The billboard (Jan 1918)

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Tti«t Billboard KUW & ERLANGER SECURE HOU SES IN T HREE CITIES latest Move in Fight With the Shuberts Is Taking - ~i Over tile American in St Louis and ' \ in Providence and Kansas City Knr Tmk Dm. tly^'^^tw^ara 1 IidokC -K>ii»— Cttr.and Providence hfcTtt bBBB aeonred by Klnr & SrlaiiBe ma Mbt ulth tha Sbnberts ta Eai la an ana n g ement wltti FranJc R. Tati ot St. XoDla, by wlilch they control the Amertean ^niealer In that diy tor Until & few weeks ago Klav & te vaeoag MiawiiiliH Now tliat tha Shnbaita haTa torMd * bnahL t" tidw ayndleata apparantlr Intends pot up » asht. nu? plaii to opan the season the Alnarleaii Jannary 14 with th< racant tig Mimhattan Opera Hou production, Ben-Hur. Melville Btoltz. Theater In St. Loals, wUI bo manaBoi la tha Aniarlcan^ The theftters In. w»n»»a Cltr ant Prortdence which Klaw & Eriansei neuneed. The flEht for the c lags will cental ntrol ol book- B or the nombe theatEiB controlled b7 the Shnbeits here. Indepondent prodncors, It ia claimed, who play la Shnbeit Thea- teiB In New Toiic miflt plor Shabe^ Time on th* road, according to the which contain a, (Muse that as commercial valne of the play depends niion tta New XoA aneoan' tM — dnear mtut asiaa to book It wtttt tba la tba TTnUatf' Four companlH of The Thirteenth Chair are tonrlnK on Shnbert Time, aitho the late VUllam Huns, Sr., who prodaced the plST, was a Saiinder of the Klaw * Erlanger syndicate. James Q. Clemmer awiiiiii Hill llaBBo-^poitlons-or^e ambarta* haadliiir of the Chleaco theater. It le now oeld that the ^tQte nianacenient irill .welBonie a pcopoal- tion for leaalnB the^houss. The Strand Theater Is not Ideally located, baa proved a "letnon" .&>■ Boston EsgUih Oper pany would become a fixture In Chl- caEO If placed in a rooro pretentious houia. Tba fact that tbe Stadebaker • - - that It vlee PatTonaee is Philly Big All Shows Doing Good Business Stnco Controrers)- Detii'cen Tfaeairtcol Maxnatcs L^B^^te AttraeUonit tn AaBia, Wj^.^jjgnt^ftq '«t aa n ennead br Ml— Mamla jlihaBBa'n and FMd WalB*k MBBgin«C,tlib Sal- las Opani Boo^ jttaat Bmanmanti have b««a mad* wUb tba BJppodnwia Theater tar fha abowter ot ^ prodno- a while it was. iiiiJlinl vrMkH* that tha OpaEa OoaM weald jb(1eo, bo attempt to carry «nt Its porcrdtt far the year. Plctoraa will bo shown at the Hippodrome on C-ttea when thee« are no legitimate attracclonBi Chjea 1, Doc SI.—Perhaps because Bo many new shows arrlvefl last week (a full naif dozen havlns had their first ChlcaKO ^howlnp within elsbt days} no new attractions will claim the boards of local Loop theaters tor the Inausuratlon of the New Teajr. Ecumsthe pace. ftsklnethe hlch- est scale In town (two-dollar and fltty-cent scale), drew SIS.SOO In Ave nights, hav- ing lost two per- formaaces due rival of baggaSB The Show of redneed prioaa at the ChertDot Street Theater, scale, drew ca- pacity, addlns an extra, mat- 1 n e e Friday. Right, David W a r ( 1 e I d, Chauncey Ol- cott and The Country Consin all did good Seattle, and "Doc" Clemmer. of the r . . Theater, Spokatw. were cboaen delegates for the State ot Waihlngton. Daniel Rogers, national orsanlzer. addressed the meetlQE; Sev- eral matters ot local and Statewide Import were tnkea up and discussed. Amone the out-of-town managers Theater, Everett; w:iiiai Weir. Aberdeen; William Grand. BelUneham: NoFvln Haaa, Rose. Anacortes: Hanry Neaman. Lib- erty, BAqolam; Georxe Sable, Hay, Oiympla; John Qlen, Hay Get StndetKilffir Chleasa, ^ec £9.—The BoBton E lish Grand Opera Company, which baa met With ezcepllonal succen at the Strand, reproduclns Gilbert & Sulli- van Usht operas and more pretentious grand operas, will proba'bly" oc the receatly redecorated Stadebaker now being consnmmated. The Studebaker was re-established as a legitimate house by the Shuberts the syndicate houses didn't approach by tbe two musical ehows. It is probable that the Show of Wo: wUl extend the engagement here, but Hitchcock Is limited to three w< ~ Hilchy-Koo has an advance sale indicates Hitchcock plays K. & E. I Baltimore, Wae Hltehy-KD ookings after the ap t the Lyric, going t Ington and Boston. Malcolm Morley Writeg One-Act Pla^ Kew Tork, Dec. 31.—Gladys Bros- ton, who Is a pupil of the Sarsent School, has written several on B to be given at a t will continue Into.tha Naw Te* New Tor^ Doc 91^~A. A. P dramaUO pnB U t O nm.mtritUaM Who Cam* Ba^ Xm&t J. lAltaN ia assorted wUh Um te tfcis venture, wni dose his. Johnnjr, Oat Tour Oun, absw at Kansaa CKy Sat-' nrday nlghk and wm Join IMrl poweta Opera Srize to Hadley I;c. New Tork, American co awarded tbe Hlnahaw open fne submitted Baltimore. Preston baa nance wblcl 3L—Henry Hadley, Kiser. last nlsht was letory In tbe >1,0D0 prise contest, he hav- opera. Blancsi^'wltb irant sinart, the actor. National Anthem