OPERA HOUSE—The Campus. ZIEGFELD—Dark. ALTON.—TEMPLE THEATRE (Wm. Sauvage. mgr.) Parisian Beauties Burlesque; Dacte Tom's Cabin 25; Mine Nobody From Starland 81: Alma Where Do Yon Live Jan. 7; In Old Kentne ky 8: Excuse Me 14. DECATUR.—POWERS (Thos P. Bonan, mgr.) The Flirting Princess Dec 25; Uncle Tom's Cabin 27: Stock Co. 28-80. BES0N.—FAMILY. Eugene and Marr, In Hazing A Freshman, Tbe Mirdoes, gymnasts, Dee. 18. last half. MARION.—ROLAND (B. E. Clark, mgr.) Madam Sherry Dee. 28. KATTOON MAJESTIC (J. F. Knechler, res. mgr.) Girl of Eagle Ranch Dec 25. GRAND. The Chicago American's Mysterious Raffles and Babe Verna Dec. 28-30; LaGrange and Gordon's Lady Minstrels 18-20. MOLINE.—THE FAMILY (H. A. Sofllnl, mgr.) Leslie Moroaeo Co. In A Million Dollar Wife: Lillian Sisters, Samsyoa, Edw. Poach and Lillian Hart In a ehararter absurdity, llrat half week Dec. 18. Brlxtol'a Performing Po- nies. Ja k Hawkins and Co.. hj Lore's Young Dream: Tossing Austins. Tambourine Spinners, Sheldon Brooks, piano act, last hslf week IS. dians; Delmar and Dehnar, nasts. last half week 18. STREAT0B PLUMB OPERA HOUSE (J. E. Williams, mgr.) Flirting Princess 23; St. El- mo 24. INDIANA. RICHMOND.—GENNETT (O. G. Murray, mgr.) Heart-Breakers Dec 25: Abora Grand Opera Co. Jan. 15; Polk HcGlbney Recital 25. COLISEUM (Clem Gaar, mgr.) Miss DeVorak, lady skater, Dec 10-20. WARRINGTON.—OPERA HOUSE (Nelson Harraii, mgr.) Bachelor's Honeymoon, Little Homestead Jan. I. IOWA. BUHUNOTON.—GRAND OPERA HOUSE (Ralph Holmes, mgr.) The Tramp and the Lady Dec 27; White Slater 30; St. Lonla Symphony Orchestra Jan. 2; Blanche Ring, In The Wall Street Girl. 9-. GARRICK (John M. Root, mgr.) Walter C. Perclval and Company, in A King For A Night; Flavto Bros., Musical Bells: Marie Gray and pictures first half week 18. Row's Aerial Dogs. Novelty Canine Equil- ibrists; Bean and Hamilton; World's Greatest Comedy jumpers; Marie King Scott. The Hooslei Girl; White Pllzer and wityte. Travesty Art- ists, and picturea. week 18. CEDAR RAFtDS GREENE'S OP. HOUSE (W. S. Collier, mgr.) The Crisis D«c. 25; Countess DeSwirsky Jan. 1: White Slater 6: Heart-Breakers 9: Walker Whiteside 10: Utae. Brbumann-Helnk 1ft: Excuse Me 17; Tbe Round- im I»-20. MAJESTIC (Vie Hugo, mgr.) Gen- era! Ed Lavlne, Cadets De Gascogue, Davey and Brerson. Miller and Mark, Leolle Moroeeo and Company, Harry Tombs, Orey'a Marionettes, week 25: Top o the World Dancers and Collie Ballet, Four Nelson Comlquea. Carter and Wal- ters, Weston and Raymond Company, El Barlo, Young and Marks, Weber and Dooley week Jan. DAVENPORT. — THE NEW AMERICAN (Chas. Berkell, mgr.) Carl George and Co. in The Latch Key; The Four Baltus, marvelous Olympian athletes; Lulzxl and Miller, musical act; Harsh Brothers, the Gary Society kids; Susie Carsello, aecordlan soloist. THE PRIN- CESS (Chas. Kindt, mge.) Frank Readick Stock Co. the BUETis. miian Rhoades In The White Sister Jan. 3. DUBUQUE.