The billboard (July 1917)

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The Billboard Cy Ctattr—Ci»irc». ^ati. sac Sept. mai. J. A. JOA. MS. BMiM a ~Sii»ri i t i Mr. Mt. »-lS. Onla GUT—Cd. Anl. AxtnfltHk Am. WBK Til III I Oil Agrt. Boe. Ab(. IMI. I. ^^l^rtr^XUM Ca. UrL SB. Sept i «... »^ IMlullil HIlJ wlOaw Cn. tMr AM. OcL I' ly ob^^wm IX AMU anc tiK. Ml Ndllb—Altiliips Co. AirL A lUr Ami. Sqil. aj S S > 0>. IMr Am. IMX. 1 with .CBOd Buul im.par ontt. the b«t Cooutr V*lr &■ HUsbIi^ i ase crowd abont 11.000. HaVa b&ow privilege boaght of town for Valr Weak. If lootdne for sDinethias good, write EUAS JOBE, Siipt. of PrivUeses, Greenup, nilnols. gongessiok for sue knton7texas FREE AIR ; OCTOBER 2, 3, 4, B i 6. P. M. REEIVESL. Secy.. THE MACHINE THAT MYS FOR ITSELF THtt n riwnMC. setai emue Mw ma tmai THE— SEND FOR BOOKLET. , , , MACHINE WHX CDT ANY SIZE Saiitam ce CriaaSiBihiteh Ci, kiuck of cream. - ...^ EIGHTY.EIGHTCUTSTO THE lut^ Hmimtt. mt. galloh of ice cheam MOWER COUNH FAIR, Wont Meny-Go-Round, Shows and Coacesaions. J. W. HARE, Secre- tary, Austin, Minn. PHILADELPHIA COUNTY FAIR 3,4,5. 6.7.8. -FMnwBiffl-BniMrXIm l^Attno. arai>aiidN<»dtr.aa4UMIinli«taiib far EUa.Snd ROCKLAND COUNTY FAIR '. WItlKcJi, 1H]>.. BUIiton J^tt, KC Cs. Airl. sec. Sept. IB-^ 'D Co. AIrL 3«. E«lt. 3S.29. O. '*tettui—OMomblm Go. A)XL SK- Aept. 8-4. ~ biMkiH^in. aoc. Btpi. »a. ildlnK. Beer. Sept. K-iS. OBBie B. DeRojwi—FonrConnlT fjlr A«UL Anr. H-IT. I—TomiiMiu Co. AtrL A Hon. Soe. SfpL lonj-jMllWIii Co. Agrl, .Sot B«t. IS-a. IfDnTU^-Oi/iKB CD. Agrt. Corp. 4u&. 7-10- T. Ciriba Bsritc, oMr. E. J. Haidh, oecj. KuuB—Act). A LIlKnl Omc* w. witbK^ I . r I II I' Ti^MrTr" (hJtgi^Tlogt Co. AltL S a. MUo. •ecr.Ts. D. I, CuaudUiini! «urw^ ^ HMb awl.. Ml. ^x—k^n'Qg. A^ w^^i^wml^^ A^ iMe. Ai^'W^ 'JfenSfS^t'ffSoil Co. Airl. BSC. SiFli VT.' 1 Ca. AfH. Me. Mm. S J^^«iJ^AM. .€ BitDe-C^ raar PUr Aim. ■FtukllB Co. lUr Am. 0«t. M. Iai eki' Mr Am. te. M- 1