Billboard advertising (Jan 1917)

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« The Billboard NEW PRODUCING COMPANY ORG ANIZED IN NEW YORK Holbrook Bllnn and James Shesgreen Principals ia Concern To Be Known as Blinn- Shesgreen Corporation—Initial Offering Will Be Four-Act Drama by Mark Swan ■ wttti m. tabjtet or aaUonal In- tum unOrolllar to tlie theat- itld U sasodates. Ttie or- a vrin b* known u Ute Bllnn- H COrpoTatloiL - The tem- atHoem will be mite GIS-IT NMkar Theater BulWlng. Both a >B the Dew urgulutlOD are n tn the theatrical baMneBS. Ibm haa loot been acknowl- M ot the toremoat American •ner of tka Prlncen Tbutwr two y»xa tgo. wMm ha nicoeaatuajr Intro- duced th* Holbrook BUnii Fltfan In ible Mrlea of prodaeUoiu of oe-act p1arv» placed him tn nnk of prodacens. He was nnuaoal c Iheai: r ShesKreen ha* accnpled Inipar poslUona with aavaral of thi most New Tork nunagw* H pr«> manas-r. For the MM fl» rwa he faai directed tha t«m «< lUMKrW AoBltn. Tlu Initial oOWlnc of tlM BttBB> •hMBMM OMpaiatloB will be » new X. ft B. SwrtriMd VoTCby Htw TorK. Dea la.—Elaw * Bi^ tinxwr are annonnclng a. theatrical nOTallT lor tha finit week of the new rear. They have orsanlzed a special company to play Mlaa Sprlnetlme In BoMon and other large cities. Thla T. Roy Wilmuth Uer- hyl. Frank Doane. Ethel Petit. Zoe Har- nett and Alice Qalllard. The panr will oiiei ivith Klaw & Company organ- laed (OF 8w- dliectlon of I Sash and Lyle D. Andrews, theatrical producers, will build In Wnat Forty- elEbtb street adJolhlnK (be Cort Tbea- t»r on tbe ireit and taclnc tha Flay- ^ tha Btraet. Work «u th< To Be Producea lij Oliver BoUey, Inc.. ; play, called The Victim, tlneDlB. Julia Dean will play the teadinE role and the cast will Int " Thurlon Bei^D, EXIwIn Holt. Edwin Brandl. John F. TVebbar and others. play will go to Cblcaco. Frank Martineau Dead this year's ball one of the blBBeal ever betore attempted by the association. Ttn date and Hall as yet have not been deeldad upon, but advertlMmsnta win appear .la all thaatrleal papers far enoacb In adnni it-of-tt I tnake arranKementi t attend. HEtb. William Corey Retnms iO.—Mm. William wounded soldiers. She is said lo he acvcrelT 111. Mm. Corer will be re- membered tbrouBh her work In The Mocklas Bird at the Bijou Theate'r Bndi & Andrews Fanny Davenport. Captain Swift. Richard Mansfield, The Pbss- InK Show. Beautr and'the Beast. Lit- tle Namo, tha Rocera Brothers. The NamlMib BomaBy Rn Bnokleberry Finn. Th» Rmaa-Up. Harerly's Min- ted*. Batttr Dbnr. Tha Country CIretiK U and L.IiOlaK XmU. Re- bacea. of SnanrbrMik nm. miu aiaatr. Mflaaloaai; Poor UUla Rich <un. nM Caiint ct Xaaamhotwc. Cyril Manda. PotyauBB and Ban-Hur. A widow, a dauBhter and a brother are the survivors of Martineau. In- O. M. Anderson To Prmluire Musical Comedy ^few York. Dec. 30.—O. M. AndflT> son. who recently purchased H. H. Fraisa's theatrical holdlnss In Haw York, win enter the ranks of iraatera plar producers abftrtly. Hla Unt ductlon will be a mnalcBl corned, with book and lyHes by Frank atam- tnara and mnilo by Haraid OrloK It*> kaanili wni basl« mt weak. NEW PLAYS ' Mien .^%tt> IMn D-aiuUm TMst VmR IT K"j» P»W i ^is s na niiainu .*!!!*!"t""!EMa|tu f^tl«is«a Baylll .KM Wl^t^ Tiwjp^jW'nwiiirki.'-"."-'-'."."-"-'.-^BapM ^wa New Tortc. Dec 34.—Shirley Kaya, 'hleh afforded bawltehln* Klala Far- usOB an opportnnltr to dry the tears scant auecesaes, was a lovelr and flt- tlnr Chrlstmaa sift to the flrst-nlsht- rs of the metropolis. Klaw and EJr- aigef were thoughtful Santa Clausas ideed to open the Tuletlde season '1th a new comedy and auch a fascl- 3uld be made (or the play Itself, all lakea New York like each and every- ni.vlriv(rs ran no! flnd It In their !■■( I t-ii'iiui. fir. Ill ihe vernacular. les nrit rrnipr-L iho iilaj* as a whole. I flay it a bit. seemingly in order to ifraln from breaklnB a custom which lE sacred to reviewers. The Times calls the play amuBlng. but of uneven texture, and Insists that lacks naturalness. Ko doubt The nes reviewer realised that Hlsa -BUBon needed no further praise n has been accorded her. and that pen could add nothlnr to It. and ughtfully abstained from comment- Whttney OomM Bade Naw TUk, »aa.-SII,—FrM (^ WUt- sy, Oa vatanui praduoatv-.-haa emergad from UB raUramant wmi'ia iperatta by Oaoar Mranaa.. antUM Joys Win Be Boya, wbiek ha will pro- duce immedlataly. The took was -1 gin any wrln«H br Pardlmuid laiiberjf. but iha AmvrleaB • vrnt- on Is by Bd- ard Paulton. The play touch- Helen Gill Tlhbots, May Al- ameda Georse. James S. Mur- 'Bj-d Paulton. lutano Helola Will ba ttia mu- alaal amductor. tille rred Blahop will ■tace tha oper- etta. 7. Whltney-s Important work was the production of The Ghoealate