The billboard (July 1917)

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JULY ai. «ff The Billboard 88 SERVING THE COLORS ^l^S^S^tb™''' '"bu'' III''! Tb« !■ OBlr 9Bt tlilnr na ■boWDiA on t1 Sm.' Mm Mt* oUMM in XatUtr 0, gniK. Jdr lO, tir tkf cmiiiiiiiiti -UuMaio' au. hkiMM IDA DiuinttF tun ncaniiT Moid Ilia Pint Bnlmtiil ol Oblo Inlintir. Ill HicnMfa u icpiCHBtl w Mag tM» bit I*f Ua <• iHM saw XMK MMiv » jria an n RUTHIimRD mUTM tHOVn ltd, to llutlu ^BmT M :t sua at tk* HMut vtuin KEWPIES The Kewpie Doll, oti^- nated by MISS ROSE O'NEILL WILSON, whicti we have the 6o!e rights to manufacture under license oi MESSRS. GEORGE BORGFELDT & CO.,^ has found many cheap imitators, who have been STOPPED as fast as they started, BUT they will crop up every once in a while notwithstanding. This ^ should serve ss a oi WARNING that lall "i GOOD." Theonlyand 1 ORIGINAL KEWPIE | has the RED HEART I ' in front and the ROSE I O'NEILL LABEL on I tbebase. Sample $1.50, I prepaid. _ [ $12 Doz. tin, KIMDEl « aRAHML PILLOW TOPS CompI«t0,IncliidlncSwiItaiTpiIlws. Fine Quality Satin. Bigg—t and FlashlMt Patriotic Subject*. I I.OOI DOZEN Complete With I FILLERS market. OurFjllersu You save exprem charges, as they aic light US dowQ. Price Sll.OO a doien, complete, includ- U% Dwtit 01 All Ordiri. N« OMdi Shipfad frnj Olbw Way, I TIPTOP TOY CO. I .lOS. G. KAEMf^BR. Prop. I I OUR ONLY OFFICE on. 7347 Madi.-n sq. 114 EbsI 28lh St., NEW YORK I HAVE OPENING FOR FIRST-CLASS MUSICAL COMEDY Will fumiah complete outfit on wagoius. Have opening for few clean Shows of Merit. Balance this season and next. Show booked tilt Thanks- giving week. Have ten Fairs, including Kankakee, State Fair at Spring- field, Fair at Atlanta, Ga. Will furnish complete outfits for Attractions of Merit. Write or prepay your tet^ram. Address flREAT PATTERSON SHOWS. Davenport', Iowa, river front, tius week; Muscatine, Iowa, streets, July 2Mto28tti. CLEAN CONCESSIONS WANTED Feature Attractions Wanted FOR on Cojnty Fair IN ANtaniliis AH AO mtmu toM Isush with 'i M3~nut ad m thi ■lUMAn." HERBERT'S GREATER DISBANDS Spfdora UDd iHflUtle," ^'l^Bff Ihne-daf LBVtTT-TAXIKR SHOWS ^ ^Tm-^ily SbDin bad ■ bl( mek 11 Plaln- ■biclei 8»™[' BuinV: ^ Hanrd'''Hiiiibwt'> BURKI AND OORDON SHOWft PARKIRV ORKATStT «HOWB ir uMind. bat wltli Wliaaa. 1 anood prlie ma Spider iaX- iBUeit tar « tnlB <rtw, E^n; poinUr tUCT M< M tt* nM» mm-iMf. A CORRBCnON WutitratD'a Ul£biT Hldwix S