Billboard advertising (Dec 1917)

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DECEMBER 1,-1617 The Billboard New York, Nov. 26—Well, we bave Mrs. Fiske back again with us, braving the Criterion, ‘rich bas bad nothing bat fallures all season jolt it 1s a Broadway Joke or hoodoo, accord{og to your temperament. ‘This time male attire and a black clgar are the outstanding features of ker yay, Madame Sand, and she, rather than ber play, has bee fsulciently popular to Oil the, bouve ‘which has stood bleak and frlendless while company after compans eame 0 to light It for a few nights at a time, leaving it more chilly and loolier ‘than ever. : George Arian started the fad for biographical sketches dished up In the form of drama ani har been followed by this blography af, Gecbao Send, which haa been built Into an. episodic three acts for Mrs, Fiske's use thls year. ‘The good tate of It, and of Arliss’ Hamnton ‘exceedingly questionable In view of the fact that there are relatives both of Alexander Tl fiton and of George Sand, who are iving these JOIT days, who may not apprect ing the unsavory portious of thelr ancestors’ misdemeanors alred for the Denedt of a lot of profiteering showmen who are trying to bolster Up. a season which 1 foyping pathetically. ‘The foregoing sentence, read a few seconds after it is written, sonnds disloyal to the stage ‘and antagonistle, to the aide of the footlights we are reprewenting, but it was written in righteons moment of indignation against the commercializing of the unvirtuousness of those two persons whose deeds are public property thru bistoriealy sanction, but whose pelvate lives delong to the relatives who survive them and must undergo the Indignity of thelr public ex: ploltation, Madame Sand opens with a mother coming to the home of the famous novelist to resene her son from the arms of his mistrest—the notorious Madame Saud, Fortunately It 4s comely, Other‘wine the relentlensaras of detail would have been, latolerabte, ‘The second act shows her breaking her alliance with this lover to take anothe ‘aud i the last act the matchless Choyin falls Hictim, and’ tn the space of ou» evening, w the unpleasantness of contemplating the woo Of mighty fntellect and literary force ‘messed up i the most unwomaoly lot of “affairs, oleh have been unraveled with comfe, bat an Deautiful duesse, ‘Such fs Madame Sand, A good laugh, Dut at such disMluslouing muck, But really, that {8 about all we seem to be Jaughing at ‘now, at least that’s about all our Gramatle diet consixts of suaicnow, Leo DitHiehsteln’s ‘The Klog opened last werk and ‘A Good set of Iaugs—and a couple of the French diylomatic circles. Well, there's alwass one blessing to count on this season, we havo those ninety: iue cases out of a bundryd that none of chem will Dotter us for any great length of thme. Somebody counted up forty-one dramatic gems, which had started and retraced thelr ateps since the season opened, Private Fred Maolon's Thanksgiving turkey Is delng chaperone frim New York to Spartanburg and Is to be delivered Into his hands by a'spreial messenger. Also seven of bis friends are to receive similar ‘turkeys, similarly egcorted to Tend. Hanlon, Publle ‘Defender, the recently releared flim which Sgbts for the establishment of that mueb needed oficer of the courts, Is an 4-1 slater and is golog to nack off eight’ turkeyx to this brother of hers, who is with the 22th Now York infantry in the Spartanburg training camp, for him and tome of bis friends, Her mald, It seems, has a convenient husband who serves’ the railroad between here and yon In the capaclty of porter, and Is to be commissioned to carry the MAUGER HOTEL BUCKEYE LAKE, OHIO Open April 1st to Oct. Ist BUCKEYE LAKE PARK CQ., Buckeye Lake, Ohio, ROPEAN, VINCENNES, 1ND. “Theatrical” Proteasion. Two of ‘S86. Hotel--The Waverly—Cafe °° ‘Columbus, Georgia. modern Rotel The Randolph Hotel 2 Sturn European ‘inate, $4.00 ups Double, $4.00 up, Fine Restaurant and | Temedlately, copeute Union Station (no bus fare) and convent to alt theatres, SPPCTAL, gon tn Connectn. © Mates te oura."Steaks a wpecially. 3 = how it’s handsome big thing and she's sailing over Manbattan—the G. W. W. part of t—and having the tue of her young Ute. ‘They're calling 1t May's vacation, It seems to be racation merely because she Is able to months ona straight, in an apartment instead of a show car. There can't be any other reasou, for she opened the week of November 20 at the Palace, and 1s to bave U. B. 0. book fngs from then on until she has covered the DIE time houses 1a the New York district. By that time it will be almost April, and the Collse In Chicago will be calling and the Ringling days will be startiog over again, and the big touring car must be stored, and Broadway May's “vaation” will bave ended. Did you ever wonder why some elocationixt or conacientions stage manager never got bold of Margaret Illngton's voice and took at trast @ few of the rasps out of It? She bas been precious package of turkey to Sts proper dest! nation, Anyhow, that's