Billboard advertising (Dec 1917)

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DECEMBER 1, 1917 The Billboard VARNISHES Manufacturers of Hi; ighest Grade Varnish, au BECKWITH-CHANDLER CO.: Emmett Street, NEWARK, N. J. The Beckwith-Chandler Co. is the largest manufacturer of high-grade Varnishes for Wagon and Railroad Circus equipment. After twenty-five years’ use by the country’s largest Cir cuses, on both their wagon and railroad equipment, the name Beckwith-Chandler Co. on a varnish or co-product has come to équal the namé of Tiffany on jewelry. THERE IS NONE BETTER MADE. "Wames of Large Cireuses Noi Using Beekwith-Chandler Companys Varnishes, Price Lists and Name of Nearest Representative Sent Upon Request UNDER THE MARQUEE Joo Rice, while in the National Capital the otiee day, fan into Andy Smith, better known 2 Kid tn tho good old days of the Bai Ih enarge of five head of thorobreds used in conjunction with the motiog pletore, The WIP. ice ia an ex-Dippourowe rider and jockey, while Smith continats Tetoilow up the pig skin.” Rice was invited to tiew The Whip at the Strand Theater, and wa: Yery delighted with it. In speaking of the girl | Dow. who wins the race—Fiorence Jarvis by bame— Kice ays: "'This giel could easlly be considered the daredevil and the queen of the pig skin. I Happened to bea witness to this mild aceldent of here. I have seen quite 2 few she-devile who dared to face a Wild West broncho but this ttle gueen is sure & darederil from the word Carrie Liliy, lately with the Nebraska Ax a showman T com {he ‘one ‘presented to Sarthe, Wyro0s, who roou ployed the part (before the. race was Town, nthe screen’ of Florence Jarvis. the sight 1 was presented."* Rice is puanning to go to Callforuta forthe and expects to be with the ALG Baines Circus ‘ext year as ticket seller or 24 hour agent ‘The past season he was out with the World’s Bolted Ten Car Show, closing October 29. The death of Mrs. John 7. . Wels owe jeea, whlch occu e Sunday. Nove ter 11, will be a shock to her aiany friends fm the circus’ apd theatrical profession” Altho in by Bea ‘bot one dey. her death ‘came rather pected from teart trouble. Toterment w In Northwood Cemetery, Philadelphia, was for more than a score of. ‘champion strong woman, Born years the worl 3 years: apo. she ad to {p-Oakiand, Cal. inrgert tent shore, among Dun & Bailey. ‘Foreraughs & Sells. Bros.. Walter 1.'Main, Beutelle & ‘Welsh Bros. and later with ‘the Welih Bros. December 12, 1004, she was. marrled to, Joba i. Welsh of the Welsh Bros’ Shows, and retired to private life about elght years aro. rai contains thirty-two Ages, ie deat freak cover printed in fgreral” colars “and atalalng pictures of Messrs, Santos & Artigas. Chartes (Monk) Rowell,” the’ oldtime ill Peas ase eoseaaten soteon its tho La Tena Olreus, and is taking & rest ‘in “Balt mor, “Mi., prlot to going to Florida. Monk’ Das-been“with the White tops since 1880;. Coughlin, veteran cireié iit, Yor nine ith. the “John "Robiason Sbow,’-is Bome William A. contracting agent of the. Unites States Circus Corsoration sis 2 New York. ibe, Baroum, & ‘and Ringling Brothers’ y carry 9 Chautauqua in lea of & 2 geasva.” The matter te under ‘cou ‘ideration. Frank Spellman,president, executive bead and general director ‘of the United States Clr cus Sorporation. was a Billboard caller (New York offices) November 17. ‘The Horace Webb Troupe completed @ suiccossful season ‘with ‘the Sells-Ploto Circus NoYember 6, afr. Webb has made ‘no arrangements for next year ae yet, but in at ls home in Fulton, N. ¥., working’ on a new alrplane to work Jn Conjunction with bis big cannon, thus making © big “Hunt the Kaiser” clown production. A. R. Hopper—F, R. Gervers wants to hear ‘roti you in care of The Billboard, Oineinnati, fabure. November 14. {hey attended tho’ Davin ‘Theater. Dr. a, Carl Hampton, WANTED---TWO GO OD BRONK RIDERS WITH OUTFITS, FOR VAUDEVILLE ACT Must be sober, reliable and able to join on WANTED TO BUY TRAINED ANIMAL ACTS OF ALL KINDS)* Mules. Hurdle Mules, Men ive full particulars where Elephants, Lions, Legpa Horses, Bucking p young mnie Camel "ANDREW DOWNIE FOR SALE—One si-tt. and one cO‘t. Flat Car, soon aa they are thra reading them, are wild for them. ‘This, the doctor says, be has Deen dolng eince the cabtonments were opened. Charton T. ‘rearer,, who ts tp the St. Clair County “Hospital, Belleville, very Srateta fortes who! gene” nim”avtbing ‘aad ‘Shoes He says he now has outer garments which will Inse/nim a Tong while bot is very fuch. In need ‘of a shirt, else 16 or 17; socks ‘and underwear. Be Bert ‘Cole and the Miscus, of * Shoes fame, while playing Kelth's, Toledo, Sweex of November 12, were presented with « beautiful Basket of cbrysanthemume on Wednesday night by Henry. Stants, while on Friday nibt they were entertilned by Henry at his home, that city. “Daring the Ean auto, trip to the winter OS. circus Corporation, Shore distance from’ Toledo. Los Angeles Local No, 32 of the 1. A, B. PLUS Bee gaior tbe leadership of tte cola Freeldent, Harry ‘Thompson, gave an informal fod get-together dinner at Labor Temple Tuesday