Billboard advertising (July 1917)

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¥audeville Reviews By Special Wire tmnr.ttan tin BVMfi m mntd Bonnlliii M IUmMh. kit il) at II !• mlilitT f«d. IXa ■ biiBlto'- Ibauukv ud Cuopw ■Ih M. 1irllk''lmR, fc, TWB. tlM HW iSm .'HH.* llii Mpi MW n» ■ Xura .tw ■ Mm MOW.'. Emb HdL >Mb SIdt u* IWW a. BUU an Is marrnt. «' mlsiM*. louiHr ^ (k™- •to iMi k* itaw niilL M win U etma tf tW •taUM M« fM«M Am M Ml Hen6aalwiiolpl^ift;iwi^fdi1aW . liottwt day ol tiie rear. Zddte Poy and tunliy hondUtted aad^MoMd alied hk. Al and Fanhle StedmaD did :iot op«n. /Elulr'pldca waaHI Georse Wblte and Emma HhIk- Nellie, and. Sara:Koiina. otraiiKara In parte, won tbe big piaudlu at the afteciLoan nidi a hl^-clan i specialty. . . " No. 1—Palace News FietoriaL , No. 2—KuUsrvo Brothera' aOMwa mi and dntibed with'an upside- should not employ an annouDi B to » aood taasO. Ttwy l« rimMd BP mot Bmn n ■. UtUo HIM Cluwlon ■ d nndovMedlr slop any # No- i —Rabev)ll«. taaturlns Hanr B. WaUon and Jere Delaner and elBbt othera In a.trpioal rural meUBKe of'mlrtb and melodj'. "Rmg MarvUla. u ibe ■baiitC, ahould also be leatured, aa most of -his comedy ncared heavllr. The boya an aipart niua]clana;and'fairly enod ninKers. The bresa band flnlah waa a scream. Twenty-nine mluutea, In [our,.special set; for curtalna. ' »(>»!>(>!> Ko. 5—Nellie and Sara Konbs. A doo who possess TOioBS. nwh-Uian seldoiii beard in vandevUle. ^nisjr i ofltevd.flM-nuBMMfMi HvoaXoWi % Mm adio < MBittedftf'a&'aaimTnwSiiiiiaibiiafToi ~ " Tied to'^aU iKoti'of tbe anditoriiuh. TJtqii' alio possess '■' magnetism and penonallty that will niidtrabtedly make them a featnre on aiv fint-claas bUL Heirtor McOartby appeand as pianist for one nombra'. TUzteenmlnntes,. \ No. '<t —Bddle For aiid the taven roungerFins In Tne Old Woman in ihe Shoe. The whlrlwlod dance. olIarad>.by >Charlle and Uair la one or.the bis featurea of the'acL Bryao'a danolnsVand liary*i olnKlnB alao came In tor a Bood aUan «f tu applaiwa. Little miMTa taorwaa dMlgared soe to a bicycle wlHi their Croaallre pattw le vHt tiMtn U tlw hit dMrtm. personation and BTenttun >tr«UU UW 1 ' been Inserted and qunr tb* rlfht PQIM^: NO. s-^Oeorg* WUM aM ttuw. with their new act Iu^ tUs ^Mk wid i dances, which ware beaMOr aajiqrva.. I Act Beautiful, cottslatliis ot Mr..and Iba.: tifnl wblta botae and fonr d'otpL Thlajls a n the at<iTy''ot the bunt. A doien poaas were preanti maaterplaoa. -Bl^teeii mlnulav in four, special diovat I. 1 ill lilt'iirtdia la a Orphsnm, San Francisco ; CLARK COHnJETm PLAY ADDITIONAL REVIEWS ON PAGE 9