The billboard (Dec 1917)

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DECEMBER 1, 1917 © The Billboara Agents and: Solicitors Wanted ‘se PER WORD. CASH WITH COPY. Pournkeepaie, this 2 ies; sensational Se ae Ue cae ante ee Pane ae ieee ee ina CENTS, STREETMEN—Earn, "big money selling TOT ame a late BE Seine ate eR SE rr ‘WANTED —o_ well, Berice Buttons to ache an plc iy Geand cig To sample 3 GW EATURL, dos Went Sersson Bie, ene, DEWoxernATORS, [aon something ‘STRIERTMENwes Tales al ows, dally ‘latetary pegy mslors,Aatatocical Diaty roa Bear ‘operations. will ‘prove firs W. C MEEKER ‘2315 via oa ‘CLASSIFIED RATES PER WORD SET IN SPT. TYPE WITHOUT DI! seeks Concession: EXCHANGE FOR RENT OR LEASE ‘We'do not place charges for adv to the Clusified Columns upen our bosks, no tills readered. CASH MUST ACCOMPANY THE COPY. AM cesy for ads tn this departurent must reach us by Thursday, 6 p.m, for tmertion in the following THE BILLBOARD PUB. CO. 25-27 Opera Place, > CINCINNATI, O10. BEN FIGFONESeemslo ond Catalogue, 100 rotor ‘Gor 108-DU, Bhat ‘St. Louln. Tiina WIRE, NOVELTIES Hand made fom gold-ttea| Money refunded 1¢ not NR. Mechinio’ Street. ¥ T. Seeisen cis, “Mt Animals, Birds and Pets se PER wonde "CASH WITH COPY. AT LIBERTY—OOBNET, B, & 0.; ORCHES-| ORGANIST—A, F, 1; tep_Preferred: exempt froma dratt. “BUD, FIE-| tore Musician, Orchentra ‘beater Hat Bie Het Hs West Brder St, Liteh-| 28." Wire a 'ae JOGOS, eld,” Tine BLACKFACE COMEDIAN SINGING AND talking singses; ‘ror in acte: parody, singing and hobo “Turn. aait ote arin: not in, army | gauist: can take the place of an orchestra: Ter. Grafts open for medicine or vanderile company. Pa recommends from the best Gz01 , 119 Heaney St, Chester, ri, “orguntsia “and “teachers, ILOED Peanegivania. 7 Ot Lyon St., Flint, Michigan. FOR SALE—Biocle Riding Baboon. working cou quien, $280 or ‘Diamonds. NEDERVELD, Comnricn. jana. ne, otiee Doce TAME WOLF, Red and Grey Fores, Guines Pigs and" Rabbits cheap.” JOHNSOS, S009" Folsom Ave, ‘Fe Louis, Blsourk. ii So yam ea SP ASM ENO Se cee ee ‘At Liberty (First tine and name tn black 790.) PER WORD, CASH WITH COPY. OBITION AS FOSTMASTER OR ‘WANTED—Pt pall arene with clrens: t from war draft. W.'a GHUMATE, Gray ildge (Stoddard Go), ‘Miswour, wants =oaczcenz. | sek" goreM $11 Addison Street, Cbleaso, \ LIBERTY Lobrelties Towa. A-l VIOLINIST—EXPERIENCED ALL Just been dlacharged from Federal ser phssieal “aleabiize. grst-clars pletore hat excelient lihearys cam’ furnish f, G10 Plerson ay UDEVILLE. nitibosrd, Clnclanats Ohio, a beater ferred: A. F. of M. ACE MCLANE, Tao Maple Sts Butalo, New Tork. IRE STOCK Teads, heavies and E Chestaat St, Houston, ‘Text AT LIBERTY—CELLIST, DOWBLIN weave, CHENEY DaktmAine 6 Were Loe Sivek, Yeats. Ae New Terk, \T LIBERTY—BAREFOOT DANCER: FOR Im or private parties. MILLE CLEO, care Bitoara, "New "orke AT IIBERTY—STRING BASS fila; preter location Address SANDY. DAE ‘What Cheer, Towa. AT LIBERTY_VERY CAPABLE AND EXPerlenced Organlat and Planixt for movies: non. POSITION IN OR NEAR wan Clty, | Misrourl. DELYO PANISSIOTI, 1805 Granby’ St., Norfolk, Virginia, SE ES I eT SE ee A es ais, Pate. etl atta Sekt Sie Napa an sepa 35 ceata it Portal photo desired, E,W Rew York city. CONTRALTO— WISHES — ENGAGEMENT, cabaret or concert company: well-tralned vlocet experienced; fale plagint: ‘high-clana work ooly considered. 