—GRAND (Wm. L. Bradley mgr.).Wisconsin Glee Club Dec. 20: Mildred 31- Mme. Trentinl in Naughty Marietta Jan. 9. MAJESTIC (Jake Rosenthal, mgr.) Warren, Clay Farley, tragedian: American Newsboys' Quartette, Hines and Remington, L. H. Rose and Company, Zamora Family, Porter J. White Co:apany, picturea week 24-30. I FORT MADISON.—EB1NGER GRAND (W. Ebinger, mgr.) Martin's Uncle Tom's Cabin Dec. 28: White Sister 20; Heart-Breakers Jan. 5; Frank Winenger 7: Bright Eyes 81. MUSCATINE,—GRAND OPERA HOUSE (Chas. SaMsburg. mgr.) Parisian Beaaties la; Crea- tor's Band 20. WATERLOO.—WATERLOO THEATRE. Paid In Full Dec. 25: Wrestling Match 27. MA- JESTIC (J. Jolly Jones, mgr.) Chimes Quar- tet, O. A. Bigney, Ida Barr, Senator Francis Murphy, Holman Brothers, Eight Nyeno Jap Troupe, Bennett Klute and King, Sylan and O'Neil, Raymond and McNeil, King and Mac- key. CRYSTAL (F. Downing, mgr.) Mrs. Rob. Fitzslmmons, Three Bartos, - J. Emmett, Haney & Co., Three Campbells week 18. KANSAS. FORT SCOTT.—DAVIDSON (Harry C. Er- nicb, mgr.) George Evans' Minstrels Dec. 20; Thomas Jefferson in Rip Van Winkle 28; Get- Rlch-Quick Walllngfora SB; The Fortune Hunt- er Jan. 3. HUTCHINSON. —HOME (W. A, Loe. mgr.) Buffalo Bill, Jr., Jan. 1: Mutt and Jeff 4; Bright Eyes 5; Polly of the Circus 6. KENTUCKY. LOUISVILLE MACAULEY'S (J. T. Macau- ley, mgr.) Edith Taliaferro In Rebecca of Sun- nybrook Farm week 17. SHTJBEBT. Dark week 17. WALNUT (J. J. Gairety, mgr.) The Beauty and the Banker week 17. (Avenue) (Mort Shaw, mgr.) Tbe Girl and tbe Tramp week 17. BUCKINGHAM (Horace MeCrocklln. mgr.) Century Girls week 17. GAYETY (O. Taylor, nrgr.) Belles of the Boulevard week MARYLAND. BALTIMORE.—ACADEMY OF MUSIC (Tu- nis F. Dean, mgr.) Mutt and Jell week Dec. 18; Maude Adams in Cbantecler week 25. FORD'S OPERA HOUSE (Chas. E. Ford, mgr.) Nat. C. Goodwin in The Captain week 18; Julian Eltinge in The Fascinating Widow week 25. AUDITORIUM (Robert W. Mae- Bride, mgr.) Closed week 18; Excuse Me week 26. EMPIRE (Geo. W. Rife, dir.) Fol- lies of tbe Day week 25. MARYLAND (F. C. Sehanberger, mgr.) Mile. Dane and vaudeville week 18. HOLLIDAY ST. (W. F. Blfe. mgr.) Daniel Boone on the Trail week 18; The Wolf week 25. MONUMENTAL (Montague Jacobs, mgr.) The GUra From Reno week 18: Thornas- kefsky in repertoire week 25. GAYETY (W. L. Ballanf, mgr.) Honeymoon Girls week 18: The Great Behman Show week 25. SAVOY (C. L. Anderson, mgr.) Closed week 18; The Night Before Christmas week 25. MASSACHUSETTS. BOSTON.