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JULY rh mr T e Billboard MOM A DVBira UNlrmD SHOWS r*"K'ttSr"'£,"Ms,':n.;; ; uO, If lU iTporu ■ I linti! Cbu. J. Roub. aWw ftt tW pnHdt tim* la urtflbr Ki fc'BABKgOT WOW* tnttW IM Mt* UM oat ot Um bal Isdqieiid- <m nri ID tb* Uitorx ar tula antpUoDBi JupitK Plnlu, lliat wncktr of biqiu. tu Bpni III cuiniaiiiiai btn at pginruia, wUeU ^MaWftMA WM. awiM mJ ^Mg* ■ icw nnlMt at SutaMI M( ««cl>l g coaii ot brlEbt pDlul a: n> BitkHl Ipaglal. wlBtad Oinnt ■ AMD J»U»^^M«[iMa* of iwatT-n*«cu* « ••■f initar aMU(<MT^oteni 1^^HiBT«ln«r Mr. Birkasl. vkD. )iu bHB mntloBn] ba- SCORE-BALLi ONE oFimnxntrucBswnBUinGAHEis iujung a HiTAramCT blahd^reittore A roll down gam* irilli tm ■u fcB WMHa iBaring SSnScfc Tm Bdla—Tan CanU—No Blanks. tOOK-iUL It All THE J. D. ESTE CO., 1530 Sansom St, Philadeliiliia. Pa. Under date of June 23rd, 1917, we received the fal- lowine letter from Mr. Geo. H. Rusadl, Maiuoer of ace&>BaU Alleys at Sft^ Book, Wert mmai, Can place Ten or Twelve-Piece Band, one Feature Show and all kinds of Concessions. Address ZEIDMAN & POLLIE, - - Milwaukee. Wii ED. La HEINZ SHOWS Play ironwood, HIeli., FIRBMOrS Week July 23ril And the crowds will be there. Don't let aiqr otiier ehowm&n lead you to believe that they will make thia, as they won't. WANT Shows and ConaessiODS, Billposter. Have five weeks contracted in the iron and copper country. Address ED. L. HEINZ, Iponwood, Mich. UBEITY UNITES SHOWS WANTED WANTED UCHMAim-LEWIS GREATER SRONS JOS. a. muuu ■ IIDDi Willi Iba wmBmiEb. aMMHi^w Jn cUife ot capiUa IM alvaHeiKaif iIh Balli p»H ud pntUa haTa baaa gaii nhH tlia vhUw parnlnad avaeur bi li li •mnu ot DDU Uti tiiora iiui'i: ifkacv tba opaaL^ aLaDd. flbavMQ aad < 'JaoatHB^^llba ara wtlh It. and for II ■aimrUM* BBOdilou baTa gltn Oa n S" '"l^hTmS^'TESda'to'tba "^"^^S la ^Blaiar U Maaa laal wtdf*** in« TWta an to order ttla weak. » tta Wild A, C u to