Billboard advertising (July 1917)

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The ai'II txrard RUSSIAN PHOTODRAMA HAS ITS IN ITIAL PR ESENTATION The Queen of Spades Exhibited in Washington to the VbtUng Russian Commission, Under the National Press Club Auspices CHARLES T. I eRAiMeen complains ^ bci <•» tt Mnr Tort mm DAMBURGER NOT IN CHARGE NEW OPFICB S IN CLEVELAND OpMMd' by ParamMUrt and Arioraft. ArtCTMfB plftnm. ba* jDnE i PRANK HALL wtj vttdbinr and state- Jl b* tmiownt bl EnUEblm Hit Duiktv, I FAIRBANKS T IT pmalHat dims, wtto will H HVinui LANaTORD VTEDS The First and Only Serial Ever Dlr«otMl by SIUMTPITON WHO PRODUCED "20,000 Leagues Under the Sea" Based on the famous Saturday Evvning Post story "LOOT", by Arthur Somera Roche, the Arillliit plot cC *niE GRAY GHOST" lu already fiunniar to. or has been read by, owe tan mflUon (1^WM* ») P«o^ There It a ready made andieace awatttnft yoa Mnrntf no duniMUidB of Saturday Evenina Post readers in your section. THRILLING STORY 10,000,000 People Have Read This This is the Sat the m thrills »^e Saturdi^jBm iiiii^ Poet' s own^e etiina^ baaed on five readers to each of I n^petteej tmtiutn^ four bcllltent serial etare, Hi* muj/f 4B.R I LLI A NT ! SERIAL STARS PRISCILLA DEAN, EDDIE POLO, EMORY JOHNSON, HARRY CARTER Ck>nuDunIcato Immedlatdr with your nearest Universal Exchange and arrange for booking. Ask for a copy of the free advertising campaign book, which will put this loiai OT^rfOEno in.aJ^ wkt. DNXVSRSAI:.. Alm MFG. CC^CnlLaamBle.Frw., jumvnnani,!, cu.m vaj^ (jbti ■ nee., ; Goncarn iw 13m Oalfatie," UM Roadway. Nnr Tock.