Billboard advertising (Dec 1917)

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DECEMBER 1, 1917 The Billboard BOOKS AMD SUPPLIES, CHICAGO MAGIC CO. Dept. D,.72 Wert Adams St. CHICAGO. ILL BEA HANDCUFF KING President ‘Wilson, Secretary of State Langing, Secretary of War Baker, fourteen’ generals and many other bigh dignitaries of the army were recently entertained in Washington at a camouflage exhibition organized by Lieut. Sherrill Prs. It tock place in the open, and the frst thing that Pry ucla was: ‘Gentlemen, there’ ‘man In upiferm standing within fve feet of you can you sce Bim?" ‘They looked everywhere 1, vain until Fry gavo the sigoal, and from the side of a fake rock a soldier arose at the President's elbow. The President laugbed Uke doy, and sald, “Well, this is real magic.” Many other similar bewildering effects were produced, owing the distinguished party some of the camonflase stunts being Invented to help win ‘the great war. ‘What does all this prove? Simply that magic is golng to have a very important part in deciding this world battle. -For camouflage 1s Tag nothing more than magic; in fact the fundamental principle of magic is misdirection, and that {s exactly what camonfiage, or, as the Italians it, “maskerata,” fs. If Thurston an’ prove to an audience that a small cabinet is perfectly empty and then in the twinkling of an eye produce @ dozen people therefrom why could not be, under other conAitions, conceal a hundred, naw a thousand, eolters or guns fren the enemy? Secretary Daniele, Mr Edison and others are straining every nerve to fool or trick the submarine, and I confidently believe that 1f some of ‘our friemix who have made a Ufelong study magic were to devote their energies to this ccd Pussies and’ Miusione Just off the Dresk | PRED: ‘THE OAKS MAGICAL CO., Dest. 463.'Guthosh, Wis. Sea MAGICA S 25.2: cate wi oni. Yee Patlor Trick ROaWWAN MAGIC CO."Si, 2, 470 et Am. N.Y. MAGICAL APPARATUS ‘Professional Catalogue and Bargain List, 10c. THE G. F. BOYD Co. 44 © washlagten St, INDIANAPOLIS, IND. : For Sale Cheap that success Would crown their efforts. ‘May Welters and Company presented a new act recently at the Amphion Theater in Brook. yo, using a lady assistant, and it was very Ww received. If I remember rightly she used to! Dill herself as “Camonchi.” How long since the trick of throsting a sword thru the assistant’s body was shorn in this country? It should make a good “balls. hoo" for any side show. Dr. E. G. Ervin, a very prominent denilst of| Kansas City, soothes is patient's nerves. aches and pains between operations with hi clever aleightof-hand. Look blm up when ther —he is In the Lathrop Bulldieg. Madam Adelaile Herrmann ix the only Indy member ef the Society of American Magicians, Jansen did a real quick change act at the Emprese Theater, St. Louls, transforming himSelf Into the Seven Bracks between shows, ‘Toe Young Men's Christan Assoclation is fully alive to the merits of magic as clean-cut. refed entertsinment, and is sending magicians on a regular cireait of the army camps. The, ‘care ‘biboard,, New York: any ete s BENDUON, “Til i Obie. SLUMP CONTINUES Theatrical Conditions in General Show No Improvement Sew York, Nov. 2f.—-Businewt conditions 13 Floyds, well-known Tyceum coafarers, playing the different army cantooments with Immense success. They spent a Sunday retly at the home of A. B. Harrington, Aus Don't be surprised if those scven members| of the Magicians’ Soclety who did that act at f8e Hippodrome should go on the regular “big time” ta vaudeville, Sattertng offer. °ris rumored they bave a well-known society ma» Who has one of the finest outdts in the country, is contemplating, @ trip into vaudeville, ‘You have often beard spectators “1 ‘know how he did that—he's palming it,"* or “He went thra a trap." But have you ever heard. anyone attempt to explain how a rabbit 1s produced from a hat or an assistant’s