what Harry Enols says, and, besides being a truthful man, he has seen ¢he turkeys. ‘The Ladies’ World has been catering to plcture fans for several years, giving extensive space to Sims and to creating an interest in the magazine slde of lms of contemporary release. Now the announcement comes from the Petrova Picture Company that the madame Is to beallowed to have a department under her name—advice, ag it were, to screen aspirants, It 1s generally understood that there was & time when she did newspaper work in London, Dut it is probable that it was not of the type ‘whlch column conducting will affurd her. Taving once, In the dim and distant past, industrious typewelter answer Ang inalatent queries on how to be beautiful ‘and the shortest cut Beart, we hereby present the mai Kindest good wishes and most intense sympathy. Forty-eighth ‘believed that Quex, which they've revived at 1 Street Theater, We might her tones were as hopeless until the iMlumloating dra Dondolr episode revealed the happy fact that there is a throat and cbest voice there, ‘Tax Chetaty, express’ bis thanks and appreciation to the fol ' lowing acts who so nobly came to his rescue at ‘May Wirth—Brondway May—bas dropyed among ws again, as exuberant over the lights as ever. And gucss the latest, she's a new seven-passenger, I can't use the name of it, Decause 1 Would be advertising the ear, but any: B. F. Keith’s Circuit ot Theatres A. PAUL KEITH, President _E. F. ALBEE, Vice-Pres. and Gen. Mgr. UNITED BOOKING OFFICES YOU CAN BOOK DIRECT BY ADDRESSING S. K. HODGDON, Booking Manager of the UNITED Francis ‘and Hors, Kelly and Wilder Co Five Nelsons. OFFICES B. F. Keith’s Palace Theatre Building NEW YORK CITY . AUSTRALIAN | “pr gi VARIETY &@ THE SHOW WORLD a a scabs aeons fhe recomind onsen xbihtore ot Atria ane) New Zealand, ai ering ‘medium’ for cope MOVING PICTURE. RODUCERS AND DISTRIBUTORS ~ es ee ae ee ee ute ieee costs at eee cat sa Se ee ihe ae Ta ‘uous to BRENNAN & KERR, = 250 Pitt Street, Sydney, Austr: All Tettets addressed to Australia should ‘Sc In stamne for each half ounce or fraction thereat. Professional Woman’s Le gue, Inc. 1893 1009 Broadway, Entrance 140 West oBth St, New York. howe, Columbus S162, HELEN WHITMAN RITCHIE, President. SEASON 1917-1918 FORTNIGHTLY DANCES ‘MMS. H. GUY MORGAN, Chairman. FORTNIGHTLY DANCES, 24 and 4th Friday. Dancing 8:30-12:30, TICKETS, REVENTY-FIVE CENTS. rottecPaely ih fdahaty 28, Feiruny 8, February 22, March 6 arch 22, “avr LANKERSHIM HOTEL FIFTH, NEAR MARKET STREET. CATERING TO THE PROFESSION Gree Room for Pree Use of Members of Profension THE SOUTHERN HOTEL, INDIANAPOLIS RATES To THE ERBRPSHOST’ Steam heats sean, Tubing’ woter i srery foom’ 33 spon with bath se of tcheorties 1017 December 14, December 28. SAN FRANCISCO FIRE PROOF. ¢ BEUTLER, Proprietor. | as deeired. sleep in the same ety each night for a few. Playing opposite Jota Drew in The Gay Lord fj Houston, Tex., recently: Beeman and Anderson, il ‘Wells Hawks, who went into the service of the Unitd States navy and was enrolled ax a 'eutenant und claused as an assistant paymaster. 1s been commended for hix publicity work on Fecruing. and by Iear Admiral Palmer ordered to Washington for duty in the Bureau of Navi ablicl of we Heard a guy in a restaurant last Tuesday order planked ‘steak. | We tlvo beard. the order, re ee Darlington, S.C, and wioding up in i ona" Saturday ‘aight. with all the towns maging to 5 8 faye the South ta all right, but ee, ‘to do business in.’ ‘a ral Hav, Ty tnt hong sso ns bea eee Tat Setar eres cy ee TASS a te Tati tence which has just taken road under the SE SH Bat at tarot Se Haat Seve Tne tnt ante Theaay.. ‘Whats it that an agent needs most? Well, ene thin JaRGRE Deeds ls a route Chat ge Gelato Ba Bie Rap haghtiecihe ae he WE a Seem i ever defo 70a tet, magenta a bi HST Te AS Tea naa a ees HR chara ieee Hearne iets ain ean. Clake as arrived in the me ‘Town Kn phi ut ge edie ieee £ Roche araeyerte aes Was ‘near future, but will be with one of the ble pein ey alm, Fain Ger Pitebrg epreeta do Sar es ees: com tee, ‘arranged wi of Beanisce was inchaled tn the cast Sessions at the Chatham Hotel."Pittsburg. ha fon whieh prompted’ the john B. Reynolds, of the Sivin ap inter than usual. “Why, not pass a bill com: iting War tas on waiters Ups. An orerjubl Ta lig’ of the fact that ve only orgteat Walle Se “Again” ‘George, Wilson, “american Minstrel: te ris are coming in fro That he is iriver tin ever sod appears ss young Jas be did thirty-ave years ago. Ce to It, Gzorget with "you at all times. ‘Don't forget eat Hon wan in Pitts tractng for feed for Mother ‘cent, Shien follows Jounsy, Get Your Gun, ta Pitte: ae. Michigan, baviog ‘WALLA WALLA CAMEL FLANGE John Pellet. the aftabl. sentative of ue Flame, flted “A card fro deny e reat ‘of the No. 1 car, Ring. ard inte io. 1 car, Bingung. Broters, 4s" wiateriag in Columbia, Mo. fet, Twas drafted, No, 1 wav exempted on accoult of ‘eyes made bad looking for" pases figuhard:hearted gente “egards to the gung-—BILL JESSUP, Paste