Billboard advertising (Dec 1911)

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38 Ttie Billboard DECEMBER 30, 19». Feet _ -Wl>y He Gave Up (comedy) (spilt reel) t Jam gets Even With Father (comedy) (epUt reel) X—The Failure (drama) U—Saved ttom Himself (drama) M—Taking BU Medicine (comedy) (»pUt ■eel) W—Her Pet <comedy) (split reel) 18—As la A Looking Glass (drama) .... SI —A Terrible Discovery (drama) " " Caught Wttn The Goods (comedy) (split reel) -A Mlx-Cp In Bain Goats (comedy) (spilt reel) Voice of the Child (drama) .... Feet SB—Ueur. Gray, C. S. A. (drama) 1000 IS—lav the Days of Gold (drama) 14— Ts» BootKSner (drama) Is)—The Mew Superintendent (drama) .... IT—A Spanish Wooing (drama) 1000 M—The OosTert of San Olemente (drama.) 1000 Xt—The Night Herder (drama) 1000 M— Blackboard (drama) 1000 »*—Getting Married (comedy) (split reel) 760 ' ~ Japan (educational) (split reel) .. 280 le night Name, tat the Wrong Man (drama) 1000 _ Jbs Telltale Knife (drama) 1000 _85— Am MtU Power (drama) 1000 I—In Japan (scenic) (spHt reel) BOO 1 BsstssT Cincinnati (scenic) (split reel) BOO 4—A Diamond in the Bench (drama)... 1000 5— A Frontier Girl's Courage (drama) ...1000 T—Tae Maid at the Helm (drama) 1000 romoex (comedy) (split reel).. 600 with a Circus (novelty) (spilt 11—The OmlirV"Daughter * (aVana)"(ipUt sset) B' tl —April reel (comedy) (split reel) BOO 15—A Boseanc* of the Bis Grande (drama)lOOO ti Oe sr g s Warrington's Bsespe (hlator- leal-drama) 1000 Indnetrles of the Booth and West (sstaeattoaal) loon 18—Bvaagalraa (drama) 1000 19—rorHls Pal's Bake (drama) 1000 XI—Brown of Harvard (drama) 1000 Little widow (drama) looo Modern Rip (drama) 1000 » Bully of Bingo Gulch (comedy- drama) 1000 a»—Paid Back (drama) loon bast Chance (comedy) 1000 Peet _ (spectacular drama) (three reels) YITAGRAFH. Feet .1000 rf—The tittle Spy (drama) IS—Vltagrapb Monthly (current) ... 50— Heroes of the Mutiny (drama) 1000 51—Wistaria (drama) 1000 22—The Half-breed's Daughter (drama).. 1000 34—An Innocent Burglar (comedy) 1000 25—The Life Boat (drama) 1000 *7—-The Politician's Dream (comedy) 1000 18—The Freshet (drama) 1000 IP—Tie Voiceless Menage (drama) 1000 Pseamher— Feet 1—His Last Cent (drama) 1000 *—The Hnakimr Bee (comedy) 1000 •—The Patch-Work Quilt (drama) 1000 S—The Hypnotist (comedy) (split reel) »—A Blight Mistake {comedy) (split reel) 1000 «—A Black Chasm (drama) 1000 8—War (drama) loofl IS—Sick Mas From the Bast (drama) 1000 *8—Yitagrapb. Monthly (current) IS—Vanity Fair (three reels) (drama). 90—Fires of Driftwood (drama) 100/> 32—A Reformed Santa Clans (drama) 1000 SS—The Old Doll (drama) ion-.. as—Some Good In AH (drama) 1000 a»-!The Patchwork Qnllt (drama) 1000 27—Testing His Courage (drama) 100O -A DouMy Desired Orphan (drama).-.1000 Hutches of a Vapor Bath (com- edy) if ary— Feet. 1—Romance of Wall Street (drama) 1000 a—How Tommy Saved His Father (dra- ma) 1000 8—The Heart of the King's Jester (dra- ma) 1000 8—Destiny Is Changeless (drama) 1000 ♦—Field Flowers (drama) 1000 URBAN ECLIPSE. George Kiel ne. 89—Salt Industry (spHt reel) . In Sldly (industrial) 872 Luckless Banker (drama) 1002 18—The Tragedy of Old Age (drama) (split reel) 77. 798 18—Harbor of Marseilles, -France (scenic) (spilt reel) 215 80—The Mtrade (drama) 104' 27—The Stolen Treasure (drama) (split reel). aT—Fair exchange Is No Bobbery (comedy) (split reel) January— Feet. • 8—True to Their Trust (drama) (spilt reel) 656 3—A Cotton Goods Factory in France (Indus.) (split reel) MB LIBS. Vssvember— Feet IS—The Miser Miner (drama) 1000 13—An on Country Romance (drama) 1000 80—The Reason Why (comedy) 1000 December— Feet 7—A Western Girl (drams) 1000 14— The Better Man (drama) 1000 St—The Mission Father (drama) 1O0O 88—The Ranchman's Debt of Honor (drama) looo Feet -A Woman's Gratitude (drama) 1000 '11—Roped in '(drama) GAUMONT. T: , George Kleine. steiesnber— Feet 11 Jtmmie and His Country Uncle (com- edy) (spUt reel) 14—The Outskirts of Paris (colored) (scen- ic) (split reel) 1«4 18—The Reckoning (drama) (split reel)... S7B 15— A Trio to Saxony (travel) (spilt reel). 