The billboard (July 1917)

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JULY 7, 1917 .The gliiaoapd CHICAGO HOUSE CHANGES HANDS Enteriwising Pwodiicvrm RMtor* La Salle TbMter to Old- '-Hme Policy <tf Lecit- imate PUijw Chlcftco, June !0'.^—Two uDauumlnff man wKlbed Into the b<ix-olBd« □( t" La Sails Opera Houae'tonlsht, alt the receipts of the mavis holdiilK t boards had been counted, and toi pcanulon. They are William Elllt )UpANDD0WNBROADWAY( Lmdim Cables of TMt BUisl Banymore is I Kay C Schaefer ot Uw dIraetlOD at the thea- ter. Tbcr InatBlIed Nathaniel Boyster fonnerly of the Moraaeo. [orces, bj their local managsr, and save hln: parting Instructions reKardine com- plete renovation of the house. Ot AvBuet 13 their Qnt' production; Oh Soy. now enjoylnx a successful run li New York. wlU bo rovealad ta Chlcact whan (h«7 mtelMa m. steak pwt snce of nrtr-FUtr, which- wffi prob- ably be shown here next season. Blnmsntbal With Bosenbei^ New Turk, June 10.—Qeoree Blnro- enthal. who was aBBOCiated.nttn Oaeai and Artlinr Hammontein for a nnin- . ber of years, has Joined Viitur Soaea- berg to act as Rosenberg repraeanta- tlve at the Savor Thaatar. Heath Joins Harris announcement that Fred G. Idthan had itltbdrawn from the staR ol thi Cenlury Theater comes the news tha' hsi also resumed to ally himself wlU William Harris. In addition to han- dllng the publicity for Mr. Hams' on- terprtse^ "Mr. Heath wilt t(oId doi ■encral eseentive poaitlon. Eleanor Fainter to Coast Jew Tork, July 1 she will BOOH begin -.rehearsals t Bailey PemaJfl's fnur-act comedy, T Porauit dt' Pamela, which will staeed undei: the direction of J. Cllt- tora Brook^' Tforpian Treror wiu be Miss PaluteVii'laadUig tnan in tbia r with their dltTer- ent att^etioiiB; b^nnlnff July 13. On that date the speiilal Oh, pay, comiuuur orga'nizea for BcMon will open In At- lantic City, week iaterl«ave'It to Jane, the new'musical Comedy planned tor the Lona&ere Theater, win have Its prernlere. " Cfn Ausust S - Bsperl- ince. with the bompagy headed br Ernest OlendlDDlu', WllUam .Ingu^. '1)11. Marie Horne and Matnt wn- llams. will open ,la Atlantic aty. to Play there tbr twe. weeks. The Pawn for Broadway ChlcBxo, Jaly.i.—The pawn, with Pnjik' Keenan, now at the Qarrlck, after hartnc made sooS at the tr^ut '^»e'Mi.^tufc..iarirovlBK such a pli^' namMal wtWs^ that the Shuberts <iMII. >lvo tlM^jifan ud the play a'Bntidwkr' ™a-e.iairj«;®iftUL—"^.i ■ - opportnnitr to try btr do when tba tlm* was The gimv wm be nudair.ravbwl*. lain Jinks. IB wUi>& MlH T Theater. .And Onally there SpaaklDK of tha Parfyniorsi, itroth^. (10.000 by sua Frederick SehoRK k staao all behind the juenes ot the SepilUks Thtatw Peter Ibt>etH>n. Tfaa'tft^lnl— " and 111 treat thla . deliberately and In a briitA „, _ ., , , ^e dlOculty with Midi the s aaa siy a sala effect, tatA Otm- en-a." the drink wUdh PlaywriEbis. the most popular of the tween the plavs and after — the ll«ht~ fantastic reigned. -Axain the "aztrasr- philanderlns nppa a<slte~i!alli ot^nache4uletl9<tiTtty. _ , !^-/?3. jfr;^.-^; ie Impromobi at^c ^d opened -fire--whaB the tntlijg^rjta ^<^rsh's thlriT^nujifyr^ri^iHlurii a cHAun. lue sfC was'^^cesdiy^hett soins^SOiOI>exlTas ai the aodlencB. In the clrcnA^icjWd as'ithfr-'dar woEe<.on the patience became exhausted and a Eeneral.nJhoop-lMtline was bad-'br^L'; Only one roan went/.tp the hoBpltal.^^ t- v.