The billboard (Dec 1917)

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DECEMBER 1, 1917 Skating News A Billboard representative und occasion | to arop in at Danceland, Cincinnathx new dancing pauee, situated fn) ue “north, ‘wing of, Music ‘he other night, and wax pleasantly sur harming atmosphere Toba Dewey, Jnsteuetore. Willard Herzen ‘and axsistante, Ber Sohety Orehesten ood Zi" a ‘turnin Sree see Publicity by. BB. Kewgery, Heron Rite, ruprriteudent: ‘Kart, doorman; Wa Adel and D. Miller, custodians, CARLISLE AT MEALY'S a Jean Carlisle wax the nit of the Winter LeSow at Hesly's, Gulden. Glades, ‘New York Weck, with ber own Whnow Auntie Pan’ Stee ty al summer aud at Aeaty's until rejolned ‘Winslow early thin fall. ‘20 the Jars skate ‘session. Other Katle WAR TAX AT RINKS ‘A recent article in The Billbonrd's skating cluuins concerting the war tax on adinlasion at MIiig: Hukn Ug created cousiderable comatest View othe. tact thst. attoroeyx for various riot iateresty sud several jatereal reveswe depu fine, lave, ruled somewhat differently” thad set & foned item. ‘The Bittioard has written to tbe Int ce Counharoner at Washington, for 8 fuliog on te war tax ou adumiwiog. am Tunnkx aut ay soou at a reply tn reeel Sheiatralfug wit! be published in this colama. ia the Aieantine al rink managers, who copfont other than mentioned In the article appeat fng' tn a Fereat baw are advised to get 8 Follog out tele loral’ taternat revenue eellectors. FIRST NOVICE RACE Munger Stere Sfulzoy, of the Susie Han Rink, cincinnath, itd its ft ‘grlee race of the aca Geenae truumday. with the following resal Hrea'"Sungelds winner: Eawand Finke, ‘second nod Aildge Ret, thea; Wet! ted fat ther lath inp, lien ie lipped, aad fell Bille ‘rah siaced quarter mic agnlane time {nah seconds om the, same evening. Bil ‘attention around te Musle is are expected of fia during the ras Trioesuoxp worms 1 Bion sat da Baron et went ua SY Geka ue Wie iy SE Bite Renee, eatery oe roe In cnbeinnatt by Manager Stove Stlror Pett a ‘AUTOMATIC BAND FINDS FAVOR provements thit have been made. Yoo"tw-a “powerful toned Instrument, with all wooden pines, “uving the endles Paper ‘music othe oH epook paper away ith D'VORAK IN WISOONSIN Ageiaite D'Vorak, who spent 8 few works to vaudeville: reeentiy, Ia. nn inks Chiprewa, Faites N aC aS | NALU’S DANCELAND A WINNER i} HICAGO RACING SKATES}: at. the “Armory Chiippew: Wis. Anay "Porter, the manager, has decided to ‘pay the war tax Binreelt. WALDORF-ASTORIA RINK OPENS ‘The Waldorf Antoria Roof Tco Rink, Now York, opened Saturday, November 17.” Jack Davin, and June Rodgers are the featured ex hibition skaters, NEBES RETAINS TITLE Albert Neben, of Lowell, Mass., successfully defenied Iie title as Eaxtern champlon roll nigitn. tenved “a challenge to. any the fastent men fa tho ‘country fo race at Lowell or anywhere clee at any time, SKATING OUSTS BOWLING Mr. ieating. i for eight or nine years, and busines at the resent time ts very E000, . ROOM FOR MORE ‘The McClcltands, in a letter to The Billboard, advise some of to portable rinks 1m th~ North to migrate to Grorgia, an everybody ts prosper: soe" Mow there, “Outs “can bo Pahinped “win [wonter baggage ear Inwtvad of freleht by Ising twentgsave full tare: tiekets to. destinnHon, The MeCleliandx have recently Dullt vpecial apparatus for thelr act, MACKS DOWN SOUTT after cloning ‘a wel for'd. TA. Datglo at 1 ‘The Skating Macke The Billboard THE NEW EAGAN UNA-F'ON IS UNANIMOUSLY DECLARED BY RINK MANAGERS THROUGHOUT THE COUNTRY TO BE THE BEST MUSIC FOR SKATING AND DANCING It retains that “Personal Touch” and Individualism. Is the latest MUSIC REVELATION, designed especially for RINK and ICE PALACE. Tone Qualit; Cleary Brilliant, Exhilarating and Entrancing. Puts life in skaters’ feet; fil empty space; makes music a chief attraction. Always in tune. Sim; ie Compact, Inexpensive. Playod from Fiano Ke MAKES EVERY PATRON A’ ITER. QUADRUPLES BOXOFFICE RECEIPTS. OAN GE USED AS A STREET ADVERTISER ‘WITH GREAT SUCCESS. Write for free trial offer and. Catalog F. i J.C. DEAGAN, Deagaa Blég., 1760 Berteau Avenue, Chicago, til, MR. SKATING RINK MANAGER! ‘The most satletactory and most economical musle you can got ts that furflshed by a North Tongrands Musical Instrument Wor's Automatic Band. Four new patented improvements, Buyers delighted. Write us for full par~ Uculars, printed matter, prices and terms. If you have an organ in need of repairs and want first-class work at a reasonable charge, bo sure to ship it to NORTH TONAWANDA MUSICAL INSTRUMENT WORKS, North Tonawanda, N. Y., U.S. A. RUSH REPAIR NOW ‘Tho Biggest Skating Rink Season