coat? What fs the answer? November 19. Editor Magic and Magicians, Bittboard, New York. Dear Sir—Can you let me know who invented the dice box trick? ‘Yours traly, ‘RAY C. HAYDEN, Pittsburg, Pa. the dest of my Delief the dice bor trick was first performed in this country by Alexander Davis, 2 ventriloquist. at the old Wigwam Theater in San Franelsco in 1887, but I do not know ‘of anyone who has claimed to be its inventor. Perhaps some of my readers can trace its or isin. It evidently is an adaptation of the old | ¢ ea caddy trick, which was sted in Bland's znd Theobald’s catalogs ‘in England many years -go. Bat if anyone can give proot of Il be very pleased to reward him with a year's ibecription to The Billboard. ‘Tara the courtesy of Oscar S. Teale I reproduce the following item from M. U. M., the privately elreolated magazine of the Society of | 323 American Magiclans: “In a newspaper dated| Yanuary B1, 1748, we find the following theatrial announcement: ‘We are Informed that on| Monday next, at the Theater Royal, Drary Lane, will be performed the Lying Valet, and that. Mr. Steevens, at the particalar desire of some ‘perons of quality, is to act the part of Justice Gattle, in which character be will devour twelve Pounds of plum cake at “three mouthfals."* * "— Londen Mirror, 1827. ‘This works out at four pounds per mouthful. Yo Goas? ‘And all of this has been written io the samptoous club rooms of the Pittsburg Association of Magicians. For which I thank them. theatrical field In New York and the country Eenerally show any fusprovement, sail the. someusos of opinion that a prolonged slump au be looked for. ‘Pere inthe Metropolis it has been going’ from halt worse, amd not In a number of years bas there-beem such a low mark in the matter of attendanre at the sbow-howsex. Ina great many instances the gross receipts for attractions with, a0 evtablisbed reputation have tern exeeedingty + while some of the attractions of leser rots aoe aot ateaciing cava cash to oe box oftice to pay the salaries uf the house emuviogees, There are still 2 few plays of great drawing vower, but not one which hax not felt some “fect of the current depression. There is a near-panic swong the ticket ‘rokers. ‘They will no louger make Tong-term vuutracts for tlekets, ami eren now for sovie of the best attr#ctiuns they find themselves as curtain time approachex with wany unsoht tirkets on bard, und return them to the thent to be sold at the bos sifiee. ‘There are still a unuiher of attractious here which have been offered over the eut rate eo rally this Ig due to, an unwll management's, part to sell thekets rather than to ang big the bx often, 0m account of the uation teatrleal twenty per cent of the touring compan! tyme toa halt. Rallewed comilthons aré adding the burdens wf the profemdea, amd the outlook Reneral by far from=rosy. FOX FOR GIRL 0 MINE New ork, Soy. oil Harry Fox will have the Yelucipal comedy part in Gil o” Mine, written ly Philip Bartholomas and Prask’ Tours. "Bisa ‘beth Marbury ‘will -produée the plece in New York eaely ia January. ‘ uiclily © [aul Sli bh ‘The N. ¥. A. supplied the acts for the anoual denedt Ia aid of the Catbolle Chapels and Charity work on Blackwell’s Island, beld at Terrace’ Garden Thursday, November 22. The following acts msde up the program: Ssipbonie Qaintet, Adams aod Mangels, Geban and Spencer. Dancing Gloriss, Frank J. Frane, Barry Allen and George Farman, Ward, Wilson and Janeere: Joba Dunsmure, Francis and Hamilton, ‘Levitaton and tho Coartuey Sisters. The ‘program wae arranged hy John Faulhaber. Miss Helen Pingree and Company, after an ‘extended tour of the West, have Jost started = tour of the Fox hoases, opening at the Audubon, ‘Milt Collins, in’ a talk at the Club recently, stated that the wave ‘of patriotism now sweeplog. over the country was growing more marked each day the war continued, The parts of Milt ‘movolog referring to