evening. November 13, The entertainment ‘was furnisied by several of the leading acts at the local ‘theaters at the time. Sereral of Loge Of the Al G. Barnes Show and Sells-Flo: Circus were guests of the evening: also Jack 2, Winn, who -has returned to. California after dolng’ away ‘several. years. “It ‘be of tnTerese fo tie bore up Bart to Know that toe oew rect December 1, Ail wyage.seale. gore into Beg at the show are ‘tc get $4.50 and 8 3, daz; and men employed stes $25 a Week: extra men, $5.00 a day. for eignt | Bours. “This does away’ grith the oldtime ase ‘work, which for years caused’ muchsdissatt Hon.” Jack, Howard Ls. the tatest member ‘of Local No. 82 to join the army. 12. Mra. ‘Tom Fisher are visiting the lat tet's mother in Ironton, O,, and Will soon return fo thelr bome in Towa for the wintec. ‘They haa'a very successful season ‘with the Ringing Shows THE CORRAL By ROWDY WADDY Charles Aldridge 1s heard trom with the fol ‘for Bil Rogers and T'would lke to hare pest Jeet getting together and using the sume eet fe all conteste, Bot por voeniest geome bas fone by Just the same as all the others, with each contest having its own set of rules, Tan: of them entirely different ‘trom ‘the other felYow's ‘rules, bot with the winners at all con tests mostly claiming world’s champlonships. It seems to me that something should be done to straighten out the matter for the Deveft of the egnuse alt "tbe aicktng” tad) koocking bo" done. avay with 1¢ afl would get to ether on the proposition. Why nett -Ae it ts fow nearly every citeas and Wild. West show has one oF moro bronk ridere, trick riders of | ‘Why don't the different contests m: agers get together and give titles for thelr restective districts and: then atl agree on Oue con ‘where the real title of world's champion 1 Yovents ohatt Be Gecldeds. ‘alt the Fast they mast appear at the agreed fo for tue world's csamplonship ttle, “Agree on board; I furnish all tr tation after joining. Buy WHADIOR, om ich wll setum, GAN Dn wire. State, lowest salary, ay your own Wire immediately 0 7 eave Keith's Theatre, Washington, D. C. sod Posing Horses. Ponies, fmals can be seen, with price, iF a sober, experiences Many winisr ted summer: he Steck Address care La Tona’s Clreus, Box 173, Hawre do,Grace, Maryland. right cul of ‘service. WALTER L. MAIN May Organize Wagon Show for Next Season Judging from the tone of a letter received srom Walter te Main, the voters cirods mee ‘Gy November 24, this year, and says he bad Few galls, esting, them moved thas be ‘te ‘honey fn show hat the rallzonds ell not aul, Main decides definitely on organlzin raree show. next year it will start out fitter Galisbory or Geueva, 'O., Bis home tows. pony ane ist two seasons be lias bad slz horse, ‘aunle acts leased to the Polack Bros: COLONEL MACK CHANGES PLANS. Col, Mack McGurrin announces that he has decided upon some radical changes in the con duet of Tis shows th 1g seavon. Ja “the Sree place the cromnteation, with haves brand Rew, ‘name and ‘be known am Rico "Aggregation of” Widens” amt ‘Vandevitie Show, ‘The Colonel. will run his show for the beneat be “treasurer. fund, various causes, and will send a per Seual. represratative with, rhe show." The ‘expéasce of the show have ae ‘to be spent in their work for, bas soldiers, and the Kulghts ‘of Columbus." The ‘the: proats ‘9 committee, and many mea prominent in =~ Tionat politics have ‘already promised to ‘The show will open in New York ‘then “goto Washington, ‘where it vill Private performance for the Government prove a big drawing ‘Stampede ‘was at Kelth’a ‘Theater. Bill Rogers was atthe Forrest Theater a0d GU Hornbrook’s act, Cheyenne Days, split the week ‘and Broadway theaters. “Bill taselt nem feck jtope walle ‘Trooper Tommy Ratland ‘Troop, Eelcester Yeomancy,”D. France. Bryant Hoach—Tommy also asked mo to ask you bow you were making out with that| ber fun tp Todlan was supposed to bave stolen. °T ‘of gasolive. after exch meal any matches or go near foes of any Kod, “Where are all you dese, Wilurd-Buttalo [BAC boys going Winter? “evs bear trom alt °F Fate pame te Fred Mf. Clancy, bat he ts af: fectionately “end accurately known a Fe is the oficial ancouncer at the falr, probably the world's greatest announcer, by the way, cod E “district “champions | re standing In the race track be can make his volce carry to the farthest cornera of the great grand stand without using a megaphone, ‘The other paint nidde Salone, freight handlers and other branches. a ter ‘stragele followed, but the strikes were ef by the Government, machlorry left idle ‘Mr. Wirth ts optimist tivities in Australl ‘and. believes that condi tions ‘there another séason will be exceptional. MR. AND MRS. NOYES IN CHICAGO Chicago, Nov. 23—Among the visitors at the Ghleago-otice of Toe, Bilboard wie week, were, Mra and Mrs. Harry 3. Noyes. ‘Save yore ‘fo bome for Thavkegiving. ‘Mr. Noyes has re: Sently Gulshed a very successful season as tratfle manager for the Hageabeck Wallace Circus. Pet MASSIE DONE ‘Bros.* winter. quarters at te Join. "Buck" ‘contracted 206 actual ne ‘Gays or dates in 215 week "Three of the