will open this fall, Send your organ to us now, Absolute satisfaction guaranteed. Tho best of instru. ‘ments also manufactured, Free Merature gladly seat to all. iu WURLIIZER MANUFACTURING CO. NORTH TONAWANDA, N.Y. Baz puree, Are the acme of perfetion, strong and lth, with improved bearings. Try a pair and| you will use no other. CHICAGO ROLLER SKATE CO. 224N.AdaStreet, Chicago, Ill. Amusement Men! . Here’s Your WINTER and SUMMER Opportunity SILVER SPRAY PIER “THE HONE OF CLEAN AMUSEMENT, LONG BEACH, CALIFORNIA 225,090 aquate fect atallabe. Largo tours wade, ‘populaiion. Whole of Los Angele within etsy ieee Supligt inure Suit Daan dung fat ape? OS FoR tLEAS AMUSEMENTS. ‘UNEXCELLED LOCATI MANAGER, Sir Garay Plan Long Beach, Caltforata, 29-December 1; Mayfield, Ky., 35, gn] rube skating party. They will close December Btiropaint il, 6-8, 8 ine. Ont.) Koller La ‘ue Ant LAUNY WINS Feige ) toiice skating thee Eagar 8. rollers ink, Rocbenter preliminary there were two L-mile heats, with four entries 1 each Leftoy A. ‘Drake, “arate Perey Adrian, Second beat: Pred Tove rst, in 3 epee, of the Stratford "Ee, Mi gore the Jaze "Band "Concert. Je Msrice“Cantoos secool. nal Beng wean, Fun of on November 18, a0 red on skates in his rok. P. XL Moore, manager of the Rollaway Rink. Lowell, Mase. who was responsible for that shectacular race between Nebes, a local boy. ‘nd Fred Connors, of Weymouth. ts Sguring other races and plans to include some of tbe Woolworths sesisted By Are Lauueye Racing ts Teatared every Thuralay Might. CINCINNATI VIstrons and brick, with a swimming pool tn connection. Tt will not be ready, perbéps, until next fall, W. Quebedaux, owner of the Capitol Rink at Deep aay, Aurtin, Rex neema’ ohare [monopoly oa the amusements a ‘resort, Tis only’ competition in the bathing beach and camping ground: A. B, Hunter, Headquarters ras 834 Divi ’ e crevelands Oy fe from Lou LeBrany er any cf his’ frlenda. ‘Andy Porter open Rink at Chippera Fale ice with egies Skating. nat Sa asréctale ory Sk gic Sha Be ‘Seca resertaced ad's Dew basd organ for stalled. It tg reported that in spite of the war the New England States ‘aro experiencing «revival of ‘Toller skatmg. ‘The biggest dificulties ‘that fonfront the promoters are the 2ack of suitable Nie ro at Mavoa Clty, Tan, will not open thls ‘season, a9 the owner’ of iho bulldag’ (Continued on page 04) PARK NEWS MILLER RETURNS FROM TRIP C. G, sitter, business manager of the Cinctanatl Zoulogical Gardens, bas returned from Susloess “tp to Pittsburg and otber Eastern snd 'a_ dianer ‘with Dunbar Poole and Grace At ‘who were featured at the open air 200 ico rink all last summer, Poole aod Allen are OMling ‘engagement at the Winter Ganten‘Ieo Rink. DIXIE ZOO Books Return Date in Shelby Plymouth, 0.. Nor, 24.—Charles Bernard, ‘manager of the Dixie Zoo, whieh has been show: ing Bere all week, Las succeeded in booklag bis attraction for Thanksgiving Week at Shelby, O‘Fhe corazement ‘here is a return date, ‘and the Mayor of the town has arranged for all scbaot chllren to see the exbibit. which ts of unusual educatiousl value. Manager Bernard expects { attend the Convention of the Ohio Fair Men at Slansdeld on west Morday and Tuesday. EXEMPT FROM ADMISSION TAX ‘The Clacinnati Zoological Garden has been exempted frou paring the wir tax om admissions by a special rullog male by Internal Revenue Commissioner Daniel C. Roper. ‘The ruling was due to the fact that ‘the Zoo 18, prion 2 educational fnstitution, and under the new Srrangement 1t is conducted without ‘the posstBitty of pro@t accrulng to any individual or company. Baye you looked thra the Letter List this week? AIR CALLIOPES DRAWS ALL THE CROWDS, PLAYS AUTOMATIC OR BY HAND. TWO STYLES FOR IN. SIDE OR OUTSIDE PLAYING TANGLEY CO. MuscATINE JowA wife passed thrs Cinetnnatl ers tn the country in the races be Yo Chleaeo. Georee xe best apeedats ‘will hold. this searon, Fire of undetermined orisin destroyed the Summit” Avenue Skating Rink, “Fort Worth, Tex. and caused « property damage of $20,000 here” recently. ‘ire started at about 11 Dim, ant by’ the time the Bremen ‘arrived: the ‘pullding wae goue, a er Rink, Company, have ‘The Jameson Roller Rink, Company, hav a mere, her ee Te special urney to the Queen City to witness one Fecent focal prise fights. + RINK NOTES \ Cy Xoung sold bis portable riok at ChattaTenn... to a SMe. Coba, a A. Custer ts building toon, ‘Tit., which when completed, ‘will be one of the best in the country. WANTED Skating and Vaudeville Acts Frat can use organ music on a rink oor. PM Brass ae Te Mialeshoro, ‘Restwckg new rink at Mat: | gar Te wiit be of ‘atone | We