Billboard advertising (July 1917)

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« HOT IWt IBE BKI TDOI^ HOB TBB SMU Xm BUT lOB THE Umn ALL THI VAU^ PITE RAT HEARING GOES OVER IJWm N EXT MONTH Affidavits Already Filed Indicate There WiU Be ' ig Revelations—President FitzPatrick I Secretary Mountford Deny Money Was Squandered Nav f .He Jaly 1. C haWtM to uu aeum ueiisu asUHt Uw WMt* Rata Acton' Thiloa by Goldlc P«inbM- ton. demaBdlma- u " f"" of tlu Wbtte Itat boo^ sm Dm that nmda of tlw OT<[cr wera mlaappro- VrtaM aqf ) i noa aV dlmtad, eope- :|Stl7 tp cvqpectlaD wltt> ttie -Mrjka~ acBiiut i'sn4av0]«. hu boon poatponed qnUl Annut 3. wltb Ue ponlblllty of It hcther ^Ins OTer until Scptembar «. In 9r4ar to altQw coa^sel fur Vfit plain- lltl to mafce oenrtce, by publlcatlop, on an of lha ofllcera and directors. Ttitt ret^on will be laketi at once, and every effort will be made tn nisb (he hear- ing. JleiMtB. Jamea William FlUPatrick, president and Heixj- Mountford. in- lemKtionHl FxecutJre and secrfWrr. nied their rapUea to iliss Peml>erton"3 allesatlani^ and a vervaal at theli- af- IW tba ptatnlU^ Hhttt pe v-eGi,>. prns- Mant of the AetorH" inlernfln^nsl ^toB. ud Mbere. \e^&a to ins belief there viu be BoniB. itartllng I'pvalop- I was IB Iks ei>ropfiattoii or nvanlnn of fund* !n aar way. ■hWa or form, or ~to tala knowledse." Ob ibe oontnuT. be aan that tl)a tDnili ware admluhrterad irlth craat car*. He denies tbat OaUle PmtbaHoii eol- d^i^lBB the Idatetfll with b^nv Bi t)M naplpgr of the Vaaderfllr a(en^ PrataetlTe Anoctatton. iK>9*4br*iui4aTC]|9afU(t^ Wpffan UUa w«A tnm w trintln aoast ta * ralUeB bti^ ^ the OHnnD nd aumflT . Alter Oidshtn « Mt* H^tPWin won ;fe4 tja^Ftoflk manager of Keith'*, CinclDnaU. tak^ a two mpotbif Tftoatlgi}. daitt Oat la MO fpr IIM fMthfnl partomiaiice of 4ik dntleK wblcb la depodled with Ibe sale of the placa to the Empire con II 13 believed the Orpheum w price vatidevitle. Patriotiam in Taadeville a commlltea which i( w**wtt>y ^ ctal %ppaa| to matberi to r^enift the! sona for tba aantof. Min Mnrra^ jaat janaa ana af Oia Haw T^Tr^- meiit& Bait I«r, ths whMHnK car- toontit. has a aon now flgbtinK in th( THE fiRAHD OPERA QUARTET Orleans. Jt|ly ".—The EiQClre isi|8en)ei)t Cdn)ps!if of Xew Tork, imdantqad "n ijs alisned "lUi the pr- :ult| pjiieh^fl oytrlfiht the Pwnwall ThpaUr fpjm HenfT Jnser, wlio lw4 Ptirofiaied It from H^n' QE^etttyall. tbe oi^bsI The i aslder Ion is I B»ohFlBa«r p»ld arpon(?aH 1100,- OOp for th^ tmidinc Monday mpralns, ~ ftlF I, flWfl With W. - To Reiqaln Open Dnrinc N^V York. July 9„-T-Pn>ctor-s Sid reeC Theater Is to ramaln qpB|i the antira summer irith iti prenetit poller -^an vaudeville agtaaiid (eatare phor topla3«. chai^ WODOar «iid. Ttani- ll^t-Jrtm apaetal .wdavlUa cmoMta Kaw Tarit, Jntr 7-—Uanr vmrfavnle artlata win laava Ui«t IU)d for musical producUow qait •caaoB. Faiigwft^ ara waU-knasB acta that baya alsiwil up with leadtnc piodncara: '■- Brlce and King; T. Rw BarnaC Avetinp anij Lloyd, Clara IfowBra. Duoley and Rugel. Kerr and WaatAi. Mcintyre and Heath. Adele Bowia^ Frank Fay, the Sharrocks, Be«««. Wmie Weston. Srlvla Judaon. Marion -Murray <3ilurTay and Adams). ForrefEt HuK and Pn'tii Von Busing. Henry wood and Sidney Grant. Skelly anil Ravin. Dalnly Marie. Flanagan a/id Rda-ards, AI Oerard, the Three i>uftir Boys. Belle Arltne. ErgotU UUIputi,-) i, Ulllan Boardman. Trixle FriKsnj >; GlHd>-B Ixickn-ood. Cunnlneham ai) I AlbrlBhl, iThHrlotte Parry. Rock and White. rompaniBE of "RubawUle." the Dolly SlEtern. t^orence Moore. Gtaric aU Ber^an. and Robert Bmmett Keua: Dave Ferguson. Jos. Bantley and LaCk- ett and Brown. Billr B. Vaa. Battla Burka, Benard anaam^'Bae Zkrrtik Ctars In a sin^HK, nandw ltd TUkliK A r^lieanAic ■ Rose Ooffhlan in Th« Z ;ev.- weekB In vaudeville opening July IB at Keith-.- Royal. Mtss CoBhtan ilU present a new comedy playlet by Millard Mack and Thomas V. Fallen. ^□Utled The Deserter. She will .be lupported by Joseph McManas. Alice Benlley. G|en Huntar and Vlrslala Browne. Alf. T. Wilton la Miss Co^ lan'B ranr«n;ntatlve. New ToTlc. JtityTi^rOartar U« u and hla wife: Flora Parkar p* ■ven. former wellrknown vaiidB- vitllana, later in pfoturos, and Iste'of musical comedy, HU Lime Wjd- AnderaoB (Broncho Billy, or piC: tare fame), who produced the show, fqr t;G,0Oa ^d 150.000. reapecilvely. «tlegti)S ^r^acil of contract. The plaintiffs claim they were enea^ed tgr « pWlod of sev^n^ wpeka. but IH^ tbay only worked etcbt weeks, tli<e«' MaahK at tba and of that wwljd.