Billboard advertising (Dec 1917)

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Keith’s, Cincinnati (Reviewed Sunday Matinee, November 25) ‘There is 2 wealth of ‘comedy in the bill this| week, avery act contributing a share. Era Tanguay, as of oli. exerted her maznetle power at the box-office, with the result that a ‘f0od house was on hand for the opening show. No. 1—Jut to show that Eva Tanguay id not, ‘monopolize the eyclonic effects Earl Beeman and Claude Anderson speeded things up « bit in thelr always fast working skating act These boye are ope of the best skating teams in vandeville, Intersperstsg:Jast enough comedy to relieve tho| routine om wheels. ‘Sle minutes, full stage. ‘No. 2—Jack LaVier, the talking acrobat, made] them taogh with him, thrilled them and completely captured everything. in front of him. His aut stuff is very good, and his rocking chatr stunt on the bar places him in the frst row. Thirteen migates, tz one and full; bows a-plesty. ‘No, 3—P; E. Miller-apd A. I, Lyles present a| Sptacktace crossiite act that fs enllvening, but the] Tack of wuste 4y felt, aud whep the boys close swith their boxing-travesty in jig time they sat‘isfy that wish, and this afternoon won two bows: “foe thelr fourteen minutes, 15 one. ‘No. 4—In portraying the character of Adam [NMjoy Harry Holman, with his company, show rather a character more pleasant than grouchy, wed the two young people, the ferlora lovers, played by Wilfred H. Nixon and Eleanor Lavall, “sbaws the misunderstanding youth, which gives “larry Holmar much chance for his snappy, but | well-meaning, nes. Holman is a true to life ebaracter In Adam Killjoy but. more of a gloom Killer than anything else. ‘The act works in full stage, ith sheclal offce Snterlor, consuming Bineteen mtgutes, and taking sereral cortalns. No. S—Abe Leavitt and Huth Lockwood, billed’ for accond, wero moved into this spot. and fairly cleaned up, they’ had them standing on thelr beads with thelr cajolery. Their recitations and parodion Just Kept the andlence #o' busy lanhing| ‘nd applandiog-that both the andience and the téam ‘wero tired, bat happy, whea the last of| picking a welcome band here and there, but after| ‘sho has danced, yelled and showed: her. different gorgeous costumes.* she convinced them. that! sho was. the samo old Temperamental Eva, with something they bad not heen in the habit of ‘getting—a wild and furloua novelty. Her famed song, I Don’t Care, bronght applause, and more’ the honors all here, ‘No. T—Fink’s Mules losed 2 mighty good bill, | holding the, audience to the finish with the muleriding contest and revolving table stunt that con Columbia, St. Louis (Geviowed Monday y Matinte, ‘November 26) St, Louis, Nov. 26.—There is variety to this -Week’s bill, and there was much enthusizam Wsplayed thts afternoon. Applause was [iberal. The Song and Dance Revue headlined, and Weber, Beck and Frazer score the high honors. ‘No, 1—Balancing Stevens, talking athlete, dla some clever balancing work In an entertaining manner. Ten mivittes in three: one call. ‘No; 2—Two “Pearsons, na singing and dancing number. They are a pair of good dancers and thelr work pleased. Seven minutes, in one; two calls. : No, 3—Wa, DeHollis and Company, in the lugrling sketch, The. Admirals Reception, with special stage setting. went over strong. The Jusgling wag excellent and many new novelties \ere brought out.. Twelve minutes, in four: to calls, No, +-Lewis Plotti, singing character comedian, pleased for fifteen minutes. In one: two calls, No 5.—MeLain Gates and Company have = norelty comedy’ sketch. The wrecking of the scene before the close of the act was a big hit. AMI fn the:cast are good slagers and the sketch tering. Thirteen minutes, in one; two calla. No. F—Three Alexs, equilibrists extraordinary. Novelties were ‘pat ‘over nicely, and the act went big. ‘Ten minutes, fall stage: one call. ‘OR THE BOUDOIR The Bi lliboard DECEMBER 1, 1917 Every patriotic emotion of devotion expressed in a single song GOOD:BYE; MOTHER! SO LONG, DAD! “HELLO, UNCLE SAM! Billy Browning's Sensational Song H LYCEUM MUSIC PUBLISHERS, GRAND OPERA HOUSE, CHICAGO. W. FRANCIS JOHNSON ° Arranger and Instructor Lenwons $m Harmony Composition ty Mall, Melodies written to words. ‘Subunit work for free criticism and prompt service. Salle 402, ¥Ml. C. Tie ‘chriaian Se Poa MILDRED AUSTIN MUSICAL COMEDY COMPANY WANTS. ‘Por Masical Tabloid, permanent stock, Musical Comedy to Harmoay ‘Teo, CeFacier Sian who can People to all lines, Straight Man who can sing tenor CAN-PLACE good Chorus Girls at all toes. “TEMOSSELMAN, Manager Star Theatre, Leulllis. Kentucky. WANTED—SKETCH OR NOVEL; Y TEAM Man to lead numbers and do Straight or Comedy ‘Wonan to put oa numbers. Chorus Gis, $18. Also. 2 Woman HO. Also Parts: to double Chorus. Salary, $40. Also want! MUSICAL WALKER, Liberty Theatre, Gresnwood. South Careiian. WANTED No, 8—Weber, Beck’ and Frazer, three boys. ceived a big band on every Dumber.” Hit of the bm. Tea minutes, Ia one; four calle, No; ‘D—Song and Dance Revue, a musical sketch, In which one man and.geven girls. participate. ‘There are several pretty drops, splendid costumes and a succession of good songs and dances. “The act did not drag for = single minuté. Good hesdline number. Twenty minutes, and foll stage; one call.