—BOSTON. Trail of the Lonesome Pine, with Charlotte Walker, opens Dec. 25. CASINO. Cracker Jacks week 18; Runaway Girls week 25. CASTLE SQUARE. Wiiard of Or opens 22. COLONIAL. The Pink Lady Dec. 11. inner. GAIETY. Big Banner Show week 18; Bon Tons week 25. GLOBE. Mutt and Jeff, lndet. GRAND OPERA HOUSE. Eaat Lynne week 18: Two Orphans week 26. HOLLIS STREET. Chaa Cherry In Seven Bis- ters week 18; Leo Dltrlchstela in Tbe Concert week 25. HOWARD. Kentucky Belles week 18; Baffy.dils week 25. KEITH'S. Kate Eli- nore, Mason-Keeler Co., Colonial Septette; Asahl Japs, Wilbur Mack and Nella Walker, Wilson Bros, Sayton Trio, Jacob's Circus. Mur- phy and Francis week Dec. 18. MAJESTIC Everywoman Dec. 18-30. NATIONAL. Chln- ko. Irish Singers, O'Brien, Havel and Kyle, Linton and Lawrence week 18. PARK. Get- Rleh-Qulck Walilngford Dec. 18-Jan. 6. PLYM- OUTH. Princess Zlm Zlm opens 20. SHU- BERT. Sotbern and Marlowe Dec 18-80. TBEMONT. Ralph Hers in Dr. De Luxe week 1 8; Ed die Foy in Over the River week 25. SPRINGFIELD.—POLI'S (8. J. Breen, mgr.) Sutcllffe Troupe, acrobats; GrlflKh. Mathemat- ical Wizard; Bert Fttzglbbon, comedy: The Big City Four, Heritage and Li Debar t. sketch; Tbe Hylanus. Musical Landry Bros, week 18. GILMOKH (Rebt. J. McDonald, mgr.) Tbe Bowery Burleeqners 18-20: The Two Orphans 21- 23. NELSON (H. 7. Dillenbeek. mgr.) Btjeu Comedy Trio, Shadnlck and Talbot. Fred Weber, ventrlloauist, 18-20. Blake'* Mule. Layo and Renan, musical; Art Four, equilibrist, 21-23. PLAZA (J. M. Carney, mgr.) Painter and Frost, sketch; Eveline Joyce. DeVerne and Van, 18-20. Sum Amon and Do Lisle, musical; Cey- lon, alack wire: Tom Htllery. monologue, week 21-28. MICHIGAN. BATTLE CREEK.—POST (B. R. Smith, mgr.) Ty Cobb In The College Widow 24: The Chorus Lady 25; Keith Stock Company 27-81. BIJOU (Will Marshall, mgr.) Merry Mary with 21 people, 24-27; Rathskeller Trio. Dan Mason and Company, Swain's Rats and Cats, Williams and Segal. Musical Klleasess balance of week. BAT CITS*.—WASHINGTON (W. J. Dsr- rett. mgr.) Col. Stewart In Politico Pee. 24; May Robson In The Rejuvenation of Aunt Mary 25: Higby Stock Co. In Tbe Spoilers 28 and hslsnce of week. LYRIC. The Girl and the Tramp- 25. COLD WATER TIBBETS OPERA HOUSE (John T. Jackson, mgr.) New England Folks wltn Ada Lawrence and Harry LaMarr Pee. 21; LeBrun Grand Concert 27; The Confession 25: Cal Stewart in Politics 20: The Msn on the Bo* Jsn. 1: Howe's Travel Festival 2. FLINT.—STONE'S (G. A. Petterson, mgr.) Merry Mary Dec. 17. MINNESOTA. CROOKSTON.—GRAND THEATRE (Nanlt A Simmon*, mgra.) Georgia Minstrels Dec. 24-25; Deep Purple 29; The Traveling Salesman Jan. *• DULTJTH.—LYCEUM (J. L. Momsaey. mgr.) Gross Stock Company Dec. 24: Deep Purple 25-28; Baby Mine 28-30-. Forbes Stock Company Jan. 1.