160 21—The Sealed Confession (drama) (spirt reel) Sif 900 21—A Stone Quarry in Saxony (Ind.) (split reel) 78 25—The Escape from the Dungeon (drama) (spilt reel) feve Homes In the Canary Islands (scenie) (split reel) 180 KENYON *KIHVOH - « W VO.K .. — Decenbor 8th, 1911. v notion Picture 1/lstrltutlng & Sales Co., 'ill Rast. 14th Street, Hew York, ssntlaaan: The Edison Reissue camera patent Ho. 12037, ownsd by the Hotlcn Picture Patents Conioany, has Just been a second tins reissued as So. 13329, December 5, 1911, for the balance or the tern of the orislnal patent, that is to say, to August 31, 1914. In our opinion this new Reissue Is Invalid and void. The new Reissue chiefly consists of a disclalner (by omla»«cn) or claim 4 of Reissue So. 12037, which clain was held Invalid by the U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals for the Sseond Circuit in Harch, 1907, (131 Fed. 767) and the delay In disdaining which was referred to by the aaco Court • In May, 1911, (1B7 Ped. 1007) as the reason for refuslns preliminary In-; Junction on any claim of the patent. The Motion Picture Patents Cocpany, in order to secure the new Reissue Ho. 13323, was under the law oblised to surrender the old Reissue 12037, and with that surrender all existing litigation for alleged in- fringement and all clalss for alleged Infringement of that Reissue 12037 abate and corse to an end. The new Reissue can be enforced only by en- tirely new litigation. In our opinion the new Reissue was granted by the Patent Office -without authority in law, and further, in our opinion, if the new Reissue is litianted it will be declared Invalid and void. Very truly yours. "ft Motion Picture Distributing & Sales Go. 111 E. 14th St., NEW YORK. REMEMBER..... We have the best Independent Commercial Film Service in the World. Our Film List tells the story. NATIONAL FILM BROKERS, }^&2&2P* (Film Renters to His Majesty The Wise Exhibitor.) START ON A SOUND BASIS Get a machine tbat can DO the work—and do It now—and tomorrow— and for a good long time to come. Let the Idea about the o riginal machine go. BE M0DERX—UP-TO- DATE—GET MACHINE-WISE by Installing the modern machine—THE MOTIOGBAPH. This Is the day of success. Time keeps on co ming and going, and old-fashioned machines must h e. rep laced with THE MOTIOGBAPH, THE HOST DURABLE, SIMPLE. ACCESSIBLE Motio n Pic ture Machine on the market, and THE MACHINE THAT PROJECTS THE BEST PICTURE. MANUFACTURED AMD JOBBED BY Enterprise Optical Mamfactoriog Co.,578W. Raaiolph SL.CWcaft AGENTS IN ALL PRINCIPAL CITIES. FILMS FOR RENT EUGENE CLINE, OLDEST HOUSE IN THE BUSINESS 219 South Dearborn Stroot CHICAGO. WE RENT FILM AND FEATURES Ask for list and catalog. It keeps on growing. EXHIBITORS FILM EXCHANGE (Inc.) 19 E. Jackson Blvd., CHICAGO, ILL. REEL TICKETS TRlMOUNT PRESS 87 ALBANY ST.. BOSTON, MASS. Send for Simpl.i xnri Pricas 28—A Busy Cupid (colored) (action) (split reel) 28— A Review of the Austrian Army (topic- al) (split reel) 77...7777 » December— jC 2—The Promoter (drama) i, 5—The Challenge (drama) (split reel) .. 6-Jimmle Trick* the Landlady (comedr) (split reel) ...7777.. 8—Gamoens. the Portuguese Bhakeapette (historical drama) (split reel) « B—Important Scenes in Paris (travel) .. » •12—Heroism (drama) (spilt reel) ti 12—Arabian Customs (industrial) (split reel) • 16—A Queen's Treachery, or Tht Betrayal of Charles TI. of France (colored) (historical drama) ion 18—Through Toe Enemy's Lines (historical- dltBl) ••*•*•••••••*•.••*•.....,.,,, . 