The billboard (July 1917)

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32 The Billboard JULV ti, 1917 COL FRANCIS FERARI SHOWS DOING WELL IN THE EAST Shows Play to Good Business at Lackawanna and Depew, N. Y.—Niagara Falls and Lockport Promising — First Southern Tour in Years WiU Be Made TUs FaU ■Mfag Up to —i lini «rtw mn* H* «f ttt ntiMdi ■» iini nfu ki^ at r ait 5 bWy m» iwiiur •Hsr n* MMM *bD tMM Xto BUItnud U MM auiiia Xnr, inRil uenl tor »■»■■ OnaMc Bkom. ptajliiB Uila mk . WOULD OF PLEASURE SHOWS PMlltag to Qood Business at Burling ton, Vt. : <ia limn. W» an ilnlw aadir tin »ip!» ■tgtTMlWjtlii ±Blm 7tka ^Elci.^lli I <SS£ S,S SOS ill it 't"" ■•T«d th« Farul Bbon wUt f**^ SMtti £ H Ant tloi* in M'arAl jatt. ^ It ia_.ttt ..t now wQI b«' fljlsc thft Nflftb la^ 1i CON T. KINNnV WOWS ' ^wr'Sin ■H'Jm.^ . . I ttU rlt; inl tW niHlMMA 111 Oi* VUfflu* 0f jB«*Biirdn ■at FM fc MtliilTW rty&d . vba latnr li MILITARY BAND ORGANS MamifBGtured «nd Repaired THE RUDOLPH WURyjSBR COMPANY NORTH TONAWANDA, N. Y. IX CAI LOPING WITH J/r?. PROFITS HOME jjr'^ on „ PARKED C*nRV US ALl PARKER PONIES "pYp^-'a"nV.'co-' Thil Miks Folki WANT To Hde. C.W.PARKER-0.~t.B.-LEAVlNWOIfIII HANS NEW HANGER HOOK mdvUmM. k Hook uhoaiidiAlBap, no thumb ~ ofc «itlt jwtnt Tde- I abacdute The ooly Real Portable Cajrouael made; al[ parts mtetcbuigeBble, without a loose l>olt. Ask G. L. Dobyns, C. E. Barfield Joha Veal, Mra. C. J. ■ Lautber <with Rogera' Greater Shows), and Nat Reiatf . „, , ShowH. Each have one. You, too, want toe MBt mmey ™i buy. Owneni of old style machines aod intending; boycn, do lose tune; \ ■A loT iniormatloD at once. of tkit dlT, to an (ditsclal of Uciii. Ill»Mil tki KcdBMr Sami) and If ^ canlrala wata tika um Ban 1 attanoar-- ai ~ nMni~ pii^'*bM^(! iwctlwia alawa ana Ika m ttino^PNjile atiCB PHILADELPHIA OITIZBNI ITirMtMi To Clota Shew Qround* • bad .DBtoroncs. Th» Ifltat ana tlMl Igiin YOUNG HAMI LTON JOINS NAVY Maw lort, IC—AltHd Bulltas. ■■■ Hine Erancb af'^ioia C JACK EARL Orflanlza* Jsok Earl AiYiiiaamant Co. bcpp DdTBrtrt lafot wLtli tlio Great daanMpall- tflD Carnlvdl Com^nj, realfiwfl bka poaltlm at fs-nnuid. -S'.x.'ss. "£ fir jgma as now bMkM *»>• fain a>d aabkaatUda He coa^meiitB Tnbb^r Sajder for flTlor I>1b rood lOeao of taa iime and Bays agDaFoaeaa la WORLD AT HOME SHOWS Cilgirr, Oanadi. lui bHn tnndn] and c StkiBilw^mfS'wottm.'wMt lljins to llie jUnetlcin nnllj Horolnrc and Golden'a WIU THE WILSONS THANK nw tMrHS Call L, WDaan deidta to w NuTibweitetii Bj^mj jn£rt