The billboard (June 1917)

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16 TIlie 'BtlltoiKapd ijHE CONCERT Field] j' HEin AMERICANS FIRST ffl >t Ihw Xeck ud CI I. K a. wttdw, I AiMcr oC aw AuMiIwi Bed fh ^^^^ .^^ ■ V. K A. ' THE CyKADUATEv . ' Jiiae ,b .the-mpnth .of.c under tbe gutdande of teacfaera who' lle^ipMC^WVi ' ber realiiee tliat the- rew&rds-lalbng-to the-ohOMn-taw -aia^smter than those to be sained In an; .other aeld. Tfa« allnrlDK aphere of grand opera Itself holds forth a world, of unlimited promise. But the concert Held Is a Held of success. ' Only the names vlilch have T-iitp the vocation of pIoywritlnK. ability nlust take-a eecond place to recoBnltion. .Ont of the untold thonaaiidE of . £lila year's graditatea some—a blesaed tew iwhspo—irill achieve JasUns. fun*. Prediction falls. Aie [let of the teach^. who bears araay aaimaik itf race—i, . may not aaeceed. ' The atiij^^jrlHn Ml MMI^Tgli ffKiSi* ' talifty that makes the wo^ worth whO* TOa.naftMtw imr Urn or her Diimbernie Increased a thonsandfiaO-^ tUMr'ti* iOl'a^'wtinh -' while In the concert-fleld: ^ ■ ..i i .; . OFFICERS AND MEMBERS MiiiML gimm asMEif 1^ THE AUDITORIUM JIOTEL LANKERSHIM HOTEL SARATOGA HOTEL' RATES, SI.W PER DAY AND UP - - - CHICAGO, ILL. PATRIOTIG 4IHJULY POSTERS iimt the thing to use, do matt«r what you are advertisiiiK. Write US at once. THE DOHLOSON LITHO.CO, H ALF S HEETS—^. •( HHk at W«U«kii^ in Umt t* a B«r « h Amta^^^ Tatk, eat lilH