The billboard (Aug 1916)

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The Brilboard HENRY FORD'S and JOE KAEMPFER'S METHODS SYNONYMOUS :yed bears. W. ara mora than gratified with the enormous amount of orders we received la response to our Ml week's ad in The^Bmbosi-d.^ To ^show youthat we meant what we alio, we take this 24-INCH ELECTRIC-EYED STANDI NO BEARS, ACCOMPANIED* WITH 25% DEPOSIT, $14.SO PER DOZ. 24-INCH ELECTRIC-EYED STANDING BEARS, ACCOMPANIED WITH HE DEPOSIT, $14 25 PER DOZ. 24-INCH EKCTRIC-EYED STANDING BEARS, ACCOMPANIED WITH MONEY ORDER FOR FULL AMOUNT OF ORDER, $14.00 PER DOZ. Theie pricei ire for quantities of no lets than 6 DOZEN Bean. WE CAN DO IT. Our Don't break your heads about WE POSITIVELY SHIP ALL C letters [or Bears and did not get the FREE Bear oSer was good f ; for the wheel and S concession men. lot g^tflem have^only themselves to blame, as we stated distinctly^ e E and spatial reduced price £« on DoU^'Dogs. Palle Wheels uf ever TIP TOP TOY CO. m - 6 MIMHE « ™* CHICAGO OFFICE, s,. 73«. 225 Fifth Ave., New York Gitvl 621 WEST FULTON STREET, CHICAGO, ILL. Ptr- gjg Soft Drinks ~— Many lC&ku> BIO to #SO Ct, Day. Good drink* tell fsit end car a lirje profit. Sdl Crnomt drtajo^ud^na ™ t be iu re^yuu bave the beji drinks and the (toes the vat sanlnlsr. A pound makes 60 aallona. pfne Utwo, ftiirtar" t i ip>irry and Cherry fowtsri MAKING MONEY AT THE FAIRS THI lull' a» IIIHIIT MOMtY-BCTTM. SUGAR PUFF WAFFLE MACHINE ATLAS. JEWELRY CO, 712 Pin ««., PITTSBURGH, H. CONEY ISLAND MARDt GRA8 BOHNER'S SELF-CLEANSING FILTER Hikit2SliMSHrl«l Money Talks! Hsf r..'.-.tW gvs saga ~~ " 8S,N ° <> F «"""' LOOK! SKINNER & WRIGHTMAN'S UNITED SHOWS smloM «ad tw« nor. Show.. Pliriof nothing but Filn tod Borne Il th« rt»>w warn «o. gtt wbiUUwtm.nt. Wlr. .UtalgaaCity,lad. |fcfX! 4 S125 MADE ■ tMlvaaaltrsas eu w*> m ATTRACTIONS WANTED Sapt. 22nd and 23rd. IMMEDIATELY REAL MED. PEOPLE twos, r. killsv. ■» saMrm. cn—t r*. uvup. mama. WANTED, TO JO,N WAM1ED—GOOD.A-t CARNIVAL SO. FOR MOOSE WEEK l Si? ttx srw^rzrg „'s BPS | W S^SIVJLvrtffi «ts i S£ ««S ™"E •ft.lBT! «TTn*e*le«» auU itla .