The billboard (July 1917)

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The BlllbpaiPd H ENDERSON CONEY ISLAND 'S DC'CTAI IDAMT 3 GUS EDWARDS' REVUE ■ mbi<0'I #^^/rB#^l^ I I TWKX cwunr nnHiito DMiema MUSIC HALL I Da Your Bit. Sing Patriotic Soigs. TrniiiMitiiiw'««iyiiiii'iiiiiHri«iiiiiiiTniirtiiBiii|i«iiii wniii i onnqoHb MftdhnitlBgiiiBIWMntmlMiottMnifa^weifiBd. MY BOY B»Jk*n B«^T«U»lin IMH(aMkk& llMliDmlaBb. A atfabs mc of aniMrt mKly, iriileb voices the wish of all tone p i M ati t».WackBw» J» i m wam hmnanity'a rig^ ' -^AfAR AnnMHfRegM* DH, RED IS THE ENGLISH ROSE Forsyth Bi^TdMlBDMfewr. HMIunTokalnCiniMr. A tfiMOSt, tioudiiiig conoBit song, which yncea the bond of laotii- i-tdwod facitwMn tiio nHMit natioiw. ■ MRiSIING SONI! OF FREEDOM Br Hhut C* Woril *WRnflii^ Tim 0«ih:^" IB one of oinr beat mtiiotie nwlodiea, the ori^n&l words ate no longer, suitable and aze n^i&y objection- WHEN THE FLAB GOES BY By Ccorte B. Novin U«<liiim Toko m D. Full of vim and snap is this straight-away march. Y^makeahit. OLIVER DITSON GOMPtlY, •"IS'::;-" Boston, Mass, COREY GREATER SHOWS WANTED WANTED MUSICIANS FOR DURATION OP WAP, To Complete Twenty-Eiglit-Piece Band FOR U. 8. ARMY SERVICE , IN FRANCE Positions as bopcommisaicmed officers open fof good Brst-chair men. Would like to bear from old friends as well as others who wish to join. IVansportation to ap- plicants. Bea.patriot and serve Uncle Sam'with your talent.' No;fightiDg—^just music. Address FRANK KINOSaUTH, , . or 7712 So. Gnmi St., Chleagn SERGT. E. E,WOOD, U. S. Army Recruiting Station, Grant Park, Chicago. OKLAHOMA FREE STATE FAIR THE TED DALLEY STOCK CO. WANTS omci WaoteyojJlKonJiliianis^ WMTD AT ONCE, REP. MDER CANVAS : WAm'Ep—Miitlcal Ceimdy People. To Join at Onoe ^n'a.teiJ'aBu'T: KIDBLE'S V. T. C, WANTS