Billboard advertising (July 1917)

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The Billboard In Repertoire At Liberty—Riby Carter QeFOREST-WESTPUTERS TOOIBiGSUCCESSFOLLT FUjiitt Um IWnab With Tbc Bm Sair Qiaftctt«i cflntpoHd of Onffv Ml ti*ijiiir n POLLY O F TH E CIRCU Having 8ucc*nful Tsur in Nov^ Wadding SUgad ' IM FBUr at IbB CUtB CompuiT. plijUIC nft ndliid In tin DELIGHT VnNTHROP L b. nd !&■> Ann Aduu nemv H It ^lllflf?frB1e, vben llif Cn r. Em Men m* ^Mjiat. A nral CDDd tlBC tea tte AduDi^ bj tlu lilf cmlv*! > IN CINOIHHATI DEMOREST COMPANIES ADAMS' FLOATING THEATER Wntei-MAC-TAFF STOCK CO. (sm. s»«m ie».) WANTED ""^.'i'W.'ii:™'" bone. Violin nfe. JanMUn Sod: TRaHBOii^ cuuti. WANTED, JOE BAIRD'S COMEDIANS Wanted for Polly of the Circus Company mm FOI THE CARDIN PUYERS BARCLAY & HURSEY WANTED QUICK QoNr •UDlUM'SinNCTro.JII ^ « Siuog tLSO ^ow tMaun^^Ki^ MILLEtrS COMEDIANS Doing W,ll Thru OUahoma NOTES OF BLAIR-S COMEDIANS SHOW BOAT NOTES •PkUIUh an bd^ ■ D. attc* ilneliiT nd n M m ubi Tsi flgiifRT. TboBu mner. Binr BitMt. rs* OeltDB Blaun PWtlnr T