The billboard (Dec 1917)

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34 The Billboard DECEMBER 1, 1917 GET OUR QUANTITY PRICE. Infant Signal 8. W. BRUNDAGE SHOWS Return to Austin, Tex. for Winter— Have Ideal Quarters aide of the ledger. This encountered in the early ‘Monday sitternoon ind otter features, each day. ‘2 winner, sd "AL the ‘conclusion 78) at ‘mother’s table, es George ‘anyone ‘else. Het to visit her grandMbarton, Olk., ‘where eee il on Chicago's White ‘Steve O"Banoon will remain in Anstin Manaacr of Ester’s Suvscripton ageacy of Quincy, + EL, and well known to showfolk. aad silk PILLOW CAMP and FORT Names Combined With Patriotic Designs , Cavalry, Artillery, Hospital, Aviation, , Quartermaster, Engineer, Etc. sm nimror nus wororormoe. WESTERN ART LEATHER CO., SPECIAL OFFER binations. P. O. Box 1 HAVE ON HAND, ALMOST READY, ONE 1918 MODEL PARKER ‘with adjustable upnghts, double controlling theortat, all cablee and wiring, ‘cara, two Of which will Tun elther forward of vackward, st the will of tbo SHOWS WILL BEGIN ARRIVING HERE KEXT WEEK AND I NEED THE ROOM. THIS MONKEY SPEEDWAY FOR $1,200 CASH, 1. MONKEY SPEEDWA snd four 1918 model TWILL SELL operator. @. b. Leavenworth. YOU CAN'T GO WRONG ON THIS BARGAIN. €. W. PARKER, World’s Largest Amusement Bullder,’ Leavenworth, Kans. = |THE MOST ATTRACTIVE AUTO IN THE WORLD WITH UNA-FON Bigger novelty than 2 bands and covers more territory. Why not use us and get the crowds? At liberty Dec. 22. Write for cut. 349 MASS. AVE. THE DAVEN PO RTS INDIANAPOLIS, INDIANA Probably visit with bome folks in the capital of the world—Rich Hill, Mo, J. J._ Todd has Promised to clean all the fish which Joe Gosbert (eh, and. also Listen 19" Hleve thelr fish tories. Many others bave not speriatendent. with these shows, cays be bas ‘Bice, easy Job as hotel clerk at Jonesboro, Ark. Stlek to tt, Dad, anit beats winter trouping — ED F. Feist. BUCKSKIN BEN WILD WEST Closes on Account of Railroad Tie-Up A letter from Doc Long, in behalf of twenty. Sve troupers who were ith the Buckskin Bea ‘Wila West Sbow, of which be bas been manager So had hed for three werks, to Huatavilie, Als On October 37 the agent at Spencer received rite slgocd by the gracral paeeenger agcot of Pittsburg, routing car trom Spencer, Pennryivania lines. to” Vineenses. Ind., C. E. 1. Vincennes to Evansville, L. & N. Evinevitio to Nashville, N. C.& St, L. Nashvilie to Huntsville, at a cost of ‘$224.75. This amount the writer paid the agent. Bt [Spencer and received. rt clase ebra_tirkct getting abort. Well, the ‘assistant general pasSenger agent at Indlanapolla thre Ranés, aod was horrified ‘hen X showed him the tleket and contract. Said be had never been Advined of the move, sud while be could do| hotbiog without advice from Pittsbarg be would advise agent at Vincennes to refund cur money: beck at Vincennes on the more. lesa the car fare, from Spencer to Vincennes, ‘Thien would wave on $2640 oar of our SSA TE. After ‘osiag the “week's work. on Satarda SSoruiog, "October 27, nearly everybody. ia. the party was broke, ‘The writer toformed the agent ‘rbot returoed laughed. about ft, and told the bope in the partys whom be had iearoed were broke, that they should talke the ticket and con. Ege gray ftom oe and Be woald cash tem. lly 1 man om together, and oo October 30-1 borrowed $200 from Frank Cy ‘Ind. Mr. Byes