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JUNE 23, 1317 The Blllboara 1» The LegitimateStage I, U lata mdd «n mn ttmaUtt tbrir fnUti nm be Uralnatlaa tl tta mtU tn(c« now belBC ButM IMt belt toaru tts Jhn - ■ ban fHiMWl Irr WaahlncioD Sgut flKmrtimlfr I* latUnr ti k in tt* mtUr *dk tttfr ■•»■ COidlr bon U> cna> toe tlia oik* of tha THE BILLBOARD REOORD OF RUNS IN NEW YORK By th« DnmUttle «nd Mualeal Plftys Edacation and Recreation inthe Ihwna The Drama A Qaartwly R9»i«%a «FDramaiie Litm r atn n Ibautd February. Uar, Aasnst and Ni>veml>«r COntalDB IRQ ti> iDO pafam each Ima Edited l>j> Theodora R Hliiekler, Onlvardtr of Alcaga SOME REOUIiAR FBATnBES A complete: fLAT,' Dvt DtfaCrWlM kocttMblB In EncUab. These pUTB are chosen tram thb teodlnx draawtlatB ol various countries Echoota and nffonl tui InuodttcUon to tbe mast UsnlficBiH Mann modem dranuLtlc art. VUe Slug nt tlie Dorfc CUmber (T>Kore>, (ArtzybsfDeV), Tbe BOkxb 6t Iiita«st (BeoaveDte) and ttm Old King (ae Doarmotit) are typIMl examples. dance, t yn — ol Ui alt klndted —WiBtt. catloiu; alao * list 6t «i Tta aalililbutan ara ia nent UaVazlaa Uticiw ta these onbjeets. COWTRIBOTOBB tar o tat tate eB _0t artuauUe ert. IteceBt ones ADD IT TO TOUR UBRABT NOW THE DRAMA LEAG! OF AMERICA JfMJonat Heodquiu-HTB, WASHINGTON, Di C DiTetint a pofecllr rood I ttm bm BMt ^ MM MMh tea MM NEWB ITEM Of tha Co-OpanttW* AaaaBlaMea ef the ipetaa Onnw Haa Prwnlare In Naw . In Haw HnM ttiii; to mm V!MfeS^lS«!T: lBa««aak»aM|a DA 1« law bi ■ f«»tioe tow* la Fhi>». ai •toiT resMFi abnit On Ktlillln st ■ poll irrlDKbt qurtrrtd ttn. Tb* rmxt InelaA HELEN WA RE W ITHDRAWS TMfc Itaa W. min wan ta> wm