Billboard advertising (July 1917)

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T'he' B^IIIboard iDRAMAtic Stock llUSKALCOIIEDTnOCK TO OPEN Of DENVER HmmU, Initial BUI lb MUM Hflln. HaWI^ Bi ; jDfedllc*: Jo* Bannl I Mill WI gW M W at Mm TW > jintBlte, Kffi lb* PHitloB « W an Or a mmm. STUART WALKER RLAVSRS : IMng Will at ihe Murat Tlmtar KBNVON STOCK COMPANY MUSICAL STOCK NOTES ■rtrotd, Coau., JntF T.—Tlir Opm PU THE MANH ATTA N PLAYERS Ar* Saarlng WKh Mualoal dunady P1w9 oiiwed tbalr aqe nut ihm. Tiitt aiaa I7%v Own DrnKTifft/ u Ola bin bmiag prt«I«4 for tb* WHk, ud, wins tv tte racan Oa annclloa b-MnOaa -wltk, plui r, Xt. Vta, HUa 1Iu«k u HBRMAN TIME TOR BEROER STOCK COMPANY TH« ■ MW/A TTBR S-WSSB CO. SBonvKsavHjr at tli*' Jftrora-Stran NEW STOCK CO. AT HARTFORD 1v Uh DVEnlBC'IMU. Fopidu inlca vin pniill. STOCK'NOTES Tnadndl. OMiAcn at tb* Cfcui liitec Com- ANTED Comic Opera, Musical Comedy, Tabloids, Dramatic Stock, Minstrels, Burlesque and Legitimate Organizations on percentage or straight salary. Vaudeville Acts of high class, direct or through agrats. Opera Cluui&, tUia Cbsin, BendieB (new or used). SMneEy,irttii crufilKNit advertasmg. Mectric li^tii^ Plant (rf SO to 100 kilowatts. Electric S^ds andligfatiDgNovelties. Carnival hont (new or used). Hieatre 100x200, seating 3,500 on main and mezzanine floors. Talent engaged £rom one to twelve weeks. OPENING DATE ABOUT JULY 30 - State particulaTB in first letter. ALBERT jUniSaiEIT GO. (Inc.), OlMmp, Tern. WILL S. ALBERT, AMERICAN ACADEMY OF DRAMATIC ARTS TThc Stamlanl InttiCQtianY of Dramatic Edncattoi I Empire Theatre uid Coniiiti Room ITS CamceieHall, KewYotk WANTEDb FOR Coniet ud CUriDet, B. & O.; BoBB, B.&O. orstBEB. FRED BRUNK, Altoona, Kaa- saa, ft-t4; Nowata, Okla,, Id^