rs sued for ge, and. the concession people each, BRAIDED FRINGE Mother, Sister, Sweetheart with Military ComMANY OTHER NEW ONES. TABOR OPERA BUILDING, DENVER, COLO. Something of more appeal Worktog cla Stonid: be subetitateds t <> ‘no WoPMO@ classen No. 3. Plerrot. a title 484, &. "European Circus. ‘comblaation typleal circus, with wild animal ets, sounds good, provided (performance does mer 25 matnates, or an Tonger than that period io detrimental to the Dusiness of brother chowmen with the outfit, No, 7, The Midway Minstrel, In our estimation “not suitable for a caruival and. with Power. Some new mech particolar’ drawing: Teal show of merit would Ail in better. Wonferiand or 20-n 1. “AB describea No. 8. would be pound to attract. ‘A uniform admfreion price of 25 cents to ‘and 10 cents to children, with the combination tcket feature, Ss bound’ requ Hig. the oriticiem. ‘With bert wishes for the succers of th nd for the continued coopera: CARLOS BACK WITH PATTERSON Chicago, Nov. 24 —Announcement ts made that ‘Boa Gatios ban’ sgoed a cgatrare with the Great Patterson Shows for his Dog and Monkey Hote for the 1918 seas0o, Carlos was with the Great Patterson Shows this past season. WM. (DUTCH) HENRY, NOTICE! Ber SAR dt teal taE te Bans, Webmin Aeneas CARNIVAL NOTES Loyd M. Jackson, proferntonall Jack MeAlitat ‘Artillery. at known, a 848 lel | Sim “Harvey and Barney Gerety. NEW SIGN FOR S. L. OF A. Chieaso, slga over’ ti League Club rooms is causing a great deal of favorable. comment, ‘The lettering is of pure gold Ter ‘Smblem of the league also worked gut 1a. gold f. It ix an attractive sicn, and Mecers. Driver and Neumann, of the U.S. Tent & Awning Co., the donors, are recelvitig. many compliments of thelr good "work. THE “NEW IDEA” New York, Nov. 18, 1017. Editor The Bittboard: for. 24.—The large new glass ps been, and 1%, @ crying need for many.“ Iders" "to supplant the shortcomings of the majority of outloor amusement orgentzations, ‘The publiched line-up of “rides, “nbows, ete., might prove to be the Meal outat under certaia conditions, ‘tmt xald ‘conditions do not exist in softicient ‘spots, ‘to oar mind, where just such 2 caraival ‘would appeal. To the eye and ear, Fes, but to tho pocketbook, “no. "We do, however. thoroly agree with the Wea to eliminate ‘all cancersions that could possibly de termed “rift” Also the flat-rate plan to every coacemsion. The value of Ac, uptodate 20d novel rides to any carnival coinpany goes without saying. ‘To our minds, tho, three ride aro abont all the ‘average spot "played ‘will stand, aside from the larger cities and bigger fairs.’ The cookhoure plan, as explained In the artirle’ mentioned, ly Proper | #o ‘are ‘the suggestions 10.UD ‘shows, an proposed ta ven, ‘would Ray: ‘The BMlaway Zoo, A really creditable 1d a drawing ‘card, but ahold. bo cut down ain ize, but mot scope, and ‘will then Tose none of ‘tx’ value. thereby, No, 2. Japanese Theater. "As dercribed it 49 too classy for the average carnival patronage. army Ifo sod treatment. ‘Madam ©, tro, the mentalist, has taken » ‘handsome, well appointed ‘ houxe and ‘modera, at 4629 Champlain avenur ‘main entrance to the Showmen's |* “with a ‘black backgrouud, with the | P72", lerite unless you mean Unetnewn. Fur peices ate. wt HRS MADALYN STONEN MYERS, Bar It ‘Soar, Bought. Sot. Pechanaed and ny MORES &, SoM, 70 7BUN fiom = “Mom ork,