The billboard (July 1917)

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Tto* Bl.llbo«r<l A DAYklOHTM. P. SCREEN New Mmuib for ftvduoing Pietur by ProjMtMl Liflht Ktw y«k, jDlj 1- —WInE pnunlieB t» be iHlEd turn tbB pletro 1» iJMws oC « iMie briUlucf IwRlaron Dotlnd In pro M plctnre pUo*. It 1» tli" Int SU30 Jnehtt aM ihoitf motlan t of t)t« tb«t*x«, twloff wt vJ K ■»>• «IT ■ LOTTIE PICKF ORD ILL lot IxidH. latj B.~Leltl* PMtWd. lliiT'e ta^Ltal Id UU dtr. Hut PIcUoM Du tieta CREST PICTURE COMPLETED REDEWmO N «T* TE RrOHTS Knr Tatk. >dr T.-~A w t^M ■< U Dt MatB tlikta kH dipped iM I cmm o( tbe dbpndttan Ar sntc rtthti < H. T. Ca7. Jima IE, 1>1T. Chicago, HI. OeDtlemen: "PABENTAaB" -a ' flMt .I mm Uihir cratUM wttli tlie •Bfl Um work The USM ittMta tRIMdMt » i HOBAJITHSmffr. Mr. Elxhibitor, meet "The Gray Ghost' Tm fliwiiBil popnlarlty-pnlUne The First and Only Saturday Evening Post Serial Ever Filmed MMT OiAMir 1M«MW PM«I> * ^ M ftr 10,000^00 People 1 CTMT type Of dtliea In the land. "BiKt type that denumda th* b«at entertalnmant. In atorteiL and atbtir good tUn^ ol life. In every State thnxi^ont the entire Union Tremendous Ready-Made Aodioices await each succeedlnc •^nd* Of IMl Mc TMwmml 8«U created by sji eipendltai* oC IVM* bi FaM^ Oat DO film company In the WMld «mU MA to IflMC Had TOU set the DmEOF tMuaflL Tha Bra Mrial Wttk SMir Ue brllllaDt Stars— Priscilla Dean —Eddie Polo Emory Johnson-Hany Cartov Ht of rnvnal PlavmiBraaMat via Om mraea <tf tba imfvwMl WMt Oomrt BtnfiiM. Directed by Stuart Paton Get tha Bis Fm Ad Campaign Book frwn Any Uuversal Exdiange Univra'sal Film Manufacturing Co. t et tt> «w Mb It h mMm m m- lat cha Uipiwt tiaOt b pnidKta haw bam Jalainii^ ftr ntafat 31 m iihitiM la MA nAi tfaka II LOS ANOELEB ACTimiES (BBleUia of amtlwr Ms Qrtatli Ua etty. M m intnml Mtdi nu i VIOLET MKRSKREAU IN BOUTH PATmOTS 00 TO BVANOrtlN ■ImlBr ot 3farT PkK^ifl M 1 cnrlcHltr vaa anDtrd. f