Billboard advertising (June 1917)

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JUNE zs, inr T h e B1111> o « « d 8t FILM MANUF; JLLDUe FIREWORKS CO. Dnttwrty B™.- IVnl A Anl^ (to.. US B. DDlud BU»a TtBt A AwnlBi Oo., Kartli DtlpIilM It.. CUcaco. DL FORTUNE WRITERS^^nvUlbU) FOUNTAIN PENS But ^gJ^,*^^^'5[|*;t?'5I.'5St'iS'' GAMINS DEVICES GAS AND GASOLINE ENOiNES TM F» Gma BifttiM Co.. BprUsaetd. O. GASOLINE BURNERS W. Z. Idllf. IIZ BItb «.. SprlDcaaU. O. GLASS o'£^*^'"iJn|°„f"J^^'-"'"' GLASS NOVELTI^ JTub* and Rod) 'gold fish ' twiilmli uA Mtaffl) grease-pAints, etc. ^ " 'WCANM«ENTJjIOHJ«^^^ INDIANS AND INDIAN COSTUMES INDIANS AND INDIAN MEDICINES Mite NaUn Bdb CK. BaUa. Id.. Bl^ for JAPANESK SOUVENIR GOODS Mk F™,U1 P«''^th5'or'll Am. W. « T JEWKLRV "•■t™ Bm.; a Bawn^ Near Eoik "C Hr- ■«ad Waliika_ On., A Pan PUOtais. LAUGHING GALLERY MIRRORS l.^tUMa^^M On., Majar BalMliic, _ LAV^ERS ^ U^mER^NDALDHmSuM ughting plants lights DtaRlilw a<_ Oil* IMMnt * Oa.. IM-iIbII. KO aL. Bt. LodL LIQUID MAKE-UP ^^MAGIC^ ND ^STAg'e MONEY ^ MAGIC GOODS Tbr iiu Maclnl Co., Dnt, 31i. OaBMali. Wli FItt. lonn t nit. lOS-ldS E. Saccvl CIm MAGICIANS' LETTER HEADS Oatl Hilial Co.. DrpL BH. OaUoab. Wit MANUFACTURERS MECHANICAL AMUSEMENT DEVICES AxmLtaea 4fc Qnllia, 8pri]ica1U4, S. Y. EU firldc* Ca.. UoadbDBn. HL " " NEW SOLDERING COMPOUND NOSE PUTTY NOVELTIES W^^yaas* A Oh. tW "•■ , EMwMHAIhMMteM-Kav >«k Cll: lIlMtaTyjiSffcB.. Bt IMaii Siw*. Nr.- T«r Ed Hibi. inVan VadifaB it.. CUcw>, nt. KladH & Oiauai. B81 VUalga IL. Ban ^nciu Kln( Claiaii Hf Batal»r iirt- Co., Sll-n: THE MEN WHO KNOW ADVERTISING MEDIUMS, the mea who have tried them uU, experimented mtb-dtem «ll.and lb now wbidi is the beat, all give their buBiDMB to TllD BjUbOfd. They know that this paper is f Ae medium of itB.dsM. They know that no other paper can hold m osnda to it bb a result-getter in its particular field. - If you are a newcomer in thia field wnls mf two «r three advertisers who are now uung our colunma, tell them wint you wish to advertise and ask tiieir advice. Tfab pcotedaw Trill mm joa both time and nKHiey' . THE BILLBOARD .PUB. CO., MERRY-CO-ROUNDS MERRV-GO-ROUNDS FURNISHED FOR CELEBRATIONS MERRY-GO-ROUND ORGANS AND . ORCHEtfntfpMA •I AND MAIL BAD ESCAPE MOV. PIC. ELEQ. LIGHT OUTFITS Qidacr Uour CO.. QilDCT, 111. MOVING PICTURE MACHINES . at, riil«Jj^ Sirt, MUSIC ARRANGERS Talhai?*C».*'^'wiji!fat. QUaaco. MUSICAL BELLS A SPECIALTI^ CARL FISCHER m.. ta BswtiT, Ntw Tort Citr. Watib. m*ifUac Uarc. Ca.. Kaaaaa CitT. Uo. BBinA VoBhau Co., TBS Ptim aaa.. Pttutarv. OLD HOME WEEK SPECIALIST ■. Is nan, IS C WoodbrMia at. Detnill. Uic> OPERA CHAIRS „e .... ^ „^ ORGANS AND ORCHESTRIONS Ota. Zom. PAPSn HATE Ana CAN PAPIER MACHE STAGE PROPER- PARK B'LD-S. CYCLONE COAST< ERS, CONCRETE SWIMMING POOLS, ETC PEANUT ROASTING MACHINES Ktetm Co.. claclEutl. O, PENNANTS :nnants and pillows PERFUME AND NOVELTIE! PIANOS PIANOS (Daj^ta) PILLOW TOPS M Saiteaa BUS., PaoK l;,S-.ffii'S?."'"USfS.-WBS- TfrHplBlDta at., CUeaBOp 10. _ tmm Alt LcatiHT Ca., Taboa Qfara Bhbi pocKr. NOV|g POCKg^syOjCi ^Wijtijhsii Wjjaft POODLE DOSS,8TUPFED AKIMALEa DOLLS AND TEDOV BEARS JUiBM Wtip Co.. 31 ElM >L. WaatliU. Mmb. MEHUN MADE STRFTED TOT 00 AM. PRODUCED STUFFED TOY 00. maplalara a(.. CTilnwn, lu. POPPING CORN (Tha Qraia) mlean rDDnm Co.. SIsu GUr, tB._ _ aoauw CO.. ssa OnawuB It, lb T.JHk PORTABLE ELEC. LIGHT PLANTS _ ^^CT^CARD MACHINES p8S?%WId'aND TINTYPE MA- ' CHINES AND SUPPLIES (CantUuied on page 63) .