the war which at Srst a ‘at cut rates wand for tickets at ‘The Great Lester, who recently created a sensation at a Tong Island City Elks’ entertain ment by playing and winning.a game of Rota. tion Pool, hile blindfolded, will rereat the demonstration at the N. V. A. Club in the near’ fatare. . If you are secking a partner or = vehicle, trunk or a drop, the club's bulletin board. is a| geod place to make Known yoor wants. ‘Thou-| ‘eands read Its notices every day. ‘One of the most active lay members on tl club's roster 1s Al Darling. manager of the Co‘who rarely misses one’ of the! ‘The following excerpt from the By-Laws may be of interest to-cortaln members: “Article 8, N. V. A. NEWS Section 2—The dues of the organization shall ve $10 per annum, payable semi-annually, on April 1 apd October 1.” ‘The following members have Important communieations awaiting them at the club: George. Armstrong, George I. Buster. Harry Brooks, Eddte Beros, Rose Berry, E. FP. Billings, Mra. C. ‘Birmingham, Joseph H. Bird. J. Gafney Brown, Thomas Coyne, J. Camber, R. Castilla, Jimmie Crest, Adele ‘Cornelia, Harlan Cramer, Billy Coe, “Billy (King) Cole, Evelyn Davis, ‘Hubert Davis, AI Fontaive, Al Frieol, John Ferrar, Marie Gasper, Joe “Holland, George G. Hale, Louise Hamil, 3. Velma Hinkle, Chauncey Ireland, Wm. A.’ Kolght, Francs Keith, Karteltl, Poter Kaha, Francis W. Keeley, Martin Kempinshl, Charles Lane, Marty LaClare, Jack Loale, W. 8. Mack, Anderson T. Murray, Bob Mack, Hoary Makia, John McClcery. May Nichols, G. K. Nichols, Me. J. Olms, Mr*. J. Olms, Tommy Odell, Harry Paull, Dooald Roberts, Dare Slack, Hal Sherman, Australian Stanley, Mr. Verace, Lucky Van Arthur, Mae Von Kints, Henrietta E. ‘Wheeler, James Watts, Harold Taft Wright, Loolee Wright, Charlotte Worth and Adele Wade. ADDITIONAL THREE-YEAR LEASE, New York, Nov, 20.—The directors of the New Theater Co, and Charles Dillingham and Florens Ziegfeld, Jr., signed a three years’ Tease Saturday, ‘under which leate the latter take over the Century Theater for the additions! perlod. ‘This bouse Is to Be made the permanent Dome of musical comedy. From month to month Aifferent musical comedy stars will be presented ere, fogetber with the current revoe, Miss PAUL PEDRINI’S BABOONS PASTIMES ON A BATTLESHIP SKIPPERS, SCHALMAN BROS. WHEN WILL MADISON'S BUDGET No. 17 BE READY? Owing to the rapid growth of my depart. ment’ for writlag special material, the appearance ‘of MADISON'S BUDGET No. IT has been slightly delased, bat it will sarely be ready In a few weeks. Price as Rsual, ONE DOLLAR, Meanwhile for $1.50| Fou can secure the current issue (No. 16) ediately and an advance copy of No. s ready, JAMES MADISON, 1053 | ‘Aveae, New York. PAPER NOISE MAKERS, ETC. HATS $32 5,55, Tess Has Be Sane DAviDeoNN {gt "Ftory ane Wien good security, the Novelty Theater. reproct i ‘ogiee. 201 West 14 city. FOR SALE OR RENT . ‘Theater inthe Cli of Evansville, oor, 7620: aiouy. 150, Beat cow playing pict iy ener o Beatpas, complete, $1.00. CHALK “TAL ‘652, Lincoin, Nebraska. ‘SUP SOUBRETTE OR GENERAL BUSINESS WOMAN, WANTED FOR MED. Ack Novelty Alan cr Tram ho! change for week and an ork seta. Money absolutely sure. Dow mls Tepresent. “Boosers or trouble makers, stay of. Dit ATL DAwSON, Leonard, Texas. WANTED — ATTRACTIONS ‘THE BERTHA THEATRE, DUBLIN, GA. {ender new management. “Steans beat and up-to-date SSowa Write or wire for pea mer” PIANIST ee ae Pi ‘Violinist, Clarets orchestra Permanent positions. Welte to C.F. APPLEGATE: ‘Superintendent. WANTED Young Tady to amie in Tasos Ex peflenco unpecesaary. ate age weleat. Beh,” alany nt lets BUTLERS “NOVELTE SHOW. Caterissa, MMusouri. it ‘Moving Picture Viotinist $25.00 a week: 7 hours a day. GEO. FABRAS, care Dreamland ‘Theatre, Columbus, Oho. AT LIBERTY Ralph D. Tompkins AGENT AT LIBERTY HOUSE OR TENT Not, subject to draft, ce and ability. ED. A. MIT , 718 North Oth’ St., Independence, Kansas.