The billboard (July 1917)

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Tne BIllDoarH JULY 14, 1fl17 |TilbHrMiiLtd«rer»| MiMt Duel* aan^ l> nm id» aon lUd. ud W dAirt aMp tbwi tot U> ipncli nui lilD iMrttac lk.«dMi».<. lb. imr 'Dd "-I. T^Mc ll> bitlsr kBavn u Due.-™ fsnmrlr > Jn Bob CnwIot^'^ii^B'ld «M of Ika «U i UUtn. Bob cvtuMr SMl ■ tUUbll Bib H* iH tW (NW^tka flMMM aWHIMil ta M pcrtBrmctf oa Eli wtfe, Ttr« Mu« ODM lla atmia li MtDC UM br Suit Oiv. Ocori* Bntan, lukto mi <il •bTir, k M Inch «m I taiq aon of tm vrsHkB CW*no? HtnaM S SSen'fii wu MHu M mV nar n in to no Hit tamr *M» 1» j»t ■ »ta fbi IM imciiliicl^ am h1k« ma tor j (iDprTdivd iHtJi the iMtuuMns e a t&fl vvDer nfmd to n^nhe PBLOAR FOR CLEAN MBTHODS DOLLS THE FATiUOnCHtt^OF THE riiHTihiifcHi^ii POLLTIIIM MBY A 8DHB FIRE HIT. the Dolls that have stood the test of time, OHUUTEI MUX Flain I a nd EleeCric-Eyed, and OEEnaC- H. e. EVANS & CO. 1528 W. Adam* Straat, CHICAGO, ILL. CONCESSIONAIRES BIG AND EASY MONEY TEIE LARGEST FREE FAIR IN THE WORLD COHGESSIOHERSII STREETMEN,r NEW PROT^JEffi tHKLDS EASremT SPECIALTY CO. Dramatic End Tents. Large T«nts in any style, Concession Frame Tents, ^ ' Hoods, Etc. EBtimates fumiBbed on [eqneat. Your intercsls are onr jDteiwtB Let us aubmit jou a price "<ai yODT next Top. WRITE FOB CATALOGUK TUGKEItPllDK&BnBBEBCO., eplaced br-.tba B«kT 11 «k fnaikam ta BTaiinnia. WIl. aid, ■>^'a.-gs tsr^f vntr to tk* A«r <ftM 1 u abild uka ^at^t^^rniF^lioaie Km I imnOBw jm HARRV COPPING SHOWS Ut. C BIn.. P» .. Mr-A—Tbe Ibartb at Jitfr i.ia.. ud conUDHd Bp to Oo dAobw. 3 lundt^ikaDIM^ B»t^MtBtrti^^ttwiBM at ^r¥l< vlict, Coatr IidndavlBtt abd awlf .go- imnd AM aaadtT-ksAw an dar asd bIsK. Tte w witf t M . It b ■iiiIlM t* m dM Oalr R.Slllllli,IMl. IK Cavrta* InrcliiHd a sen pour tUf met IH tM lu aU Pdbt SUinr. mmklDg Elihl Id alL UilUam inilalnr bia cbirii dI Itw nnln. aod It,mala 00 7oa food ta ate M atB t i n drlTtPC areot and BA WaA. aiaiiuar ■ Antoutle CItr. made-a BjIwUp to aaatomotiUa afr«r tbe aliaw Jair 4. ictdrnlDE 4a T^""!?** '"^ '^'''^ motottd m«[c^llT.^ Im Ma wtj ama^ bl Oail llvlpvappEc, Baaace? ^^'ite ai nMDd. baa baMia^ ^^^^^u^ni^"^ tbe eaffloear, .tli* laaAlaa la kairi STuiH ■ saw alae aaaa ecaUt li . MORE FAIR S. FOR REYNOLDS HAMILTON8 SELL ILLUSIONS Hi. and m. Hnannn latc tba dark t On. nnniDini, O., ttler temtt 'kfl • fisrat Honrla. -i*t~ni„ CALUMET, MICH, A OAIW D lut. antlc^tlon m Show U 'enJojlBg tL ieb, eai ao« IrwMat wa att Btoa, M tenT^TaCK n tMIr UoW* an (bar va^ 8IBLBV« SUPERB SHOWS Mlddlctoini,, n., Jalr ^.^rVini Ba* ireat la laadlDg at the ^unr Id tbe ear: nUcb _...~J»d (a i» an -aaBmobll* « with-and duonr One al tba kan .MB- agn mi portad an< wi> fit V a paaMas ftiMt tiafa. «la» lac Hamn^.SBd ■"^jj^^-^^^-^/!^ Sf-^^*?feh-^^te fc^'aj^^'^^'B^ city boBpltaL^Jt u reared Ibtt Die iBtarul ttni mati/ from pxhu la tbe' lowflF varl ot bla bsdi. Wbeo tbe abow latt Uoadgiy ounslnr. JDlT 1. ba m laported aa imprailOE. TelepiHloe (inn llr. aibi^^^iid altera^ ditcoini. fa., tiili vtet^h .alaBd..'tfi^ le of balDE nU op ta tba M>iw3-«C .... ..Iter brlibt tvet* tbs •bom tan WW eat eT'^lu.Bau. tbe tw^beaiJtd li^l^iiu'fn'lbB ™p2»«> of Ph ^j^jTTMmajmll^^MMdea. ""F^SrSi'Md^iff^PaS^oJ JaS'vSH ~baw. paid a' .Tlilt TUfadar. Uaunt rtiicl, oC On nenf'CO-nnnd. 1 W nsoB bwked Ute It VaaaAur. W. B. Harab abd >HBK >*U«B«.ja$ USE iffij: tfi^bSSPiJ?* '"-^^ Jaa Hm, aatartalnad .all Ua irtatlaaa. ii» RUSSELL DONS KHAKI