The billboard (July 1917)

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Ttte Billboard UNCLE JOE'S GREAT EXCELSIOR SHOWS rmmmMsmi A WANTED NOW AND FOB A FINE CIRCUIT OF FAIRS iU UP-TO-BATE TRIPTS MlRSorGRlZY HOUSE, MUSICAL GOMEDYorTABlOID SHOW-Ha>lGoill|llatiein|tJ«$ place TOB rOUiOWlNO LEGITIMATE COXCESSIONS ONLT (NO JOINTS) Eielnslvs: Photo.''"I'«^.■^^P JJ^.^*"?* 'Sl^JIS*'J?!"?! *C4N PLACE TOE rOLLOWlNO LEGITIMATE CONCESSIONS ONLT (NO JOINTS) ™au».Y«. n.^^r'o^„''n™ "lj;r»*lti:i' iiST^i f'ahaeaoK □■llwr. Cat PIdwc™, FtoII. Ham and Qrocerr WbMb, fmaOUt, BIuikMs, Countrr Store. Clolhs Ploa, Stmg QSmft NovjUMea Mffl 1 ■rOtm«h BOOl^lA ^WANTED. GOOD Agents god OWy^ f» W «ld> PRHMKB. aot^t«r..^i^^-'-,_'>-'';,A^'^i:'- S.'^e^S 1^ iSS — ■ — b and South Carolina. GeorcIlL -wo (2) ■ — 1 Bata Players. CommlCtEeB lor Bonte Comln, I Alabama, NOTICE—We ' MWMb BinMM AMD witfol poople In I oOBtzmatB ft>r »nr »MI Falra. Quannte- RANDOM RAMBLES ,^ .,. "(MD conw -V. a_ Toa an iks-Bu » --™Wb^IlfSiirto'S™S^l^»Suu?J' ^'-nl.aat iCn wtlj he li Uw di; or Cliuin- ■ kr m IB TadlMiiunlli ud mind. Xon <ilk (bout imatli^ tall, (naad ibfr nut BUD It one of' tlK WORTHAM BROS.' MINUTE M. I SAtESBOARDS EVERY CONCESSIOr^ STREET PICTURE MER II BOSTON CAMERA GO. WITCHES. JEWEUY. CLOCKI. IILVERWJIRE, BEVOLVEBS, HOTIOIH, NOVELTIES AND CARNIVIL ttOODIL OUR 1917 CATALOGtJE IS NOW READY. It's lr« to dealers. Wlien you (or bsoiq Miidly stale wfast busi- otm you lollow. Writ* fw ipadrf 4anirBn Mil M Mr am M Mfai M AM iMaal- na«artbninfiafp)M«MrtonaM. HO OOQpS C O. D. WITHOUT aa-w w. Kh rr. ij6ui% mo. CHOCOLATES FOR PADDLE WHEELS THE WM.C JOHNSON CANDY CO. MNIED-SHOWS. HIDING DEVICES •in CONCESSIONS FOR FOIIimi ANNUAL COUNTY FUB OLD SETTLERS' DAYS