The billboard (Jan 1917)

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Tit* Btilboartf Vaudeville Reviews By Special Wire EAUi^ Royal, New York Colonial, New York lfi« Topmost 1^1 H«ro Goidiu not ^rAj>mt^aAktmnnB Naw Tork. Jan. 1.—Mtu HIT wu St ths Palace when a vaiiad bill wu preHOUd «>IUi aouCB and naUas. Ttia aboir was there with a punch. TiM bauM waa dooiK and everybody. Bta<e folk and aDSCUitan alike, was to the IwM at humor aad full of ths holiday aplrK. Prom the time the curtain (wuns up Mil. the ahow was full or sood things, Eddie Foy and the Seveo Little were bask acaln to their old haunts. April Showers, a hlsfaly dramatll waa the bic amash, and was cloaely pressed by Rockwell and Wood, who : tb* root oraeb with their rapld-Sre brand of wit aod humor. Ho. 1—Palace Newa Pictorial: twelve minutes. Ko. t —Uaahan'a Caol&aa (Meeban preaentlsB over a aeore of trained doga of every slae and brsed> I* the best animal act thai baa been i Pmlaea la k dot^a a^e. They Marled the bill with aome corkiDB gooi and ware apDiftnded to the echo. Thirteen minutes, In three; flve No. 1—Marlon Weeica kept up the Kood work by ilnslBK lome dainty ■oan. whieh ware further enbaaeed witk « very pretty and demure atugt appunwM. Hw Tocal mnnaitlm were wMllot, wtth a Uttla DOliler nuts ueier hit the lauderUie trmll, and tbey almoat dnilned tbc comedy ocean dry o( lauetu. Tbey bad lite trtiole hottse ahafclng tvilli . (lee cvory minute, and Kockwell'a fhrdcal Impemuulloii uf Ihr imhT, down-troddCD and terribly hnit glrlla aweelbeart li a classic of fnnuy- bQDO Uckliitfi. Eashlcon mlniitva, tn ooo) Stb anc oi nuuiy- a No. 6—Alezander Carr, supported by Helen Sevilla, Tom J. Evans and Sam B. Wilson, presented April Showers, one of the finest bits of dramatic work that has ever been put on the boards at the Palace. With a stoiy full of human interest and excellent suspense and plot Carr sbuck every emotional chord of the ftwdtwiM from itralght comedy to pathos that brought tear* to the eyes. It broke np the show, and everyone wrald bam bean willing to qnit and go home then and then Ua it mi mrth the prfax of tiie wliolo UlL Hilx^ nrimiliii^ In ttm; I Binoinf apptame. INTBB UiasIOH. 'Nol T—Clark and Bersraan, with Cllft Heaa at the plana, lanc a iiei reriia In eonaa. Mia Clark and Bercmaa wob thair way stralsbt Into e hearts of the audience with aome excellent eeeentrte dancing and a lot puni thai kept the act well aprlnkled with iramedy. Ton mlnutei; op< _ „. _„ .-. and ahewad that Paloea patrona eould HM |M emvgb of them. Twelve mlautae, full ataV*] three bow» Mo. t i*nin Wheaton and Harry ChtaM '(bt ft hand iha ma onrtaln went up. They aanx aoan of ChnWB Mra WhMton waa both oaptlvatlns and Kraoatol n klr < No. ID—^Plnhey doeed the bill la » coutd liave atood a lot more of the yotm. le a aaeond Charlotte QreeBwood la the arodnd the atasa. Pink trapplnsi at BMntM. In tw«; Ihraa bows. bMunt 'oC aiNWi um iwwa Majestic, fih^w^ff . « anater nt oa kr Bilpli K IMy M <w s Hne. nd, ■■ I injr i^iamar n Chicago Palace'^' wUil af drMtar i ADDITIONAL REVIEWS . ON FACE 11