23— The Maid of Argoa (colored) (drama) H 20—From Pity to Lore (colored) (drama) (split reel) 26— Scenes off The Coast of North Amer- ica (spilt reel) SO—Curing a Reckless Student (drama) January— 2— A Royal Romance (colored) (drams), n 6—Evils of Impure Literature (drama) .Ida KALEM. November— tw 17— The Flshermald of BsllydsvM Mraau) 20—Dan. the Lighthouse Keeper (drama) 22—Bow Texas Got Left (drama) 24— The Temptation of Rodney Tan* (drama) 27—Tie American Insurrecto (drama) ... 29— Among the Irish Fisher Folk (descrip- tive) (spirt reel) 28—The Franciscan Friars of KfUsroey. Ireland (descriptive) (split reel) .. December— Ft* 1—How Betty Captured the Outlaw (com- edy) (split reel)".. 1—A Glimpse Into Yellowstone National Park (scenie) (split reel) 4—Arrah-na-Pogue (three reels) (drama) 6—Too Long Arm of the Law (drama) 8—Too Much Realism, an Incident of Pic- ture-making (comedy) ••*...••••••.• 11— Molly Pitcher (historical drama) 12— Norma from Norway (drama) IB—mil's Flute (drams) .- 18— He Who Laugh* Last (Western com- edy) 20—Flashes In the Night (drama) 22—Between Father and Son (drama) .... 25— The "Revenue" and the Girl (drama) 27—The Higher Toll (drama) : 29—The Maid's Double (drama) January— Tett 1—Driving Home the Cows (drama) .... 3— The Cowboy Artist's Jonah Day (com- edy) THE BILLBOARD IS AMERICA'S LEADING AND MOST WIDELY CmCCXATED WEEKLY AMUSEMENT JOURNAL. SUBSCRIPTION, $4.00 A TEAR; 6 MONTHS, $2.00; 3 MONTHS, $1.00. PAYABLE IN ADVANCE. M ta 1011 tt feet is le «i w> tl U tl St to r» LUBIN. November— Fed 29—The Crab Industry (Educational) (split reel) ; 80—A Nicotine Conspiracy (comedy) .1W December— . ■ ■ . fg 2—Western Chivalry (comedy-drama) ....1W 4—A Head for Business (drama) .101 6— Sins of the Father (drams) 1M 7— Love's Labor Lost (comedy) 100 9—The Teamster (drama) 100 11—A Girlish Impulse (drama) : IS—Quick! A Plumber (comedy) (split reel) 13- ^-Mr. and Mrs. Suspicions (comedy) (split reel) *J 14— The Substitute (drama) ]« IB—A Timely Lesson (drama) .-10J 18—Love Decides (drama) ; ...JJ" 20— Art versus Music (comedy-drsma). .100 21— The Kiddles' Christmas (2 reels) (special; comedy) ................... 23—Sergeant White'* Peril (military dram*) 500 25—One Way to Win (eomedy-drarss)...l« 27— The American Girl (comedy-drsma). .W 28—The Soldier's Return (drama) .J* an—rather and the Girls (comedy-drems)lOO January— m ■ , „f 1—Object Matrimony (comedy) (split reel) 1—The Oyster 'industry (Industrlsl) (split A^Vage 'Romance Veomedy-drama).. •A Noble Enemy (drama) Fee St PATHE. December— , , , 8—Eva's Faithful Furniture (comedy) (split reel) -•• 8—Gathering and Preparing Oocojnutt In the Philippines (scenic) (split reel) W 9—Her Little Slipper (drama) v "* 11— Psthe's Weekly No. B0 (current) 12— Youth versus Age (realistic) (split reel) •/* illlii 12 —Small Trades In Malacca (colored) (scenic) (split reel) IS—The Flower Girl of Lss Pslmas (drsma) 14—An Episode of the Early Mormon Dsys (drums) (spilt reel) 14— The Manic Suit (colored), (trick) (split reel) v'/ill 15— In The Grip of Alcohol (drama) (two reels) 1(1—A HaHv"-'* Rpiwmv Mramal 18—Pathe's Weekly No. 51 (current) ..... 19— Princess Chsrmlng (colored) (fairy tale) v-:v 18—Landscapes In Japan (scenic) 20— The Fstal Posing (drsms) 21—Dad's Smash Dp (comedy) •••••••„•; 22— Providential Bread (realistic (split 22—In Japan.'Nari.''the'park of'the Sa- cred Does (colored) (scenic) («P 1K reel) — 23— Actors' Heart* (drama) 215—Pathe's Weekly No. 62 (current) • 26— The nnrgtar's Hard Luck (comedy) (split reel) /M'VL? 28—Aboard a French Battleship (scenic) (split reel) :;" - "5C 2«—The Krorasts (acrobatic) (split ree» 27— Mother-in-law Raises XXI («™ M ,V» 28—His T>snghter'a Bracelet (drsms) (»P !lt 28— Mushroom' Culture "(educatlo'iialV ("P"' reel) 29— Yflnn. the Troubsdour. Film d'AM (dramatic) SO—The loll (drama) WANTED—Triple Dissolving SteTooptlcon. «J No. 3 Lens. Pose Slides. Travelogue Slides. F" iRlsn downs and Clock Pose Slides. Most ne— A-l condition. Will exebsngn one Edison Sini_ Pin Underwriter Model Picture Machine, w extra and take-up. complete, for above. « EMPIRE THEATRE CO., Inc.. Houston. Tei»l