The billboard (July 1917)

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STARTFirlY -i^ g| g Vllf I I V IF e Vf TOMMBATTHE OF THESE : HI ICLI I ' SMME'TIME Then tarn the Paddle Wheel—"nuS sed." At night, light op the lamp in front of the' Clocks and you can SELL TO OLD MAIDS AND SCHOOL TEACHERS EVERVBODV WANTS ONE ^ "NITELITE" Automatic Electric Light-Alarm Clock, Alarm will ring until you get out of bed and stop it. Press button to see the time at night. Ready for use anywhere. Oper- ated by dry battery within clock cabinet. No wiling needed in the home. ORDERS FILLED SAME DAY RECEIVED. F. W. JAHSEH CLOCK CO., - 2IS W. Randolph St., CHICAGO. Braneh-^EW YORK. SCARF PINS, $1.00 TPar Cross mm.'- t mm SMILE WITH ME IhlMinirtMUvvMrIM ■r^H OLIVER I ^3 WIZIARDC WANTED—A Goad, Fint-Clin ODNIVALfgiBeMfil of HASTINQS MIUTADV BAND, Hulin|l, Pi. RIGBY'S FRESH SALTED NUTS 106 iiEtfcnp%]»».Md: Mb> boxes. . THE 5 snd'lOc seHtra. , J. RICBV CO.. 1367 Broadway. H. Y., Johniiif JvJones Shows ...WANTS... Man to bandte; press with show. - Wiite in full, giving refer^ce^ If .-you canoot make good, don't write. WANTEI>^'Ewo mote'White PprtCTs, few more Work- ingmen totake'idaoe.t^ bten draf^ Address week of July 23rd; Laiatiii O^i^t: wtA'tt StOy SOth, Marion, Ohio. ^ ; ■ -'l':'^,' ■': ■ ■ ■ WANTED FOR NADIR eHEATER SHOWS VEAL'S FAMOUS SHOWS WHAT WE HAVE FAIR SECRETARIES WHAT WE WANT Wanted for Evan^-Platt Shows Ten-ln-6na Show, Ferris Wheal, '19 Girls; Plantation and Athletic People to Join a-l once. Can place Conceslons of all kinds, except Ball Qame and Cookhouoe. All Wheels open. Witnt A-l General -Ajrent Van Alalyne, Texas, July 33 to 38. ■ ' • WAI^TS-Roy Gr^sjlmu^ment EvD^e imd Bum, vQDfl on. Connettvii <hl: WUA Pai4. Ovidr Btc Tnv*. Iav Auv. sboot- im. ouaile. Tran., lull a-. OwIIIk Id& 10: Honuv, int. i: CKtlun. Udu Ui OdUUb OUACHITA PAmSM Free Agricultural Fair MONROE, LA. October 17,18,19, 1917 TATTOOING W. ODELL LEARN & CO. .. ■-^-_--g?Biar8a Wa«K, WIM Wnt ari ClicBlte OURINmES FOIISALE ^ AIR CALLIOPES $125^MADE imislble Fortune Wrte? SJOWEft, 117 Haraun »l.,8r<>oMy.ll.Y. TENT FOR SALE PARKER'S eJOVLAlMD HIS UTEST GIGANTIC EKTERnUSE OF A MAMMOTH. CONGRES; OF THE LATEST UP-TO-DATE RIDES AND MEeHMICAL ATHUCTOMS This latest Porker afferlns la not a Camtval Companr and will open their I91T seaaon OTf I.ABOR DAS at the NEBRASKA STATE FAEB. Lincoln. MWiMm, •wd play a. circalt at RBAZ, UOMBY SPOTS iB the Middle West and South,, IncludlnE the OKUUIOMA FREE STATE FAIR. We can place s "Whip" and ArmltanA Oulnn Aeropla ne Gar rouselle. Join the Latest Parker AsgtegatlOQ unaer the Bannef Of HonMV, CMUHM and Monlltr, carrylns THE LARGEST AMKKICAN PliAG IN THE WORLD. - JOINTS001^89 AiHiw ,oii\0 ..osuoM nuoD nueninuW ..tpB(ijgu»^\^ .n .n .* .i.dwn^ M-jr!-'---_W*ffiV..™»."M^-_