The billboard (Jan 1918)

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I- f liG UPHEAVAL FOR ANY IINUTE IN THE PICTUR![FIELD Several Compaiiies Involved in Contemplated Deals KiAnre M a gn a tes Deny It, But - Dnd^neots ^ Expected J Too Fast , a Tao^ B iiyB One Prodticer ^-jiwr. H«fc p ec While moUon VMM mi noBTB ot tls chaosca In tin aoaptataiat ooiiM of tbo tUsBeat '—I, irhOa tli^ Iracb oS thr eurlf dat*. M^itai- cbajilKr saashitia at W&lcb an praeat are nrorn to aecreer uid BDgSCMlTe movej uid ooonter- Mr. Rayal haa secured a yaar'a Imm of the tilte of Buffaro Bill'i Wild WMt H. H. Tammsn. eoadlUaiui of the times. nDBnlee -n^lch are alraady thin Ice a. volcsiiic ipWa In tbo lodoaCr 1b UKeij anj *iHM «R-Mt!SaMM It W « ■to— -jhwi liMwm aar • Md tB iVWd it W » Via» U poa> dHe. I Mr «•-are do it UK I Ml* «kau for MMh that I MM tf^i <W lua S MM- Mb* aMM HHODA ROYAL TO TAKE OUT 24-CAR SHOW NEXT SEASON Leases Buffalo Bill Title From Tammen for One Year Ed Warner Engaged as Oen- mtl Agent of New Wild West VndlbcpaiaMMi MfidliJlaCo Ctty. Ho^ Dm. SS^Rhoda Bmil .today idaaed a d«l with H. H. TWMiLiWhMWbir tba Utla of- Bnnalo B^n mid Wort waa leatad tai a ~ had bMH flsurtoK ■O flattariOK a p»padtloa''tkat it ina Immedlatelr Bceaptad. ..So.a-Baw ahow na avals creatad, wUch will ba known aa Buf- falo BUl-g Orlslna; WUd Weat. ' It li (o be. a tirenty-rour car sliow. and ia addlUon^ to ttte Wild West tea- HAMILTON MUST RETURN $1,000 COLLECTED FOR AM. AMBULANCE Latest Bevdopment in Pirobe of Bazaar Frauds William.J. F. Q'Neil Also Un- der District Attorney's Fire His Connection With Fair in 1916 To Be Livesti^ted Ksw Yetic JJec tt^l dsvelopmenta In tbe DliitriEt Attomer'a Investlsatlon of tlie condnct ot Charity Bazaars for personal prellt are tlie fonnal demand made upon wniiam H, e-duLlmuui and fanner treaanrer of tbe American Ambulance In KOBBla, for the retnm to tbe ambo- lanca ot nwrlr tLOOO. and the arralsn- ment yesterday of WlUlam J. F. O'NeU on cbarsea of forgery and larceny In conaectlan with the benent for the NlDtli coast nefensa Command, when ' ' 1 tbrnt ha was one of the '. a* Stace ChUdreo'a Tht flamind upon Hamilton wan' raada at yevterdiu^ hearing before DUtrlet Attorney Swanu, who belleres the mocay waa '^Id wltbont proper BittlM|iMrtNB.L Bamfltop daaarea the ~ t ■ntWr. tbu ho la Heliic jBM".ly oOut mmobara ta ■ lo, and that «. flme.' Ur. tSOO Which the coDUDlttce gttvo him NovemtMT SS lost, before his enll laent In tbe aviation aervlce achool South San Antonio. The rFea debt." he says, was moi be advanced to Nelson Fell, Jr., Warrenton, Ta., who went to Bnaaia witb Bamilton laat January to be but waa. GEORGE CASTLE ES IN MIAMI, FLORIDA. AFTER LONG ILLNESS Vaudeville Slaenate Snccombi to Bronchial Tronhle :Wa8 Jmuor Member of Kohl & Castle 'Combinatioa' ;plieatli>aa at t* . Ifla, hla UtaMr': .as one Of the bis fOiiiidMlon Eutonlii. the creation of preaent-day vtndevUla. He died a mnltlmlllloiiatra doe to the fict that many of the lavestmont saedH he planted In the old daya ot Chlceso vHudevflle, when the Olympic, Chi' caKo Opera Honae and Haymarket Circuit waa deemed Chlcaso'a beat. :roIlowinB Dpon the heels of the KoM Hlddletoa museatn and variety In- blosaomed Into the iMdr holdlBsi of the. pt pi wt The Edition of This Issue of The Bfllboard U 39,500 Copies