The billboard (June 1917)

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u The Billboard JUNE 23, iai7 CAMPANINI HAKES FIRST AMNO DNCEIIEin ' OF PIANS Head of Oicatfo Qtand Opera Compuqr Jbkes . sIFiABl PjiUaI List of Stan and RBpca^* lute for New Yarifs latat Open biadOB. 1 imTirfiiij .tnellti fiUU'CsRl. Ban B; MLLE. OMBRfCLLE DORZrAT ■ iDClDilta DrlHUdU. le Junflcnr de Nstn I Juliet, tij Gmiod; Ctrtnou iT- fOvt; BABol'i PnUm. TMTi Bam. ( ACTORS SUNDAYS GUESTS 0)01 ION SPOKEN DRAMA ALL THOSE WHO HAVE MADE APPLI- CATION WILL HEAR FROM US JUST AS SOON ASTHB "HAKE liP' KHESAmT. WANT to .hen from many noie people <e fonneriy advertised, nai Dramatic Readings—MiHMMW vdtB • soios on tlie Violin, Coiaet Cdift Flageolet or as Scotch Pipers. TRUE&JUUiEiiy NiirYgtlcCtty. Winner* ef Awards at Aetorm' I «!0(WXN) FOR ACTORS' FUND ra. Al!» M. Fiteh'e Will Admlttod to PARLOR, BEDROOM AND BATU ; r Imi IT,—ift. ^''Wmft k <i DRAMATIC NOTES »' ^vedwif mat mtmo fuK tl to Ow cuaas <».