Billboard advertising (Dec 1917)

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DECEMBER 1, 1917 The Billboard 35 “ATTENTION” SHOWMEN, CONCESSION PEOPLE, “ATTENTION” THE MIGHTY DORIS EXPOSITION SHOWS season, everything new. Will Ferris Wheel. ments to any reliable showman. will not tolerate grift or trailers. trive to make the Mighty Doris Exp. Shows more famous. “WILL BOOK" Clean Shows of Real Merit with or without equipments. We want the xctractions. RELIABLE CONCESSION PEOPLE, WRITE. Wanted -Privilege Car. Want few good Will open its Fifth Season April, 1918, in the Heart of Pittsburg, Pa. Have some of the best towns booked. Will play the State Fairs. New territory, longer “WANTED, RIDES," Whip, Up-to-Date Merry-Go-Round.and Platform Shows; will furnish elaborate equip ‘One-week roamers, save stamps. This show ‘Wanted To Buy—Flat Cars, one Pullman. We have wagons for all shows and our own railroad equipment. We buy and sell new or second-hand Show Properiy. Wanted to hear from Bands, Free Acts, Working People in all departments. IF YOU HAVE THE ATTRACTIONS AND ARE LOOKING FOR THE BEST, INVESTIGATE. Address PADDLE WHEELS 205 20, Numbers. ies "100" Wambers-"” Spe 7" our potts Top THEM ALL. DOLLS, TEDDY BEARS, POODLE DoGs, PILLOW TOPS, PENNANTS, NOVELTIES, ‘SALES BOARSS, SERIAL PADDLES, we ‘STEINS, PAPER NOVELTIES, STRIKERS, DCLL RACKS. oe NEXT TQ OUR SALES BOARD ret AMUSEMENT DEVICES. NEw CaraLocun. SLACK MFG. CO., “Zi;-Xa0site cHica WATCH FOR THE 1918 H-S CAROUSSELLE ‘The most complete and improved portable machine built. New, dazzling decoretions. New labor saving devices. New catalog explains it. Write today. HERSCHELL-SPILLMAN COMPANY 196 Sweeney Street, NORTH TONAWANDA, N An GET THE GEST MONEV-ceTTERS MUELLER 8. “en sen STREETMEN Sales. Board Men, Paddle Wheel Men, Concessionaires, Carnival Workers, Sheet Writers or Peddlers: WATCHES, JEWELRY, CLOCKS, SILVERWARE, REVOLVERS, NOTIONS, NOVELTIES AND CARNIVAL Goons. OUR 1917 CATALOGUE IS NOW READY. “It’s free to dealers. When eos you ‘ollow,” Wife opt dente ome you ‘allow. tical en our now 300 Reling Ball Game (Patent0d), The most fascinating game ever invented. NO GOODS C. O. D. WITHOUT : DEPCSIT Shry.ock-Todd Notion Co. 822-894 N. Sth St, ST. LOUIS, MO. Ro SPECIALLY PRINTED LL TICKET: Offices and Winter Quarters, 517-519 Homewood Avenue, Pittsburg, Pa. FRANK TRAFTON COMPLAINS Frank H, Trafton, of F. H. handlers of Indian” beadwork, in a letter to ‘The Billboard, ‘sworn to before a notary public, alleges that one Joe Henry, better known as Hise, made his getaway with 32.50, Intended for groceries for "Trafton’s. Ianala nearly blind; some beadwork and’ a” letter authorizing him to sollelt. advertisements for a small DiI which Trgfton is getting up. ‘Trafton 178 Hl Joe lett thd Sheesley Shows tn. Norfolk, ‘nancially embarrassed, and, ire! xy, told him -that in case he (i-Joe) was ‘Tratton & Co. ‘wih him: for one week. ‘Traft ‘shared bis bed with Hivoe, paid for bis him collars, bat, ties, etc, ‘whitch geded: gave him stock fo work with, and el Out in other Indy, be saya, asked im if lvoe ‘could get er tome groceries, and gave Trafton $2.90 aud a list of stu for'bim to get. Tratton claims be turned the money and list over to HiJoe and failed to hear anything further of him. C. R. KIRBEY'S CARAVAN ©. B. Kirbey, who for years has been connected with the C. 'W, Parker, Con 'T. Kennedy, 8. W. as organized the| Bristow, Ok » followed by Waco, Tex. ‘There are | siz pald attractions, two rides, ten’ concestlons ‘and an all Mexiran ‘band. ‘The Une up. follows G__R. Kirney’s Subwarioe, C. Ht, Kirbey’s Happy Freeman; Martyoe, with Mra. Martyne Zontone, in art and statuary poses; Saliah ZonTt Strange Get; C,H, Kirbes's ¥ Mrs, C. R. Kirbey ing. ‘Karyle. Zerado; Bowman Brothers.” Musical ‘Comedy Show, managed by D.F. Bow. man, and carrying Ove performers; Afr. Odus* feast carousel and ferris wheel. | ‘The conBre. J.C. Yahcey’s cat rack, 3. pillow wheel, Kewple wheel, spotstore and teddy dear roll ‘down, "a Big: City Cafe and Selah Zon: jgalow board and Arkansaw | itbey, Mectyuer Several agents Se Zehado,, punch 8. F Robinson, manager of concessloon. The ‘show moves ia its own special cars—K. Z. * SAN FRANCISCO FACTS W. A. Quincke, Tos Angeles muste publisher and J. ‘Hall, ble. traveling ‘representative, ‘were Billboard visitors during the week. whirlwind acrobats; Arcble Loyd, son booster, Tod" the ‘olyple Bes Wall Covmbany.” with ic Eanloe 2nd equine, wonders: masse, Fog Horn Clancy was the official