—WILL. Orpheum, San Francisco (eviewed Sunday Matinee, November 25) San Francisco, Nov. 25—The Orpheam bas an allstar bil this week. Nan Halperin, third week, again captivates with her charming gowns and personality. Full stage: six bors. ‘Twelve calle, three encores and a clamor. for| more, proves Sophie Tucker's tremendous popu last week, ‘Twenty-vo minutes, in four, and seven minutes, in one. 5 Lolotte, the Skating Bear, stated with an ease ‘that many might enty. “Twelve minutes, fall stage. Billy Lloyd and George F. Britt, in Kilts, ive the andlence plenty to laugh at. Seventeen minutes, in one; three bows. ‘Bert Baker and Company, in one-act farce, entitled Prevarication, 1s the laughing hit ~of the bil As a langh-getter ‘Mr. Baker is sa MUSICAL COMEDY PEOPLE, for immediate and later engagements. Write phone or wire’ quick HESS ai: MAKE-UP Bank Bidg., Covington, Ky. ‘Send four cents for. ‘FREE Book 7th The Art of Making-up preme. ‘Twenty-five’ minutes, full stage; four curtain calls, z Beantiful Emily Ann Wellman, . gorgeously robed, grips the hearts of hor hearers in a fash Grams, called Young Mrs. Standford. She is ably supported by the following: Handy (her secretary), Harry Haydon; Rebeit Standford (her husband), Emanvel A. Tarner: Jerome (his ralet), Errico; Mes. Langdoa, -Wioltred Burke; Mr.-Tanrdon, -W. W.. Shuttleworth. Twenty-three minutes, full stage;..3 curtala cals, . Another shitekingly funny feature of today’s Dill s a comedy skit, Aw, Glmme the Ring, presented by Max. Cooper and Irene Pleardo, ‘Twenty mioates, in one; six bows and a clever speech, from Miss Ricardo, ‘Private Louls Hart, of the. British Army, tn As in a Dream, gives Herculean exhibitions of strength. Tho settings and costumes are elaborate and pleturesque. ‘Ten minutes, full stage-—BOZ, Hipp., San Francisco (Reviewed Sunday Evening, November 25.) San Francisco, Nov.’ 25.—The Hipp. offered a| musical BIN Hyde and Hardt, in The Porter aod the Tourist, opened with amusing and scrobatie feats, Seven minates, in one. ‘No, 2—Morgan and Stuart, a good-looking chap, and a pretty girl, offered A Jitnes Banquet, which had many’ good laughs, Fourteen minutes, In one; special drop; to-bows. ‘0, 3—The Baral Eight, » male octet of bar mony singers, headline the bill, Their or-| RULE OR RUIN ‘Messrs. FitzPatrick and: Mountford won out at Buffalo—or rather Mr. FitzPatrick, by playing on the sympathies and feelings of the uninformed delegates of the West, who preponderated and outnumbered the informed representatives of the East, secured the decision. ‘Why? ‘What is he going to do with the charter now that he has secured his hold on it for another year? Does his course not clearly indicate “a dog in the manger” policy? Granted that FitzPatrick’s private iife is as clean as a priest's, that he is honest as the day is long, that his word is as good as many men’s bonds, does this procedure indicate that he is the unselfish and devoted triond of the actor that he has been held to be? Or does it indicate a lust'for the limelight and ‘a thirst for power? Is he the self-sacrificing, self-effacing, disinterested champion of the vaudeartist or the prey of personal ambition? Is he, in fine, a big enough, broad enough, considerate enough and unselfseeking enough man to lead in such a huge undertaking as any attempt to regalvarfize the White Rats would involve? iginal conceptions of Songs of Yesterday am Today, and the rural settings, were delightful Fourteen winutex, fall stage: two curtain calls No, 4—Welingtoo Trie, comedy slagers an fustrumientalixts, went: orer big. Ten minutes In one; Uiree bows, ‘No. 6—Moss Brothers, clever youthfal borers appeared 10 A Day in the Gymnesiom, Xiu minates, full stage. No, G—Claston Drew Players presented ; mirthful sketch, A Parody on Anthony and Cleo patra, which kept the house in an uproar. Eleh teen minutys, full stage: two cartaly calls. No. T—Helen Chadwick etarred in the phot: drama, Angel Fact Eleven minntes. No, '8—Universal ‘Eight minutes.—Boz “RATIFICATION” BANQUET Five Hundred id Gprocd erence Witeom Teste New York, Nov, 23—Five buwdred of the 1H. Crane, Daniel Frohman, James K. Hackett, ‘Henry Miller, Marjorie’ Rambeac, Lackaye, Sir Johnston Forbes-Robertson, Alf. There te but One BEST—Those Made by WELDON, WILLIAMS & LICK FORT SMITH, ARKANSAS