Billboard advertising (Nov 1917)

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NOVEMBER 3, 1917 The Billboard 7 Vaudeville Reviews By .Special Wire Majestic, Chicago (Renewed Monday Hlrtlnee, Ootoler 29) lulcaco, Oct. 29.—Tlie MWl'l test Ml ,™ laic to hamper Ion mallneo attendance ih,. j!u|cslle. A Jtcndr drlizlc drore many «la-re n mediocre 1j ill U Bio offering for I ..>,,.«. ulllj Emm Urnns liendllclnB. s,.. l-OrfkM» Circuit TrrfH Wcc*U. •Co. ll-Solou ami Nolan opened Kith a Jo s - riJJslae. Iroio'a cigarette to booacnol.1 feral- :;,[. cr-tlre luraso sliovtfd Lt npporicd In her soog and comedy oniric* bj deter pair Via tlwroli colored. Eighteen pluilet. entitled Tiro RweeUiflnrtf. ivlilrh W.° In th. roll o[°"a. r"nt- B>orow. I. ucrinr. LI. Ill > hi. llf.'. u.lna. ...1 . 1° .» fcu> .I.t«r n.^ptlr -» I pIM. T»™tr-nr. . n In Willi* .lie 1. .lul.tfj it tho piano b, WHIinro Ca«f. Md .1*0 bj Bobor nenthcr, nd i Hta. Inctas." '"" " "T No, F-Wwt Buian ottered twentr aliuM .i«yi b, Larry Comer. Thirty mlnnie., n... le-niDrtiQii in,! Mar™ clocM Ibe .b -lib their }m Bud o( pi™, fi MM. Bob, TVlr.loc. a graceful dancer, n .■i.r *MT.rlB S for nwlBE and occ-uie.l to bom I laillrore. fifteen minute), in full: two ri THE CLAIM WITHDRAWN ■M.V.I kV Hnlbn-k [11!.:,,. V, h,.,-u .. wed t.v. ml.)!. Cjrll Kv.R lit tor. MRS. NIBLO'S ESTATE Km York, Oct. 21.-According to I mi-:t til,.,l mi. week. Josr-phlne Ooliatl "lie died JBU 12, IBM. left > jrrou H' isoatl iSl principally of proper POLLEY IN C HICAOO ''i.iroco, (ht. ™.-ronw, Ot EM 1 '- Vol™,.,, VoudoriU. Show, which Wet for ,™« yeoro. to Id CI ific Topmost Hun^. PALACE Here Genius not.Pirlfiyour Rank insures t an untoward stage v The the PoiwIUo a ssom Seeley, who m thrown in on the Swor and Ms ot, and with a slow start to work against, not even their good intentic uld do much toward saving a crumbling MIL ' Miss Seeley gathered to the avy honors of the day with the same act she used last season. The Two mzlllo airla reaped the second honors in applause, with Maurice and Fier- ce Walton Giving the most charming act or the bin, presenting some of the ncea which they have been using at the French front for the entertainment soldiers. ich worked in great form. Foil st: No. 2—Phlna and Company, a colored outflt, sang and d No. S—Will M. ere: Twenty minutes; three No. 4—Milt offering. The encore was a bu fox-trot and got a (treat laush. once. Act set tn full with blue minutes: re boy in uniform doing the : hak I. Miss Walton changed No. 7—BI=ssom Seeley, back again with the same eld pop and with success fcullt out in gilt letters all over her, did her iisueI stunt of walking off with all a de- voted audience could give her. She followed a stage wait of six minutes, in which the crowd grew restless and irritable in their expectancy of the Swor and Mack act, which was billed for the Palace, and she salved the alrased feelings and went off after stopping the show. Act is the same as last season. Five beys assist in See- ley's Syncopated Gtudio. Five curtains, encore and four bows, rith speech. She stayed over to take an- other bow with hosband, Kube Marquard, who appeared in the closing act. It'was a big afternoon for the family. Xo. S—John Swor, of the Swor and Mack team, and West Avey came on fter the switch which took them from their programmed place before Miss celcy. They open with a poker pantomime that starts things off with a re- eptlon. Blackface stuff carries them thru completely without music Good No. S—Rube Marquard and William Dooley, assisted by Helen Clement, ave the same act which the Three Dooleys, Ray, Cordon ana William, pre* rjnted some weeks ago. It is good enough to get over sustained by but one II house cotijd s'»e i(:. Ictorial.—L. H. [ Chicago Palace OlBIIened Hobii? Hating. October 23) i tnBjronble fenu it oulr was all-d .nrcMifnlu-. but i receive ola sliace, a fio. 5—Ellin Jaali probably never appeared » better Idiautlfe. Her del locution of how muilncnt Itnrs wontd ting nar »n(l. la wQIch Da nted nothing bat halrplni for malie-np, mile the ngdlcnce >U tn-r dim. earnlii, im- nuDflerluI oililevement. Thru ]cit lo ihon Let —The Aion Comedy Four a in; a fevf inatchei U JOIN CHEATING CHEATERS ADDITIONAL REVIEWS ON PAGE 9