announcer of doth the Live Stock Show and the Horse Show, iglt; | and on the fiual might made four presentati Speeches, in awarding four trophies and loving “4 | cups. thit wonld ave done eredit to any states ‘NOTES ‘This show was advertised as the clearing house. of American fairs. It was also the senso gM Ste et, at wae Sia Int tm s Batata ce Peta ea a ee Adiractons, were also waitors. and” were ‘the HES ieti tiie hatte Se Siac ave ie te See Panes aor se SE cenen tar onc (eevee) eget Sau rats eee at ; | and it {s-a real up to.the-mimute production, prop: ‘Stageds ite productioa shows very cistinctiy fhe ‘Robe’ Bert Davis, leading 4 $11,000 bull, Some i ‘midway anderen around the bars all over Some ‘worker barns announcing the Bug House. Felice Bernardi, bis general agent, Spike Hog| ie ging and Harry by Barton. are saving 10698 Fraucleco wblle promoting the Native Sous" Gar. Rival, {0 be held dn Oskiand next week. ‘The Bernirdf Greater Shows will furnish the amuse: mente, Barry Ta Breque arrived in the city after a guecqetul teary gegerat neene gt fhe oe E“Bnee. Shows, eave closed at Brawfeyt Where he made several euccsatal promo: ose. Sain Brown, concessloner with the, Bernsrdt Grenier Shows, wan e Sau Praucloco visitor dur: fag ‘be meek aronning ta to pay ble Reapects to let Pentshers promoter for the A. FH. 2 pant , 18 in the ctr ‘Cha Helty ‘and contest work tn fine shane. ‘Witllym Fricke, of fen circus fame. arcteed rofitable season with A. H. HendTer. He ard Mrs, Fricke will spend the winter 2 Ton Anselm. ‘Farry Deets, contracting agent for the ATG. Barnes Wiid Avimal Circus, has cloced bis sea. son, and is in San Francisco getting ready to frotna weivh a Dall stow, ‘Fred Ritchle, Knowa ‘the Dreadth of the tiv Axapenting Yhe winter, ‘kiana with Mee Ritchie. ‘Wiltlam “Fricke, with bis flea elrens. and Flord Gelvin, with Headlight, the eaeated horse, who were with the A. H. Hendler Shows ali eencot, are fo show with the Berasrtl Great er Shon at Oakland, and wilt in all probability: go South with the Boz. NEW ORLEANS STOCK SHOW (Continued trom page $0) ite, glistening, in. the sun, mado it resemble 2 ‘The platform attractions fa front of the grant jartin & Geanett, comely erick home atter & OMAHA INTERSTATE FAIR OFF Arthar C, ‘Thomas. secretary of the proposed "writes ‘The. Billboard Interstate Fair has Goreement of the A Sar-Ben Saplety. SUCCESS IN EVERY WAY A. Ve Maulsby, secretary of te 2tsxtboro County ‘Fale Avsociation at Bennettsritle, 5, rites ‘The Billboard, under rec yn immense crowd. In fact the bert beba ree crowd ever. No arrests made on the grounds, none 4m the city during the, week, erErybody im good humor, aod ail. gone bome braging on the fate and promising to do better next Seat if possible." FEBRUARY ORANGE SHOW San Bernaritno, Cal, Nov, 28.—Elaborate preparations are under way for the eighth NaHonal Orange Show to be Beld here Febrosry 20.28, 1918, ‘The exposition 1s to be on the same extensive Unes as Defore, aud an effort Til be made to demonstrate to’ the world that Callforaia will produce a record crop despite the damage done by the elements last Jane. St. & McKenney, president, and F. MBentro, gen: efal manager, ting the largest, atseadance at fhe coming ‘show’ of any Previous Cyclone Wheeler, Inte of the Polack Bros” Shown gare ‘The Billbosra ofice, Clacianati, -| call November 19, coming im from New York ‘Whirling Sensatl. Bapka ‘Troupe of Arabs, pyramid builders Any wording, Colors if requented. oluereiss™ one col | rotoresele, ‘He will spend the winter with bis mother at 1045 Wesley avenue. Cincinnati. where he Would like to have bis friends write him. HONEST JOHN BRUNEN, E.End. Bell Phone 2894 Franklin. Ovocen see. ROG v E19QOOOSAE 91 eeO8OCIPe9OU 190965 | pet eeaoet :| A 10-Inch SHELL et porealtt Board is Bs0-risles | 1 to 10 cents. Set. consists of 18 pieces, French Ivory Fittings, in beautiful Plushlined Genuine Leather Roll Case, Silk Plushlined Flaps. ‘THE MOST ATTRACTIVE, MONEY-MAKING ‘SALESBOARD PROPOSITION EVER USED. SEND FOR TRIAL DEAL AT ONCE ac open i dobbers and al LIPAULT CO., °°*pmiinoetenia: PHILADELPHI Evans’ Dainty Sweets FLASH BOXES, SEVEN COLORS Packed in %-1b., 1-1. and 2-1 doze, H.C. EVANS & CO., 1528 W. ADAMS ST., CHICAGO. WANTED SALESMAN Fy 3 SPPIS Grows. Equpaent. addres CEES Sere, tpn . oS eres ies Tyee ve ie The Buibeare tar Go eaamnen so} reorder, nS EFise ba 100,000 For, $10.00 Eras ehanm Tickets 16-00, 3150: 80.000, 3590 Sea YOUR cenee HOWTO. REES TICKET CO. 10HARNEY STREET, OMAHA, NEBRASKA