10) ‘Hebron, Indiana. SAXOPHONE (31 ance, cabaret or theatre: A. printer; might locate. WILL H. REMPFERT, 21 W. Chestnut St., Loolevilie, Kentucky. ‘THE GOODMAN READY TO JODY AT ONCE Vaudeville and circus: trapeze swinging, Dartaer, i, S60 22" aloaroe'Be, Charleston, ret Gavel or ioeaies Both ADVANCE IN CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATES, EFFECTIVE JANUARY 1, 1918 ‘The new rates for Classified Advertising in The Billboard under the following headings wiM go into effect January 1, 191 No Glassified Ad Inserted Under Any Classification for Less Than 25 Cents THE NEW RATES iG fine performer: Musical Instruments (seco hand). +2 conts per word For Sale, Second-Hand Good: {2 cents per word Second-Hand Show Property For 8: .2 cents per word Used Costumes -.-.---7 12 conte per word : For Sale, Second-Hand. Filmi 12 cents per word Secnd-Hand M. P. Accessori ‘2 cents per word 12 cents per wor ‘The rate of TWO cents per word instead of ONE cent per word as heretofore affects only the Classifications mentioned above, NEW CLASSIFICATION Wanted Partner (Capital Investment). -3 cents per word Cash must accompany copy. ‘THE BILLBOARD PUBLISHING CO, = Cincinnati, Ohio. Attractions Wanted Se PER WORD. CASH WITH COPY. “ATTRACTIONS WANTEDDramatic and Busical ADVERTISEMENTS ==: Se PER WORD. FOR SALE Ve CASH WITH COPY. aching business, Dig muney ‘in drug stores. 3e PER WORD. CASH WITH COPY. BALDA, Cartoonist, Oshkosh, Wisconsin. Ex or Swap PER WORD. CASH WITH COPY. viorne; Fi of Moz siso [and Curlo Cabloet G WEEES. Iobrriile, ‘Towa Bowne, a2 For Rent or Lease Se PER WORD. CASH WITH COPY. SIX BOWLING ALLEYS, Soda Foust and, in Wisconsin For Sale—Miscellaneous ‘e PER WORD. CASH WITH COPY. BOOK—Ewlaining How to Balla Woslons, 50c. ‘Missourt. wat SHAW. Victoria, EXPERIENCED ORCHESTRA LEADER— ‘Viola, ‘trombone: not subject to draft: travel excelient Wbrary, , 0, LAITENBERGER, 167 Gilet St, Fond Esperlenced, rellable man desires | poritl Mieb-claan ‘pleture theatre: thorough moriclan Targe “Wbra organ and "BOX 472, Hagerstonn, Ma ‘salary essential. FIRST-CLASS UNION VAUDEVILLE DRUM. mer—Nine years’ profesional experience: Iast jfeazon In Pantages house: bave the finest of Foutates (night ‘reader on ‘ail; play frst violin. ute paren on Tazlothone:” can, 20 the ae good an any: fozels atic falnry must be HGHARD “ BuaNe, Toulder, “Colorado. NOVELTY, | PERFOR! ‘MACHINE doubles tage work, acta: Gen." Del, “inne AND PIANIST—AN red mite, wane Ponition otal or Beate Fears’ of experience, in concert and ‘teatricat Work: ‘soloists’ of merit. backed "by high-class testimonials and. press notices: specialty, adapt ‘munle for feature pictures sad Iredlng or grchestra of any combination: "emenious wing, fo portray “every ni sad brary, ‘emotion of fhe gereen: ‘Secent salary; W. A°SHUMATE, Gray Ridge, Missoarl. WANTED—ANO, 1 LADY VIOLDNST ants position playing or teaching. Address VIOLINIST, Z17'Houston St., Manhattan, Kan, YoU RWoW BOB HARRIS, THE REAL Saye ost ad "SOB Stays out Sind pays ‘sl First. Se., Detrolt, Michigan, Attention Se PER WORDCASH WITH COPY. pa NIUE® OR, PACES New inde, 9650, and 3350 we ‘338 W. Mata, Batile Breen Bi eAEe ih Ean ees Hise & you want; try it six” imoos: iS Sot ‘TRICKS AND GI $2 Gree to ioe GEO ving, Chicago. ‘7 | For Sale—Second-Hand Goods CASH WITH COPY. tr tonics tise to: te PER WORD. ect@oplans, Seated mattr, no SSrnd under tals Readings odae jm Answering Classified Ads, Please Mention The Billboard. Mt ee ‘Devers: goarestecd SONS Co.. B50 Indiana Ave. Chlcaro. (Continued on page 46) Cnateys an