*. '- .Something's goli&'to bust o5 Broadway,, and tS^Jlondly. raooousir and d It. wWn*5 b*''lapkjce-the:echoes batierluK bat' the sinister shadttm forth. Already the si thB.ftacaH-B '111 come.,tl^ smMBU-Cabaret*)! d of sott:''^^i[&Ss, !iWe>lUIe*-bv^fi neither can live ""'"f^fj It'll be tou'Eh !ad tolling that The vations'Shnbert doormen who sit in the niche with the dresslnK-ioom keys are to revel in strenuoslty beslimlnK with the toil season. For the.drst time In the'hlstanr>of Thespian-activities somebody connected with the Shu. here torces harden, a thooKhtto Pops'chronic uear^somuambulism and hai ■uKaested that "he be-tnrntsliad with a :H»ans'-<tf aamlng his salary. . So the Pop elan Is due to aat to woift aad.ha anpeiK ladlTldaally and col- a*^^ «U: -01^ BA.-; hamart saaa Iha Aov i«t T whipped-Into a nnlir show bafbra I linlhfir innlnr lt~ cast niade up'of playeis wtio hare already aerred time in the trenches haa been sathered^toBether. and.a.playlet called Somewhere in France was tried oat at the Prospect Theater i^eatly. jraaented. inr B. S. Mos^ In arrsuEe* meat with Ab« F^nbers. It la expected to be a .vandavllle Sensation.. One at the food tUags the.war ta OMng is-polatsd ont by diar of New T(itk..wba wrote a letter to>Tb*-Now ToA fflobe-Tocaitly. Be brings out ,the fact that sex atoS'la ' Inalng Its grip'- with i^etnre theater patronh, and ihst th« deniand Is (or mors wholeeome drama* and playa ot a lighter vein. A bit ot his latter follows: "A wonderful change Is apparent In the .taste of the Amerlcoo palate In the last few weeks. Seemingly sex'subjects, gloomy-dramas and war tbnnes have'been relegated to comparative. dlafavor. and a groat demand is mant' tested for comedlee And other prodtiotlom whkft «telta laagliter and deal with the lighter phasM otlUe. ■ ' ' *Vaiiy well withers olthe movies waMMMtaCtDtharMamftlon bow-woits In CoBsequence ot too.much sea stD( Hew de Conrri&e Beme . now wen on Its way to prosperity at tha Qarrlck. The rsvae was am pro- IMad An* 1. De Conrvllle wi«le It, wia Wal Pink, and Frederick Chap- «Qe wvste the mualo. Smile la de- ■BdhiJ as » Gompleto London Sppo- all, a studied li Sheila Is Prodnced London. Jiue 90 (Special Cable to The railboard).—Sheila, a new play ID three acts Ity Oltha sowerby. Is be- ing presented at the St. James Thea- ter by Sir Qeoree Alexander, with C. Aubrey Smith and Fay Compton head- Bnrnside Aids Blind Soldien Loudon. June SO (Special Cable to The Blllboanl).—Alfred Butt, the I«n- doD' producer, thla week received a check from R. H. Bumslde, general director for -Charle* DIUInghsm. New Toi^ in the sum of IGTG, the equlva- to royalty paid to Bornside for Concerts for Bcfldiars indon. June SO (Speidal CahM W The BlUboard).—So Immeroua are the letters of appredaUoa received by Al- fred Bntt r^srdlnr hi* free coa- Knr l^Btic Drama Weak I, Jane 30 (Spec ard>.- The I unable to find much In the new tical drama. The Tidings Brougbt tc Mary, which had Ita liremlere at tht - tnd recently. It Is-declared to b< 'Ibly longwlnded and " entirely nil- suited for summer presentation, i^t was produced by the evyaee* Playwa and la in four acts and a prolog. ^.t Ends Fiftii Opera'Season '1 London, Jane ao (Special Cable to The BUtboard).—Sterling Haekliifay Just concluded .ttie.nfth aeason of operatic society with a revlval-at Klnrs Hall on June 16 .of Audrao'a Oriental fantasy. The Grand Mogul. This opera was originally produced ot Comedy Theater 1SS4 With Flor- s St. Johns, Marlus uid Arthnr Bmj loodar's' LocIo - .ondon. June SO'^(Special Cable to 9 Billboard).—Harry -Lauder:, is ( forth as .an 'urthor.' He Is •me of his'logic Into book