Billboard advertising (July 1917)

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JUJ.V 7, 1M7 t H , B1 i 1 b o a F d A STRAIN OF PUREST PATRIOTISM, LINKEO TO A Lyric with an inspiriting story and a melody of exquisite simplicity; -V^ THESE ARE THE THINGS WHICH MAKE t- FOR THE HONOR OF UNCLE SAM; THE SWEEPING SUCCESS IT IS PROVING TO BE When you hear it you feel a desire to sing it- When you sina it you .will remember it, for—IT HAS 1"HE PUNCH' Now. being featured on the Chnut.iuqua Circuit by the Grand Opera Quartette. DILLON & PRAETORIUS, Music Publishers Pr»f«.i»n3l Copie. Ready 1431 BroadWay, New York Orchestratlonit Ready N. V. A. NEWS It Nwinnsft, L. kr Ua >«aU •( Akrm ■ - CInMU WHliHm win wmOm k CUa ■flat (iMt l> i«»Hi^<Mia. 1 a* mwtti tl tt* : •t. T*»tS t2» K. rJ**. OB Ttamtar mil A pM 'tf .a ftv B«aM as n wbtn tH WANTED SHOWS The Grand Theatre, Sioux Glty'5 Largest and Finest Playhouse. _ capacity, 1,600. Only combiiifl.tion Theatre in town. Nov booking first-olass attcaotuHis for 1017 and 1918. Write U8 for time. Sioux City, Iowa. GRAND THEATRE CO. • JbHW BIEOttgR. mmn»fr. BE YOUR OWN LAWYER $1.00 GOU>EySTHEATllICALUWMOK suautit hr nam torn nuamiHi WANTED FOR BAIRD& WILSON'S COMEDIANS A-1 Clarinet and Tromlione for B. & O* at once. Wire JOE BAIRP, - - - - - AJiTHONY, KAN. WANTED FOR HANS HANSON PLAYERS WANTED AT ONCE . WAHTgP IMMtDIATgLY~|MU8ICAL WMEDV^ W ^ WANTED QUICK Hipp., San Erandsco IRantaftes,. San Francisco a IMl HUM Iv 1. X- i. 6—DalnnltT Fgir. la mluis, itnlclit RKTURNS FROM EUROPE suit* nrtoM la MM IMa tM Uta^ .fiMt aMai. «U> t<» itaKkM* tta kMIMa ftar. k itaNUiagM. naw ■» KHp In toiKIi oltli our letter DeptrODrDI _ COUPON IHD STRIP ' _ Th*r>-)i but Oni BEST—Thoit Macfa by mim, WHLUAMS & uck a liMlT tfUITH, ARKANSM |