The billboard (July 1917)

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JULY 7, 1«7 Xhe B'll tbo-a r-d UNDER THE MARQUEE be UJi: 'Tbcn hu b**0 DDir on* — ttoM tir "r- Onliu. Ur. Brief. «■ fato^b^v; .fact, bU. cb* ibw ph^. IHI IH art IWi MM^i-^^^nj Cbrtro^Bhiiw» ^«r- n> Wlltct A. EelnlckiT am>J Ooamw e Bt. Lonia bu j tc uf Td Ik* Mii i itn a or W. B MTteB ■■ nlHDu. Wbn nt HifHilwck-Willacc Cinu «m MuUik fit. I^ni* Hn. Hvrr Nvjw, tb« wir< S u Ha Dim. It n> ■ (lat ilibl tm Mn- i^ca ma m At (iKmiT mJcvM Ina Mmtt F, <dd<tlBe tSrrm- aad n IIinfiicd,'CiBii.. til bo >[ ud bnnk for tk* msh mbbut- •DMrot tke I. A. B. P. *'BTi«I ——> Iia^nil, luraslr —— —>- THE DEAGAN UNA-FON —YOU Can duplicate the success of hundreds of uaera of tiila mstert cf aO p&tronage drawing musical inatrumeats. Superb for Cirnaeai Shows, Camivala, Street Advertisng, Skating Rinks (22 in use vitli Tramill Portable Rinks alone) and every other amusement enterprise. WBJTE FOR CATALOGTJE "F." J. C. DEtBAN MUSICAL BELLS, Inii., °-^„'%.■?.VrL^ S BILLPOSTERS WANTED —FOR— Ringling Bros/ World's Greatest Shows Pacific Coast tour and remainder season. Address W. H. HORTON, 221 Institute Place, Chicago, His. LaTena's Big Three-King Wild Animal Circus WANTED IMMEDIATELV ■ iMttHMl, muummtmt, turn. Tag ARMY and DtAVY UNIFORMS For Sale Cheap '%?ii<!7top OBERFIELD'S COMBIHED SHOWS ROLL OF HONOR FOR 8CHOENB At the stadoD itmi^^ SAUTELLE A LOWANOE CIRCUS . TIM HAQBRTY DIES ftiNOUNG Htoft.* eiReus B Metropolltvi Opf HIU nrdH unjtfcjBy ■ lar Iran ■■■ Iff M^^mrt KO "^n^ tola T b t0 plij tbc tavn. b AL G. BARNEtr CIRCUS